Molly de Blanc

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Molly de Blanc is a free software activist interested in, among other things, the ways computers interact with our daily lives, free software communities, and the philosophy of user freedom. She contributes to the Debian Project, works for the Free Software Foundation, and serves on the board of directors of the Open Source Initiative.


  • Proprietary software is software that comes with restrictions that retain control of how software can be used, shared, and changed through the use of copyright and licensing.
  • If a technology is exclusionary, it does not work. If a community is exclusionary, it must be fixed or thrown away. There is no middle ground here. There is no compromise. Without doing this, without taking the hard, painful steps to actually live the promise of user freedom and everything it requires and entails, our work is pointless and free software will fail.
  • Well we can use our collective power to push others