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Penny Lernoux

From Wikiquote

Penny Lernoux (January 6, 1940 – October 9, 1989) was an American journalist for National Catholic Reporter and The Nation.


  • Although the mass of the people accepted the white man's God, either under physical duress or because he seemed more powerful than their own Gods, they never assimilated the ideas of Christianity.
    • Cry of The People (1977).
  • And many of the people who buy or found banks have had no experience in banking at all. If they can learn it, so can we.
    • In Banks We Trust (1984).
  • In contrast, traditional Catholic churches serve vast numbers of people who have little or nothing in common, and they are often impersonal supermarkets for the sacraments.
    • The Fundamentalist Surge in Latin America; The Christian Century, January 20, 1988; p. 51.
  • At stake are two different visions of faith, the Church of Caesar, powerful and rich; and the Church of Christ - loving, poor and spiritually rich.
    • People of God (1989).
  • Opus Dei is an efficient machine run to achieve world power.
    • People of God (1989).
  • And the Third World will continue to beckon to the First, reminding it of the Galilean vision of Christian solidarity.
    • People of God (1989).
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