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José Carlos Mariátegui

From Wikiquote

José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira (June 14, 1894 - April 16, 1930) was a Peruvian writer, journalist, politician and Marxist philosopher.


  • "La obra maestra no florece sino en un terreno abonado por una anónima u oscura multitud de obras mediocres."
    • The masterpiece flourishes only on land fertilized by an anonymous or obscure multitude of mediocre works. [citation needed]
  • "No es posible democratizar la enseñanza de un país sin democratizar su economía y sin democratizar, por ende, su superestructura política."
    • "It is not possible to democratize the education of a country without democratizing its economy and without democratizing, therefore, its political superstructure."
  • "No renegamos, propiamente, la herencia española; renegamos la herencia feudal" [citation needed]
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