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Narc is a 2002 crime drama film that revolves around two troubled and scarred detectives brought in to investigate and solve the murder of an undercover narcotics officer.

Written and directed by Joe Carnahan.

Det/Lt. Henry Oak

  • The only thing you need to know about me is that I am gonna bag the motherfuckers that killed Mike. And if that means breaking any rule, any point of procedure then they're broke.
  • I remember one night. I went with the sheriffs on a warrant raid. This dipshit was selling meth out of his apartment. Just a stop-and-pop. Broke down the door, rousted the guy. I was in one of the back rooms looking for junk when I hear something. I turn around and see these... eyes staring at me from a closet. It was a little girl. A little ten year old girl. Naked. Shaking like a leaf; she was scared to death. Her stepfather was pimping her out for rent. I wrapped her in my coat, carried her out to the squad car. I went back... and I beat that motherfucker half to death.
  • [to a prostitute working in cold weather] Never too cold for pussy.
  • I'll tell you this much I became a much better cop the day she died. Any hesitation I had about the job was gone. If we were on a bust I'd kick in the door, be the first one in.
  • [about a haunting case he worked once] A little girl being abused has got nothing to do with rules and regulations, but everything to do with right and wrong.
  • I want you to say it "I killed Calvess", "I killed Calvess"! Say it, say it, say it!
  • You are messing with something you can't possibly understand.

Det/Sgt. Nick Tellis

  • I don't want the case. I want a desk.
  • Well generally speaking miss, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
  • They've got a dead cop and dead ends and they're reaching.
  • Ah hah, oh ho ho! Bagles and guns.
  • We didn't get 'em. We didn't get the guys who did it.
  • You were there before he died. Tell me I'm wrong.
  • "Coolio" here tried to cap me.
  • I don't want to work with him if we're going to be playing eightball in some guy's head.


[Oak has just caught Tellis questioning Calvess' wife]
Henry Oak: What the fuck are you doing talking to her without me being here?
Nick Tellis: I brought her husband's things over.
Henry Oak: Yeah, and you questioned her. What for? WHAT FOR?
Nick Tellis: What is this, "mother may I"? You said we were gonna do some of this on our own, right?
Henry Oak: [pointing his finger] Some of this doesn't extend to her! And don't get fucking cute with me!
Nick Tellis: Get your hand outta my face...
Henry Oak: If you need to know what she said about anything case-related, you refer to the file!
Nick Tellis: Yeah, I looked at the files, they're thin!
Henry Oak: What you don't fucking do is talk to her without notifying me in advance! That's not the way we do things!
Nick Tellis: Why's that? What's the problem with me speaking to her?
Henry Oak: Because... the problem is every fucking question you asked her she's already answered! She's been badgered and bothered by cops and cop questions for two fucking months now, and the biggest fucking problem is her husband... is fucking... dead!

Latroy Steeds: I wanna see my lawyer!
Henry Oak: What did you say?
Latroy Steeds: I wanna see my lawyer.
Henry Oak: There are no lawyers, dumb fuck! It's just me and you, and I am in your shit for the duration!

Nick Tellis: I'm about to ask you about another dead junkie named Dowd, yeah I know Dowd Indo Joe and that punk you used to roll with Jay Reed, you know how I know that don't you?
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: How man?
Nick Tellis: Because I was and still am a cop
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: A cop? You're trying to tell me you're a fucking cop?
Nick Tellis: Word.
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: If you a cop why didn't you try to bust me back then?
Nick Tellis: Because you're way too little to bust, acorn.
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: Fuck that shit. You forget something, I used to smoke blunts with you.
Nick Tellis: I don't care what you think, it doesn't fucking matter in the least, what I'm about to tell you does matter and you're going to listen like your life depended on it. A month ago an undercover officer was murdered in a pedestrian tunnel off Houston and West Grand. Someone beat him up and put a gun to his head and a bullet through it. I don't want to hear your shit about what you don't know or what you didn't do because we both know you don't got the nut sack for something that size so I'm positive you didn't kill him. [shows him a picture] His name was Michael Calvess. Take a gander buddy.
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: Hold on a minute man you mother fuckers come up in my crib, throw hot sauce in my eyes and try to blind my ass and now you want my help? You crazy?
Nick Tellis: His street name is Jimmy Fredricks. You know him. You know him.
Eugene 'Deacon' Sheps: My bad. I know this mother fucker. I might've let him suck my dick once or twice.
[Oak throws his head into the wall]
Nick Tellis: You're going to act like a punk or you're going to get played like one. Now listen very, very carefully. They found smack at the murder scene, a mean fucking mix. You took some of the exact same stuff ten months ago and nearly killed your dumb ass. You don't have the chemistry or the sense God gave goats which means you didn't do the cook. Now Dowd is dead, so who sold to you?


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