Just Friends

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Just Friends is a 2005 romantic comedy Christmas film directed by Roger Kumble. The film stars Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart, Anna Faris, Chris Klein, and Christopher Marquette and deals with friend zone relationships.

Some friends are just friends. Others you get to see naked.taglines


Jamie: [singing on her guitar] Forgiveness, is more than saying sorry. To forgive is divine. So let's have a glass of wine. And have make-up sex until the end of time, time, time, time, timmmmmmeee! Time.

Jamie: I wanna lick your SKIN off.
Chris: I’d prefer you didn’t.

Clark: You’re Chris Brander. You’re Hollywood, you date models. He’s Dusty Dinkleman, he’s Jersey, he skis in his jeans. It’s Dinkleman, it’s Dusty Dinkleman.

Samantha James: Am I being punked?! Ashton! where are you Ashton! you Totally got me!

Chris: I messed with your head for 3 days, you’ve been torturing me since the 6th grade.

Samantha James: I'm busy too, stupid dick!

Jamie Palamino: I’m Jamie Palamino, bitch!

Jamie Palamino: Not you, wrinkles.

Chris: It's like the Michael Bolton starter kit. It’s like the Michael Bolton starter kit.

Jamie Palamino: It's all right, I like other girls. Darla!

Samantha: What about you? I practically throw myself at you the other night and you did nothing!
Chris: And now you know how it feels. I’m outta here.

Jamie Palamino: Let's go Chris, there's pee on the floor.

Jamie Palamino: [Rolls her eyes] Oooh, the big speech!

Mike: Raise your hand if you’re brother’s a homo!

Jamie: [in a crowded bar, Chris is talking with Samantha, while Jamie is waiting for him at the door] Chris! Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris...
Chris: I'm busy!
Jamie: I'm busy too, stupid dick!

Mike: You’ll always be fat to me, Chris!


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