Poison Ivy (1992 film)

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Poison Ivy is a 1992 American erotic thriller film about a seductive teen who befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.

Directed by Katt Shea. Screenplay by Andy Ruben and Katt Shea and story by Melissa Goddard.
What Ivy wants, Ivy gets.taglines

Sylvie Cooper

  • [referring to Ivy] She was definitely a turnoff, too overt. Look at her. Obviously, big problems. Most girls don't fly through the air with their skirt around their waist. Supergirl at least had the decency to wear tights; not that I read comics. I'm more the politically, environmentally correct feminist, poetry-reading type. You know, boring. I wonder if she posed for that painting. Great perm. Blond hair, obvious bleach job. Too bad it's six months old. I don't know how she does it. I get airsick on a seesaw. I guess she's sort of beautiful. I don't know. Those lips. Lips are supposed to be a perfect reflection of another part of a woman's anatomy. Not that I'm a lesbian. Well, maybe I am. No, definitely not. I told my mother I was, just for shock value. She said, "Fine, just as long as you don't smoke." Which, of course, is my main joy in life. Probably oral compensation. I don't think I was breast-fed. I can't imagine where she came from. None of the other kids at my school are that scangy. I really wish we could be friends.
  • I don't need no lousy bus. I don't need no Mercedes. I'm in charge of my own fate.


  • [to Sylvie Cooper] How did they know it was you? Wait a sec. I've seen your dad. He is that guy, that jerk on TV who does those tweaked editorials. You phoned in a bomb threat to your own father?! That's great. No, I mean it. I'm gonna break this to you real slow. Your dad's an idiot.

Darryl Cooper

  • [to Sylvie Cooper] I ought to slap you good. You can't put 200 people out on a sidewalk just because you don't like an editorial! They're trying to get rid of me. Whose side are you on, anyway? Sylvie, you hurt me.
  • Get the hell off the street!! Because the only people who are safe there are the drug dealers. They have more firepower than the police department.
  • Well, I'll tell you one thing: the kids are learning the metric system here... kilos, grams, that sort of thing. We're in jail, we've put ourselves in jail, and we're gonna stay in jail, while the people who should be behind bars are free on the streets. This has been A Piece of My Mind. I'm Darryl Cooper, general manager of KTVM. Thank you.


  • What Ivy wants, Ivy gets.
  • Ivy thought her best friend had the perfect house, the perfect family, the perfect life. So she took them.


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Poison Ivy film series
  Films     Poison Ivy  (1992) · Poison Ivy II: Lily  (1996) · Poison Ivy: The New Seduction  (1997) · Poison Ivy: The Secret Society  (2008)