Mwai Kibaki

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I am deeply disturbed by the senseless violence instigated by some leaders in pursuit of their personal political agenda.

Mwai Kibaki (15 November 193121 April 2022) was the former President of the Republic of Kenya.


  • There is no room for communists in Kenya.
    • Statement as Vice-President of Kenya in 1978, as quoted in Kenya : The Quest for Prosperity (1984) by Norman Miller and Rodger Yeager, (second edition 1994) Page 173. ISBN 0813382025
  • I am ready to have dialogue with the concerned parties once the nation is calm and the political temperatures are lowered enough for constructive and productive engagement.
  • I am deeply disturbed by the senseless violence instigated by some leaders in pursuit of their personal political agenda.
    • Accusing the opposition of being behind post-election violence, as quoted in "Kibaki 'open to opposition talks'" at BBC News (3 January 2008)
  • "He was a man of immense intellectual capabilities and most of us were marvelling at his doctorate thesis which focused on the mathematical solutions using digit zero. As a politician he was a man who choose his words carefully.As a personal and trusted friend whom I had assigned key responsibilities, the loss of Saitoti has been a painful experience to me,"

Quotes about Kibaki

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