Megamind: The Button of Doom

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Megamind: The Button of Doom is a computer animated short film released on February 25, 2011, starring Will Ferrell and David Cross.


[The mini movie begins in a close-up of Megamind's face as the camera pulls back away from him]
Megamind: [first lines] Citizens of Metrocity, long have I waited to give you your just desserts. Prepare to face the unbridled wrath of… my fantastic bargains! [raises his arms to the multiple screens showing a logo reading "Evil Lair Yard Sale", then laughs. The crowd cheers] Welcome! Welcome, citizens of Metrocity, to the Evil Lair Yard Sale! As you know, this is my first day as defender of Metrocity. And now that I'm no longer evil, I no longer need things that do evil. [gives a boy a teddy bear which sprouts metal spikes and its eyes glow blue. On its mouth, two smaller spikes resemble pointed teeth]
Boy: A Terror Teddy. Awesome!
Megamind: Excellent choice. Now, let the browsing commence! Minion, we're gonna need more petty cash. [Minion approaches with something hiding behind a chalkboard] Uh, what's behind there, Minion?
Minion: Hmm, nothing.
[A large spider-like robot with nine red eyes knocks the chalkboard away]
Megamind: Aha! I knew it!
Minion: Please, please, please. Can't we just keep the spider-bot?
Megamind: Minion, heroes don't drive around in creepy spee-ider-bots.
[The spider-bot sadly stalks away]
Minion: See? Now you've hurt its feelings. Spider-bot, come here.
[Megamind does a face-palm as Minion tries to call Spider-bot. A boy in a blue shirt plays with Megamind's dehydration gun as if pretending to shoot lasers]
Damien's Mom: Damien, we don't play with laser guns.
Damien: Come on, Mom!
Damien's Mom: Put it back this instant!
Megamind: Madame, he's merely expressing himself. [Damien blows a raspberry at his mother] Hahahaha! Besides, it's not a laser gun, it's a dehydration… [Blue light from the gun shoots onto Damien's mother, turning her into a small glowing cube] …gun. [Looking down at the cube, he picks it up] Uh, just soak her in some water, not the toilet. She'll be fine. [gives Damien the cube]
Damien: That's so cool.
Megamind: Yes. Uh, free donuts with every billion-dollar purchase!

[After Megamind sells all of his evil stuff to the citizens of Metro City]
Megamind: Fantastic. The place is already looking less evil.
Minion: Sir. Now that we've got rid all of your "evil things", how are we gonna protect Metro City?

[After Minion found a box with a red button, Megamind presses it and the box hovers. The button changes to a holographic device]
Megamind: Whoops!
Minion: Oh, dear.
[A projection shows Megamind's head]
Projection Megamind Head: Greetings, hero. You've just unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Metrocity, and you're really, really not gonna like it.

[After the Megamind projection head activated a giant robot resembling the real Megamind]
Megamind: Don't move. I think I remember what it is. It's my favorite! [he and Minion look over at the robot] It's the Mega-Megamind.
Mega-Megamind: Ollo!
Megamind: I transferred my evil personality into a giant robot. Man, I do good work.
Minion: Really terrific stuff, but we should probably turn it off.
[From its point of view, the Mega-Megamind looks down at Megamind and Minion]
Mega-Megamind: White suit, white cape. If it isn't my old friend, Metro Man.
[Words reading "Metro Man: Identified" and "Destroy" appear on Megamind, who looks confused. Question marks appear on Minion]
Minion: Haha! He thinks you're Metro Man.
Megamind: Well, I am defender of Metrocity now. This is the perfect time for me to debut my super-suit.

Mega-Megamind: Are you a chicken? Bok, bok, bok, bok, bok!

Megamind: Oh, we're in trouble, Minion! I programmed it never to stop until it eliminates a hero! It's out there, searching for me.
Mega-Megamind: Where are you, hero?
Minion: Is it searching for me too?
Mega-Megamind: And your mysterious, who's dressed as Minion for some reason?
[Minion ducks down]
Megamind: But don't worry, we can live in here from now on. The Brain-bots can bring us snacks.
Minion: Sir, that is crazy. We're gonna have to face this thing eventually.

Megamind: OK, Minion, on my marco.
Mega-Megamind: I hate spee-iders. [grunts]
Megamind: Marco! [The Mega-Megamind launches Spider-bot with Megamind]
Minion: Polo! [activates the death ray]
Mega-Megamind: OH, NO!
[The Mega-Megamind is blown up. Megamind laughs victoriously and watches the explosion]
Megamind: Goodbye, old me.
[Back in the lair, Minion smiles proudly]
Minion: We did it! We did it!
Megamind: Yes, we did, Minion. Now, let's go get the rest of our evil stuff back.
[Spider-bot trots back to the lair. Nighttime, in an apartment, several kids have a party with a banner reading "No More School!" with a drawing of Damien. Nearby, their parents, now dehydrated cubes, sit in a glass bowl on a small table]
Boy #1: No more school! [digs his face into a cake]
Boy #2: We're free!
Girl #1: No parents!
Girl #2: Food fight!
Girl #3: Freedom!
[A boy writes "Booger" with a smiley face on top with a blue crayon on the wall]
Boy #3: Booger! Hahahaha!
[Holding Megamind's dehydration gun, Damien gazes at the cubes]
Damien: With our parents dehydrated, we can rule Metro City!
Kids: Yay!
Damien: Yes!
[Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Megamind and Minion enter. The kids gasp]
Megamind: Not today or any other day, my sugar-fueled friend.
[Damien looks worried as Megamind and Minion loom over him]
Damien: Oh, my goodness.
Minion: I'll take that. Thank you very much. [With his robotic hand seen on the camera, he takes the dehydration gun from Damien]
Megamind: I'd normally cart your heinies downtown, and I have a feeling that your parents will offer you a far more severe punishment. A glass of water, Minion, if you please. [Holding the glass bowl in one hand and a glass of water in the other, he smirks at Damien. The kids gasp]
Kids: [slow-motion] No!!
[In slow-motion, some of the kids run as one dehydrated cube falls into the glass of water, while a girl braces herself. Just before Damien can catch it, the cube bursts into brilliant white light. Later, Megamind and Minion exit the apartment]
Minion: Well, sir, the weapons of justice are back where they belong. [hands Megamind his dehydration gun]
Megamind: Let's just hope the city is ready for me.
Minion: I say it is, sir.
Megamind: Look! [They see a light shining in the sky with Megamind's logo] They made me my own signal!
Minion: "Us." They made us our own signal. [sobs]
Megamind: Oh! Pull yourself together, Minion! Now, make a note. It needs to be a lot bigger.
Minion: Yes, sir.
Megamind: Let's go patrol, heroically!
Megamind and Minion: YAY!
[They get into the invisible car and drive off]
Megamind: Oh, what fun!


  • Will Ferrell — Megamind and Mega-Megamind
  • David Cross — Minion
  • Michelle Belforte Hauser — Damien's Mom
  • Jordan Alexander Hauser — Damien
  • Kevin N. Bailey — Kevin
  • Dante James Hauser — Nigel
  • Declan James Swift — Peter
  • Fintan Thomas Swift — Barney
  • Frank Welker — Brainbots and Spider-bot