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Kajsa Ekis Ekman

From Wikiquote

Kajsa Ekis Ekman (born in 1980) is a Swedish author, journalist, and debater. Her works have sparked debate in subjects regarding prostitution, surrogacy, transgender issues, and capitalism. She identifies as a feminist and has written a book and several articles from a gender-critical perspective. She participated in the Swedish launch of Women's Declaration International. Later in 2022 she was hired as editor of Arbetaren, but let go shortly afterwards, which generated extensive debate.


  • [About prostitution and surrogacy] Both are industries that commodify women and turn what at the foundation of human life into products. In prostitution what is sold is sex without reproduction. In surrogacy, it is reproduction without sex. In both cases, however, it is the woman who is sold and she is denied the fundamental point of the activity itself: she does not get pleasure from sex and she does not get any children from reproduction. In both cases she is totally dehumanized.
    • Entrambe sono industrie che mercificano le donne e trasformano in prodotti ciò che al fondamento della vita umana. Nella prostituzione ciò che viene venduto è il sesso senza riproduzione. Nella maternità surrogata, si tratta di riproduzione senza sesso. In entrambi i casi, però, è la donna a essere venduta e le viene negato il punto fondamentale dell'attività stessa: non prova piacere dal sesso e non ottiene alcun figlio dalla riproduzione. In entrambi i casi è totalmente disumanizzata.
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