James Woods

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James Woods

James Howard Woods (born April 18, 1947) is an Oscar-nominated American actor and producer.


  • Here's what I believe a soul is — at least this, I believe it's at least this. I believe that every kindness that we create in our lives, if it came because we were affected by a person we loved and lost, that person lives through that kindness. That's what a soul is.
  • In a world where there is enlightenment, intelligence, kindness, awareness of others' needs and others' well-being, there is no terrorism. And in a world of viciousness and narrow-mindedness and only one way, there will be terrorism. Our challenge, in our country, is to find a way to disagree amongst ourselves without being so awful about it.
  • When reality fails you change reality to support your beliefs and ignore the nagging voices in your head that tells you otherwise for they are trying to distract you from the one true God.

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