Poorly Planned Comics

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Poorly Planned Comics by Jack Masters is a surreal, metafictional webcomic following the adventures of several characters as they attempt to set up several more comics within their universe. However, the story is much more complex than just that.


  • "The sad and obvious truth of the matter is that art, once formalized or mechanized, is no longer art; and the few arts that have not been formalized are now being mechanized. There is no mystery or talent required to create "artistic" beauty; and if a talentless person can do it, why should we give any regard to those who require talent to produce the same result? John may spend a week painting a tree, but Jane will take a photograph, and then use a workshop program to make the picture appear painted. There is no visual art created before the last century that modern technology would not have allowed a less talented person to make better and faster. Let us be realistic and assume this trend will continue. There is nothing we can do to avoid the solemn fact that Michelangelos are no longer needed."
    • Strip #53, "The Entire Universe Falls Apart"