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Pound Puppies (1986 TV series)

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Pound Puppies is an animated series that premiered on ABC in the United States from September 13, 1986 until December 19 1987.

Episode 1: Bright Eyes, Come Home


(The episode begins with tough alley cats trying to catch Bright Eyes, so they jump but they are hit in the manhole lid by Cooler)

Cooler: Excuse me? Is this the meeting of alley cat’s anonymous?
Bright Eyes: Cooler!
Cooler: Oh, and I see you started the festivities without me. Rats! I miss all the fun! (giggles)

(But the alley cats are getting up and about to catch them)

Cooler: Oh, oh, really? Bright Eyes and I would just love to stay in party with you, kitties, except the… Hey! We’re allergic to catnip! (giggles) Ciao for now! But let’s do lunch real soon, gang!

(The alley cats jump as Cooler grabs Bright Eyes into the manhole before they stand on it)

Bright Eyes: Aww, thanks, Cooler. You saved my life.
Cooler: (laughs) Anytime, Bright Eyes! Anytime! But just tell me one thing. Where have you been?! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!
Bright Eyes: I’m sorry, Cooler. I’ve just been out wandering around, hoping to find myself a home. I sure wish somebody would adopt me.
Cooler: And as fearless leader of the Pound Puppies. It’s my swarm duty to help this pup get adopted into a hap-hap-happy home!
Bright Eyes: (giggles) Cooler, you’re a coup!
Cooler: And so the heroic crook carries the fair damsel dog in distress back to the puppy pound, where a big surprise is awaiting her! She may find a new home yet because deli people from all over are coming to the pound to adopt… Pound Puppies!

Katrina: Good evening, Holly dear. How did adoption day go?
Holly: Very well, Auntie Katrina.
Brattina: Did you make enough money to pay your electric bill, ha, did ya? Ha, ha. Did ya?
Holly: As a matter of fact, Brattina, we made more than enough. Take a look for yourself… (She notices that the money is gone) What? The money! It’s gone!

(Pound Puppies gasp)

Holly: (Off-screen) It’s not here! The money’s gone!
Katrina: Oh, that’s too, too bad, Holly. Now what are you going to do?
Holly: I-I don’t know.
Katrina: Well, you better think of something, dear. Because if that bill isn’t paid in one week, I’m afraid you’ll lose the pound…to me!

(Sammy Quentin is reading the newspaper while Bright Eyes is relaxing in her bikini and looking at the magazine)

Cooler: Psst. Hey, Bright Eyes, how about an autograph?
Bright Eyes: Cooler! Nose Marie!
Nose Marie: Shh! We don’t want to disturb the great Hollywood director.
Cooler: Yeah. So tell us, kid. What’s it like being a famous actress?
Bright Eyes: Oh, it’s so boring! All I do is sit around all day waiting for my next scene to be shot.
Nose Marie: Well, your last performance got rave reviews, darling. It was in just all the papers.
Bright Eyes: (reading) “Dog steals fortunes and gems.” Oh. Oh, no! Oh, what have I done?
Cooler: Upsetting, isn’t it?
Bright Eyes: I’ll say. This picture could ruin my career. Well, that settles it. I’m retiring from show business.
Cooler: Eh, not quite yet, Bright Eyes. To clear your name, you have to give a final farewell performance.
Bright Eyes: Oh. Very well. I suppose I owe it to my public.
Cooler: Uh, yeah. So, here’s what I want you to do, (whispering in her ear).
Bright Eyes: I like it. I like it! (giggles)
Sammy Quentin: What? “Katrina Stoneheart buys world’s largest ruby?” I don’t believe it! My old friend Katrina! (laughing) This should be like taking candy from a baby! (laughing again) Oh, Bright Eyes, I’ve just found your next starring role! In fact, we’ll start filming tonight.
Bright Eyes: I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Episode 2: How to Found a Pound


(At the HQ, they can hear the sound of barking)

Howler: (howls)
Bright Eyes: What is it, Howler?
Howler: It’s Cooler! He picked up the lost pup. We’ve got an emergency on our paws. (howls) Let’s go.

(Someone is knocking at the door)

Millicent: Now who could that be? (gasps) Why hello, Katrina.
Katrina: Don’t give me any of that sweet stuff, great Aunt Millicent! This is the showdown!

(Dogs wake up and bark at her)

Catgut: (meows)
Millicent: What’s this?
Katrina: Oh, just something from the Board of Health. Forcing you to get rid of these mangy mutts once and for all! (laughs evilly)
Cooler: (voiceover) So that rotten Katrina Stoneheart was gonna force us pups out into the street and there was nothing Millie could do about it.
Howler: (howling nervously)

Cooler: So, Shaky, there may be a few rotten apples in this cooky place we call a world. But if you just keep your peepers aglow, you’ll find the good ones.
Shaky: That was a keen story, Cooler. And look, I’m not afraid of people anymore!
Holly: And we’re gonna find your home with people who will love you.
Nose Marie: Speaking of love, Cooler honey bunny. Sugar plum, there’s still a full moon out.

(She is about to kiss Cooler but he dodges and she actually kisses Howler)

Howler: Did you just… uh, no, nose, on my lips? A whole face? You… You put on… (howls) I never knew you cared.

(Then he falls and lies down)

Nose Marie: (to Cooler) I do believe my sugar lips have missed their intended destination.
Cooler: (chuckles)

(Then Nose Marie kisses him and then he also falls and lies down)

Nose Marie: Bullseye! (laughs)

Episode 3: From Wags to Riches

Brattina: Who’s coming, Mommy Dearest?
Katrina: Mmm. Investors, Brattina. Investors in this scheme that will get rid of those Pound Puppies once and for all.

(Suddenly, they hear the car pulling over)

Catgut: (meows)
Katrina: Oh. My investors are here.

(The car driver lets the Belveshires out of the car)

Katrina: (happily) Lord and Lady Belveshire, the third richest couple in the country. And I intend to take them for an absolute fortune.

(Holly and the Pound Puppies are going inside the Belveshires’ mansion)

Brattina: (using the binoculars) All the puppies are inside, Mommy Dearest.
Katrina: Now’s your chance, Catgut.
Catgut: (meows)
Katrina: I want you and your friends to sneak into that house and shred everything inside.

(Catgut whistles to his friends who come to see him and stop)

Katrina: But don’t let anyone see you. I want those flea-bitten puppies to take them blame.

(Catgut and his friends sneak up to their mansion)

Katrina: Good luck! And have a ripping good time! (laughs evilly)

Episode 4: Snowbound Pound

Whopper: We made it! Doc Weston’s office!
Cooler: Thanks, Mac. Keep the change!
Cab Driver: I hate getting paid with rawhide doggie chews.

Mr. Nabbit: Oh now, actually, according to the manual here, the pipe goes into lug nut D.
Katrina: I’ll fix your lug nuts if you don’t get me out of here!
Mr. Nabbit: I’m gonna follow the instructions, Miss Stoneheart.
Katrina: Brattina! Get me a can opener!

Episode 5: The Fairy Dogmother

Catgut: (laughs evilly)

(Catgut puts the dog head suit over his head and runs off and pushes the trash cans over)

Catgut: (barks like a dog)
Cat Thug #1: Hey! It’s that sloppy mutt who’s been disturbing the peace!
Cat Thug #2: Let’s teach him some manners!

(Cat Thugs chase Catgut disguising as a dog)

Catgut: (laughs evilly)

(Catgut runs off but Zazu puts a spell on him)

Zazu: Kitty-cat, you’re out of luck! The zipper on your suit is stuck!
Catgut: (meows)

(Cat Thugs come to a stop and are about to attack him)

Cat Thug #2: Okay, buddy. We’re gonna put an end to your one-dog Wrecking Crew!

(Cat Thugs attack Catgut in disguise and he runs off then Cat Thugs go after him)

Cooler: Looks like Catgut’s really gone to the dogs.

(Brattina sees Holly dancing with Mervin)

Brattina: Mommy Dearest, look! Holly’s here and she’s dancing with my Mervin!
Katrina: How did she get here? Well, I’ll put a stop to this.

Episode 6: Whopper Cries Uncle


(Holly and Pound Puppies are sitting outside of the pound)

Holly: But no food and no money, I’ll have to close down the pound.
Bright Eyes: Don’t worry, everybody. We’ll get by without money or food. We can live on love!
Nose Marie: (chuckles) How’s that sound to you, Cooler honey?
Cooler: I’d rather have some loose change in a baloney sandwich, thank you very much.

(Katrina drives and stops on a muddy puddle splashing on them)

Brattina: Bye, Holly! We’re going to the dog hater’s convention! Yah!
Katrina: And we won’t be back until late tonight.
Brattina: So try to hose yourself up before we get back.
Katrina: Aren’t we the mean ones though!

(Katrina and Brattina laugh evilly)

Nose Marie: (scoffs) If abate’s so terribly ladylike, I’d give Katrina’s ankle bone a severe nibbing.

(Suddenly, they hear Uncle J.R. howling somewhere)

Cooler: Sounds like a hologram.
Howler: It’s for Whopper. Dear Nephew, stop. I’m stopping by puppy pound today for brief. Stop, stop. Your Uncle J.R. Whopper. Stop. Stop, stop.

Episode 7: In Pups We Trust

Cooler: All right, pups! It’s time for operation find Howler! Nose Marie, Bright Eyes, Whopper, hit the streets!
All: Righto!
Cooler: Sherlock, you and the other pups help Holly with the repairs.
Sherlock Bones: A-yup, a-yup, a-yup!
Cooler: Pound Puppies, let’s start pounding!
All: Hooray!

Episode 8: The Captain and the Cats


(Cooler and Nose Marie are about to rescue them, but the Mouseketeers stop and turn to them)

Mouseketeer #1: Egad! Small dogs!
Mouseketeer #2: Go away! Shoo! Scat!
Cooler: What do you mean? We’re trying to save you, cookie cats. This truck’s on a one-way trip to Palookaville.
Mouseketeer #3: Mind your own business, governor. We’re-We’re on a vital mission.

(Cooler and Mouseketeer #3 let go)

Mouseketeer #1: Yes, indeed. The next time you start to rescue someone, why don’t you ask permission first?
Cooler: Oh, boy. You cats were confused, but these dudes are out to lunch.

Episode 9: Secret Agent Pup

Katrina: Ah! Oh, a day on the beach has worked wonders for me, girls.
Holly: You do seem more relaxed, Auntie Katrina.
Katrina: Oh, I am, Holly. I feel like all my Pap-puppy troubles are behind me.

(Suddenly, she can hear cars revving up and coming in)

Katrina: Puppies! Puppies! Lots and lots of puppies!
Brattina: Icky, icky, icky-poo!
Holly: Cooler?
Cooler: We’ll explain later, Holly! Ciao for now!
Katrina: Puppies! Puppies! (howls)

Episode 10: Wagga-Wagga

Brattina: (singing) The captain’s found the booklet! The captain’s found the booklet! Jumpy-joy! Boy, oh boy! The captain’s found the booklet!
Captain Slaughter: (speaking in foreign language)
Katrina: Dog fur coats! Here we come! The Puppy Pelter is ready for blast-off! Brattina! How do we start this thing?
Brattina: Uh, it’s hard to tell, Mommy Dearest.
Katrina: (Off-screen) What do you mean?
Brattina: (She shows Katrina) The instruction booklet’s written in Chinese.
Katrina: NO! It can’t be! Not Chinese! No! No, no! Why did I ever study French?! I CAN’T STAND IT!

Episode 11: The Star Pup

Byron: And now what makes you think you have to stop up?
Whopper: I know all about stars and pups. (imagining the ball is in high falling) In fact, we may have some more of pups used to live on a star. Yeah boy, it was in high. A mill… zill… A kabillion degrees. (imagining he and pups look at the temperature going up higher then pops, drinking water and flies the spaceship) But we stay cool by drinking lots of water and keeping the flying saucer’s windows rolled down. Yeah!
Byron: You know, I wish this kid had some Rye Bread. I hate for all that baloney to go to waste. Well, the star pup must be honest and true, and that eliminates you.

(Whopper falls through the trap door)

Episode 12: Happy Howlidays


(Holly is putting little kennels with pups on the back of the sleigh)

Holly: The sleigh’s all loaded up.
Cooler: Then let’s hitch up our reindeer and hit the road! Hey, Rudolph, front and center!
Howler: Rudolph, Shmoo-Dolph! How do we get talked into these things?
All: Hooray!

(They all set off)

Cooler: By the way, Holly, where’d you find all these great presents to hand out?
Holly: I bought ‘em.
Cooler: With what? Money. May I be so bold as to ask, perchance?
Holly: With the pound’s money!
Nose Marie: The pound’s money? You mean we had money left over after paying the bills?
Holly: What bills? We haven’t gotten any bills since July. Isn’t that wonderful?
Nose Marie: Wonderful? I’d say it’s downright fishy.
Cooler: (sniffs) And it has the distinct aroma of Katrina Stoneheart.


Brattina: (sobs)
Katrina: Brattina! What is wrong with you?
Brattina: I didn’t get anything for Christmas. It’s not fair! (crying)
Katrina: What do you mean, my little jalapeno? All these presents are for you.
Brattina: But it’s not a lot, Mommy Dearest! I didn’t get my bitter piranha bathtub toy, or my Suzy Spit-up Doll, or my…
Katrina: Oh, Brattina, stop whining! You should be grateful, you’re not one of those wretched Pound Puppies freezing out in the cold! Just look at them! They don’t even have a home for Christmas and they’re not crying!

(They see the neighborhood outside)

Brattina: Why! I’ll say they’re not crying. They look happy, Mommy Dearest!
Katrina: What? What are those people doing out there? Why aren’t they home opening their gifts? Don’t they know it’s Christmas?

Holly: Oh, puppies! It looks like Santa’s been here, and these love presents for everyone! A million, a billion… A kazillion presents! Yeah!
Whopper: Oh, boy!

(Pound Puppies but Cooler go into the pound)

Grey Cat: (meows)
Cooler: Psst. Kitty, want some warm milk?
Grey Cat: (meows)
Cooler: (to the audience) Well, you can’t expect every episode to end with a joke. Happy Holidays, kids!

(Cooler goes back into the pound)

Episode 13: Ghost Hounders

Whopper: Oh, what a guy!

(After his imagination)

Whopper: And that’s the story of how we were all rescued by Wonder Whopper and Biff Barker the world’s greatest ghost hounder.
Nose Marie: Whopper, where do you dream up all this nonsense about Biff Barker?
Whopper: But there’s not nonsense! He’s a star of the ghost hounder’s TV show.

(He goes back to his house)

Whopper: And I’m an official member… No. The treasure… Oh. The president of the Biff Barker fan club. Yeah. (pushing the lever down and all his things come out) Biff Barker’s an honest-to-goodness real ghost hounder and my hero!
Cooler: Hmm. I wonder if Biff Barker ever ran into the ghost of the Terrible Terrier!
Bright Eyes: (chuckles) Ghost of the Terrible Terrier?
Holly: Yes! The ghost of the Terrible Terrier! Late at night, you can hear a moan.
Cooler: A ghoulish, gruesome, ghastly groan. He calls “I’ll get you! I’ll get you! I’ll get you!”

(They shiver as they think they can get them)

Cooler: Boo!

(The other Pound Puppies are scared and running off) (Cooler and Holly laugh)

Holly: We got him good with that one, Cooler!

(But the ghost of the Terrible Terrier laughs behind them)

Holly: We’ve already scared them enough, Cooler. Don’t overdo it.
Cooler: That wasn’t me.

(The Terrible Terrier roars at them)

Holly: It’s the Terrible Terrier!
Cooler: Well, it ain’t rimp tin tin!

(The Terrible Terrier roars at them)

The Terrible Terrier: Pound Puppies! Be gone from here by midnight tomorrow, or else!
Whopper: Or else what, doggy breath?

(The Terrible Terrier spits the dirt out to them and leaves)

Cooler: (to Whopper) You had to ask.

Nose Marie: So, that’s where Katrina was packing us off to. Why, that woman’s nothing more than a…

(A “CENSORED” sign appears followed by a cuckoo clock sound)

Nose Marie: That’s what she is!
Cooler: Ooh, please! Nose Marie, try to clean up your language!
Nose Marie: Oh, well, pardon my little ol’ peaches.

Episode 14: Whopper Gets the Point


(Dr. Simon pulls the handle of the bell and then the cat bell rings)

Katrina: Oh, Dr. Simon. Please do come in and give the puppies their painful shots.
Brattina: (singing) Give the dogs a shot! Make them cry a lot! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch. Lots of painful shots!
Dr. Simon: Actually, the shots aren’t that painful. The dogs will barely feel a thing.
Brattina: Bummer!
Katrina: A total bummer.
Dr. Simon: All right, Holly, I’m ready. Would you please bring me the dogs? All the dogs.
Holly: Sure thing, Dr. Simon. Let’s go, puppies. Shot time.

Dr. Simon: I’m finished, Miss Stoneheart. Here’s my bill.
Katrina: Huh! This is the last time I spend money on shots that don’t hurt. It’s an outrage!
Dr. Simon: Good day, Miss Stoneheart.

(Katrina looks at the bill Dr. Simon gave her)

Katrina: Wait a minute. You build me for 10 shots. There are only 5 dogs in this pound.
Dr. Simon: Nope. They were 10.

(Pound Puppies take their disguises off)

Brattina: It's Cooler and those icky-poo gang.
Katrina: And I just paid for their shots! Stop them!

(They try to stop them, but Pound Puppies rush off before Katrina, Brattina and Catgut land on the mud)

Pound Puppies: Follow us, puparoos!

(Pound Puppies leave the pound and then the other puppies bark and follow them)

Brattina: They escaped, Mommy Dearest! Cooler helped every one of your yucky puppies get away!
Katrina: I hate those dogs!

Episode 15: The Bird Dog


(Later in the evening, Katrina, Brattina and Catgut are looking for puppies somewhere to catch but they hear dogs barking)

Brattina: Hear that, Mommy Dearest? It’s that icky-poo puppy and her yucky bird.
Katrina: I know, but where are they hiding?

(They hear them barking underground)

Catgut: (meows)
Brattina: Catgut says they’re under the gunky ground.
Katrina: Worms and gophers are underground, you furball. Not dogs and birds. Now quit clowning around.
Catgut: (meows)

Katrina: Your rebel days are through, Cooler!

Cooler: We were so busy with Cheep-Cheep. We almost forgot to find Schap a home.
Nose Marie: Your new masters are waiting, Schap honey.

(Schap comes to his masters and licks them)

Cooler: Hey, guys. Nice job! And like I always say “May birds and dogs of a feather flock together.” (laughs)
All: Yay!
Bright Eyes: Cheep, cheep, cheep!
Cheep-Cheep: (tweeting in a barking way)
Bright Eyes: (laughs) I couldn’t have said it better myself. (laughs)

Episode 16: Tail of the Pup


(Truck saying “Dog Catcher” arrives at the puppy pound; gate opens then truck enters and stops) (Four new puppies are barking at the back of the truck while Pound Puppies pop out watching them)

Nose Marie: (writing down on the clipboard) Four more cute little old pups ready for adoption, Cooler.
Cooler: Let’s just hope they’re ready to meet the evil queen of creepiness. Katrina Stoneheart.

(Katrina, Brattina and Catgut come of with a box on the wheelbarrow) (As the coast is clear, they all sneak up passing Holly who is watering the plants)

Holly: Howdy, guys.
All: Howdy, Holly.
Katrina: Welcome, doggies. Now, let’s get one thing straight right off the bat. You’ll never escape from my pound! NEVER! (blowing the pups into the cage)

(Catgut shuts the cage door)

Catgut: (meows then laughs in an evil grin)
Brattina: And no one can help you not even Cooler and his icky-poo puppy pals.
Bright Eyes: Golly gee!
Whopper: That’s us!
Katrina: And if Cooler’s pack shows up around here, we’ll be waiting with… the Vacuum Vortex.

(The box opens revealing the Vacuum Vortex and then Katrina turns it on)

Four Puppies: Yipe!

(The Vacuum Vortex eats the wanted poster and locks it up in the cage)

Katrina: Cooler and his mongrel mob will be turned into a canine cage! (laughs evilly)
Cooler: Yes, folks! It dices and slices, and it’s only 1995! (laughs)

(However, the Vacuum Vortex sniffs along and he is about to eat them)

Cooler: Uh-oh! It’s on to us, crew, Let’s hit the pain!

(They all slide down to the HQ before it eats the garbage cans)

Katrina: Why is that bucket of boats chewing up garbage cans?
Brattina: Maybe it’s hungry.
Katrina: Blasted contraption must need a tune-up. Take it back to the garage, Brattina!
Brattina: Yes, sure, Mommy Dearest. Come on, Vacuum.

Holly: Don’t worry, puppies. You have more friends here than you think.

(The trapdoor opens sending them down to the HQ)

Cooler: Forget about Katrina, pups and puppets. We have some tail wagging good news. So listen up.

(Their ears point up as they listen)

Nose Marie: We’re gonna find each and every one of you.
Cooler: A hap-hap-happy home!
Four Puppies: Yeah!

(Then they wags their tails except Pal who doesn’t get his tail wagging) (Whopper notices Pal’s tail with his magnifying glass)

Whopper: By Jove, Pal, old chap! What’s wrong with your tail? It should be wagging.
Pal: I don’t know. My tail never wags.
Bright Eyes: It never wags?
Nose Marie and Cooler: It never wags?
Pal: It never wags. And no one wants to adopt the pup whose tail won’t wag.
Nose Marie: (picking him up) Now don’t you worry your cute little old head, Pal, dear.
Cooler: Because we’re gonna fix your wagger.
Whopper: And for emergencies like this, who do you call? Young Doctor Whopper!

(He pokes his tail to make it straight)

Bright Eyes: What do you make of it, doc?
Whopper: I think it’s a tail.
Cooler: That much we know, but why won’t it wag?
Whopper: Its batteries must be worn out, but I have we’ll have to operate.
Pal: Operate? What for?
Whopper: To install a new tail.
Cooler: (chuckles) You’re barking up the wrong tree, Whopper.
Nose Marie: Pal doesn’t need a new tail. He needs a reason to wag his own tail.
Cooler: So, let’s give him a reason. Let’s cheer up this pup!
Bright Eyes: Oh, oh! Cheering up is my specialty!
Nose Marie: Then, Bright Eyes, do your stuff!
Bright Eyes: All right! (picking Pal up on her head) Come on, Pal! Quit your dragging! It’s time to set your tail wagon. Let’s have fun. No more gloom. Welcome to the Rumpus Room.
Pal: Wow, wow! (watching the pups having fun)
Bright Eyes: This is where we pups gotta wag our tails and have a flash. So let’s blast off!

(So she slides down holding Pal)

Bright Eyes and Pal: Whee!

(Then land on Merry-go-round and laugh as it goes round quite fast making them fly off and land on cushions)

Bright Eyes: (laughing as her tail wags)
Pal: (laughs) Oh, cats! It’s still not wagging. Let’s face it. It’ll never wag.
Cooler: Whoa. Don’t give up so fast, my little puparoo.
Nose Marie: We’ve got someone who can put some bounce in your behind.

(So they go up the pupscalator to the gizmo lab)

Cooler: Pal, this is Howler, our expert inventor.
Howler: (howls) Uh, uh, pleased to meet you, Pal, and don’t worry about a thing. I have an invention here that’s guaranteed to defrost your frozen tail. (He shows Pal his new invention) I call it “the Wag-O-Matic.”
Pal: Gee! Do you think it’ll really work?
Howler: There’s one way to find out. Let’s hook you up and switch it on. (switching it on) Now, that’s what I call wagging.
Cooler: (Off-screen) But everything’s wagging except his tail.

(Pal is still unable to get his tail wagging)

Howler: Sorry, Pal. I guess my invention was a bust.
Holly: But Katrina’s invention is back in action.
Brattina: The Vacuum Vortex is all turned up, Mommy Dearest.
Katrina: Excellent, Brattina! Now, let’s give it a vile demonstration. Are you ready, Catgut?
Catgut: (meows nervously)
Brattina: We just set the gunky controls to the cat.
Katrina: And we turn it on.

(Catgut runs away from the Vacuum Vortex that tries to eat him) (He climbs up on the tree before he eats it) (Then he runs and lands on Katrina’s face as he trembles)

Katrina: Get out of my face, you coward!
Catgut: (meows)

(Then the Vacuum Vortex sucks him in pulling Katrina’s wig off and she screams) (Catgut is now in the cage coming out of the back)

Catgut: (meows angrily)
Brattina: Mommy Dearest, you look scary.

(Katrina kisses it)

Katrina: But it works, Brattina. It works! Now we can finish our Cooler and his pack of pesky pooches, for good! (laughs evilly)

Bright Eyes: Oh, no! How are we ever gonna sneak Pal and the other pups out now?
Pal: (miserably) Don’t worry about me, guys. I’m stuck here forever, remember? No one wants to adopt the pup whose tail won’t wag.
Cooler: You know, Pal, I’ve been thinking. We’ve been trying to get your tail the wag, but we’ve blown it. Because, hey, we can’t make it wag.
Holly: But Cooler is trying to say, Pal. It’s like a wag has to come from inside of you.
Nose Marie: Straight from your little old heart.
Pal: Straight from my heart?
Cooler: Come on. We’ll show ya in the Hall of Puppy Power.

(In the Hall of Puppy Power)

Nose Marie: Pal, deep within every dog’s heart is a gift known as puppy power.

(She has a wand with a bone at the end of it and presses Pal’s head to show the puppy power with Holly in it)

Holly: It’s the magical love shared by puppies and children.
Nose Marie: Us and Holly has puppy power.
Holly: That’s right, Pal. And now we’d like you to meet a special boy. His name is Greg.

(Puppy Power changes to a special boy named Greg)

Pal: Gee! His tail’s not wagging either.

(Greg waves goodbye to his best friend in the car and leaves him behind being lonely)

Holly: That’s right. He’s lonesome because his best friend just moved away to another town.
Nose Marie: Pal, do you think you might be able to cheer Greg up?
Pal: Who? Me? I-I don’t know. But-But I’d sure like to try, could I?
All: Huh?

(Pal’s tail begins to wag)

Pal: I’d really like to help him. I really would. I’d love to cheer up Greg, (howling) and howl.
Holly, Bright Eyes and Whopper: His tail’s wagging!
Nose Marie: It’s a puppy’s dream come true! Having someone to love.
Pal: It’s the happiest day of my life!
Holly: Come on, Pal. Greg’s waiting to adopt you!
Cooler: Yo, Pound Puppies, let’s start pounding!
All: Yay!

(They all get into the pupscalator)

(The Vacuum Vortex sniffs around as they sneak up quietly)

Bright Eyes: Be super-duper quiet, Pal. I’ll bet the Vacuum Vortex can hear a pin drop.

(But the pin on Whopper’s diaper drops causing the Vacuum Vortex to chase them)

Cooler: All right, who dropped the pin?
Whopper: Sorry! I guess my diaper drooped. Oh, how embarrassed.
Cooler: Well, undroop it. Let’s get outta here!

(So Whopper puts his diaper back on) (The Vacuum Vortex is about the get them; Katrina, Brattina and Catgut come out)

Katrina: (laughs evilly) Oh, at last! The Vacuum Vortex is about to crush Cooler and his cronies!
Holly: Oh, no!

(Cooler opens the brick wall)

Cooler: Shake a leg, crew! In fact, shake all 4 legs!

(He notices it coming towards him)

Cooler: Howdy-up-aroo!

(He jumps up before it bumps into the wall) (Cooler lands on it)

Cooler: Yee-haw! Ride ‘em, cowdog!
Brattina: Mommy Dearest, it’s that yucky icky-poo, Cooler.
Katrina: Get him, you reckless hunk of junk! Suck him off!
Cooler: Hmm. This pony ride needs a minor adjustment. R-A-T spells rat, which stands for Katrina!

(The Vacuum Vortex is about to get them)

Katrina: Oh! Oh, no! It’s gone berserk! Oh! Oh! Run for it!
All: Whoa!

(They try to run away from it but it sucks them in locking them up in each cage)

Brattina: Eww! Icky-yucky, stinky smelly cages!
Catgut: (hisses)
Katrina: Someday, I’ll get you for this, Cooler. Someday!
Cooler: And someday, Katrina may find the key to unlock a cage, but not someday soon! (laughs)
Holly: (laughs)

(Pal is adopted with Greg at his home)

Nose Marie: (cries) I’m so happy for little old Pal.
Cooler: Hey. Pull yourself together, Nose Marie.
Nose Marie: I can’t help it. I always cry at adoptions. (She cries and blows her nose)
Pal: (barks)
Greg: Now, neither of us will ever be lonely again, Pal.

(Greg and Pal hug together with love)

Cooler: And that’s what I call a tail with a happy ending. (laughs and wags his tail)

Episode 17: King Whopper


(They reach the signpost that says “Grove Avenue” on the left and “Cherry” on the right)

Cooler: Hey, check it out. That’s the correctamundo street: Grove Avenue.
Nose Marie: It won’t be long now, Bessie honey.
Cooler: Okay, let’s move out!

(Meanwhile, Katrina, Brattina are still on the Compactor Tractor catching them up)

Katrina: Aha! There they are! Cooler and his mutt friend all get ahead. Full travel forward!
Brattina: Aye-aye, Mommy Dearest!
Katrina: No, Brattina! Watch where you’re going!

(Compactor Tractor eats three vehicles)

Katrina: You crud! Where did you get your driving license?
Brattina: I’m only 11 years old, Mommy Dearest. I don’t have a license. In fact, I don’t even know how to drive. That’s all.

Episode 18: Tuffy Gets Fluffy

Holly: The gang should be just about finished giving Tuffy a bath.

(Holly opens the door but the water comes in and Whopper and Tuffy are surfing on the door)

Tuffy and Whopper: Dive-gang, baby!

(Pound Puppies are in the tub rowing)

Howler: (using the megaphone) Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!

Howler: Now we know why your name is Tuffy.
Whopper: Tuffy, I’m sorry for what I said “You’re pretty neat for a cat.”
Tuffy: Thanks, Whopper. Hey, you’re pretty neat too for a dog.
Whopper: And-And I want you to have this for keeps.

(Whopper puts a cap on Tuffy’s head)

Tuffy: Neato!
Holly: How about if we make Tuffy an honorary Pound Puppy.
Cooler: All those in favour?

(They all cheer)

Cooler: Congrats you, cool cat.
Nose Marie: There’s just one more little old thing Tuffy needs.
All: (Off-Screen) What’s that?
Nose Marie: A bath.
Tuffy: Oh, no! Not again!

(They give Tuffy a bath)

Episode 19: Casey, Come Home


(Katrina stops the Pound Puppy Puppy Pounder) (Catgut blows the trumpet)

Katrina: Oh, can it, Catgut!
Brattina: We’ve lost them! We’ve got Cooler and the stinky-poo doggies!
Katrina: Stop whining, Brattina! (picking up a satellite) I’ll find them with my Canine Computer. Aha!

(They can see how creepy the woods is)

Brattina: That way! Eww! It looks creepy and icky!
Katrina: Yes. I love creepy and icky.

(They drive off to the creepy woods)

(Katrina, Brattina and Catgut are up in the tree that night)

Brattina: (cries)
Katrina: Knock it off, Brattina! You’re as bad as they are.

(The wolves howl in return)

Episode 20: Where Do Puppies Come From?


(Truck saying “Dog Catcher” arrives at the puppy pound with 2 new dogs inside) (Dogs named Lucy and Rusty whine as Holly comes to open it)

Holly: Don’t cry, puppies. No one’s going to hurt you.
Katrina: Holly! Get away from those filthy beasts!
Holly: But, Auntie Katrina, they’re so frightened!
Katrina: Frightened? They should be terrified! (laughs evilly) Because my pound is now equipped with… (Copter-Catcher appears up above) …the Copter-Catcher! No dogs will ever escape again! (laughs evilly)
Brattina: (laughs evilly) What d’you say, Catgut? Let’s give ‘em a little demonstration.
Catgut: (meows and laughs evilly)

(She is about to capture those dogs but they run away from it and get into the cage as the door slides shut) (She captures Katrina and takes her over the muddy puddle)

Katrina: Whoa! Brattina, you fool! Put me down!
Brattina: All right, all right. Have a cow, why don’tcha!

(She drops Katrina in the muddy puddle)

Katrina: Whoa!
Brattina: Sorry about that, Mommy Dearest.
Katrina: (angrily) You’ll be more than sorry, young lady! Fly, stay in your room! You’re grounded!
Brattina: But, Mommy Dearest! (sobbing)

(In the delivery room, Lucy is comfy in bed)

Holly: Comfy, Lucy?
Lucy: Fine, thanks.
Nose Marie: Can we get you anything? Anything at all?
Lucy: Well, I am a little hungry. I have this terrible for a dog food and ice-cream sundae.
Holly: Uck!
Nose Marie: One dog food and ice-cream sundae coming up.
Lucy: With chocolate syrup, limburger cheese, coconut, ketchup, gumdrops, dill pickles, cherries and over all that beef gravy.
Nose Marie: There. I hope you enjoy it!

(After Nose Marie serves the dog food and ice-cream sundae to Lucy, Lucy eats the whole thing in one bite)

Holly and Nose Marie: She was hungry!
Lucy: Delicious! May I have another? This time with some whipped cream on top?
Nose Marie: Sure. There’s some whipped cream in the kitchen.
Holly: I’ll go get it.

(Holly goes to the kitchen to get some whipped cream)

(Meanwhile, Bright Eyes and Whopper are looking for honey in the kitchen)

Bright Eyes: Nope. No honey up here.
Whopper: No honey down here either.

(Holly comes to see what they have done with saucepans and colander)

Holly: Oh, no! You guys! Looking for the biscuit box again, huh?
Bright Eyes: Nope. We’re looking for honey. We want to find out how puppies are born.
Holly: What’s honey got to do with puppies?
Whopper: You know, cos of the birds and bees. (imitating buzzing noise)
Holly: I think you’re both confused.
Bright Eyes: Then unconfuse us, Holly.
Whopper: Yeah, tell us where puppies come from.
Holly: Well, the birds and the bees are myth, just like the stork.
Whopper: What’s a stork?
Holly: A bird.

(She imagines it is a bird, then it becomes a big bird with a long beak, then it stands on one long leg, and becomes a stork dropping baby bundles down the chimney)

Whopper: Check.
Holly: A big bird with a long beak.
Whopper: Check.
Holly: It stands on one long leg.
Whopper: Check.
Holly: And some folks say “Stork drops the baby bundles of joy down the chimney.”
Whopper: Check.
Lucy: (Off-screen) Holly, where’s that whipped cream?
Holly: Coming! (getting some whipped cream out of the fridge) I’ll explain later, guys. Lucy’s waiting.
Whopper: I just got one question. What’s a myth?
Bright Eyes: I think the girl is a myth and the boy is a mister.

(They laugh)

Episode 21: Pups on the Loose


(One day, everything is quiet outside at the puppy pound; bird tweets) (Down below at the HQ)

Lucy: Well, we’re off to dig up our prized bone collection.
Rusty: After all, we can’t start life at a new home without our old bones.
Cooler: And by the time you get back, we’ll have that hap-hap-happy new home picked out for you.
Lucy: Are you sure you don’t mind taking care of our pups while we’re gone?
Nose Marie: (happily) Not at all. We can’t wait to puppy-sit the little sugar plums!

(Suddenly, they can hear crashing)

Lucy: You must not know our pups.

(The pups are fighting as they suck Bright Eyes and Whopper in. Then they also suck Cooler and Nose Marie in before they crash)

Cooler: (giggles) Playful little levels, aren’t they?
Rusty: Okay, you guts! Knock it OFF!

(They stop fighting)

Candy, Mandy and Andy: Hi, dad!
Rusty: What did I tell you pups about playing indoors?
Andy: We were playing!
Mandy: We were fighting!
Candy: Andy took my squeak toy and drooled all over it.
Andy: Did not! Mandy stole my blanket and buried it someplace.
Mandy: No way! Candy tied my tail in a big old knot!
Candy: Nuh-uh, you feather face!
Mandy: Ah-ha!

(They start to fight again)

Lucy: Hold it! HOLD IT!

(They stop again)

Lucy: Your father and I want you to be on your best behaviour while we’re gone.
Candy, Mandy and Andy: Okay, mum!

(Their halos appear above their heads)

Lucy: And when we return, we’ll be off to our brand new home.

(Cooler presses the button on the nose as they walk up the pupscalator)

Lucy and Rusty: Bye-bye, kids!
Candy, Mandy and Andy: Bye-bye!
Cooler: I’m gonna go sneak Rusty and Lucy past Katrina. be back in a flasharoo.

(Cooler leaves as 3 pups look angrily at each other then they fight again)

Cooler: So, gang, how goes the puppy-sitting biz?
Whopper and Bright Eyes: We quit.

(Three puppies bark and fight)

Bright Eyes: All they do is fight, fight, fight.
Whopper: Yeah, and after they’re done, they fight some more.
Nose Marie: Cooler, before we get these pups adopted, we have to shake them up.
Cooler: (referring to three puppies) Yeah. Or tie them up.
Nose Marie: If only they could work together on something. (having an idea) Like a party! We could toss a surprise party for Lucy and Rusty.
Whopper: Why don’t we just toss the pups instead?
Nose Marie: Candy, Mandy and Andy could help plan a party and learn all about teamwork.
Cooler: (kissing Nose Marie) Nose Marie, you’re a genius.

Bright Eyes: All right, puppies. Let’s get busy. We have balloons to blow up, create paper to hang and signs to paint.
Candy: I wanna paint signs.
Mandy: No! I wanna do that!
Candy: I said it first!
Andy: Get your paws off those paints!
Mandy: No way!

(Then they begin to fight again)

Whopper: Let me handle this, ma’am.

(He blows the whistle as the pups stop fighting)

Whopper: This is police chief Whopper, ordering you to hand over those paints on the double!

(But the pups throw the paintbrush at him)

Whopper: Oh, that does it! 30 days in the doghouse for you three!

(Cooler, Nose Marie and Holly come to the door)

Holly: I wonder how the decorations are going.
Cooler: Let’s take a look-see.
Nose Marie: Oh, my southern fried goodness!

(Balloon pops at the wall)

Cooler: Goodness had nothing to do with this.

(Three puppies are still having a fight as they have made a lot of mess)

Whopper: These kids have no respect for the law!

Cooler: Well, what do you pups have to say for yourselves?
Mandy: I never did get to lick the spoon.
Andy: Did too!
Candy: Nuh-uh! You took it all!

(They bark and fight again)

Nose Marie: This calls for drastic action.
Holly: I’ll bet we can straighten these guys out in the Hall of Puppy Power.
Cooler: Then let’s pop on down there, pronto.

(In the Hall of Puppy Power)

Holly: Candy, Mandy and Andy, this is where we can help you and your mum and papa find a home.
Cooler: All you need to do is concentrate.
Holly: And a beautiful puppy power vision of your new master will appear.
Candy: I wanna live with a little boy.
Mandy: Not me! I wanna live with a little girl.
Andy: I want a boy.
Mandy: No, a girl.
Andy: No, boy!
Mandy: Girl!
Andy: Boy! Girl!
Mandy: Boy!
Andy: Girl!
Candy, Mandy and Andy: Girl, boy, boy, boy!

(The puppy power explodes) (They all gasp)

Candy, Mandy and Andy: Uh-oh! What happened?
Cooler: Disaster city! You’ve broken puppy power!
Candy, Mandy and Andy: We did?
Whopper: Why not? They’ve broken everything else in the place.
Mandy: We’re sorry.
Andy: What about our new home?
Cooler: Well, since you pups don’t get along, it looks like we’ll have to split you up into 3 different homes.
Candy, Mandy and Andy: No! You can’t split us up!
Mandy: Who could we play with?

(They begin to cry)

Nose Marie: Well, maybe there is one little old possibility.
Candy, Mandy and Andy: What?
Cooler: If you knuckle hounds can get together and use a little teamwork, we may be able to fix puppy power and find you a home.
Andy: We’ll do it.
Mandy: We promise to be good and get along.
Candy: And we’ll live with a boy or a girl.
Candy, Mandy and Andy: Or both.

(Lucy and Rusty return back with 2 bags full of bones as puppy power is working back)

Holly: Puppy power is working again!

(Puppy power appears with a farm in it)

Candy: Wow. A farm!
Andy: That looks neato!
Lucy: And that’s going to be our new home.

(The children are having fun while three pups turn up and are adopted with children) (Their parents are watching the children having fun with their pups each. Pound Puppies are standing on the hill watching)

Bright Eyes: Well, thanks to a little bit of teamwork. Candy, Mandy and Andy are just jim-dandy.
Cooler: And when it comes to teamwork, we Pound Puppies are our winning team.
Pound Puppies: (cheering) We are No. 1, hey! We are No. 1, hey! We are No. 1, HEY!

Episode 22: The Invisible Friend


(In the kitchen, Buddy and his invisible friend Bob meet Nose Marie who is making chocolate chip dog treat)

Cooler: Nose Marie, this is Buddy and, uh, somewhere around here is his invisible friend Bob.
Nose Marie: Invisible? Now there’s something you don’t see every day, or any day.
Cooler: Well, I’ll leave the three of you to get to know each other and be seeing ya except for Bob, that is.

(Cooler leaves)

Buddy: What are these?
Nose Marie: Chocolate chip dog treat and I have just enough batter to make you one.
Buddy: (Off-screen) Gee! Doesn’t Bob get one too?

(Nose Marie washes her paws)

Nose Marie: Tell you what, darling. I’ll make him an invisible one, okay?

(It crashes off-screen)

Nose Marie: Oh, no!
Buddy: Bob was hungry. He made all the biscuits, so I tried to make some more real quick. (burps) ‘Scuse me.
Nose Marie: Just look at this mess!
Buddy: Yeah. Uh, and if I were you, I’d make Bob clean it up. Bye!
Nose Marie: Buddy! Buddy! His story is like an invisible dog biscuit, hard to swallow.

(Meanwhile, Bright Eyes is busy painting the picture)

Bright Eyes: (singing) Hmmm, red yellow, green blue. I’m painting a rainbow just for you.
Buddy: Hey! What are you painting?
Bright Eyes: Gosh! It was a rainbow, but now I’ll call it still catch up on a striped tablecloth.
Buddy: Sorry. (to Bob) Bob, you shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.
Bright Eyes: Gee! Is there really someone there?
Buddy: Sure. He’s just invisible. Hey, maybe you can paint him.
Bright Eyes: Hell, if I can’t even see him.
Buddy: Oh, yeah. Well, then. Bob wants to paint you.
Bright Eyes: Me? An artist model? Bow, oh wow. I’ll pose as a ballerina. Okay. Paint me.

(Bob paints Bright Eyes in colors)

Buddy: Then your painting. Ha-ha!
Bright Eyes: That’s not a teeny weeny fits funny.
Buddy: You’re right. What a joke to plan such a nice puppy. Bob says he’s sorry.
Bright Eyes: That makes two of us.

Katrina: Oh. At last, those filthy curs are back in their cages. (sighs)

(But they stop and turn to the cage doors sliding open and closing)

Katrina: What the…

(The pups run to Katrina and Brattina)

Katrina: Oh! Mutts just drive me nuts!

Episode 23: Kid in the Doghouse

Brattina: Please, Mommy Dearest! You’ll have to see all the icky-poo puppies we caught. Ready, please!

(Cooler pops out in the barrel)

Katrina: Later, Brattina! First, I have to make sure the Cage Catapult is ready to capture that confounded Cooler.

(Holly and the others sneak up and hop into the barrel and travel downstairs to the HQ)

(In the kitchen, Whopper is cleaning the bowl and throwing it to Bright Eyes)

Whopper: The dirty bowl patrol is on a roll with a help of the Wonder Whopper!
Bright Eyes: Thanks for pitching in, Jerry!

(Bright Eyes tosses the bowl to Jerry)

Jerry: So when do we start having fun around here?
Bright Eyes: As soon as all our work’s done.
Whopper: Yeah. We have a million… zillion… no, a kabillion chores to do. Yeah. (imagining he can polish the Statue of Liberty and mop up the moon) Every chore in the world. In fact, we have to polish the Statue of Liberty. No. The Liberty belly. Oh, we have to mop up the moon. Yeah, the moon’s a mess. The monsters are the total slobs.

(The imagination pops; Blue carries the bowl to them but he slips on the wet spot)

Blue: Whoa!
Whopper: Hey! Blue, what happened to Jerry?
Blue: He said he had something really important to do.
Jerry: (skateboarding away) Catch ya later, guys!
Whopper: Yeah. Skateboarding’s pretty important stuff.

(At the puppy pound, Holly, Cooler and Howler peep out as Katrina finishes the Cage Catapult ready for action)

Howler: Ah, oh! There she blows! Katrina! Off the starboard bow!
Katrina: Silly confounded contraption!
Holly: She’s looking the other way. Now’s our chance.
Cooler: (to the children) It’s with puparoos. Let the escape-a-rooney begin.

(Cooler and the children sneak up quickly)

Katrina: (laughs evilly) At last! The Cage Catapult is ready for action. Cooler and his canines won’t get away next time!
Brattina: All right. All ready with the gunky gizmo, Mommy Dearest. Come and see all the stinky puppies we caught…now!
Katrina: Oh all right, Brattina! Show me the dogs. How many miserable mongrels did you catch?
Brattina: Almost a hundred icky-poo smelly dogs.
Katrina: A hundred dogs?! Why, Brattina, I could kiss you!
Brattina: Eww! Gross. No thanks. I’d rather have a Suzy Spit-up Doll.
Katrina: For a hundred dogs, I’ll get you a dozen Suzy Spit-up Dolls. (She realizes that the dogs are gone) What?! These cages are empty!
Brattina: (Off-screen) No, no, no! They were multiple icky-poo stink old dogs!
Katrina: (Angry with her) Play games with me, will you, young lady? Just for this: You can kiss that Suzy Spit-up Doll goodbye!
Brattina: (cries)

(Scratchy and the others take flea bath)

Bright Eyes: Golly! Getting Jerry to do his chores has become a bigger tour.

(She sees the shark’s fin and screams)

Whopper: Shark pup Whopper has strikes again! (laughs)
Nose Marie: Cooler, I think the time has come to find a home for that boy and Blue.

(Blue whimpers)

(In the swimming hall, Jerry is in the swimming trunks running in)

Jerry: Yahoo! Anyone else coming in for a dip?
Bright Eyes and Whopper: No thanks.
Jerry: Party poopers. Huh?

(Jerry is about to dive in but there is a garbage on the water)

Jerry: Yuck! What gives with the swimming hall?
Bright Eyes: Some garbage fell in.
Whopper: And cleaning up is no fun. I mean who likes doing chores?
Jerry: This whole place is no fun anymore. Come on, Blue. Let’s get outta here.

(Blue winks his eye; Bright Eyes and Whopper laugh)

(Jerry comes to Cooler and Howler who are watching TV)

Jerry: Cooler, how soon are you gonna get Blue and me adopted?
Cooler: Oh, gee. I don’t know. (sighs) Maybe you have to wade through watching TV.
Jerry: I hate it here. Everything’s broken or dirty. Nobody does any chores!
Cooler: Absotutely. You don’t do chores. We don’t do chores.
Jerry: I do so. I mean I will. I mean that is…

(But Cooler and Howler shake their heads)

Jerry: (sighs) I guess I don’t. Sorry, Cooler. Ah, why can’t chores be fun?
Cooler: Hey. Maybe you’re onto something, kiddo. Let’s give it the old pound puppy try.

Episode 24: Little Big Dog


(The truck with a ton of bricks drives a little further backwards)

Katrina: A little further. Yes, yes, a little further. Y… Ah, ah, ah. Hold it right there.
Brattina: What are those stinky bricks for, Mommy Dearest?
Katrina: (looking at the security pound on the paper) To build my new maximum security pound. This wall will stop Cooler and his motely mutt cold, like being hit with a ton of bricks.

(Ton of bricks falls on them)

Brattina: Oh! Just kill me already, why don’tcha!
Catgut: (meows)

(Bone-binoculars comes out)

Cooler: Oh, brother! Get a load of what the bad guys are up to this time.

(Katrina is cementing bricks on top)

Katrina: (singing) I’ve been putting up the brick wall
This time, I will win
Brattina: (singing) She’s cementing up the brick wall
To keep the yucky doggies in
Can’t you hear our cheers and shouting

(Catgut falls asleep)

Katrina: (singing) Locking up the mutts we had

(A little pup named Teensy comes out of the hole and sneaks up)

Brattina: (singing) Cooler and screams are shouting
Katrina and Brattina: (singing) Cos they finally met them up

(Catgut wakes up and Teensy stops sneaking up)

Teensy: (screaming)

(Teensy rushes around before Catgut’s head gets stuck in the flowerpot)

Teensy: (screaming and then he stops running) You know what? I’m scared. (screaming and running again)
Cooler: Woo! A little game of Catgut and mouse, and it looks like Catgut hates meeces to pieces.

(Brattina sees that Teensy’s a mouse)

Brattina: Eww! A mouse! Icky-icky-icky-poo yuck!

(Teensy lands on Brattina’s head)

Brattina: Get him off me, Catgut! Get him off!
Nose Marie: Sakes alive! That’s no mouse! That’s a little bitty muppy doggy!

(Brattina makes the crane with Katrina in it wobble and crash down)

Katrina: Bra-Bra-Bra-Bra-Bra-Brat-t-t-ti-ti-ti-tina! Whoa!

(Brattina and Catgut scream; cement splashes into Brattina’s and Catgut’s face)

Nose Marie: We have to save that cute little old pup!
Katrina: (Angry with her) Just for this, Brattina: You’ll get no stewed prunes for a week!

(Nose Marie pops out and rescues Teensy and goes back down)

Nose Marie: Settle down, honey lamb. Nose Marie won’t hurt you. You’re safe with me.
Teensy: Aw.
Cooler: (sighs) That really warms to cockles of my heart. Whatever those are. (laughs)
Bright Eyes: Cooler, maybe the teensy puppy could use my Dolly’s house for a home.
Cooler: Absotutely, guys. Hey, not a bad name for him either, Teensy.

(In the kitchen)

Nose Marie: Now, Teensy darling, what you need is some little old nourishment.

(Teensy climbs up the dish bowl and licks the milk but he falls in)

Nose Marie: (gasps) Oh, sweet corn bone! This will never do. (She picks him up with her teeth and puts him on the little towel) That should keep it, toasty sugar.

Nose Marie: Sleep tight, honey lamb, in pleasant dreams.

(Teensy looks at everything around the Dolly’s home)

Whopper: Hiya, Teensy! Want to see my dirt collection?

(Teensy screams and rushes out)

Nose Marie: Oh, Whopper! I just had him all calmed down and you went and uncalmed him again!
Whopper: Maybe he’s so scared of dirt.

(Teensy screams and stops running)

Teensy: (to the audience) You know what? I’m scared of everything.

(He screams and runs again)

Cooler: Okay, kid. Put it right there, kid! Come on, kid! You can do it, kid! Give it the old pepper, kid!

(Teensy runs and is hit by the baseball glove)

Cooler: Perfectamundo, kid! Hey, Teensy, my pup. Mellow out. No one’s gonna hurt you down here.
Bright Eyes: We’re all super-duper fun loving puppies just like you!
Whopper: Yeah. Just like you except we’re a milli… a trill… a kabillion times bigger. Yeah.
Nose Marie: Don’t you pay no never mind to that, sugar plum. Size doesn’t matter. It’s what’s in here that counts.

(In the kitchen)

Nose Marie: Let’s see how this works out, honey lamb.

(She gives a thimble of milk to Teensy) (Teensy drinks but the milk spills out over him)

Nose Marie: Nonsense! Like my grandmother used to say “Where there’s a pound puppy, there’s a way.” (gasps) I’ve got it. Here’s Nose Marie’s little old secret recipe for a teensy meal. Take one slightly beat up rubber glove. (cutting finger gloves) Add an empty salt shaker, fill it to the brain with cold fresh milk, mix in a little magic, and before you say “Bye, you baby.” You’re dining like a southern puppy king!

(Teensy drinks a milk)

Teensy: (to the audience) You know what? I’m happy.

(Pound Puppies and Teensy are playing cards)

Bright Eyes: Got any nifty Queenie’s?
Teensy: No. Goldfish.
Cooler: Well, after two weeks with us, puparoo, you seem to be getting along just dand-dand-danding.
Teensy: Yes. I’m winning.
Cooler: Whoa! Either my ears are on the fritz, so Holly’s trying to contact me with Puppy Power.
Teensy: What’s Puppy Power?
Cooler: You might call it radio station K-Pup that plays nothing but love songs.
Nose Marie: (to Cooler) Puppy love songs, that is.

(Holly appears via Puppy Power)

Holly: Hi, everyone. I’ve got great news! I found a perfect home for Teensy. This little girl lives in an apartment, and a small puppy like Teensy would fit in just right. Auntie Katrina’s away buying more bricks, so now’s the time to get him out. I’ll meet you upstairs.

(Puppy Power with Holly disappears)

Nose Marie: (gasps) Home? For Teensy?
Cooler: Of course-a-rooney. Remember the Pound Puppy model, neither rain, no snow, no Katrina Stoneheart.
Whopper: So, stop the good guys!
Bright Eyes: From delivering neato puppies.
All: (singing) To happy home!

(Cooler, Bright Eyes and Whopper go upstairs)

Nose Marie: I know. I just didn’t think he’d have to leave me so soon.

(Nose Marie follows them too)

Holly: Teensy, this is your new home.
Teensy: Are you coming with me, Nose Marie?
Nose Marie: No, sweetie pie. You live with a nice little girl here.
Teensy: (crying) I don’t want to leave you, Nose Marie!
Bright Eyes: Golly gee willikers! No pup’s ever not wanted to be adopted before.
Cooler: Yeah, this could put a bad mark on our whiz-bang success record.
Teensy: Ah! I don’t wanna be a bad mark! I just want to stay with Nose Marie!
Holly: Don’t worry, Teensy. We’ll find another puppy for this little girl.
Nose Marie: And we’ll take you back to the little old pound with us.
Teensy: (hugging her) Thank you, Nose Marie!

(Meanwhile, Brattina is setting up mouse traps to catch the mice)

Brattina: There. That should fix any icky-poo mice that come in here. There are enough scary traps to catch a zillion yucky mices, eh, Catgut?
Catgut: (meows)

(Holly opens the gate door to see what is going on)

Holly: What? Brattina, what is going on?
Brattina: “Brattina, what is going on?” I’m trying to catch a mouse, nosy-pants. What’s it look like?
Holly: Brattina still thinks Teensy’s a mouse, and she covered the yard with traps.
Cooler: And here comes the wicked witch of the worst Katrina.

(Katrina drops the bag of bricks and see the others)

Katrina: What the…?
All: Booga-booga-booga!

(Holly and Pound Puppies rush in and stand against the wall)

Katrina: It’s Cooler and those miserable mutts. Brattina! Stop those confounded canines! Don’t just stand there, you ninny! Get them!
Brattina: No! Mommy Dearest, look out!

(Katrina steps on the mouse traps and gets caught in pain off-screen)

Katrina: Ouch! Ow! Ooh! Ah! Ah! Ow!
Brattina: Eww! Mommy Dearest, that looks totally painful.
Katrina: (Angry with her) Not half as painful as the punishment you’ll get for this!
Brattina: (Off-screen) But, Mommy Dearest!

(Katrina carries on putting lots of bricks on as the season changes from Summer to Autumn to Winter)

Katrina: (singing) Lots of bricks, Lots of bricks
Build the wall real high
I’ll keep on cementing bricks
Until I touch the sky
Brattina: (singing) Stinky bricks, smelly bricks
Mommy Dearest, why?!
If we don’t stop for Christmas,
I’ll whine and scream and cry (whining)

(Spring has arrived and the bird tweets and lands on the branch)

Cooler: Whoa! Looks like the spring is sprung. Which means, Nose Marie, it’s time to snip the apron strings and find Teensy a home. Before he eats us out of ours.
Nose Marie: I’m powerfully fond of him, but I can barely lift his food dish anymore. (to Teensy) Teensy, dinner time!
Teensy: Oh, boy.

(He comes in becoming giant)

Nose Marie: You’re right, Cooler. I guess it’s time to get Teensy adopted.
Teensy: Adopted? But I don’t wanna leave, Nose Marie. (crying) Whoo, is me!
Nose Marie: Teensy, sugar plum, everyone has to leave the nest some time and we’ll come and visit at your new home.
Teensy: You promise?
Cooler: Positively, Teensy, my pup.
Nose Marie: And remember, honey lamb. Just let out a little old howl, (howling) and I’ll come running.
Teensy: All right. I’ll go.

(They all celebrate)

Brattina: (in her walkie-talkie) Mommy Dearest, I’m sick of the stinky smelly wall! Come down already, why don’tcha!
Katrina: Stop whining, Brattina! I want to put one more row of bricks on, and then I’ll be down. (to the audience) Cooler and those crummy canines will never help another mutt escape. (laughs evilly)

(Down below, brick wall turns around revealing Holly, Pound Puppies and Teensy and they see that the brick wall is so big)

Cooler: Whoa! Looks like Katrina’s been a busy little bad girl.
Holly: Come on! Auntie Katrina’s way up there. She’ll never see you leave.

(Holly and the Pound Puppies sneak past Brattina, Katrina and Catgut and Teensy stamps past them too)

Catgut: (meows)
Brattina: Mommy Dearest! Where did the horsey come from? Can we keep him, Mommy Dearest? Oh, please! Can we keep him?
Katrina: Stop talking nonsense! What’s going on down there?
Brattina: (Off-screen) Holly’s letting Cooler and some dogs and a horsey go out the front gate.
Katrina: Cooler and some dogs?! Well, stop them, you fool! (noticing the wall has a crack) Oh, no! My wonderful wall!
Cooler: Looks like Katrina’s plan isn’t all it was cracked up to be. (laughs)

(Holly, the Pound Puppies and Teensy leave the pound before the brick wall collapses)

Katrina: NO!!

(Katrina and Brattina are sitting down in defeat)

Katrina: Mutts drive me nuts!

(At the field filled with sheep, little girl opens the door and comes out)

Cooler: There it is, Teensy. Your new hap-hap-happy home.
Teensy: Well, I guess this is goodbye, Nose Marie.
Nose Marie: Oh! But I don’t want you to go!
Teensy: Now, now. Everyone has to leave the nest some time. Besides, I’ll come visit ya.
Nose Marie: You promise?
Teensy: Positively! And remember, just let out a howl, (howling) and I’ll come running.

(He comes to see his master as he howls and then he licks her as she giggles)

Teensy: (to the audience) You know what? I’m happy.
Nose Marie: You know what? So am I.

Episode 25: The Bright Eyes Mob


(Pound Puppies are watching the news on TV)

Nose Marie: Oh, no! All the news! It can’t be!
Cooler: If I didn’t know better, I’d say that looks like Bright Eyes.

(They see Bright Eyes on TV stealing Bruno’s weenies)

Howler: (howling) It is Bright Eyes.
Newscaster: We’re here at Bruno’s Meat Market scene of a bold robbery. Mr. Bruno, what exactly happened?
Bruno: Well, I was slicing veal cutlets when this here vicious criminal-type canine comes in and steals my weenies.
Nose Marie: We have to stop Bright Eyes before she strikes again!
Howler: Yeah. If she stole weenies, she may be building up to b-b-baloney’s.
Cooler: Pound Puppies, let’s start pounding!

(Pound Puppies rush off to stop Bright Eyes)

Toots: Bright Eyes, go grab damn cookies and cakes and bring them here.
Bright Eyes: Anything for my peachy king friend.
Toots: You really would do anything for me, wouldn’t you, kid?
Bright Eyes: Sure, Toots! That’s what friends are for!
Toots: (gasps) Wait a minute. I don’t know who’s the bigger sucker. Bright Eyes or me.

Episode 26: The Rescue Pups


(Katrina and Brattina are looking through their binoculars)

Katrina: Keep your eyes peeled, Brattina. I have a feeling something big is about to happen. Aha! There’s a big dopey mutt just asking to be caught! (She realizes it is Howler shaped hot-air balloon) Oh!
Howler: (howls)
Katrina: Brattina! Do something!
Brattina: No sweat, Mommy Dearest! I’ll smell those flying furballs!

(Brattina uses a fishing rod to catch Pound Puppies)

Cooler: Uh-oh. Looks like we’re the catch of the day!
Brattina: (singing) I’ve got the stinkers! I’m going to stink ‘em!

(They try to pull back, but they are pulled by the hot-air balloon hanging them on)

All: Whoa!
Katrina: You mangy mutts! Put us down!!
Howler: (howls) With pleasure.

(Howler cuts the fishing rod with a pair of scissors from inside his hat sending Katrina, Brattina and Catgut down the chimney)

Cooler: Okay, crew! Up, pup and away!

(Then they fly up all the way to Jody’s house)

(Back at the house, Arf is scratching the door to Jody’s Mom to help; Jody’s Mom opens the door and Arf comes in)

Jody’s Mom: Huh? Hey! Come back here!
Arf: (barks)
Jody’s Mom: Jody, why is this dog here? Jody? Where are you?

(Arf has a note from Jody that she is in trouble)

Jody’s Mom: What? She’s gone! Is Jody in some sort of trouble?

(Arf goes off to find Jody, then Jody’s Mom follows him)

Jody’s Mom: Beat the way, Arf. I’m right behind you.

(In his imagination, Whopper becomes the king of the jungle)

Whopper: Here’s Jungle pup Whopper searching the forest for something to keep Jody warm!
Bright Eyes: (Off-screen) HELP!
Whopper: The jungle pup princess has been captured by the dreaded black panther! Yeah! Our hero can swing in option! (swinging to rescue Bright Eyes) Whoa-hoa-hoa! Without any panther’s own safety, Jungle pup Whopper dives endureth the monster of biomass bear tape!

(Whopper bounces and he attacks the black panther, then he bites his tail. Then his imagination comes back to the real world holding the blanket)

Bright Eyes and Whopper: Whoa!
Whopper: Now I know why we dogs learn a lot on the couch.
Bright Eyes: Good work, Whopper! This ought to keep Jody nice and toasty. Come on!

(The two pups leave)

Episode 27: Good Night, Sweet Pups


(Cooler and Nose Marie give Henry a pup named Toby)

Cooler: There you go, Henry. One cute little puparoo as promised.
Nose Marie: You’re sure your little ol’ parents said it was okay?
Henry: I’m sure. (giggling) Come on, Toby. Let’s show you to mom and dad, and thanks, Pound Puppies.

(Suddenly, they hear Whopper howling from the HQ)

Nose Marie: Bless my dog bones! Little ol’ Whopper must be having a nightmare again.
Cooler: We better be pound bound before he wakes up Katrina.

(After having a dream)

Howler: Boy, oh boy! Whopper, you gotta get some new dreams.
Bright Eyes: (rubbing her eyes) Yeah. I’m super glad that one’s done.
Nose Marie: Now all we have to do is get you over your little ol’ fear of the dark.
Whopper: No. That’s impossible. No way. Can’t be done, can it?
Cooler: Hey. That spooky jazz-a-rooney is just your imagination working overtime.
Whopper: What’s an imagination?

(Cooler shows Whopper a guide)

Cooler: It’s the place in your head where you make stuff up, and you got the wildest and wackiest imagination in the whole pound.
Whopper: But I’m not making it up! It’s really dark and scary!
Nose Marie: Whopper honey, the dark is just the same as daytime only with a little ol’ lights turned out.
Cooler: And I know just how we can prove it.

Bright Eyes: Finding gums for all the other puppies is as easy as gumdrops.
Cooler: (yawning) But now that Katrina is on vacation.
Nose Marie: Are you sure you don’t want the little old night light, Whopper?
Whopper: Nah. Tonight, Wonder Whopper is gonna have nothing but sweet dreams. Thanks to all my puppy pals. Goodnight, everybody. (turning off the lamp)
All: Goodnight, Whopper!

Episode 28: Nose Marie Day


(A pup named Freddie is being chased by Katrina)

Freddie: (barks and whimpers)
Katrina: Get into that cage, you filthy mongrel!

(Brattina shuts the cage door)

Brattina: And don’t show your smelly doggy face again.
Katrina: Well, don’t just stand there, you two. Where are they?
Holly: Where what?
Katrina: My gifts. It’s Mother’s Day. I’m a mother. Where are my gifts?!
Holly: Oh. Here, Auntie Katrina. (She shows Katrina) I made this card myself. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Nobody in the world has a mother like you.
Katrina: Ooh, isn’t that sweet? (ripping the Mother’s Day card) I hate sweet! This isn’t the gift! I want merchandise! I hope you did better, Brattina.
Brattina: You betcha. (She shows Katrina a present) Happy Mommy Dearest Day.
Katrina: A plant? Uck! It disgusts me.
Brattina: But it’s special, Mommy Dearest. It’s an icky-poo Puppy-Eating Plant.
Puppy-Eating Plant: Puppies, puppies, puppies!
Katrina: Oh, Brattina! It’s a Mother’s Day dream come true! (kissing Brattina)
Brattina: Eww! Totally gross me out, why don’tcha!
Puppy-Eating Plant: I love puppies! Puppies! Puppies!

(Freddie whimpers as the trapdoors open and he slides down to the HQ before Nose Marie catches him)

Nose Marie: Freddie dumpling, don’t you worry about that silly old vegetable. We’re going to get you adopted, just as soon as I clean you up with a little old bath.
Whopper: Whoa! Hold on, girl ma’am. This here is Nose Marie’s Day, which means you don’t do married no work at all. Yeah.
Nose Marie: But…
Bright Eyes: No buts about it. We’ll get Freddie a super-duper bath.
Howler: With my new improved Bath-O-Matic!
Whopper: Bath-O-Matic home!

Brattina: Mommy Dearest, come and see. I watered unfertilized your new plant. Look at it now! Lookie, lookie, lookie!
Catgut: (meows)
Katrina: Oh, that is adorable!
Puppy-Eating Plant: Puppies, puppies, puppies! (licks and slurps) I love puppies!

(In the Hall of Puppy Power)

Nose Marie: Well, I’m obviously not needed around here anymore. So I’d best go somewhere where I am needed. (to Puppy Power) Puppy Power, let me see. A loving master just for me.

(Puppy Power appears via Nose Marie; The mover is moving their stuff out from their house)

Lisa’s Mom: The movers are almost finished, honey.
Lisa’s Dad: Then let’s get packed with a plane to catch. California, here we come!
Lisa’s Mom: And Lisa, our new home has a great big backyard, so you can finally have that puppy you’ve always wanted.
Lisa: A puppy?! Oh boy, I can’t wait.
Nose Marie: And you won’t have to wait, cos this puppy’s coming with you.

Cooler: Whoa! That is one jumbo economy sized vegetable.
All: (groaning) Oh.
Whopper: Well, it’s been a long day, riding the range partner. And those scout pups flung. Dog-type took ‘em out.
Howler: Which mean we’re bushed. How does Nose Marie do it every day?
Cooler: Beats the fleas out of me, but we have puppy proof of how important Nose Marie is to us. So let’s go tell her.
Holly: That might not be so easy. Nose Marie is gone!
All: What?
Holly: She left a note. (reading) Dear gang. I’ve gone to get myself adopted. I just hope my new master likes me.
Lisa: Like her? I love her. She’s the most wonderful puppy ever.
Lisa’s Mom: Well then, I guess we’ll just have to take her to California with us.
Lisa: All right!
Nose Marie: (barking squeakily)
Lisa’s Dad: Come on, Lisa. We don’t wanna miss our flight.

(They all get in the car by taxi and off to the airport)

Holly: (reading continuously) If all goes well, I’ll be flying to California today. I missed you all, but at least I’ll be with someone who needs me. Love Nose Marie.
Howler: (howls) This is awful. Nose Marie doesn’t think we need her.
Whopper: Boy! Is she wrong?
Bright Eyes: And she’s leaving on a plane for California! Oh, what do we do?
Cooler: We have to stop her. Pound Puppies, let’s start pounding!

(Pound Puppies are going up in the pupscalator to stop her)

Cooler: Follow me, crew!

(The Puppy-Eating Plant kisses the Pound Puppies)

Cooler: Well, what do you know? He does love puppies. (laughs)
Katrina: What?! You’re supposed to eat them, not love them, you-you weed!

(The plane is about to take off)

Flight Recorder: Will all passengers please fasten your seat belts and prepare for take-off?
Lisa: Are you all ready to go, Nose Marie?
Nose Marie: As ready as I’ll ever be, Lisa.
Flight Recorder: Flight Niner five to Los Angeles requests our clearance for take-off.
Pilot #1: Oh, hold the phone, Flight Niner five. We have unauthorized personnel on the runway.
Pilot #2: Correction. We have unauthorized dogs on the runway.

(They see Pound Puppies coming on the runway)

Howler: (howls)
Whopper: (Imitating siren noise) Hey! Pull over!
Flight Recorder: There’s going to be a short delay, folks. We have a bunch of dogs blocking our take-off.
Lisa: Dogs?

(Howler howls off-screen)

Nose Marie: Howler?

(Nose Marie gets out and runs to the plane door) (Pound Puppies bark at the plane then the plane door opens)

Nose Marie: What are you all doing here?
Cooler: Nose Marie! Don’t leave us, kiddo! I need you!
Howler, Bright Eyes and Whopper: We need you!
Holly: The puppy pound just wouldn’t be the same without you.

(Nose Marie comes to hug Holly)

Nose Marie: I missed you, southern fried goodness!
Cooler: Absitively posolutely!
Lisa: Nose Marie, what’s going on? Oh. Is Nose Marie your dog?
Holly: Well, kind of. You see, we really need her help with the pound.
Freddie: Well, how about another puppy who’s just as nice and cute? Hi. My name’s Freddie.

(Freddie licks Lisa)

Lisa: Oh. Freddie, you’re perfect.

(They all howl)

Lisa and Freddie: Thanks, Pound Puppies!

(They wave goodbye to Pound Puppies and then the plane takes off)

Nose Marie: Another happy adoption.
Cooler: And it’s all thanks to you, Nose Marie.
All: You’re the greatest!

(They kiss her)

Nose Marie: That’s the best little old Mother’s Day present of all!

Episode 29: Snow Puppies


(It is a very sunny day at the puppy pound) (Down below, Pound Puppies are having a relax in the Pound Puppy Lagoon)

Cooler: Whoa. The only way to beat this heat is to think cool thoughts. Like cooler is cool, ice is cool, the lagoon is cool.
Nose Marie: I’m really sick about poor little old Thunderhawk.

(Thunderhawk tries to drink but the water is so icy and he pants)

Bright Eyes: He’s drinking more water than the otter. He can’t stand the heat!
Cooler: What’s the temp-pup do now, Whopper?
Whopper: It’s a hundred… a thou… No. A mid-air of core diamond degree!

(Whopper looks at the thermometer that goes up really high then explodes a little bit)

Whopper: Hya!

(Thunderhawk pants)

Bright Eyes: Howler, can you tell us why the heat is hitting Thunderhawk so super-duper hard?
Howler: (howling) The Computer-Pupter should give us the answer.

(Howler’s Computer-Pupter calculates and says “HOT”)

Computer-Pupter: Thunderhawk’s problem is, he’s hot! He’s hot! He’s hot!
Cooler: We know he’s hot, but why is he hotter than the rest of us hotshots?
Holly: I think I have the answer. (looking at the book) It says here. Thunderhawk’s the Siberian Husky. These dogs thrive best in a cold climate. They love ice and snow.
Cooler: Then what we have to do is get this puparoo a master with an igloo.

(In the Hall of Puppy Power)

Holly: Puppy Power, do your stuff. Find a place that’s cold enough.
Cooler: (to Thunderhawk) A master with a freezing home. Someplace maybe north of Nome?
Bright Eyes: Where’s Nome?
Whopper: In Alaska, same time zone is Santa Claus.

(Puppy Power appears with a boy named Nahook who is polishing his sled in Alaska)

Oran: Hey, Nahook. Nice sled! You gonna be in the race on Saturday?
Nahook: Nah. I still don’t have a dog. How can I race?
Oran: Well, maybe you can pull the sled yourself. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Nahook: Very funny, Oran. (sighs)
Thunderhawk: I can be Nahook’s sled dog.
Holly: And Nahook could be your new ever loving master.
Thunderhawk: Together, we can win any race.
Cooler: Pups and puppets, we’re snowbound hounds! Alaskey, here we come!

Katrina: (sighs) I’m miserably hot. The only comfort is knowing those mutts so suffering more than I am.
Brattina: Eww! I don’t think so, Mommy Dearest. Look!

(Pound Puppies and Thunderhawk are speeding away to Alaska)

Holly: Good luck, Pound Puppies!
Pound Puppies: Thanks, Holly!
Katrina: Stop those mongrels!

(Katrina and Brattina try to get Pound Puppies but they get away)

Katrina: Oh, blast it all! They’re getting away!

(They hear the ground sizzling)

Brattina: (sniffs) Mommy Dearest, did you smell something? I think someone is having a cookout.
Katrina: No, Brattina dear. It’s the smell of our bare feet sizzling on the hot pavement.

(They jump off the ground burning)

All: Whoa!

(At the airport, the parcels and packages are delivered to the Air Mail plane and is about to be ready for take-off) (In the box saying “Live Animals,” Pound Puppies and Thunderhawk pop out)

Bright Eyes: Here, healing my shots to Alaska is a super-nifty idea, Cooler!
Howler: But, kids, please, don’t try this at home.
Cooler: I just hope I haven’t already seen inch like me.
Katrina: (Off-screen) There they are!
All: Uh-oh!
Katrina: Those walking canines won’t get away from me! Grab them!
Cooler: Let’s hit for the blue skies, guys!

(Katrina tries to take the box but the mechanical hands grab them and put them in the other box)

Katrina: Gotcha! No! Let go of me!
Brattina: Take your gunky hands off me! Eww! Icky!
Catgut: (meows)

(Catgut is put into the box and they close the lid)

Katrina: No! Get me out of here! Let me out I say! Where are we going?!

(The plane door shuts and then the Air Mail plane takes off to Alaska)

(The Air Mail plane lands on the runway and stops) (Pound Puppies and Thunderhawk are wrapped up warm and getting out of the plane)

Katrina: Oh! I’m freezing. And tha-a-at’s all the bunch of those c-c-c-crooked c-c-c-canines. Those mutts drive me nuts!

(Katrina is now frozen, so Brattina and Catgut have to carry her)

Brattina: Come on, Catgut. We have to go far with Mommy Dearest.
Catgut: (meows)

Nahook: Star light, star bright. First star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might. Have this wish I wish tonight. I wish I had a dog to pull my sled to victory.

(Suddenly, he can hear a sled coming in)

Whopper: Ho ho ho! Ho ho Idaho!
Nahook: Who in the world are you?
Whopper: I’m Santa Whopper, and I bought you a present.
Thunderhawk: Hi. My name is Thunderhawk. You need a sled up for the big race?
Nahook: Do I? You bet!
Thunderhawk: And I’m your pup. (he licks Nahook)
Bright Eyes: Aww! Thunderhawk finally has a loving master to care for him!
Nahook: Now listen, Thunderhawk, I want to win that race tomorrow.
Thunderhawk: You got it, Nahook!
Nahook: Great! We’re gonna leave Oran in the slush.
Cooler: Whoa. Looks like winning a race is the only thing those who care about.

(At Pierre’s General Store)

Katrina: Let’s see. We have dog traps, doormats, dog cage, kitty litter.
Brattina: Well, bust my back already, why don’tcha!
Katrina: Now, Pierre, what do you have in the vehicle that will smash anything in its path?
Pierre: I see this may lose it to it now.

(He presses the button and the door slides open revealing the snow-mobile)

Katrina: Oh, yes! Yes! Yes!

Whopper: Cooler, do you think Katrina will get back to the pound before we do?
Cooler: Gee. I don’t know, Whopper.

(They can hear polar bear growling at the villains who run away from it)

Brattina: Make it stop, Mommy Dearest! Make it stop!
Katrina: Oh, Brattina, stop whining and just keep moving!
Cooler: It depends on how fast she can run. (laughs)

Episode 30: Where’s the Fire?

Katrina: Ah! There’s a mongrel right outside the pound. (to Brattina) DO YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!
Brattina: Well, scream like a banshee, why don’tcha!
Katrina: Oh, stop complaining, Brattina! We have a dog to catch!

Episode 31: The Wonderful World of Whopper

Beezer: Boy, am I bored? Bored, bored, bordy bored, bored. I’m so bored, I could scream. (screams)
Whopper: Ahoy, Beezer! How can you be bored with us? All kinds of fun stuff to do around here.
Beezer: Oh. (yawning) Oh, yeah? Like what?
Whopper: Like, uh, well, let’s see. Like swinging through the jungle for instance?
Beezer: I think your flea color’s on too tight, Whopper. What jungle?
Whopper: I’ll show ya. See my jungle treehouse here?
Beezer: That’s just your dumb old boring doghouse.
Whopper: Yeah, but you can pretend it’s anything you want! Watch this!

Episode 32: Bright Lights, Bright Eyes

Cooler: Well, today’s the day, Bright Eyes. It’s Talent Show City.
Nose Marie: Are you ready to sing your heart out, honey lam?
Bright Eyes: Ooh, ready and rating to go. I’m gonna knock their socks off. Wish me luck! Although, I know I don’t need it.
Cooler: Hmm. If this is a bragging contest, Bright Eyes will win first place-a-rooney.

Episode 33: Dog and Caterpillar

Whopper: Cooler! Nose Marie! Bright Eyes! Howler! Help!
Cooler: Whoa! What’s the problem-o?
Whopper: It’s Squiggle! He’s gone! I can’t find him anywhere!
Nose Marie: I thought I saw him wiggling up the little old pupscalator.

(Whopper runs up the pupscalator)

Whopper: Oh, no! Catgut will get him up there!
Cooler: Oh, what a goof! I shoulda warned Whopper that someday his caterpillar pal would have to move on.

Episode 34: Garbage Night: The Musical

Holly: Here it is! The Pets ‘R’ People Too Restaurant.
Cooler: Whoa, a dress code! No furs, no feathers, no food.
Holly: Right. That’s because it’s only for pet on us and airy animals.
Bright Eyes: What a nifty neato idea! It’s like feeding time at the zoo!
Whopper: Yeah, but they’re eating vegetables and stuffing’s good for ya. I wanna eat junk food.

Episode 35: Peter Pup


(At the Wizard of Howls’)

Peter Pup: Oh, mighty Wizard of Howls! We need your help.
Sparkle: Tell us how to defeat that wicked ol’ witch Lies-a-lot.
Peter Pup: You’re our last hope.
Wizard of Howls: I am. I am. Well, isn’t that special? (howls)
Peter Pup: We’re doomed.
Wizard of Howls: L-L-Let me just check my book of spells. A book ski-doodle our book ski-die. Flap see all your pages and fly!

(Books of spells fly and spin faster and faster around Wizard of Howls)

Wizard of Howls: Ah, this is how I studied for tests at Wizard School. Nothing better these dizzy spells, but I’m not afraid now. (howls) I found it! Ah, here’s the way to put the kibosh on Queen Lies-a-Lot.
Peter Pup: So what do we do? Cast a spell? Mix a potion? Change your kitty litter or what?
Wizard of Howls: (looking at the book) The only way to start our evil is for the puppy who told the lies to admit it.
Sparkle: Now if we only knew who the little ol’ fipper was.

(Peter Pup imagines it is Whopper in his diaper)

Peter Pup: I may be wrong. But my hunch is it’s that dude in the diaper.

Episode 36: Cooler, Come Back


(They arrive at the Ends of the Earth)

Katrina: Here we are! The Ends of the Earth. Now, under that cargo, (She reverses backwards over the cliff) and give Cooler a Bon voyage. (laughs evilly)

(Katrina, Brattina and Catgut get out of the truck and go to the back, but she realizes that Cooler has escaped)

Katrina: No. No! No! That blasted animal’s GONE!

(The cliff begins to crumble)

Brattina: Eww! What a icky mess, Mommy Dearest!
Katrina: That’s the sound of the dark crumbling beneath our feet.

(The cliff collapses and they fall and land into the river)

All: Whoa!
Katrina: I’ll get even with you, Cooler! Wherever you ARE!!

(They fall over the waterfall)
