Jill Filipovic

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Jill Nicole Filipovic (born August 3, 1983) is an American author and attorney.


  • While Republican lawmakers criminalize abortion in conservative states, and while even voters in conservative states vote for abortion rights when given the chance, the Republican hopefuls were wishy-washy on the issue – not wanting to be accountable for their party’s own extremism, but also refusing to align themselves with America’s pro-choice majority.
  • And if this drug gets approved, women will get some very useful information about the men in their lives, and particular those with whom they have romantic relationships: do those men believe that they have an equal responsibility for pregnancy prevention, and are they willing to act accordingly? And if not, are those men with whom women should want to share any part of their sexual, romantic, or reproductive lives?
  • [On Donald Trump] It is odd to see a man who embodies so many sins – including all seven deadly ones; is there anyone who better exemplifies a noxious combination of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth? – be so widely embraced by the religious right. This is a politician who has no home church and can't name his favourite Bible verse.
  • That it is impossible to imagine Trump rocking a wailing baby to sleep may strike liberal feminists like me as a sign of several fatal character defects; for many white evangelicals, it suggests he knows the natural order of things.
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