John Dolan (writer)

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Gary Brecher (born July 1955) is an American author, known as author of The War Nerd, a twice-monthly column discussing current wars and other military conflicts, published in the the eXile.


Gary Brecher at, 2002

Gary Brecher. (21 April 2002). Retrieved on 2006-09-12.

  • I said I would write a introduction on one condition, that you people don't send me emails telling me liking war is a sign of unhealthiness or some psychoanalytical crap. I'm a war nerd. A backseat sergeant. I know what I am.
  • I live in Fresno which is a death sentence already.
  • The best war is when you can hate both sides.
  • That's a 7.76mm round, you idiots, if you fire it into the air it comes to earth you know not where, like on some little kid's soft-skulled head, and that's the end of the kid. They're too stupid to even figure that much out.
  • Something you have to know about the US military is that it sucks at commando raids.
  • One day it was lies, lies, lies, real old-school Saigon-style lies about how everything's fine...and then wham, we take Mazar-i-Sharif and it's a toboggan ride to Kabul.

External links

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