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Lachlan Macquarie

From Wikiquote
... in less than half a century hence, it will be one of the most valuable appendages to the British Empire

Lachlan Macquarie, CB (31 January 1762 – 1 July 1824) was a British Army officer and colonial administrator from Scotland. Macquarie served as the fifth Governor of New South Wales from 1810 to 1821, and had a leading role in the social, economic, and architectural development of the colony.


  • The Aborigines, or Native Blacks of this Country, having for the last three years manifested a Strong and Sanguinary Hostile Spirit, [...] I have this Day ordered three Separate Military Detachments to march into the Interior and remote parts of the Colony, for the purpose of Punishing the Hostile Natives, by clearing the Country of them entirely, and driving them across the mountains; as well as if possible to apprehend the Natives who have committed the late murders and outrages, with the view of their being made dreadful and severe examples of, if taken alive. [...] In the event of the Natives making the smallest show of resistance – or refusing to surrender when called upon so to do – the officers Commanding the Military Parties have been authorized to fire on them to compel them to surrender; hanging up on Trees the Bodies of such Natives as may be killed on such occasions, in order to strike the greater terror into the Survivors.
  • The length of time I have governed this Colony, the progress it has made in improvement during my Administration and more especially the fond recollection of my only surviving Child being born in it — all combine in attaching me most strongly to it, I shall not fail to cherish the same sentiments of attachment in my Son — who, although yet so young, feels, and already expresses, the strongest affection for his Native Australian Land. My most fervent prayers will accordingly be offered for the welfare and prosperity of this Country, and for the happiness of its Inhabitants; fondly, and confidently anticipating, that, in less than half a century hence, it will be one of the most valuable appendages to the British Empire.

Quotes about Macquarie

  • Macquarie was the Prince of men!
    Australia's pride and joy!
    We ne'er shall see his like again;
    Bring back the Old Viceroy!
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