Mother Bombie

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Mother Bombie is an Elizabethan era stage play, a comedy by John Lyly.


    O Cupid! Monarch over Kings,
    Wherefore hast thou feete and wings?
    It is to show how swift thou art,
    When thou wound’st a tender heart:
    Thy wings being clip’d, and feete held still,
    Thy Bow so many could not kill.
    It is all one in Venus wanton schoole,
    Who highest sits, the wise man or the foole:
            Fooles in loves colledge
            Have farre more knowledge,
    To read a woman over,
    Than a neate prating lover.
            Nay, tis confest,
    That fooles please women best.
    • Act III, scene iii, lines 1–14
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