James Spader

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James Spader

James Spader (born February 7, 1960, in Boston, Massachusetts) is an American actor.


  • Love is the one emotion actors allow themselves to believe.
    • Playboy (May 2005)
  • The most interesting heroes have a bit of villainy to them, and the most interesting villains have a certain bit of heroism in them, … I think (Alan Shore) intends to do the right thing, but his view of the world is very different so, to get to the right place, he sometimes takes a path that goes through a very dark forest.
    • On Alan Shore, his character at Boston Legal. The Olympian (October 4, 2005)
  • I enjoy the most that Alan seems to be the happiest the stranger that it can be. I don't think it ever can be strange enough for him.
    • On his character at Boston Legal. Albany Times Union (November 14, 2005)
  • I'd like to thank the academy and I'd like to thank my mother and I'd like to thank my mother again, because I forgot to thank her last year.
    • 2005 Emmy Awards acceptance speech for Best dramatic actor. Quoted at BBC News (September 19, 2005)
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