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Peire Vidal

From Wikiquote

Peire Vidal (fl. 12th century) was an Old Occitan troubadour. Forty-five of his songs are extant, twelve with melodies.


  • La lauzeta e'l rossinhol
    Am mais que nulh' autr' auzel,
    Que pel joy del temps novel
    Comenson premier lur chan:
    Et ieu, ad aquel semblan,
    Quan li autre trobador
    Estan mut, ieu chant d'amor
    De ma dona Na Vierna.
    • Of all the sweet birds, I love the most
        The lark and nightingale;
      For they the first of all awake,
      The opening spring with songs to hail.
      And I, like them, when silently
        Each Troubadour sleeps on,
      Will wake me up, and sing of love
      And thee, Vierna, fairest one! ...
    • La lauzeta e'l rossinhol (Tr. Taylor)
  • Ab l'alen tir vas me l'aire
    Qu'ieu sen venir de Proensa;
    Tot quant es de lai m'agensa,
    Si que, quan n'aug ben retraire,
    Ieu m'o escout en rizen
    E'n deman per un mot cen,
    Tan m'es bel quan n'aug ben dire.
    • I eagerly inhale the breeze
        From thee, sweet Provence, blowing;
      And all that's thine delights me so,
        Such pleasant thoughts bestowing,
      That if thy very name is named
        I listen joyously.
      And ask a hundred words for one—
        So sweet to hear of thee.
    • Ab l'alen tir vas me l'aire, st. 1 (Tr. Taylor)
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