My Science Project

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My Science Project is a 1985 comedy science fiction film about a high school student and his friend who find a strange, orb-like piece of equipment to use as a science project, but must stop it when it begins to threaten mankind.

Directed and written by Jonathan R. Betuel.
The funniest sci-fi movie of the summer. (taglines)

Vince Latello

  • I just want to be home watching cartoons!
  • [gives the finger to another driver] Sit on this, buttplug!
  • Danger makes great sex.
  • I could be home watching Magnum!
  • I'm cool, you're cool, we're cool, thank you, good night!


Cop: Hey, kid. Why do you wear sunglasses at night?
Vince Latello: Because when you're cool, the sun shine on you 24 hours a day.

Det. Nulty: What's your name, cowboy?
Bob Roberts: Robert Roberts, Esquire to you, honky!

Bob Roberts: You guys cut my science final! What's with you guys? Where were you?
Michael Harlan: We got kinda hung up in the auto shop...
Vince Latello: Yeah, in the ozone.
Bob Roberts: In the ozone, Blowzone! I'm tired of you four-F's! Let me tell you something, unless your project is dyno-supreme, you both get D's!
Vince Latello: [eagerly] Hey I'll take it!

Vince Latello: My old man says, "Treat broads like dirt and they love ya."
Michael Harlan: Oh, yeah? So where's your old lady?
Vince Latello: My parents are divorced.

Sherman: This plant has been extinct for sixty billion years!
Vince Latello: Yeah? Well I ain't ever seen one before!

Bob Roberts: This thing is generating power and light without heat, Michael!
Michael Harlan: How is that possible?
Bob Roberts: It's not possible! I mean not on this world, anyway.
Vince Latello: Whoa, what other world are we talking about?

Vince Latello: Hey, I hit on Sawyer once.
Michael Harlan: Oh yeah?
Vince Latello: Yeah, I tried to give her this Italian macho bod.
Michael Harlan: What did she do?
Vince Latello: Poor girl lost out. She called me a name I had to look up in the dictionary!

Michael Harlan: [at the school library counter] We need a book.
Sherman: Oh, a car book?
Vince Latello: [mockingly] A car book?
Michael Harlan: No, a book on strange things.
Sherman: Like Vince.
Vince Latello: [grabs Sherman] Hey, sayonara, dicknose!

Sentry: Morituri te salutant.
Vince Latello: Yo, Sherman. What did he say?
Sherman: He's going to kick your ass.

Ellie Sawyer: [while being chased by police] What are we going to do?
Vince Latello: About one to five with good behavior.

Ellie Sawyer: Michael, is Bob dead?
Michael Harlan: I don't know.
Vince Latello: Great. There goes my D.

Michael Harlan: Caps to the dynamite, dynamite to the legs, got it?
Ellie Sawyer: Caps to the dynamite, dynamite to the legs, got it.
Michael Harlan: Latello?
Ellie Sawyer: Caps to the legs, legs to the dynamite.
Michael Harlan: Come on!
Ellie Sawyer: Hey, good thing I watch TV, huh?

Vince Latello: Son of a bitch, what do you call this wawa?
Sherman: I believe you'd call him a Neanderthal man.
Vince Latello: Well, I don't care what country he's from!


  • The funniest sci-fi movie of the summer.
  • We must not destroy the world.


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