Raoul de Soissons

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Raoul de Soissons (1210/15 – 1270, or shortly thereafter) was a French nobleman, Crusader, and trouvère. He was the second son of Raoul le Bon, Count of Soissons, and became the Sire de Coeuvres in 1232. He participated in three Crusades.


  • Ha belle blonde
    Au cors si gent
    Perle du monde
    Que j'aime tant!
    • Ah! beauteous maid,
      Of form so fair!
      Pearl of the world,
      Beloved and dear!
    • From the Anthologie Françoise (cp. Ravalière, Les poésies du roy de Navarre, vol. 2, p. 213), as translated by Edgar Taylor, Lays of the Minnesingers and Troubadours (1825), p. 267
    • Cp. verses of the Troubadour Peyrols: Gran talen ai qu'un baisar...
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