Job Getcha

Job of Pisidia (born Ihor Wladimir Getcha; 31 January 1974 –) is an Eastern Orthodox Metropolitan of the Ecumenical Patriarchate who is the Permanent Representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to the World Council of Churches and the Dean of the Institute for Orthodox Theology Higher Studies at Chambésy, Switzerland. He was the Archbishop of Telmessos and was elected on July 22, 2022, as the new metropolitan of Pisidia.
[edit]- Christ gives me not only a meaning, not only an orientation to my life, but also gives me hope. For us orthodox, the resurrection is connected to the crucifixion. The cross and the empty tomb are not separable — it's like two faces of a coin. And therefore when we encounter the risen one, we actually encounter the crucified one.