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Rabiha Al-Refaie

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Rabiha Refaie is a Jordanian writer and poet of Palestinian origin.



We are the ones who built, with our stillness, all those idols that are sitting on our chests, and we are able to bring them down and destroy them.


نحن الذين بنينا بسكوننا كل تلك الأصنام القابعة على صدورنا ونحن قادرون على إسقاطها وتحطيمها

  global union for creative and literature

We flee to illusion in search of a wasted dream in a time of nightmares.


نَفِرُّ لِلوَهمِ بَحثًا عَنْ حُلُمٍ مَهدُورٍ فِي زَمَنِ الكَوابِيسِ

  global union for creative and literature

The first step of patriotism is not to accept change coming from outside the borders of the country. If you accept it, then whatever the greedy bring will be permissible for you.


أوّلُ الوطنيةِ أن لا ترضى بالتغييرِ القادمِ من خارجِ حدودِ الوطنِ، فإن قبلتَهُ جازَ عليكَ ما يأتي بهِ الطّامعون.

  global union for creative and literature

The earth loves us to the point of taking us back one day, and it loves the plants to the point of embracing them so they grow and flourish, and it loves the rain so it summons it to it, and it loves it.


الأرض تحبنا حد استعادتنا ذات يوم وتحب الزرع حد احتضانه لينمو ويثمر وتحب المطر فتستدعيه إليها، ويحبه.

  Al Hayat News

Our problem is the same, it doesn't change. We raise things emotionally and put them down emotionally.


مشكلتنا واحدة لا تتغير نرفع بانفعال ونضع بانفعال.

  Al Hayat News