Ludwig von Rochau

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Ludwig August von Rochau (20 August 181015 October 1873) was a journalist and politician who participated in the Frankfurt Putsch of 1833 and subsequently spent ten years as an exile in France. He published Principles of Realpolitik, Applied to the Political Conditions of Germany (Grundregeln von Realpolitik, angewendet an den politischen Zuständen von Deutschland) in 1853.


  • Mittel Energie auszuüben und nur ihn anzuordnen der Energie besitzt kann sie ausüben. Dieser direkte Anschluß der Energie und der Richtlinie bildet die grundlegende Wahrheit aller Politik und den Schlüssel zu aller Geschichte.
    • To rule means to exercise power, and only he who possesses power can exercise it. This direct connection of power and rule forms the fundamental truth of all politics and the key to all history.
      • As quoted in The German Idea of Freedom : History of a Political Tradition (1972) by Leonard Krieger, p. 354
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