Miestai.net, also known as Forumas Miestai, is Lithuania's largest online forum on architecture and urban development.
Quotes from Miestai.net
[edit]- Original in Lithuanian: ES gali prafinansuoti nors ir monoreilą jeigu pagrįsi jo reikalingumą, bet beveik dešimtmiljardinio europinio traukinių tinklo projekto su rusiška vėže niekaip nepagrįsi.
- Translation in English: EU can even finance the monorail, if the need is substantiated, but you won't be able to substantiate a 10 billion project for train track with a Russian railway gauge.
- Quoted by Commission of the Lithuanian Language in an argument to add a new word to the Lithuanian language. Source: Monoreilas, (February 22, 2023).
- Original in Lithuanian: Kažkada anksčiau "Kionig Avto" mikrius pavažinėjo maršrutu Kaliningradas-Marijampolė-Kaunas. Maršrutas irgi "užsilenkė". Ivano-Frankovskas už Kaliningradą toliau...
- Translation in English: Once upon a time, a "Kionig Avto" microbus drove the Kaliningrad-Marijampolė-Kaunas route. The route was also "cancelled". Ivano-Frankivsk is further than Kaliningrad...
- Quoted by Commission of the Lithuanian Language in an argument to add a new word to the Lithuanian language. Source: Mikrius/ Mikriukas, (November 30, 2023).
- Original in Lithuanian: Apskritai pastebėjau, kad rusų turistai kone užgulę bene visus "karštus" ir netgi ne tokius karštus turizmo taškus visame pasaulyje (arba bent jau ten, kur man teko lankytis per paskutinius kelis metus). Čia kaip ir viena didžiausių ir lengviausių pinigų melžyklų.
- Translation in English: In general, I've noticed that Russian tourists are almost overrunning almost all the "trendy" and even the not-so-trendy tourist spots around the world (or at least where I've visited in the last few years). It's like one of the biggest and easiest moneymakers.
- Quoted by Commission of the Lithuanian Language in an argument to add a new word to the Lithuanian language. Source: Melžykla, (May 5, 2024).