Mads Gilbert

Mads Fredrik Gilbert (born 2 June 1947) is a Norwegian physician, humanitarian, activist, and politician for the Red Party. He is a specialist in anesthesiology and head of the emergency medicine department at the University Hospital of North Norway and Professor of emergency medicine at the University of Tromsø.
[edit]- The fundamental reason for the ill health of the population in Gaza is of course the siege and the bombing
- Israel bans Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert from Gaza (14 November 2014)
- «Fra lege Mads Gilbert i Gaza: Takk for all støtte. De bombet det sentrale grønnsakmarkedet i Gaza by for to timer siden. 80 skadde, 20 drept, alt kom hit til Shifa-sykehuset. Hades! Vi vasser i død, blod og amputater. Masse barn. Gravid kvinne. Jeg har aldri opplevd noe så fryktelig. Nå hører vi tanks. Fortell videre, send videre, rop det videre. Alt! GJØR NOE! GJØR MER! Vi lever i historieboken nå, alle! Mads G, 3.1.09 13:50, Gaza, Palestina»Template:Källa saknas
From doctor Mads Gilbert in Gaza: Thank you for all your support. They bombed the central vegetable market in Gaza City two hours ago. 80 injured, 20 killed, all came here to the Shifa hospital. Hades! We wallow in death, blood and amputations. Lots of children. Pregnant woman. I have never experienced anything so horrible. Now we hear tanks. Spread the word, spread the word, shout it out. Everything! DO SOMETHING! DO MORE! We're living in the history books now, everyone! Mads G, 3/1/09 1:50 p.m., Gaza, Palestine