Neo Yokio
Neo Yokio is a co-produced animated television series created by Ezra Koenig of American rock band Vampire Weekend, and produced by Japanese anime studios Production I.G. and Studio Deen. The first season, consisting of six episodes, premiered on Netflix on September 22, 2017. The series revolves around Kaz Kaan (Jaden Smith), a vain and wealthy Magistocrat and his mecha butler Charles (Jude Law), as he balances a vapid and decadent life as a fashionisto in the city with his demon-hunting duties managed by his stern Aunt Agatha (Susan Sarandon).
[edit]A Pop Star of Infinite Elegance
[edit]- Kaz: I'll bring her a big Toblerone.
- Mr. St. Tessero: How thoughtful.
- Mrs. St. Tessero: Honey. [close up of a plate of food] The snacks are ready.
- Mr. St. Tessero: Kaz, I've gotta go. Snacks are ready.
O, the Hellenists...
[edit]- Curator: Kaz! Kaz, For the Love of God, it's gone!
- Kaz: What's gone?
- Curator: The Damien Hirst skull, For the Love of God!
- Prof. Muhly: It is so conservative, just like you.
- Kaz: My style is not conservative.
- Prof. Muhly: Girl, you are wearing khakis right now.
- Kaz: [defensively] These are Ralph, though! Purple Label.
The Russians? Exactly, the Soviets
[edit]- Kaz: Race car drivers are so full of themselves.
- Agatha: Humility would only slow them down.
- Mila: In Soviet Union, government would never let you keep tiger in apartment block.
- Lexy: Yo, I don't think it's allowed in Neo Yokio either, but we in the hood.
I'm Starting to Think Neo Yokio's Not the Greatest City in the World
[edit]- Remembrancer: Don't know what it is about a well-decorated apartment, but it makes me wanna smoke. Do you mind?
- Kaz: Uh Yeah, sure.
- Charles: Actually, the young master's neighbors are quite sensitive to smoke. Best not to.
- Remembrancer: Good thing I brought my vape.
- Kaz: Miss Malevich has no words for you puppets of the West. Communism forever! [grabs Helena and runs from the room]
[edit]Pink Christmas
[edit]- Arcangelo: It's Molly, mixed with the genetic code of a demon.
External links
- 2010s American adult animated TV shows
- American black animated TV shows
- Japanese TV shows
- Traditionally adult animated TV shows
- Anime-influenced Western animated TV shows
- American adult animated comedy TV shows
- American adult animated fantasy TV shows
- American adult animated science fiction TV shows
- American comic science fiction TV shows
- Television series by Fox Television Animation
- Cancelled shows
- Television series on DVD
- Netflix shows
- FOX shows