Pino Caruso

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Caruso in The Sunday Woman (1975)

Giuseppe "Pino" Caruso (12 October 19347 March 2019) was an Italian actor, author and TV-personality.


  • La gente mangia carne e pensa: "Diventerò forte come un bue". Dimenticando che il bue mangia erba.
    Mangiarsi con gusto un animale è assassinio premeditato a scopo di libidine. Digerirlo, occultamento di cadavere.
    • People eat meat and think they will become strong as an ox, forgetting that the ox eats grass.
      Eating an animal with gusto is premeditated lust murder, and digesting it is concealment of corpse.
    • Il diluvio universale: acqua passata (Palermo: Novecento, 1993), p. 179.
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