Last Night in Soho

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Last Night in Soho is a 2021 American-British-Chinese film about Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer who moves to Soho, West London and mysteriously experiences flashbacks to 1960s London, where she encounters glamorous aspiring singer Sandie that are actually hints to a string of murders.

Directed by Edgar Wright and written by Krysty Wilson-Cairns.
A murder in the past. A mystery in the future.(taglines)


  • [Mimicking high class voices with her dressmakers mannequin] Beautiful gown, darling. Thank you. Fabulous. [To the mirror] Who are you wearing? Eloise Turner. WHO are you wearing? Eloise T, of course. E.T. [Blows a raspberry] Ellie Turner.
  • If I could live any place and any time, I'd live here in London in the '60s. It must have felt like the center of the universe.
  • When I see someone in it - when I imagine it, she's wearing the dress. The dress isn't wearing her.


  • So, want to haunt this party with me?


  • [Singing] When you're alone and life is making you lonely, You can always go, Downtown, When you've got troubles, all the noise and the hurry, Seems to help, I know, Downtown, Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city, Linger on the sidewalks where the neon signs are pretty, How can you lose? The lights are much brighter there, You can forget all your troubles, Forget all your cares, So go downtown, Things will be great when you're, Downtown, No finer place, for sure, Downtown, Everyone's waiting for you...
  • You can't save me! Save yourself...

Ms. Collins

  • I hope you know what a landline is. Some of your lot don't.
  • I could never sell it. Too many memories.
  • Will you keep it down! Enough to wake the bloody dead!
  • You could say Sandie died in that room. She died in that room a hundred times.
  • Don't judge me on the cigarettes. All that hoo-ha last night got me going again.
  • Being a whore is a bit like being an actress, I suppose. You have to pretend you're someone else. Someone that's not you.
  • I'm not going to prison. I've been in a prison all my life. [Proceeds to slit throat]


  • They're meant to talk to you about their problems, not the other way round.
  • Freshers... they're a blessing and a curse.


  • Happy Halloween, lovebirds!
  • You've got to live in the now, girls. So, hos... to Soho.
  • She literally made the outfit she's wearing. How amazing. All of us turn up in our Sunday best, and she's here rocking her own design. I'm thinking we should call her Brass Balls Ellie.
  • [Lighting a cigarette] I tried vaping. I just think it makes you look like so much more of a cunt.
  • Oh. Time to break out the big guns. Let's really get on this bitch.
  • She's such a code beige, I'm getting these, like, born-again Christian vibes off her.
  • Ooh. This is rather retro. The hickey. Very daring. So, what did you get up to last night in Soho? Out with some guy - or - or girl. No judgments here. Live your best life, you know. You should get some arnica on that, babes.


  • You know how to dance. You know why you're here. Get on with it.

Det. Lindsay

  • When you see Alex in whatever little hell she's currently in, you tell her I said hello.
  • I knew all the girls. I like to think I looked after 'em. Had to keep them in order, too, mind. Keep 'em in line. Sandie, she was special, though. She didn't belong. I thought she was too good for it. But, you know, at the end of the day, you all look the same on a slab.
  • [Singing] My Eloise-a, I'd love to please her, I'd love to care, But she's not there [speaking] Do I scare you?

Taxi Driver #1

  • You could be a model, couldn't you? You got the legs for it.

Punter #1

  • Help Us Be Free


Eloise: Has a woman ever died in my room?
Ms. Collins: This is London. Someone has died in every room in every building and on every street corner in the city.

Eloise: I know what you did.
Det. Lindsay: I've done a lot of things, Eloise. You're gonna have to be more specific, luv.

Eloise: Do you believe in spirits?
Carol: What kind of a question is that? That brown stuff pays your wages.
Eloise: I mean... do you believe in ghosts?
Carol: Ghosts? No. Why? Are you scared down here? If this place is haunted by anything, it's the good times. When it's empty, all I hear is the laughs. Every gangster, every copper, every red-faced lush has been in here, and all those high spirits have soaked into the walls. You could probably get drunk on just that.
Eloise: Yeah...
Carol: [Realizing what Eloise is getting at] Ellie, I love you, girl. You fit right in. But you can't sleep here.

Eloise: I hear you were quite the ladies' man.
Det. Lindsay: "Were?" How dare you. Still am. You never lose it.

Peggy: [Gives Ellie a portrait] I want us both to be there.
Eloise: I won't let you guys down.
Peggy: You never could.

Drunk Student: Excuse me, miss. My dick just died. Can I bury it in your arse?
Jocasta: Oh, absolutely not.

John: Why, what's up?
Eloise: Nothing, I'm just a little... overwhelmed at the moment. London's a lot.
John: I get it. Coming to the city can be a nightmare. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I was having the best time in North London so far.
Eloise: Where did you move from?
John: South London.

Ms. Collins: You're not in any trouble, are you?
Eloise: No. No, I just need, uh, an escape.
Ms. Collins: Oh, don't we all, dearie.

Jack: Come on. Least I can do is drive you home.
Sandie: Oh, what's the most?

Sandie: What do you want?
Jack: Don't talk daft. You know.

Café de Paris Bartender: Being here with all these lights shining on you, it's the closest most people ever get to being onstage. You know, to their dreams.
Sandie: Not me.
Café de Paris Bartender: Not you. I can see you want it.
Sandie: More than anything.
Café de Paris Bartender: Well, this is just a taste of things to come, Sandie.

Eloise: How do you know my name?
Det. Lindsay: I make it my business to know all the pretty girls around here. All their problems. Always have done.

Eloise: What do you want to drink?
John: Oh, yeah. Three Kronenbourgs, please.

John: Hey, do you want to dance?
Eloise: I might need some alcohol first.

Ms. Collins: Look at that. You've changed your hair.
Eloise: Yeah. I wanted to go for something different - you know, a bit of '60s.
Ms. Collins: You play a lot of that music, don't you?
Eloise: Is it too loud?
Ms. Collins: Not at all, but what's that about? It's more my time than yours.
Eloise: My gran plays it a lot. Guess I just like the old songs better than the stuff today.
Ms. Collins: Music was better, yeah.

Det. Lindsay: And here she is. You know your siren song is playing? I just put this on the jukebox, and lo and behold, you appear. Carol was worried about you. Thought you'd gone missing. I told her no one ever really disappears. They're always around somewhere.
Eloise: I'm right here.

Eloise: I don't want to be like this.
John: Like what?
Eloise: I just wish I was like everybody else.
John: I'm glad you're not.

Male detective: [To Eloise in interview room] Just so I’ve got this straight, you- you witnessed the murder last night, but you believe this was a vision from the past, the murder of a young woman in the mid to late 1960s by a man you believe to be her pimp.
Eloise: Yeah.
Male detective: You're an art student, correct?
Eloise: Uh, fashion.
Male detective: Have you ever taken any hallucinogens? Acid, mushrooms, mescaline?
Female detective: We’re not gonna get you into trouble if you have.
Eloise: Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not on drugs. I don’t take anything.
Female detective: You were at a party before. Could somebody have slipped you something? Maybe somebody bought you a drink? Get these down you.
Eloise: Uh, no. No, it- it... it started before last night. When I was sober, I saw landmarks in my dreams, details of nightclubs, places that I’d never been to before, and then I saw those details in real life. I know something bad happened to this girl, ’cause I have these visions, these visions of the past. Ever since I moved to London, I keep seeing Sandie. Th- That’s the murdered girl.
Female detective: Have you only been here a short time?
Eloise: A few weeks.
Female detective: London, well, it can be a lot. Maybe it would help if you spoke to someone.
Eloise: Look, please just listen to me!
Male detective: Is there a history of s- schizophrenia or mental health issues in your family?
Eloise: I know who the killer is. It’s her boyfriend, uh, and her pimp, Jack. I’ve seen him in the present day. Look, there’s this man I’ve seen around Soho who follows me. The first time I saw him outside one of those models places, he didn’t take much notice of me, but he did suddenly take notice when I changed my hair to the same style as Sandie’s, the murdered girl.
Male detective: What, this hairdo? Look... look, my point is I’ve seen Jack. I’ve seen the killer as an old man around Soho.
Male detective: Can you narrow down "around Soho"?
Eloise: He drinks at The Toucan.
Male detective: I think we’ve got all we need.

Male detective: [In washroom to colleagues] And then she says the... the killer drinks at The Toucan and-and narrows it down to me, you and the whole rest of Soho. [Colleagues laughs] Yeah, I’m sitting there thinking, "This is complete bullshit, darling."
Female detective: Miss Turner. Miss Turner, don’t go. I’d really like you to stick around.
Eloise: What do I need to do to convince you I’m not crazy?
Female detective: I don’t think you are. I just think you need a bit of help to settle in. A- A support system. You’ve done the right thing. Please hear that, okay? And I will look into Sandie's murder, and I’ve got your contact details, so if anything comes up, I’ll be in touch.
Eloise: Thank you.
Female detective: Though I will say, in such cases, especially this old, it’s hard when you don’t have something concrete to go on... even a last name.

Eloise: Jesus, John! Why whisper like that?
John: It's a library.
Eloise: Right.


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