Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

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Zeta Gundam

Quattro Bajeena's Dakar Speech


Char: I would like to start by apologizing to the members of this Assembly and all Federation citizens. We mean no disrespect to you by taking control of this session. I am Lieutenant Quattro Bajeena of the Anti-Earth Union Group. But there is something I must first disclose, before saying what I came here to say: I have another name. I am the man who was once known as Char Aznable. However, I come before you today as the bearer of the true ideals of Zeon. Please, do not think of me as the Char Aznable who served the Principality of Zeon, but as the son of Zeon Deikun, whose legacy has nothing to do with the evils and hatred wrought by the Zabi dynasty. Zeon Deikun did not found the Principality of Zeon! And one look at the lawless actions of the Titans, done with the full backing of the Earth Federation Forces, is enough to make it obvious that they are more depraved then the Zabi dynasty ever was!

Humanity moved to space so that our planet would not collapse under the weight of its people. There, they flourished, expanding their living space as they built more colonies with their own hands! Unfortunately, their success filled them with hubris, and their dream of glory gave birth to the nightmare of the Zabi dynasty! We must not repeat their mistake! Why won’t people understand that moving into space should broaden their horizons!? Deep down, we all believe that humanity should no longer pollute the Earth! Only the Titans, whose souls are weighed down by gravity, still think of ravaging it! Why is it so hard for people to understand? Since the dawn of history, mankind has played in its cradle, the Earth. But now, humanity must leave the nursery behind! Our infancy has come to an end!

Tell me why we must - at this turning point in our history - fight amongst ourselves, and further pollute the Earth? The Earth should be returned to its natural state, and all of humanity should make their home in space! Otherwise, Earth will no longer remain the blue planet. Even this very city of Dakar is slowly being engulfed by the desert. That is how exhausted the Earth has become! Every one of us here right now would like to see the Earth remain alive and beautiful; but if we truly feel this way, we should not cling to the Earth like parasites, only seeking to fulfill our selfish desires.

The Titans have started a conflict above us, with no regard for the lives of the delegates of this Assembly. You can observe the brutality of their actions for yourselves. They set themselves above the regular Earth Federation Forces, and smear anyone who opposes them as terrorists. But it is their arrogance that is their greatest sin; it will lead to the downfall of humanity! Those of you who have been watching these events unfold on television must realize by now that this is who the Titans are. I admit that it was wrong of us to seize this Assembly, but what of the Titans, who are trying to destroy it and its delegates? Do they have no regard for the lives of their own supporters among them?!

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