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Johannes Secundus

From Wikiquote

Johannes Secundus (also Janus Secundus; 15 November 1510 – 25 September 1536) was a Neo-Latin poet of Dutch nationality.




  • (Nil tibi sit) cantare tui victricia Caesaris arma.
    • You are not to sing of the victorious arms of your caesar.
    • Elegies, I, 2, 91 — Tr. David Price (1996), p. 41

Basia (Kisses)

  • Mensura rebus est sua dulcibus.
    Ut quodque mentes suavius afficit,
      fastidium sic triste secum
        limite proximiore ducit.
    • The wary Lover learns by measure
        To circumscribe his greatest joy;
      Lest, what well-husbanded yeilds pleasure,
        Might by the Repetition cloy.
    • Basium 9 [8], st. 2 — Tr. T. Stanley (1652), p. 61

Occasional Poems

  • Quae mala sint hominum rebus tria maxima scire
    Quaeris? Habe paucis: femina, flamma, fretum.
    • Would'st know men's greatest dangers? They are three:
      Woman the first, then fire, and then sea.
    • Tria Mala ("The Three Daughters) — Tr. F. A. Wright (1930), p. 193
  • Mitte peregrinis opplere coloribus ora.
    Nudus Amor nudae munera frontis amat.
    • Seek not in borrowed hues your cheeks to dress,
      Naked is Love, and loveth nakedness.
    • In Lycoridem ("To a Lady who used Cosmetics") — Tr. F. A. Wright (1930), p. 193
Wikipedia has an article about:
  • David Price, Janus Secundus (Tempe, AZ: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1996)