Oluremi Tinubu

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Oluremi Tinubu (born 21 September 1960) is a Nigerian politician who served as the first lady of Lagos State from 1999 to 2007 .She was currently a senator representing Lagos Central Senatorial District at the Nigerian National Assembly. She is a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) political party. On 29 May 2023, Oluremi became the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.




  • Initially, I felt like an alien from another planet. It was my sister who introduced me to him. He was a friend to the family even before he travelled abroad. Then, I had already graduated from the university and had started working. My sister became worried that I was always keeping to myself; I am naturally not an outgoing or sociable person. I love fashion and love to dress well. She match-made the two of us and we didn’t really have a long courtship before we married. I realised that it was a relationship that required seriousness and not one to play around with. For me, it is either a relationship is working from the beginning or not. He saw me and thought that I was a wife material. I was interested, too, and realised that he had a good job.
  • Everywhere in Nigeria today, there is widespread concern that poverty and unemployment continue to foster intense insecurity across the nation. Several of us in the senate are not indifferent. I want to reassure you that I will continue to work with my progressive colleagues to fight and agitate for legislation that will lead to the creation of jobs for our youths.
  • The change that we seek in Nigeria may appear to be far off, but let us be reassured that we have set our hands on the plough, and we will not look back until the harvest of true development, social harmony, economic progress and political emancipation is realised across the landscape of Nigerian federation.
  • As elections draw close, I urge us to be resolute in the choice of our leaders. The future is not about me, but it is about our children and the legacies we want to bequeath to them. I invite you to join me and our party, the All Progressives Congress to work for a better Nigeria.
    • Speaking at the 14th edition of the Lagos Central senatorial district town hall meeting and the launch of a book written by her entitled ‘Stewardship Report: A collection of Town Hall Speeches.[1] (2011-2014)
  • My advice is that women, who are fortunate to rise to positions of power, influence or wealth must invest such in the commonwealth of women. Rather than join the “men’s club”, they must reach out and pull other women along. From the girl-child to that young struggling graduate, that lady professional in between jobs, that woman who has to joggle domestic and professional duties and the woman out there who badly needs just one opportunity to prove that she is capable, truly need our help. In little or big doses, it does not matter, just do it. Because out there are women who can and will succeed on merit if given the chance.
  • We need more inclusiveness of women in governance, allocation of appointments, in policy making and other aspect of leadership in the country. When both sexes work together a great lot of differences would be made and our nation would be best positioned to tackle most of the problems, which plagued our budding democracy.
  • Yesterday, I was inducted into the Nigerian Women Hall of Fame for being the first female Senator to be elected to serve in three (3) consecutive parliaments. This is only possible because of Constituents who have continued to believe me and I do not take it for granted.
    • [2]
    • Quoted from her Twitter page to announce that she is the first female Senate to be elected to serve in three consecutive Parliaments.


  • I went into exile as an Anglican, came out as a Pentecostal. I remember I was looking for God from one church to another, it was very difficult. When I came back, l had amnesia, I lost my memory, it was traumatic for me and that’s why I don’t like attending social gatherings because people walk up to me and I don’t recognise them anymore.
  • I have seen what insecurity has meted out to Nigerians and the vulnerable group in particular women and children. State policing: if we want to go there, we should allow states that are ready.
    • [4]
    • Speaking during plenary on the floor of the upper legislative chamber calling for the establishment of state police as a way of tackling the rising spate of insecurity in the country.
  • Beyond the rhetoric, I challenge men and women alike to support women and their causes, condemn in absolute terms all forms of gender based violence and crimes against women, and create around you, an environment that ensures that women can flourish and thrive.
  • “As women, we must also continue to show strength and courage, challenging assumptions and raising the bar in our homes, businesses, our chosen careers, management and public office.”


  • “A Nigeria of abundance has begun, and to be part of the greatness that God has started in the nation, Nigerians must look beyond their current realities and embrace hope anew.”
  • “If we do not have hope, how do we become part of this greatness that God has started in the Nation? We find through the love of Christ, a deeper message of hope, especially, in the theme for this year’s celebration, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” ”
  • “Good governance, she said, can only be impactful if we all follow the example of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who embodied the fruit of the spirit, including love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance and forgiveness ”
  • “There is no challenge, obstacle, or difficulty that we cannot overcome or surmount if we imbibe the nature of Christ who said in Matthew 11: 28; come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ”
  • “We just came back from UNGA; it was successful for us as a nation. The world awaits Nigeria, and investors are teeming. We came back with good news. All we inherited are things that happened many years ago. We are not here to put the blame on any administration, but to fix what has been damaged.”
  • “My husband is not a magician. He is going to work brick-by-brick, and I believe and have hope that you will have faith in this administration. The best is yet to come”
  • “I speak from my mouth to you how grateful I am. I never knew I would ever be in this place. I remember the first time I started this journey, I had press conference , a press man asked me why don’t you start from House of Rep, why did you want to go to the Senate but you know he is one of those after my first term who came back and commended me, we are friends today, when I see him , we will shake hands.”
  • “God sustained me for three terms, from the 7th assembly, 8th assembly and 9th assembly and I am still confused myself how I have been able to continue this journey.”
  • “At the time , I even thought that let me retire and begin to face my family because serving the nation takes a lot of sacrifice and it starts with a sacrifice from your home, your children, even your better half. It takes a lot of sacrifice to want to give time to serve the nation. At the same it’s a great privilege for all of us that are here”
  • “We have been blessed in this 9th assembly, when we look at us, it is not due to our cheerlock that we say that the president has passed through this place before, the vice president and also wife of the president and not only that , the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff and we also have deputy governors, a female , my colleague and my sister who is here today and what else can we say than God is good and we need to give so much to this nation.”

Quotes about Oluremi Tinubu

  • That my wife is a senator today was not a programme I supported. They collected the form and told me if I am not running, then release your wife to run. Today, I am really proud that she is a senator because she has made the Lagos Central senatorial district a better place.
    • [15]
    • A Quote by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu at the launch of a book written by Senator Oluremi Tinubu, entitled ‘Stewardship Report: A collection of Town Hall Speeches (2011-2014).
  • Senator Tinubu is an unrepentant progressive without any pretence and the book talks about how she has brought governance to her people and her achievements so far.
    • [16]
    • A Quote by Senator Obafemi Ojudu at the launch of a book written by Senator Oluremi Tinubu, entitled ‘Stewardship Report: A collection of Town Hall Speeches (2011-2014).
  • To say you have been a blessing to Lagos State and our country is simply saying the obvious. Your philanthropic gestures have helped to build hope, encouraged some people and motivated others. You have also remained an example of what a representative should be. Thank you for the roles you have played to make Lagos and Nigeria great.
    • [17]
    • A Quote by the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. (Dr) Mudashiru Obasa describing Senator Oluremi Tinubu as a blessing to Lagos and Nigeria with the roles she had played to better the state and the federation.
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