Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure

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Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (originally known as Tangled: The Series in its first season) is an American animated television series developed by Chris Sonnenburg and Shane Pigmore and produced by Disney Television Animation that premiered on Disney Channel as a Disney Channel Original Movie titled Tangled: Before Ever After on March 10, 2017, with regular episodes premiering on March 24, 2017. The series is based on the 2010 film Tangled and features the returning voices of Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore, alongside Eden Espinosa, Clancy Brown, and Julie Bowen.

A six-minute short film Tangled: Ever After debuted along with the premiere of the special Diamond edition of Cinderella in 2012.

Season One (2017-2018)

What the Hair!?

(In Rapunzel's dream-turned-nightmare)
Mother Gothel: Hello, Rapunzel. Did you think I was gone forever? What's the matter, Dear? Aren't you happy to see your mummy? And look! Your hair has returned! Isn't it wonderful? Come now, dear. Let's get back to your tower, where you will be safe and secure. RAPUNZEL!!

Queen Arianna: Fred, you haven't touched your food.
King Fredric: I touched it. Look, I moved my eggs from there to here.
Queen Arianna: It's been nearly a week. Just talk to her.
King Fredric: You remember my last conversation with Rapunzel didn't go exactly as I had hoped?
Queen Arianna: Fred, you confined Rapunzel to the walls of Corona under martial law. If that's a daddy-daughter conversation, I'd hate to see what a talking-too is.

Princess Rapunzel: Come on, Cass! Those dreams are trying to tell me something! Ever since that night-
Cassandra: Shh. Raps, I told you: We can't tell anyone about that night.
Princess Rapunzel: Um, I think the secret's pretty much out.
Cassandra: Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows the hair's back but if anyone knew I was the one who took you outside when it happened, I'd be sent to a convent. Literally, a convent.

Princess Rapunzel: "Oh, please. Just Rapunzel. I need to ask you about my hair."
Varian: Ah, yes. So, fantastical stories about your hair returning have spread throughout Corona. Some say it's magic but, personally, I don't believe that. Now as you probably guessed, I am a man of science. Not magic. Specifically, al.
Cassandra: Alchemy. We know. Now listen here, kid! We need your help. But let me make something clear. Whatever happens here stays here! You got it!?
Varian: Now, let's see exactly what this hair is made of.

(Sings the last two lines of the Sundrop Flower's healing incantation)
Princes Rapunzel:
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine
Varian: Yes- I mean no! Ow.
Rapunzel: Huh. That used to work.
Varian: Well, silver lining. We sure acquired some mystery about your hair: It no longer possesses its legendary healing power.

(A burst of yellow light emanates from the debris, revealing an unhurt Rapunzel and Eugene, in an orbicular shield of hair)
Eugene: What the hair!?

Rapunzel: Okay. The truth? Remember when I said I woke up with long hair? Well, I didn't. Cassandra snuck me out.
Eugene: Ha! I knew it! She is gonna be in so much trouble!
Rapunzel: She showed me these black rocks that began to glow. I know it's strange, but I think they're what made my hair grow back.
Eugene: Back rocks that glow? Okay, we're back to weird.
Rapunzel: And when I touched the rocks, they started chasing us.
Eugene: Rocks chasing you? Okay, we're back to weird.
Rapunzel: And when we got far enough away from them, they stopped growing.

Rapunzel's Enemy

Eugene: You don't know what "boo" means, do you?
Princess Rapunzel: Of course I do! It's a cheer like "hooray" or "yea", right? No? Then what does "boo" mean?
(Back in Rapunzel's room)
Cassandra: It means someone hates you.
Princess Rapunzel: Why wouldn't someone like me? What could I have done to this person?
Eugene: "Rapunzel, who cares? Not everyone has to like you. Its part of life."
Cassandra: "Eugene's right. I someone couldn't like you for any number of reasons. Like you have a stupid goatee that makes you look ridiculous."
Eugene: "Uh, Cass, it's hard to take your insults seriously when you're holding that thing."

Monty: "Your Majesty, you went through all of this just to win my favor?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I know, I know. It's a little crazy, but just had to know why you booed me."
Monty: "Fine. You wanna know why I booed?"
Princess Rapunzel: 'uh huh, uh huh!"
Monty: "The seal."
Princess Rapunzel: "Wait, the Goodwill seal?"
Monty: "Yes, the Goodwill seal! You redesigned a perfectly good seal."
Princess Rapunzel: "I'm sorry?"
Monty: "Since you've returned, everything's changed. I mean, come on! A royal in bare feet? Pug Thugs in the castle? The list goes no. It's like you and your free spirit have a total disregard for tradition!! And then I realized that, well, maybe that spirit and to-heck-with-it attitude aren't so bad after all. I mean, you did inspire me to achieve my life's dream."
Princess Rapunzel: "See? I told you that-"
Monty: "But then, you put on this deceitful charade and made a complete fool of me!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Wait, so are we friends again?"
Monty: "Of course not! And we never will be because I don't like you. Not everyone has to like everyone, Your Majesty."
Princess Rapunzel: "You know what? Now that I'm thinking of it, I don't think I like you so much either. No, wait, wait! I know I don't like you. Not friends?"
Monty: "Not friends."

Fitzherbert P.I.

Cassandra: Listen, Raps, if you trying to find your defining activity, don't listen to this dud whose whole work history is being a two-bit hood.
Eugene: Two bit hood!? Hold the pastry! I'll have you know Cassandra, Flynn Rider was a legend.
Cassandra: Keyword being "was." And what is it you do now?
Eugene: I uh, I do many...things. You know, important things, things so important you wouldn't even understand 'em. Sometimes I don't even understand 'em. Tell her, Blondie.
Rapunzel: Hmm. What?

Rapunzel: You're gonna become a royal guard?
Eugene: It makes total sense, right? I try to have a normal job but I have trouble with authority! Being a guard I am the authority.

Captain of the Guards: Ten fingers.
Stan: Captain, that means Eugene was-
Captain of the Guards: Don't you dare finish that sentence! Now go!

Cassandra v. Eugene

(Rapunzel is painting a picture inside her bedroom but she ruins her painting when she hears Cassandra yelling)

Cassandra: Fitzherbert! (Rapunzel gasps)
Rapunzel: (sighs) not again. (Pascal also had enough of Eugene and Cassandra's argument)
Eugene: I don't know what you're so upset about! Oh, wait, know was the wrong choice of words. (Rapunzel sees her painting and holds it then tosses it on the other paintings and walks to the hall while being annoyed) I meant, I don't care what you're so upset about.
Rapunzel: (sighs deeply) Hey, guys! Everything okay? I couldn't help but overhear a--
Cassandra: Not only did you take my halberd without asking, you got your disgusting hair all over it!
Eugene: How dare you! First of all, I did not touch your halberd. Second of all, what is a halberd? (Cssandra shows it to him) Oh! Oh, a halberd. Okay, fine, you got me, but check out this shave. Smooth as a baby's bottom.
Cassandra: Try a monkey's.
Rapunzel: Okay. Okay. (tells Cassandra and Eugene when walking between them) Everyone, let's take a deep, calming, cleansing breath. (inhales, exhales)
Eugene: To be fair, I asked several times if I could use that thing.
Cassandra: And I said "no" every time.
Eugene: Which shouldn't matter, because we both know I don't listen to you.
Rapunzel: Guys, come on. This is ridiculous. (tells Cassandra and Eugene)
Cassandra: Eugene, a halberd should only be handled by a skilled warrior.
Eugene: Hello! Skilled warrior! (referring to himself) (grabs Cassandra's halberd from her and show her that she is wrong about him being a pro) You forgot Flynn Rider has handled plenty of weapons. (King Frederic's favorite vase shatters) Oh. (sees that he shattered it)
Cassandra: Ha! Way to go, Eugene. (Rapunzel sees her dad's favorite vase is shattered on the floor)
Eugene: That-- that's a faulty halberd right there. (points to it) (Rapunzel runs to her dad's favorite vase that is shattered by Eugene)
Rapunzel: Let's not panic! I mean, it is-- was my dad's favorite, irreplaceable, one of a kind, most favorite vase, but--
Cassandra: Hey, I have an idea, Eugene. Why not just steal him another one? Oh! Oh, wait, wait. You can't! This is a one of a kind vase.
Eugene: (chuckles) Of course you would pronounce it "vahz", Cassandra.
Cassandra: Yeah, yeah, "vayce," "vahz." Either way, it'll be the first the king sees when he sits down for dinner tonight, or doesn't see.
Eugene: You just love making me look like an idiot in front of the king, don't ya?
Cassandra: Nope, you do a perfect job of that all on your own. (Rapunzel sighs and walks back to her bedroom)
Eugene: Thank you. Wait a minute!

(Pascal holds the dust pan while Rapunzel sweeps the shaattered vase)

Rapunzel: I can't take it anymore, Pascal. (tells him and he squeaks) I mean, why can't Cass and Eugene just get along? They're both caring, supportive, very considerable people... who somehow got us to clean up their mess. (Pascal squeaks) I bet they would be great friends if they just stopped fighting long enough to spend some quality time together. (Pascal grumbles) (Rapunzel gasps) Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! That's it! That's it! (has an idea) I will make them spend time together. Come on. (Pascal squeaks) (picks up her pet while she drops the broom to the floor then leaves)

(upbeat music) (Pascal is delivering a note to Cassandra) (Pascal sighs) (Pascal opens Cassandra's bedroom and walks inside) (metal scraping) (Cassandra is sharping her sword) (Pascal puts the note on the floor)

Cassandra:What's this? (sees the note) (Pascal turns around and chirps then leaves) (walks to the note and picks it up then opens it and smiles)

(upbeat music) (Pascal is delivering a note to Eugene at the hall while talking to Stan)

Eugene: I'm telling you, Stan! (Stan is bored) The handlebar mustache is so passé. Today, it's all about the goatee. (Pascal walks to him) You know what I mean? (Pascal chirps while trying to have his attention) You see-- (turns and sees Pascal) Just a second frog, I'm making a point. (gives a note to Eugene) by Oh! Hey, easy! What? What? (takes the note) What is it? (sees the note) A note from Cassandra? If this is another eviction letter, I am going to lose it! (Pascal grumbles when he walks away) She does not have the authority for that! I checked! (sees the note again) Hmm, well, this ought to be interesting.

(rats squeaking) (Eugene opens the door to the dungeon and walks inside then enters the opened cell while holding the note)

Eugene: Okay, it's a grim place to offer an apology, but then again, this is Cassandra we're talking about. (turns around to see Cass inside a cell)
Cassandra: I'm sorry. (Eugene yelps) Did you just say I was going to offer you an apology? (holds her note while walking to him)
Eugene: Yeah! You said in your note you wanted to say sorry.
Cassandra: I didn't write you a note. You wrote me a note. (shows the note) (door closes, locks) Huh? (Rapunzel is inside the dungeon twirling a key)
Eugene: Hey! What are you doing? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Time for the game to begin. (tells Eugene and Cassandra)
Cassandra: Game? What are you talking about? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Don't you see? I wrote the letters. They were merely a ruse to lure you both down here.
Eugene: What? You can't just lock us in here. (Pascal grumbles)
Rapunzel: (chuckles) Oh, I can, and I have, and I'm afraid your only way to escape is to work together, to solve a puzzle of my own design.
Eugene: What puzzle?
Rapunzel: Within these walls, you will find a series of strategically placed, increasingly difficult clues, each one more unfathomably perplexing than the last. Put them together, and you're free to go. (Eugene and Cassandra are shocked) Fail? And this prison cell will become your new home. (leaves) (cackles evilly) (returns with treats) Oh, and I made you guys cookies. (gives the basket to Cassandra) (leaves again)
Eugene: What are we, twelve? (takes a cookie from the basket and holds the treat then bites it) (cookie crumbs rustling to the floor and one of it rolls into the hole to the floor of Stabbingtons' cell)
Cassandra: Listen, this is all your fault.
Eugene: Oh, please! (Sideburns picks up the cookie crumb from the floor) You know darn well that my only fault is that I have no faults!
Sideburns: Recognize that voice? (asks Patchy) Sounds like our old friend.

(Rapunzel walks into her bedroom alongside Pascal) (Rapunzel humming inside her bedroom) (Pascal squeaks)

Rapunzel: (sighs) Say what you will, Pascal, but sticking those two together to work out their differences has its advantages. I mean, do you hear that? That is the sound of peace and quiet. Ha! I can finally hear myself think. I think I want to paint something. Ah! I like the way you think. (Pascal squeaks) (she is about to leave but she sees Pascal is mad) Relax. I'm sure Eugene and Cass are doing just fine.

(Eugene and Cassandra are still locked inside the cell)

Cassandra: (grunts, groans) (sighs) (walks away from the bars and goes to the other bed) (Eugene eats a cookie and takes his pocket watch from his satchel then it is ticking, clinkling) (Cassandra is bugged when Eugene ticks his watch and she turns around) So annoying!
Eugene: I know! All these delicious cookies, and no milk? (picks up the basket of treats) No, wait, she packed milk! (finds the milk and drinks it)

(Cassandra is angry at Eugene when he chugs the milk)

Eugene: Aah! (drank the bottle of milk)
Cassandra: Unbelieveable! (jumps off the bed and walks to Eugene then grabs the basket out of his hand) Did you eat all the cookies? (asks Eugene)
Eugene: I'm not a pig, Cassandra. I ate all of your cookies. (tells her) I'm saving mine for later. (touches his satchel) (Cassandra is still mad at him and she shoves the basket at him) (basket thuds) (he holds the basket)
'Cassandra: Huh! You are nothing but a self-serving, inconsiderate, arrogant freeloader.
Eugene: Ah! (drops the basket) You know I could rattle off insulting adjectives describing your personality too, but to do so would imply that you actually have a personality, and I wouldn't feel right about doing that! (about to eat a cookie but Cassandra sees the coordinates)
Cassandra: Hey, hold on, wait, don't-- don't eat that! (slaps the cookie out of Eugene's hand and holds the treat)
Eugene: Oh! Go ahead, but it's got my milk drool on it.
Cassandra: Quick! Let me see the others. (takes a cookie out of Eugene's satchel)
Eugene: What are you doing?
Cassandra: X6? Y15? I think these are coordinates for a grid! Rapunzel must have hidden the key behind a loose brick in the wall, and these cookies tell us which one. (she holds the cookie and shows a coordinate to Eugene and she runs to the wall then he holds his satchel)
Eugene: So, just for clarification, I can eat the cookies now or no? (Cassandra checks the coordinates on the cookie to find a brick and pulls it out and she sees a spring)
Cassandra: Yes!
Eugene: That's it? That's just a rusty spring!
Cassandra: And on your first guess too. Wait, there's more. (finds a paper) It's another clue. "This one is easy." "Just follow my lead." Follow her lead? How? (turns around and asks Eugene) She locked us in here this makes no sense.
Eugene: That's because we're not supposed to follow her "leed." We're supposed to follow her "led". Hmm, different words, same spelling. Ah-ha! shows Cassandra and she jumps off the bed) (a pencil is shown and an arrow that Rapunzel drew on a wall pointing to the gear wedged between the wall and grabs it) Don't worry, kid. You're not the first person to match wits with this baby, and come off looking like a total chump. (points to his head)
Cassandra: (sighs)
Eugene: In fact, you might say making people look like chumps is kind of my spécialité.

(at the Stabbingtons' cell) (Patchy grunts while punching the wall)

Sideburns: Patience, brother. (tells Patchy) Our time will come.

(at Eugene and Cassandra's cell) (Cassandra removes a pillow and Eugene grabs a clue and two screws then shows them to her) (Eugene is straining when Cass is on his head)

Cassandra: Whoa. Whoa! (falls off)
Eugene: Ow!

(Cassandra and Eugene are finding an item under the bed and he grabs it) (Eugene pulls the bedsheet to find a book and opens it to find his comb)

Cassandra: Look! There's another clue. (sees another one of Rapunzel's clue wedged between Eugene's comb)
Eugene: I've been looking for this! (glad to have his comb back and he sees a mirror while Cassandra sits on a bed to read the clue)
Cassandra: This is your final clue, so pick up the pace. (Eugene walks to a mirror) "You'll find the last treasure in the same spot." "you find your face?" (turns and sees the mirror)
Eugene: Hey there, looking good. (winks at his reflection but Cassandra turns the mirror around to see a cork) Hey! I was using that!
Cassandra: Ugh, another useless item. (referring to the cork and throws it to the floor)
Eugene: Ho, ho, ho. Well done! (claps) (Cassandra is mad at him) You've discovered the castle's junk drawer.
Cassandra: Me? You were part of this too! (points to Eugene while he lays on the bed)
Eugene: Oh, no! Don't stir me into your failure stew! I was fine to sit here eating X and Y cookies until Rapunzel gave up and let us out.
Cassandra: And that's just like you, isn't it? Sit back and let things fall right into your lap.
Eugene: What's that supposed to mean? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: Oh, come on! You know exactly what it means!
Inmate: Hey, Pretty Boy, Bowl Cut! Why don't you two scud buckets pipe down?
Cassandra: Why don't you mind your own business?
Inmate: Ooh! "Mind my own business." Is that some comeback, Lady-Frowns-A-Lot?
Cassandra:(growls) (runs to the cell and tries to attack the person that insulted her)
Eugene: Whoa, whoa, Cassandra. (holds her) Let me handle this. (tells her while she is mad)
Inmate: Look at that! Fancy Boots has got something to say!
Eugene: Name calling? Come on, we're better than that, aren't we? Sure, we can sit here and make fun of each other. Tease Cassandra for her chronic joylessness, or me for my uncommonly good looks, or you for your poor dental health and poor dental hygiene, tragic fashion sense, robust body odor, and what are clearly woefully misguided life-decision-making-skills, but do you really want to go down that road? (Cassandra smiles)
Inmate: Mmm, I guess not. (Cassandra and Eugene smile at each other)

(at her bedroom and revealed that she knitted three sweaters, baked a cake and painted few pictures without having to hear Cassandra and Eugene arguing)

Rapunzel: I can't believe how much I can get done with just a little quiet.

(at Cassandra and Eugene's cell and they are laying on the beds talking to each other after they finished the scavenger hunt)

Eugene: Some game, huh?
Cassandra: Yep.
Eugene: So, Cass, let me ask you something. What's your deal?
Cassandra: What do you mean?
Eugene: I mean, you know, other than being a venomous cobra woman who has to follow my girlfriend everywhere, I don't know the first thing about you.
Cassandra: So?
Eugene: So, as I see it, you always make fun of my past, it's only fair I know something about yours. Plus we have nothing but time.
Cassandra: What do you wanna know?
Eugene: I don't know, what are your hopes? Your dreams? Is there a venomous cobra man in your life?
Cassandra: (laughing) Cobra man, no. Besides, I-- I don't have time for dreams.
Eugene: "Don't have time for dreams?" Honey, you are hanging out with the wrong princess.
Cassandra: My dad taught me at a young age to focus on the here and now.
Eugene: Yeah, wow. Being raised by the Captain of the Guards musta been a real treat.
Cassandra: He's a good man, and he taught me a lot. He showed me how to defend myself, how to take on responsibility, how to earn my keep. Besides, I don't remember my real parents, so, I got nothing to compare him to, anyway.
Eugene: Yeah, I don't remember mine either. I used to imagine they were swashbuckling explorers searching the world for treasure, and once they found it, they'd... come back and get me. It's dumb, I know. How about you? I mean, you ever imagine what your parents were like?
Cassandra: You know what? I don't really want to discuss this with you, Eugene. (goes to sleep)
Eugene: Okay, fine. I'll just shut up then. You know, just when I think I start to see a glimmer of a speck of a pinprick of a soul, you flip your ice switch back on. (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: Stop trying to pry into my life. (annoyed at Eugene)
Eugene: I wasn't prying. Wait a minute, that's it, pry! (sits on the floor) We're supposed to build a jack with this stuff and pry the door open. (Cassandra sits on the floor and helps him) See, this piece faces upwards, and then you add this part to the top. Yes, brilliant!

(Rapunzel is pacing at the hall waiting for Eugene and Cassandra)

Rapunzel: Cass, oh, you've made it! (she and Pascal are excited and runs to Friedborg) See? Oh. I am so glad you and Eugene found a way to work to--

(Friedborg turns around) (Pascal squeaks) Whoa, Friedborg. I am sorry. (apologizes to her) Ah, I thought you were Cassandra, but not that I'm not happy to see you, Friedborg. I think you're terrific, by the way. (Friedborg smiles creepily) Did you-- did you change your hair? (Pascal squeaks) No? Nothing's different? Huh. (inhales deeply) Well, I have to go to over there now. (walks away) (Friedborg shows her creepy smile again) (Rapunzel sees the halberd then she walks to the dining room and about to touch it) (Pascal squeaks by warning her) Oh, relax, Pascal. I can handle this. (grabs it) Oh, yeah! I see what the fuss is about. No, this is fun! (grunting) Duck! Spin! Thrust! (throws the halberd) (halberd thud on ceiling) (Pascal squeaks) Uh-oh. (runs away)

(at Cassandra and Eugene's prison cell)

Eugene: Alright, that should do it.
Cassandra: Here, let me try. (picks up the jack and walks to the door)
Eugene: No! No, no, no, that's too far! (runs to the door and tells her then he grabs onto it) Leverage Cassandra. It's all about the leverage.
Cassandra: I know what I doing.
Eugene: No, you don't!
Cassandra:Cut it out!
Eugene: You cut it out! The jack was my idea!
Cassandra: Ugh, "my idea." "Me, me, me." It's always all about you.
Eugene: Okay, let's make it about you then. "I'm Cassandra, and I can't stand Eugene,"because he's smarter than me, has better teeth, and doesn't use the word "vahz."
Cassandra:Ugh! You're making it about you again!
Eugene: That's because I'm far more insteresting! (the juck fell apart to due Cassandra and Eugene fighting about who prys the door open) (items clanks to the hole)
'Cassandra: No! (runs to the hole alongside Eugene and they dive on the floor to try to retrieve the items back) (the items fell to the Stabbingtons' cell)
Eugene: Oh, great! You lost my comb! That was the first thing I ever stole. (Sideburns snickering when he grabs Eugene's comb from the floor) I had it re-engraved and everything.
'Sideburns: (snickering) Looks like it's our lucky day. (he and Patchy grab the items for the jack and rebuild it)

(at her bedroom with Pascal while playing cards)

Rapunzel: Woo-hoo! Take that to the rose garden! (throws her cards to show Pascal then he grumbles while putting his cards on the bed and points to the clock) Yeah, you're right (sees the clock) It has been a long time. We-- we should check on them. (Pascal is annoyed) Don't give me that look. This... absolutely doesn't mean my plan didn't work, Pascal.

(a guard is walking and whistling at the dungeon) (jack clanks) (the guard is missing a tooth after being punched and knocked to the floor by Sideburns) :Sideburns: Worked like a charm. (referring to the jack then dispose it and picks up the key) (cell unlocks) (picks up the halberd) Time for a little payback. (opens Eugene and Cassandra's cell) (Eugene turns around)

Eugene: Ah, Blondie. Finally-- oh! (he and Cassandra see Sideburns and Patchy entering the cell)
Sideburns: Hello, Rider.
Eugene: That's unfortunate.
Cassandra: Friends of yours? (asks Eugene when referring to Sideburns and Patchy)
Eugene: Sideburns! Long time, no sneer! You look good! The moisture in the dungeon has done wonders for your leathery skin. Did you lose weight? (Patchy gives the halberd to Sideburns) Prison food, am I right? (Sideburns growls when he threatens Eugene with the halberd) (Eugene is scared) No, no I guess not. (Sideburns growling) (whistle blowing) (Sideburns and Patchy turn around when they heard a guard)
Sideburns: Huh?
Guard: The Stabbingtons' have escaped! (Sideburns and Patchy look at each other before abducting Eugene and Cassandra)
Sideburns: Guess we're gonna need a couple of human shields, if we wanna get outta here. (he and Patchy are walking towards Eugene and Cassandra)
Eugene: Ahh, thank goodness. Wait a minute. (grunts) (Patchy puts a bag on Eugene's head)
Cassandra: (groans) (Sideburns puts a bag on Cassandra's head)
Eugene: Let's rethink the sack thing, huh? (Sideburns and Patchy are running from the cell while carrying Eugene and Cassandra as hostages) It's wreaking havoc on my hair.
Cassandra: Nice, Eugene. (Sideburns and Patchy are running to the exit of the dungeon but they see the Captain of the Guards and the other guards)
Sideburns: Huh?
Captain of the Guards: Hold it right there! Don't move. (tells Sideburns and Patchy and they put Cassandra and Eugene down and take the bag off their heads) Cassandra! (sees his adopted daughter and Eugene being abducted by Sideburns and Patchy)
Cassandra: Dad. (sees her adopted father)
Sideburns: Hmm, Dad. I'd call your men off if you know what's good for your precious daughter... Captain. (tells Cassandra's adopted father)
Rapunzel: I hear voices. (runs into the dungeon) Sounds like my plan worked! (sees that Sideburns and Patchy holding her friends captive) Cass! Eugene! How did this happen?
Captain of the Guards: Stay back, Princess. (tells Rapunzel and tells his guards) Guards, lower your weapons. (Sideburns and Patchy are walking away with Cassandra and Eugene as their captives while Rapunzel, the Captain of the Guards, Pete, Stan and the other guards see this)
Eugene: It's okay, Blondie, I'm working on a plan. (tells Rapunzel)
Cassandra: Okay, Eugene, let's hear it. (tells him)
Eugene: Uh, I, I, I can't say it now, cause they can still hear us. (points to Patchy)
Rapunzel: Captain, they're getting away. (tells him while he watches the Stabbingtons walking away with Cassandra and Eugene as captives and leave) (suspenseful music) (the Captain of the Guards is mad when he sees his adopted daughter is abducted by Sideburns and Patchy)
Captain of the Guards: Come on! (he, Pete, Stan and the other guards chase after Sideburns and Patchy then Rapunzel goes to the same direction) (he and his guards see a tunnel that Sideburns and Patchy crawl into with their captives then the Captain of the Guards, Pete and the other guards follow them via the tunnel)
Rapunzel: We'll never catch up to them. (stop running when she sees the tunnel ans sighs) Wait, but thanks to Cass, I know where the corridor empties. Come on, Pascal! (tells him) (goes to the other direction) (Sideburns and Patchy are being chased by the Captain of the Guards, Pete and the other guards)

Captain of the Guards: Over here! They went this way. Hurry! (Sideburns runs ahead of Patchy but he stops when he hears the guards chasing him and Sideburns) (Patchy sees the side of the wall and puts his foot on it to make a barricade)
Eugene: Ho, hey! Probably not the best idea. (tells Patchy) (ceiling rumbling) (the guards are prevented from following Sideburns and Patchy)
Sideburns: Time to get rid of the extra baggage. (tells Patchy then Eugene and Cassandra are grunting when Sideburns and Patchy put their captives down) Say "Sayanara." (tells Eugene and Cassandra then Sideburns give the halberd to murder their captives but Sideburns stops his brother) (Patchy grunts) Actually, I just got a much better idea. (grabs Eugene by the vest and Eugene yelps) Let's snuff out Rider but keep the Captain's daughter as a bargaining chip. You sit there like a good, little girl. (tells Cassandra) This will just take a second.
Eugene: (yelps) (tries to run but Patchy prevents him from escaping)
Sideburns: Hey! Where do you think you're going? (Sideburns and Patchy grab Eugene then turns him around) (Sideburns and Patchy drop the halberd then Cassandra sees it on the floor then sees Sideburns and Patchy then the halberd again)
Eugene: Uhh...
Sideburns: We've got a little score to settle. (Eugene looks at the ceiling and distracts Sideburns and Patchy by talking to them)
Eugene: Guys, guys, hold on! You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Cassandra is useless. (muttering while backing away) Right there. I'm the princess' boyfriend. I come with a lot more leverage. (distracts Sideburns and Patchy)
Sideburns: It ain't about leverage with you, Rider. (Cassandra looks at the ceiling) It's about revenge. (Cassandra puts the halberd right under Sideburns and Patchy to knock them out) We've been waiting a long time for this. (Cassandra stands up) Say goodnight. (tells Eugene)
Cassandra: (clearing throat) (grunts) (kicks the halberd to make the ceiling drop onto Sideburns and Patchy) (ceiling rumbling under Sideburns and Patchy then they see it before it knocks them out)
Eugene: Now that's how you use a halberd.
Cassandra: Yep, it's all about the leverage. (agrees with Eugene) (hears the ceiling rumbling) (gasps and runs) Eugene! Come on, let's get outta here. (tries to run away from the debris alongside Eugene but they are trapped) (Eugene grunts) (Eugene and Cassandra panting as they sit on the floor)

Rapunzel: Hello? Are you guys down there? (Cassandra and Eugene look at each other when they hear Rapunzel calling them)
Eugene: Blondie? (he and Cassandra walk to the hole and see Rapunzel) (Rapunzel letting her hair down to let Cassandra and Eugene climb it) (he and Cassandra walk to Rapunzel's hair but he wants Cassandra to climb first before him then she smiles and agrees) (Rapunzel grunting, panting when she pulls Cassandra and Eugene out of the hole) (Rapunzel sighs) (hugs Eugene) Oh! I am so glad you're both okay. (Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra hear a guard)
Guard: There they are. (Eugene, Rapunzel and Cassandra look at the hole to see Sideburns and Patchy woke up and they are apprehended by Pete, Stan and the Captain of the Guard) (Sideburns groaning) (the Captain of the Guard sees his adopted daughter with Eugene and Rapunzel)
Captain of the Guard: Cassandra, you okay? (asks his adopted daughter)
Cassandra: I am now. (tells her adopted father while she puts her hands on Eugene and Rapunzel)

(Eugene and Rapunzel are walking at the castle's hall)

Rapunzel: Eugene... I'm so sorry. (apologizing to him) I had no idea my game would lead to such a disaster. I really thought you guys would have fun.
Eugene: Oh, look, you've had better ideas, but you don't have to apologize. It must be hard with both of us going at each other's throats all the time, so from now on, even though I have no idea what you see in her, I'll try to be nice to the dragon lady-- (Rapunzel is annoyed) I mean, Cassandra. (Rapunzel walks to the door and he smiles) (Rapunzel inhales, exhales deeply)
Rapunzel: You ready? (asks Eugene)
Eugene: (sighs) Uh, yeah, yeah. Okay, I can do this. I just gotta walk in there, and tell the scariest, most intimidating man in the world that I broke his favorite vase. He's gonna kill me. (tells Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: My dad's not gonna kill you! (tells Eugene) Ah, do you remember last month when the royal tailor accidentally tore his robe? My dad didn't kill him. Of course, he's got like a million of those robes, and only one of those vases exists in the entire world, and come to think of it, I remember seeing the tailor locked in the stockade.
Eugene: Blondie, not helping. (grabs Rapunzel's arms and tells her)
Rapunzel: Yeah, sorry. (apologizes to Eugene and stops holding her arms)
Eugene: All right. (opens the door to see Cassandra and Rapunzel's dad) I just gotta face... the music? (Cassandra turns around and sees Eugene)

(Cassandra signals Eugene to look at the glue she is holding that she points with her finger) (light music) (he smiles) (Cassandra takes the empty plates) Hey, you got a sec? (walks into the dining room to talk to Cassandra)

Cassandra: I guess.
Eugene: I just wanted to say that I really appreciate what you did. (thanks Cassandra and she turns around)
Cassandra: I figured if you got kicked out of the castle, Rapunzel would be all mopey, and... I don't really do mope.
Eugene: Ha ha, so... does this mean I can borrow your halberd? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: (growls)
Eugene: No halberd, okay, yeah, I'm okay with that. (Rapunzel hears Eugene and Cassandra's conversation from behind the door) (Pascal squeaks)
Rapunzel: Yes! (Pascal high fives Rapunzel's hand)
Cassandra: By the way, where is my halberd? (Rapunzel realizes that she is the one that threw it to the ceiling)
Eugene: I don't know.
Cassandra: Well, you had it last.
Eugene: I did not. (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel and Pascal leave when Cassandra and Eugene are starting another argument)
Cassandra: Oh, here go again. I can't believe you're gonna lie to my face.
Eugene: I can't even look at your face.
Cassandra: Why you-- (vase shatters)
Eugene: Hahaha, missed me! You broke it this time! Ha!

Challenge of the Brave

Woman: Challenge on the Brave? Looks like some kind of tournament.
Man: (chuckles) Not just any tournament. I hear the fiercest fighters from all over are coming to compete! (Cassandra walks by and hears about the event from a man and a lady then a child bumps into Cassandra)
Woman: Whoa! Let me tell you, whoever walks away champ will have earned the respect of every warrior in the seven kingdoms. (thrilling music) (Cass walks to the posters and proud to see it then starts training for the event and doing chores)
Cassandra: Ugh! (sees the other three handmaiden giving her laundry to wash via washboard) (continues training) (sews a dress) (marching footsteps) (sighs) (continues more training) (Dwayne thwacks a purse from a lady)
Elderly lady: Oh! Stop! Thief! (Caasandra walks by and turns around to hear a lady but Dwayne runs then Cassandra removes her headdress)
Pete: Stay back! We'll handle it. (tells Cassandra then he grabs Dwayne to prevent him from escaping) (Cassandra walks away to train more)
Cassandra:(rasps) Ha! (Owl hoots)
Girl: Whoa! It's Princess Rapunzel!
Cassandra: Huh? (Owl hoots) (she and her pet turns around and sees Rapunzel) (kids cheering and run to Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: (grunts, laughs) (hugs the three children) (Owl hoots) Wow, Cass. What is all this?
Cassandra: Nothing. (chuckles) I'm warming up for the Challenge of the Brave this morning. It's just a competition to find the toughest warrior in all of Corona. No big deal.
Rapunzel: Ooh! Sounds exciting. Where can I sign up?
Cassandra: Yeah, like I said, no big-- Oh, sorry, what?
Rapunzel: I wanna sign up!
Cassandra: You mean compete?
Rapunzel: Let's do it together!
Children: Yeah, do it! That would be great! Do it! You could be princess, and the most "reveredest" warrior!
Rapunzel: Aw. (chuckles)
Cassandra: That would be fun, but I'm not so sure that's the best idea.
Rapunzel: I'm brave. And I'm always up for a challenge. (puts her hand on Cassandra's shoulder)
Cassandra: But the-- the thing is, the challenge is by invitation only, so you can't do it. Oh, man, ugh! Rules are rules. (Owl hoots)
Rapunzel: Oh, okay. But you can always count on me to cheer you on.

(the competition starts)

Announcer: Welcome to the Challenge of the Brave, where you will see skilled combatants from all the lands compete in a series of death-defying challenges that culminate in the main event! The ultimate melee! (crowd cheers) Only one will walk away with the respect of the seven kingdoms! Today's favorite is the world's most renowned warrior. Some say he's the meanest, most ruthless fighter the world has even seen! Wreck Marauder! (crowd cheering) (Hook Foot and the other competitors are scared and are also screaming when they hear the Wreck Marauder arriving at the event) (bees buzzing) (man screams, grunts and whimpers) (Wreck Marauder removes his mask)
Wreck Marauder: Boo! (cackles) (man is scared and runs away screaming) (crowd gasps) Whose house is this? This is Wreck's house! (growls and toss the mask to the crowd and it lands on Shorty's face) (crowd gasps)
Eugene: Yeah! That's my boy right there! (holds a foam finger) Wreck Marauder! (the crowd is mad at Eugene) I have seen that guy fight all over the world. He's undefeated! Challenge of the Brave (Pascal squeaking) Challenge of the Brave (Pascal chittering) Everybody, come on! (the crowd is still mad) (jumps off the bleachers) All right, the beard of the bees lady! (bee-bearded lady walks by) (bees buzzing) (Pascal takes one of the bees to eat but he gurgles, spits out the bee due to the stinger) Oh, yeah! How about these seats, huh? (asks a man) If I were any closer to the action, they'd be scraping my face off of Wreck Marauder's knuckles! (puts the man on the floor and puts the foam finger on a boy's face then pulls up a trumpet to blow but the crowd protecting their ears) (horn blaring) (Pascal is terrified)
Man: Uh, sir? Some of the competitors are requesting we move you to a new seat. (tells Eugene)
Eugene: Oh, you see that? Moving this super fan to the super fan section. (gives the trumpet to the man) Ha! I wish I could say this has been fun, but I respect you all too much to lie to your faces. (walks up the steps)

(Cassandra is training her archery skills for the event) (twangs) (thumps)

Male competitor: She's just here, cause she's Rapunzel's lady in waitin'. (tells Hook Foot and the other competitors about Cassandra) (Hook Foot and other competitors laughing)
Rapunzel: Hi! Hello! Good morning! How are you? (walks and greets the competitors) Ooh! Wow! Your teeth are so sharp! (sees the shuny teeth) (gasps) Hook Foot! (sees and runs to him) Why so mad? (asks him) Just do a dance, and give that smile a second chance. (tells him) (chuckles) (hugs him and he smiles)
Cassandra: Probably not the best place for hugs, Raps. (walks to her and tells her then drags her away from hugging Hook Foot) What are you doing down here? (asks her) This is for competitors only.
Rapunzel: I came to wish you luck!
Cassandra: Thanks, but I don't need luck. I need to use this time to get inside of the competiton's head. You know, psyche'em out with some trash talk.
Rapunzel: Trash talk? Like talk about garbage, literally? (doesn't get what Cassandra is saying)
Cassandra: What? No, that's not even close. (sighs) Watch this. (walks to a competitor that ate meat) Hey, you! You do realize when they put the call up for the strongest warriors, they weren't talking about breath. Right? (the competitor belches) (she gags)
Male competitor: Why don't you go back to the castle, lady-in waiting? (walks away) (guffaws)
Rapunzel: Well, that wasn't very nice, Cass.
Cassandra: Yeah. That's the point.
Rapunzel: All right. I'll give it a shot. I guess. (pulls up both her sleeves up and storms angrily to a competitor that has tattoos) Excuse me, you? Yeah, you. Uh-huh. Prepare to be trash talked to. Look at you with those... decorative tattoos. Oh, wow. Sorry. I'm sorry, but those are amazing. And did you see the lettering on "Skull Kickr"? Wow. (admires the tattoos)
Skull Kickr: What about it? (mad while his chest moves and asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Ah. It's lovely.
Skull Kickr: Yeah, well, it-- it was my mother's name. (tells Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Your mom is really special to you, isn't she? (Skull Kickr nods and Cassandra facepalms) Well, I think she'd be really proud of the menacing goon you've become. (tells Skull Kickr)
Male competitor: (whimpers) I'm gonna go see my mom! (Rapunzel and Skull Kickr see a competitor crying then leaves)

Eugene: Hey, Blondie, you got the deluxe seats, too, huh? You know they put you up here so can see all the action.
Rapunzel: Really? It's kinda far.

Announcer: We have a last minute surprise entry! Please welcome the fearsome follicle! The heir with the hair! The maid with the braid! Rapunzel.

Eugene: Oh, Blondie, what have you done?

Cassandra: Guys, am I the only one who has a problem with this!? The Princess is making a mockery of this competition!
Hook: Hey, it's OK, kid. When you're mad, do a dance. Give that smile a second chance.
Cassandra: Oh go eat a turkey leg, Hook!

Rapunzel: Wait! Stop! We're supposed to be friends!
Cassandra: A friend wouldn't be so oblivious, Rapunzel! You have no idea what this contest means to me! I'm mean, you're a princess! You got nothing to prove! To you this was just a fun way to blow off a Saturday, but to me it was to show everyone that I am more than just your lady-in-waiting!! And I thought that when I would get even the slightest bit of respect...Never mind
Rapunzel: Respect? Cassandra, I respect you more than you can possibly imagine. I mean, I look up to you. Why do you think I wanted to enter this thing in the first place? You are my friend and as your friend...I should have realized how important this was to you. I am so sorry.

The Return of Strongbow

Eugene: You know I meant "hide in the vase", right? Princess Rapunzel, meet Lance Strongbow.
Lance: How you doin'?

Cassandra: Look, pal, I don't trust the guy.
Eugene: Look, Cassandra, I know you'd like nothing better than let an old friend of mine embarrass me. And I hate to disappoint you, but my friend Lance is not "up to" anything!

(Pins Lance against the wall)
Eugene: Okay, Lance! What are you up to?
Lance: Up to? Me? You'd think I come all this way jut to tell you- Okay. I need help with a job.

Eugene: This isn't a cave, it's a basement. We broke into somebody's house. Lance, you lied to me!

Eugene: Let's just get out of here Arnwaldo.
Lance: Don't call me Arnwaldo! Besides, don't you at least wanna know whose basement this is?
Eugene: No. No, I don't.
Lance: It's the baron's.
Eugene: The baron? The baron-baron?
Lance: You said we'd get him later.
Eugene: That was eight years ago.
Lance: Exactly. We waited eight long years for revenge. And I'm not letting till I settled the score. And now the score is settled. Let's get out of here.

Cassandra: What do we have here? A plate of cheese and crackers. I wonder why?
Rapunzel: Uh, it's because I am very hungry and very thirsty, thank you very much. (tastes some grapes) Mmm, so good. (Cassandra give her a strict look) Okay, fine. Yes, they're not home. But what is to say they're not out having fun?
Cassandra: Oh, I never said anything about them not having fun. I'm just suggesting they're most likely stealing stuff while doing it.
Rapunzel: [irritated] Okay, I have had just about enough, Cassandra. You know what? Let's go find Eugene, so I can show you that you were wrong. (drinks some milk) Hmm?
Cassandra: [jokely] Okay, but when I'm proven right, you're gonna have egg on your face.
Rapunzel: (rolls her eyes) Hoho! I promise you this, I will not have anything on my face tonight. (give Pete the plate)
Pete: Princess, you have a milk mustache.
Rapunzel: [off-screen] I know what I have Pete, Thank you!

Eugene: That ring we stole belonged to the Queen; the same queen who took me in as part of her family. And as soon as she sees Rapunzel wearing it, she'll put two-and-two together and be furious or heartbroken. She's a tough read sometimes. But if I ask for the ring back, Rapunzel will know I lied to her earlier, and Cassandra will get the satisfaction of being right.

Rapunzel: No. I can't let you that.
Eugene: What? Why not?
Rapunzel: Because I love you, Eugene. And I will forgive you, but I can't be sure they will.

King Fredric: I thought that ring was gone long ago.
Queen Arianna: I know. Isn't it great? Eugene found it this morning.

In Like Flynn

Cassandra: You know when the King considers an idea, he always says "I'll take it under advisement."
Eugene: Ha! Shows what you know. I clearly remember him saying- Oh no! He does think I'm a nitwit.
Cassandra: And there it is.
Eugene: This changes everything! I cannot have a father-in-law that doesn't take me seriously!
Cassandra: Why? No one else does.
Rapunzel: That's not true, Eugene. My dad thinks very highly of you, though you might want to be a little more subtle about the things you suggest to him. He is the King, after all.

Eugene: Sorry. It's just...this was my big chance for you to finally take me seriously.
King Fredric: Take you seriously?
Eugene: Yes. And I was getting frustrated when I wasn't able to do that. It was dumb. I know.
King Fredric: You know there are many things I fail to take seriously. Eugene, son, you brought my daughter home to me after eighteen long years. If there's anyone in the whole world that I take very seriously, it's you.
Eugene (touched): Wow. Thank you, Your Majesty. Can I ask then, why didn't you listen to my ideas?
King Fredric: Sometimes I do let the king take over the man. I should have given your idea more consideration.

King Trevor: What you should've done was stay in your own kingdom, Fredric!
King Fredric: Trevor.

Great Expotations

(Cassandra is tying the banner to the poles at the courtyard)

Cassandra: (muttering) Don't see why the lady-in-waiting has to help set up for this thing. (sees two guards) Dumb science expo's for dorks, anyway.(groans)
Varian: Who's ready for the expo? (Cassandra turns around and sees Varian then he waves to her)

Varian: Hey Cassie! Hey, you wanna see my new invention? (asks her) Rumor has it, it is a shoo-in for the first prize in the contest. (whispers) I started the rumor. (tells her)
Cassandra: Oh. Hey, Varian. First off it's Cass not Cassie. Secondly, I'm slammed so--
Varian: Oh, yeah, I-- I hear ya. Hey, did I tell you that my invention can create an entirely new element? I call it-- (Stan appears)
Stan: Cassandra!, I thought you should know, the Captain is short on guards for the expo. This could be your big chance! (tells Cassandra) (she smiles while sliding down the ladder)
Cassandra: Come on, let's go! (leaves with Stan while Varian sees them running to the castle) (Owl hooting when he holds the rope after it unties) (Varian hears Owl trying to hold the rope and he runs to the ladder and climbs it to help Cassandra's pet then he takes the rope from Cassandra's pet and ties to the pole)
Rapunzel: Cassandra! Lookin'good! (Varian hears Rapunzel then he sees her and Eugene) You should see some of the inventions on display. Look at these crazy goggles. (turns the lens on) Oh. Hi, Varian! (removes the goggles from her head and sees him then he smiles) (Varian climbs off the ladder and jumps to the ground and turns around) I haven't seen you since we...
Eugene: Since your last invention almost killed us. (completes Rapunzel's sentence) So glad you're here. With looks like another invention.
Varian: Please, I wouldn't miss a chance to promote the merits of alchemy. And wait until you see my invention. I think, uh, everyone at the expo will be impressed. (tells Rapunzel and Eugene) (chuckles) Cassandra's gonna be here, right? Not that I'm doing this for Cassandra! (Varian reveals his crush on Cassandra to Rapunzel and Eugene when Varian blushes) (chuckles) But, yes, she's gonna be there, right? (asks Rapunzel and Eugene)

(Cassandra and Stan are running to the strategy room then Stan opens the door Cassandra to enter)

Captain of the Guards: No, no, no! We'll need men here! We'll put guards here, and... Does this mean we're out of real guards, too?
Pete: Um...
Captain of the Guards: Blasted! This exposition of science is just spreading our ranks too thin. (Maximus grunts) We need more guards!
Pete: (clears throat) (he sees Cassandra) (door closes) (Maximus grunts)
Captain of the Guards: I'll need the room. (Pete, Stan and Maximus exit) So, you want your first guard assignment. We've talked about this, Cassandra. I just don't know that you're ready. (tells her)
Cassandra: Dad, I've been training with the guards since I was six. I know castle procedures and protocol better than anyone, so if there's any other reason why you feel I'm not ready besides me being your daughter, I'm all ears. (tells him)
Captain of the Guards: Very well. But...
Cassandra: There's always a but.
Captain of the Guards: Your lady-in-waiting duties come first. Only after you've finished those, including setting up for the expo, may you help. Are we clear?
Cassandra: Crystal. (Sees her long list of chores and groans)

Rapunzel: Come on, come on, come on! (pulling Eugene) (gasps) Ooh. Oh, whoa. Wow. Whoa! That makes flipping flapjacks look like a piece of cake! (laughs) Or should I say pancake?
Eugene: I wouldn't. Whoa!
Stilt Inventor: Ladies and gentlemen, forget everything you know about spring-loaded stilts!
Rapunzel: Done!
Eugene: Uh, great?
Shorty: Mmm! Fresh from this goat's body and into my tummy. (Everyone groans in disgust)
Fernanda Pizazzo: Attention, science lovers! I am the one and only Fernanda Pizazzo! Yes. Thank you, thank you. You may ask yourselves what revolutionary, stupendous invention lies behind this veil? You're about to find out when revered master scientist, and handsome morsel, Dr. Alcott St. Croix arrives to name my entry into this contest first prize!

Rapunzel: (gasps) This is all so inspiring! I'm gonna go invent something right now! (squeals) (tells Eugene) (leaves)
Eugene: Should've see that comin'.

(Cassandra irons the table cloth and checks the flowers then dusts the dirt off the table cloth) (Varian appears and talks to her)

Varian: There you are, Cass-not-Cassie. We, uh, we didn't finish our conversation from earlier. (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: I did.
Varian: (chuckles) Oh, you! Seriously, I'm getting ready for the expo, and I think you'll be pretty impressed with my invention, yeah. The only thing is, when I present it to Master Dr. St. Croix, it's gonna take two people to operate it. Hey! Wanna be the assistant for my demonstration? (asks her)
Cassandra: Assistant? What? Assis-- No. Look. (accidentally spills grape juice on the tablecloth and gasps) No! I can't catch a break today. (leaves with the cup of grape juice and the pitcher) (Varian pours salt and drops of water from the flowers' stems over the stain, making it disappear then he puts the flowers back into the vase and he puts the glass tube of salt then Cassandra brings a rag to wipe the table cloth). Varian, thanks for stopping by, but I, wha--? Huh? The stain. It's gone! But how? (asks)
Varian: Oh, simple. Grapes are acidic, by combining the alkalinity from the flowers' barley grass with rock salt, I was able to stop the stain's adhesion. Alchemy! (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: So, you've got a knack for this kind of thing. Any chance you'd want to...
Varian: Help you? Yes! I, I mean, I'd-- I'd love to. Hey! If, If I help you, you can help me and be my assistant! It'll only take a minute! (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: Um... deal. (agrees)
Varian: Great! We-- We can be, uh, co-ladies-in-waiting. A-ha! (Cassandra gives him a pile of laundry)
Cassandra: Let's not put a label on it. (tells Varian while she dusts her hands off then walks away) (a rag falls on the ground)

(at the halls) (lively music) (Cassandra tries to make the spoon clean with a rag) (clattering) (Cassandra sees Varian's invention polishes eight forks) (Cassandra is mopping the floor then Varian taps her shoulder to show her eleven of his chemicals and rolls them on the floor to make it wet) (eleven chemicals whooshes) (Varian holds a chemical to dry the floor) (crackling) (Cassandra holds on to the mop then she is shocked when she sees that the floor is polished) (poofs, crackles) (Cassandra sees Varian's shirt has a flame and drops the mop on the ground then he turns his head to see that his shirt has a flame)

Varian: Aah! Ah! Yah! (extinguishing the flame)

(at the courtyard) (Varian takes the flowers from the vase and sadly sees that they are wilted then he puts a ball of water into them and they grow) (he gives the flowers to Cassandra and she smells them before putting them back to a vase then Varian gives her a thumbs up)

(at her bedroom alongside Eugene and Pascal)

Rapunzel: Okay, so for my first invention, I wanted to start off with something small and simple.
Eugene: Uh, can he take his tiny little claws off my eyes now? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Oh! Yeah! Pascal? (tells him)
Pascal: (squeaking) (removes his claws from Eugene's eyes)
Rapunzel: I give you the Hey-Hey! When I was in the tower, I devised a way to play catch by myself using a ball and string. Now, I believe, I've perfected that design. How does it work? Glad you asked. It's powered by potential and kinetic energy. Science. Hey-Hey! Hey-Hey!
Eugene: Huh. Rapunzel, that's really amazing, but it's already been invented.
Rapunzel: Hmm. Okay. (holds her invention while feeling down then puts it on the table) I guess I'll chalk that up to being locked in a tower for 18 years. Good thing I have lots more amazing ideas where that came from. (leaves)

(Varian is cleaning the picture frame while on a ladder at the hall then Cassandra arrives when she carries a bucket of water and a rag)

Cassandra: Huh, look at that. (Varian sees her) You make a pretty good co-lady-in-waiting after all. (tells Varian)
Varian: Oh, really? You sure you wanna put a label on it? (asks Cassandra) (he remembers what she said to him at the courtyard)
Cassandra: Okay, so I could've been a little nicer earlier. It's just, today's kind of a big deal for me. (tells Varian while she climbs the ladder to put the bucket on the ladder)
Varian: Oh, you're talking about getting that guard assignment from your dad. Aren't you? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: No matter how much I want it or how hard I work, his standards for me are higher than they are for anyone else.
Varian: Yeah. My dad's kind of hard to impress too. Dads. Am I right? Huh? (tells Cass and relates to her then she smiles at him) (bell chimes)
Cassandra: (growls) Who am I kidding? (walks away from Varian) None of it matters anyway. It's already noon and I still have to make up all the guest rooms. (two guards walk by) (Varian walks to her)
Varian: Hey! I-- I have an idea. I'll finish your chores for you, so then you can do your guard duty, and then maybe you can take a few minutes to be my assistant? (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: You sure you can get all this done? (asks Varian)
Varian: Yeah. No problem. It's the kind of thing friends do, right? (tells Cassandra)
Cassandra: Right! Friends. (agrees with Varian)
Rapunzel: Carrots, celery, cucumbers. What do these have in common?
Eugene: Uh, I don't eat them. No, wait. Don't tell me.
Rapunzel: We chop them! But knives can be really dangerous! That's why I invented the Safety Slicer! Just load it up, and Slice! Voila!
Eugene: Ooh! That seems a little extreme, right? I mean, for produce? Besides, I think they have something like that already.
Rapunzel: Really? This too? Oh! How am I supposed to know everything that's ever been invented?
Eugene: I don't know, maybe something a little more practical?
Rapunzel: Practical. Okay. Sure. Automatic laundry cart?
Eugene: Now that I have not seen. (shrieks)
Rapunzel: Uh, Varian? What are you doing? (asks him)
Varian: (grunting) Ugh! Hey, Princess. I'm helping Cass with her work so she can pull guard duty. (tells Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: But shouldn't you be setting up your exhibit? (asks Varian)
Varian: Oh, theoretically, but I am presenting second to last, so I figure that'll give me a few extra minutes to get ready. (chuckles) Plus, I just have that one room left right there. Oh, and that room. Oh, that-- that one, too. Also-- Also that one.
Rapunzel: Look, Varian, I know you really like Cass, but I think--
Varian: Don't worry. Cass agreed to be my assistant during my presentation, so, ya know, I got everything under control. On to the next room!
Rapunzel: Oh, Varian, that is not a room, that's a...
Varian: Oh, that's a-- (yelling) (thudding)
Rapunzel: ...staircase.
Captain of the Guards: Master Dr. St. Croix, welcome! It is a pleasure to have you with us!
Master. Dr. St. Croix: I imagine it would be. I assume you are to be my personal security detail.
Captain of the Guards: Um, unfortunately, no, but I have chosen my very best man for the job.
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Mm-hmm.
Varian: (grunts, sighs) (puts the laundry inside the chute)
Cassandra: Wiped out? (asks Varian)
Varian: Who? Me? No. Just fainted. Uh, I mean, fin-- I finished.
Cassandra: Finished? Wow. Varian, I'm impressed.
Varian: Oh, it was no big deal. Now, um, if you'll excuse me, I have a contest to win. Assistant?
Cassandra: Remember, you said it would only take a minute, I'm on duty.
Stan: (shattering) Ow! My back! I went to get Master St. Croix a drink and slipped on the floor! What kind of monster would leave a wet floor where people could slip on it?
Captain of the Guards: Uh, Stan, what happened?
Stan: (bones crack) Oh! My back!
Captain of the Guards: We need someone to replace him as Master St. Croix's detail. Pete! On the double!

Pete: On my way! Whoa! (thuds) Ow! My back! Why is the floor so slippery?
Guard: Hey, Pete, are you okay Whoa!
Captain of the Guards: (sighs) Cassandra, are you up for this?
Rapunzel: Uh, Cassandra, don't you have somewhere to be during the judging?
Cassandra: I'll do it.
Master. Dr. St. Croix: One of you will walk away with the greatest prize in all of sciences: my approval. As for the rest of you, may the universe show mercy (crowd gasps) on your wretched souls. Good luck. (crowd murmuring) (scattered applause)
Varian: You ready? Because a certain alchemist could use his assistant.
Cassandra: Listen, Varian, I'm really sorry, but things have changed. I can't help you anymore. I'm St. Croix's personal
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Hello? Security detail? I have moved my person in this direction.(grunts)
Varian: A personal security detail. Must be a big deal. Don't worry about me. I am sure I can find another assistant in the next five minutes.
Cassandra: (sighs)
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Let the judgment begin! (cheers, applause) (goat bleats) Can it milk a cow? - No, sir! - Next! (goat bleats)
Rapunzel: Okay, Pascal, we've had some missteps, sure, but I think this one is the winner.
Eugene: You've got it in the bag, Blondie.
Rapunzel: Showtime!
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Next!
Crowd: (cheers and applause)
Rapunzel: Dangerously wet hallways. Cold, wet clothes.Wet hair that takes forever, and I mean, forever, to dry. All of those things are yesterday's problems. Say hello to the Mega Dry! Assistant?
Eugene: I'm all about the wet look.
Rapunzel: The Mega Dry uses cutting-edge equine technology to release a powerful, focused stream of air. The result? What used to take hours to dry, now takes seconds.
Crowd: (audience exclaims)
Eugene: Well, hello. Aah! - (stammers)
Rapunzel: I think I still had it calibrated for my hair.
Cassandra: (laughing) (clears throat)
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Next.
Varian: (sighs) Behold! The power of alchemy! (audience laughs)
Shorty: Where's the opening? Aha! Oh-ho! The power of ag, uh of, uh, that guy! (quietly) Go. Do the thing. (tells Varian)
Varian: (clears throat)
Shorty: Oh, yeah!
Varian: I give you, the Elemental Remogrifier! (gasping) (cheers and applause) Assistant? (Shorty pours the sand inside of Varian's invention) Here we go. The rotation causes friction, which heats the sand, while the counter-centrifigual force promotes particle compression. The end result? Fifty pounds of sand turns into this. I call this new element Cassandrium. (Cassandra gasps when Varian named an element after her)
Master. Dr. St. Croix: However, considering your assistant nearly lanced my nasal cavity, I've no choice but to disqualify you. Next! (crowd groans)
Varian: Flair? What does that have to do with
Cassandra: Sir, with all due respect, you can't disqualify him because of his assistant.
Master. Dr. St. Croix: You stick to guarding, I will stick to sciencing. Got it? Hmm?
Fernanda Pizazzo: Everybody at this expo make some noise! This is the momensational moment you've all been waiting for. But first! (booming) I give you chocolate! - (crowd cheering)
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Now this is science!
Fernanda Pizazzo: Jaws, prepare to drop. Larynxes, get ready to scream, and eyeballs, how about you take a good look around, because once I unveil my marveltacular creation, the world will never look the same! I give you the Fantasphere! (crowd gasps) (gasps) How'd she do it? Oh my gosh! It's awesome! (gasping) (cheers, applause)
Varian: But what does it do?
Fernanda Pizazzo: Uh The real question, kid, is, what doesn't it do? Now, here, have some chocolate and shut up.
Master. Dr. St. Croix: It's luster is glorious! (gasps) I see no need to continue this contest! (gasps) (cheers) (cheers applause)
Cassandra: You should've won.
Varian: It doesn't matter. The truth is, all I really wanted to do was impress you. I thought if I showed you what I was capable of, you might see something in me. Something special. I was just being dumb.
Cassandra: But you did impress me. Varian, you're a great kid. You're smart. You're compassionate. You're unique.
Varian: Thanks, for saying that.
Cassandra: Oh, it looks like St. Croix liked your invention after all.
Varian: Master St. Croix! No! No! Don't! You're You're building too much pressure!
Master. Dr. St. Croix: Back off, boy! I'm a scientist.
Varian: Don't!
Master. Dr. St. Croix: (grunts) Somebody do something! Double disqualified!
Varian: You chose me!
Cassandra: Don't flatter yourself, kid. Now come on, we've got a job to do!
Varian: Oh, this is bad.
Cassandra: How bad?
Varian: Introducing counter-centrifugation to the magnetism could result in well, that! Its angular momentum is rapidly approaching critical velocity. Once that happens, it'll suck up everything in sight. Us! The castle! Everything!
Shorty: You're welcome.
Cassandra: Okay, so, very bad. How do we stop it?
Varian: There's only one way to stop it. I gotta get close enough to pull the hand brake!
Cassandra: Where do you think you're going? You're gonna need an assistant!
Varian: (chuckles) Whoa! Cassandra! Help! (grunting) (zapping) (grunting) I can't get close enough! The vortex has gotten too strong. We need an equally powerful wind source to counteract it!
Rapunzel: The Mega Dry! The Mega Dry can generate that kind of wind speed and blow against the vortex!
Eugene: Yes!
Varian: He needs to create a counter-pole to the vortex's critical velocity!
Rapunzel: Max, he means you have to run backwards! (grunts) It's working!
Varian: Hold on, Cass! (grunts)
Rapunzel: Woo-hoo!
Big Nose: Yeah!
Rapunzel: We did it!
Eugene: Blondie, hands down, your best invention yet! (kisses)
Shorty (muffled): Pardon me, I believe I've been folded in half.
Master. Dr. St. Croix: (St. Croix groans) You! (whimpers) Neck hurts.
Fernanda Pizazzo: Ooh! Master St. Croix, this still counts as a win, right? No take backsides?

Cassandra: I believe this was meant for you. (picks up the first prize ribbon from the ground then puts it on his apron and he smiles)
Varian: And, um, this was meant for you. (gives her a Cassandrium necklace then she wears the present)
Cassandra: Thanks. And, Varian, about putting my own ambition in front of our friendship, I'm sorry. (apologizing to him)
Varian: It's It's okay, Cassandra. (forgives her)
Cassandra: Hey, call me Cassie. (Varian smiles)
Varian: Well, I guess I should start cleaning this mess up.
Captain of the Guards: Cassandra, you helped prevent what could've been a disaster for all of us. Well done. And I have another assignment for you.
Cassandra: You know what, Dad? I'm gonna set this aside for now. I think my friend needs my help.
Captain of the Guards: Well, as Captain of the Guard, turning down an assignment doesn't bode well. But as your dad, I'm proud of you.

Varian: Wow. You turned down your dad? For me?
Cassandra: I'll find a way to make it up to him. Besides, it's not every day you get an element named after you.
Varian: I actually got the idea after discovering a cluster of these strange black rocks by my village.
Rapunzel and Cassandra: Black rocks?

Varian: It was amazing. They just kind of sprouted up here a couple weeks ago. I never seen anything like it.
(The rock spikes suddenly grow pale blue, as Rapunzel's hair glows a bright yellow)
Varian: Amazing. The rocks are demonstrating an actual physical response...to you. (points to Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Shh. Varian, I need you to promise to keep this between you and me, okay? And them.
Varian: Why? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Because my dad has forbidden me from talking about these rocks to anyone. We collectively are going to figure it out.
Varian: You can count on me.

Under Raps

Cassandra: Okay, this double date needs to end now! You guys are totally embarrassing me.
Rapunzel: We are? Sorry. We didn't mean to.
Cassandra: I know, Raps. But could please stop talking about my muscles or my fighting skills? I want Andrew to see a different side of me. And when we get down I'd like to be alone with him.

Eugene: But it's mostly your fault.
Rapunzel: What?
Eugene: Okay. I'm the last person to defend Cassandra, but not everyone is as open with their feelings as you are. Cass just keeps things more to herself and if you want to be her friend, which is something I will never ever, ever understand, you're going to have to accept that and back off a bit.

Rapunzel: Cass is gonna be devastated when she learns the truth about Andrew.
Eugene: Yeah! The only guy who can mess with Cass is me!

Cassandra: Sorry, Sweetie, but the book stays here!
Andrew: How did you-?
Cassandra: I knew you were a fraud from day one. You misspelled bibliophile in your letters, dud. I was only playing along until I could see what was angle. And from where I'm standing, your angle was just so out Andrew. If that's even your real name.
Andrew: Uh...it's Hubert.

Cassandra: Great. Since the Exposition was my chance to prove to my dad I have what it takes to be a royal guard. But you messed that up, Rapunzel!
Rapunzel: Well, maybe if you had told me what you up to, I wouldn't have messed it up.
Cassandra: I couldn't count on you not letting anything slip!
Rapunzel: Hey, I can keep things to myself.
Cassandra: Oh yeah? like the time you told Eugene about the time we snuck out!?
Rapunzel: How did you...?
Cassandra: Or when your told your dad about those rocks I showed you!?
Rapunzel: I had to! He was gonna-
Cassandra: Or when you told your mom who ate her last chocolate truffle!?
Rapunzel: Hey, I had to say something. The guilt was bad enough.
Cassandra: Look, Raps, you're my best friend, but you're a sharer. It's in your nature, and I respect that. But you have to respect there are things I keep to myself!
Rapunzel: Even if those things have life-threatening consequences?
Cassandra: Okay, for the record, nobody's life was threatened until you showed up.
Rapunzel: Okay, let's make a deal: I respect you keeping things to yourself if you respect that when something's bothering you, I'm gonna wanna help.

One Angry Princess

Rapunzel: Nothing makes me happier than a dream coming true. Especially when that dream belongs to a dear friend like Attila. I am pleased to welcome Attila the Bun bakery to Corona.
Attila: My mom always said that you can only get what you want out of life by using the three Cs: Crime, Carnage and Crime. But thanks to Rapunzel, who helped make all this possible, I learned there's a fourth C: Kindness.
Cassandra: Uh, "kindness" doesn't start with-
Eugene: Shh.

Crowd: Uncle Monty!
Monty: Hiya, Kids!
Monty (coldly): Rapunzel.
Rapunzel (just as coldly): Montgomery.
Monty: I just came to wish my new neighbor "Good luck." Had to be one of his first customers.

Princess Rapunzel: I was up all night, and I think I found some neat, bell-free ideas to help Attila the Bun.
Eugene: Wow, You are really committed to this.
Princess Rapunzel: I'm just tired of cutting ribbons, and hosting parties, and making appearances.
Eugene: Well, Blondie, a state person's work is never done.
Princess Rapunzel: Being a state's person is fine, Eugene, but I want to do things that really matter to the people of Corona, like helping Attila.

Princess Rapunzel: "Now, to get people's attention."
Attila: "Rapunzel no! Not bells!!"
Big Nose: "Milton hates bells."

King Fredric: "Rapunzel, I'm proud of how you represented Corona today."
Princess Rapunzel: "Thanks, Dad."

Pascal's Story

(Casts the healing incantation of the Sundrop Flower via her hair)
Young Princess Rapunzel:
Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine
Young Princess Rapunzel: "Don't be afraid, Mr. Frog. You're safe now. Here. It's yours. It's a gift."
(Hands little Pascal a purple button)
Young Princess Rapunzel: "All alone, huh? So am I. Most of the time. If you want, you can stay with me, then neither of us will be alone ever."
Princess Rapunzel: "Hmm. Perfect. Good night, Pascal. You'll always be my best friend."

Princess Rapunzel: Nice move, Pascal. I didn't even see that coming.
Cassandra: What was that?
Princess Rapunzel: What was what?
Cassandra: Congratulating your opponent? Chess is war, Rapunzel. And your opponent is the enemy. First rule of a game of Chess is getting in your opponent's head. Now give me your game face!
Princess Rapunzel: Game face!
Cassandra: I don't know, Pascal. That's more confused face.
Princess Rapunzel: Game face!
Cassandra: We'll work on that later. Now I want you to look at this board with only one strategy: No mercy.
Princess Rapunzel: Not now, Pascal. I'm "no mercy-ING" my opponent.

Princess Rapunzel: How's this?
Eugene: It's a good likeness, but why does he look so terrified?
Princess Rapunzel: Because he's so lost, and alone, and frightened without me. He ran away and it's all my fault. I been so busy with other things that I've neglected our friendship.
Eugene: Come on, Blondie. You'll find him. He couldn't have gotten far. He's tiny.

Cassandra: Where are going!?
Princess Rapunzel: The tower!
Eugene: The tower! The tower-tower!? Okay, we have to start voting on decisions like these!

Cassandra: Whoa. So this is where it all happened.
Rapunzel: Yeah. This is the first time I've been back since...
Eugene: Rapunzel, you don't have to go up there alone.
Princess Rapunzel: Yes, I do. I owe it to Pascal.
Eugene: Yeah, it's probably good I stay down here. I have a strict rule about dying in the same place twice.

Princess Rapunzel (to herself): Okay, you got this. Don't be afraid Rapunzel. It's just a tower.

Princess Rapunzel: Oh, buddy. I know why you came here. Life was so simple when it was just the two of us, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. That will never change. No one could ever take your place in my heart...or on my shoulder.

Princess Rapunzel: It wasn't the same without you here. Good night, Pascal. Uh uh, I don't think so. Here is better; right by my side.

Big Brothers of Corona

Princess Rapunzel: "Everyone is so terrified of this Silent Striker. So, Pascal and I have found a fun way to help catch him."
Cassandra: "Uh, Raps, maybe you should leave it to the pros."

Captain of the Guards: "They're...children?"
Fredric: "We can't put children in jail."

Angry: "We have enough money to get out of Corona. We can start over."
Red: "Everyone turned their backs on us- Everyone. Everyone but them."

Lance: "You sure about letting them go?"
Eugene: "They'll be back. When they're ready."

The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth

King Fredric: I'm afraid Rapunzel has a knack for getting into trouble.

Ruth's Spirit: Listen up! The legend's wrong, Rapunzel. We all have dreams. All I wanted was for them to hear my song.
Rapunzel: So you weren't a barbarian?
Ruth's Spirit: Oh no, I was a barbarian, but I never disappeared to go on rampages. I was hiding away in here, practicing my music. My only dream was to write a rabble, rousing shintae, and sing loud at the pub. But I was afraid no one would listen.
Rapunzel: "Listen up" means "listen to your song."
Ruth's Spirit: It ain't just a club, Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: Guys, Ruth wasn't as bad as we thought. This isn't just a club. It was her secret song, but she was afraid to show it. And so we all have to play it.

King Fredric: Rapunzel!
Rapunzel: Dad.
King Fredric: I was so worried about you. I love you so much. You mean everything to me.
Rapunzel: I love you, too, Dad.

Max's Enemy

Princess Rapunzel: Is this were for a popularity contest, you would come in first place.

Captain of the Guards: Meet the newest horse of the Royal Guard.

Princess Rapunzel: Those two are partners!

The Way of the Willow

Willow: There's my older sister!
Queen Ariana: Willow. I didn't know you were coming.
Willow: And miss your birthday?
Queen Ariana: Well, you have missed the last six, but who's counting?
Willow: Has it really been that many? (to her brother-in-law) Big Fred! You're looking smart. So, where's my long-lost niece?

Princess Rapunzel: You never wear shoes, either?
Willow: I've always said: "How can you know your way in the world if you can't feel the ground beneath your feet?" Oh, my. Rapunzel, these are amazing!
Princess Rapunzel: Huh. Thanks, Aunt Willow.
Queen Ariana: Yes. Rapunzel is quite the artist.
Willow: Obviously, Ari. But his one says so much.
Princess Rapunzel: Sometimes when I paint, I tell myself I'm not painting a picture, I am-
Princess Rapunzel and Willow: Painting a story!
Princess Rapunzel: Right! My gosh, yes!

Willow: But the most dangerous thing that happened to Ari and me-
Shorty: Ooh. "Ari."
Willow: I had this idea to build a cape/kite. I was 98% sure it was gonna work.
Attila: What about the other 4%?
Willow: That's what big sisters are for.

Queen Ariana (frustrated): Would you just give it a rest!?
(Throws the rattle down the cliff)

Princess Rapunzel: Mom! Aunt Willow!
Queen Arianna & Willow: What!?
Princess Rapunzel: We've got a problem.

Willow: Are you sure this doesn't hurt?
Princess Rapunzel (strained): No. I'm OK. Just hurry. Eugene and Lance are down there!

Princess Rapunzel: Goodbye, Aunt Willow. Please come back soon.
(Willow turns to her elder sister)
Willow: That was a heck of a plan, Dariana.
Queen Ariana: It wouldn't have worked without your harebrained cape kite.

Princess Rapunzel: She did promise to take care of that Umlaut for us.
Queen Ariana: WILLOW!

Queen for a Day

Princess Rapunzel: I am so excited for you guys. Take good care of them, Max.
Fredric: Maybe we should stay here. We have plenty of anniversaries to come, you know.

Princess Rapunzel: People of Corona got a problem? Consider it solved.

Rapunzel: Loyal subjects of Corona! As your temporary queen, I officially declare today...a "Snow Day"!

Princes Rapunzel: How am I ever gonna do this?
Eugene: Relax. Your parents will be back soon.

Varian: Rapunzel! My dad's in danger, you...you're the only one who can help! Please! You have to come to Old Corona with me! Now!
Rapunzel: Varian, what's wrong?
Varian: Please, please, the rocks...they're--they're encasing my dad!
Princess Rapunzel: Encasing? Wh--what are you saying?
Varian: Come! Come! See for yourself. You can help! I I know you can! You have a connection to these rocks!!
Princess Rapunzel: Varian, it's a state of emergency here! I'm sorry...I-I-I can't help you! Not right now.
Varian: No! No, no, no, no! Listen to me, my dad doesn't have much time! You are the only one who can help...Rapunzel, please!
Guard: Your Majesty, please. Whatever the boy's problem, it must be set aside. The storm's growing stronger by the second.
Varian: No!
Guard: We need you to make a decision.
Varian:No, no, no, please! Please, Princess, you--you promised you'd help me! You promised! Rapunzel! (panicky) Princess! My dad needs help!
(He gets dragged out by the guards.)
Princess Rapunzel: No! Don't hurt him!
Varian: Rapunzel! You promised! You promised!!!!

Princess Rapunzel: Maximus! What happened!? Are you okay!!? Where...? Maximus, where are my parents?
Captain of the Guards: There's been accident on the mountain.
Princess Rapunzel: Accident?
Captain of the Guards: Rapunzel, I think your parents are in grave danger.

Princess Rapunzel: I hope I'm making the right decision.
Cassandra: You're not, Raps. You're making the only decision.

King Fredric: Eugene, please. Take good care of Rapunzel.
Eugene: We are going to get you out of here! Besides, you should know by now that Rapunzel doesn't need anyone to take care of her!

Eugene: Hey! Celebratory cupcake, huh?
Rapunzel: No. Uh, no, thank you.
Eugene: Hello? Blondie? Come on. You kicked butt and saved the day. What are you upset about?
Rapunzel: Eugene, today, I turned my back on a desperate friend in need. I sent the man I love to face possible death, and then did the same to my oldest friend. I entrusted the entire welfare of Corona to a fairytale. In a lot of ways, today was the most difficult day of my life.
Eugene: Sweetheart, what are you saying?
Rapunzel: I'm not sure I want to be queen.
Eugene: Hey, Rapunzel, I know today was overwhelming and I can't say I wouldn't be feeling the same way. But you becoming queen is a long time away. Just know that when that time comes, no matter what you decide, I will be right here with you.
Rapunzel: (smiles, hugs him) "Thank you for bringing my parents home."
Eugene: "Hey, you got it."

Painter's Block

Princess Rapunzel: "Dad, what's going on? What's with all this art?"
King Fredric: "I have a little surprise for you: The gallery of the seven kingdoms!"
Princess Rapunzel: Wow. Really!? You're actually doing this?"
King Fredric: "We already have. And in the spirit of artistic expression, I asked the citizens of Corona to contribute their art work as well."
Princess Rapunzel: This is amazing."
King Fredric: But first, I would like to demonstrate a mural from Corona's most celebrated artist: Princess Rapunzel!
Princess Rapunzel: Dad, I'm speechless.
King Fredric: Oh, it was nothing. After the events of the great storm, and the judgement you demonstrated, I'm ready to let this kingdom know more of your good ideas. Now get painting!

Cassandra: sounds like painter's block.
Princess Rapunzel: Painter's block? You mean like writer's block?
Cassandra: Yeah. You're just having a hard time being creative, is all.
Lance: What the Princess needs is a way to punch through the painter's block.
Eugene: Or what she needs is a little inspiration.
Princes Rapunzel: That's it! Come on, Pascal! Let's go find some real inspiration.

Not in the Mood

Xavier: "What? I was only trying to help Max and Pascal teach you all a lesson."
Princess Rapunzel: "So that's why I'm less cheery, Eugene's a wimp and Cassandra-"
Cassandra: "Best opposite day ever!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Dad, no!! you're not thinking clearly!! This is all a huge mistake!!"
King Fredric: "Guards! Take the princess and her friends and throw them in dungeon!"

Varian: "Wow. What do we have here?"

The Quest for Varian

Princess Rapunzel: It was just like the dream I had after my coronation, only more intense. It was like it was trying to tell something.
Cassandra: Tell you what?
Princess Rapunzel: I don't know. The rocks, my hair, Varian- It's like they're all connected and I need to find out how.
Eugene: Sorry to interrupt here, but is anyone else a little concerned as to how Rapunzel woke up suspended in midair?
Princess Rapunzel: Eugene, was I saw meant something.
Eugene: OK, let's say it did. But what if it was a warning? Telling you to stay in the castle, where you're safe? We got it pretty good here, right? Why don't you leave the mystery behind these rocks alone.
Rapunzel: No, I can't. I need answers and I think I know where to start looking.

King Fredric: I made it clear that we were not to discuss magic or glowing rocks.
Princess Rapunzel: Has anyone ever been to Old Corona recently? I'm worried Varian is in trouble.
Nigel: Your Highness, Varian is dangerous. Have you forgotten the boy attacked you during the storm?
King Fredric: Nigel. (to his daughter) Come with me.

Princes Rapunzel: The kite! It's just like the one from my dream! There's a note- from Varian:
Rapunzel, I need you help now more than ever
I may discovered the mystery of the rocks
Find the bronze graph-tic in my lab
But be careful
They are watching and will do anything to stop you
Cassandra: Who are "they"?
Eugene: It's always something with that kid.
Eugene: What do you wanna do?
Princess Rapunzel: I'm sorry, Dad. We gotta go to Old Corona.

Rapunzel: So far, everything in my dream has come true- there's no question now. These rocks- they hold a secret and somehow...I- I'm connected to it, maybe even responsible for it.
Eugene: What do you wanna do?
Princess Rapunzel: I'm sorry, Eugene. I've already let Varian down once. He wants us to get that graph-tic and that's what we're gonna do.

Princess Rapunzel: Oh no. It's Varian's father.
Eugene: Blondie, you OK?
Princess Rapunzel: Maybe you were right. Maybe my dream was telling me to stay in the castle, where I belong.
Casandra: Rapunzel, what are you talking about?
Princess Rapunzel: I touched those rocks and now this.
Eugene: Oh, come now. We don't know if any of this is your fault.
Princess Rapunzel: We don't know that it's not.

Cassandra: Slow down, Rapunzel! Your hair touches these things and we're goners!
Eugene: Yeah! What she said.
Princess Rapunzel: We don't have much time before he gets free!
Cassandra: Who was that?
Princess Rapunzel: I don't know, but it must have been who Varian was trying to warn us about. Whoa!
Eugene: Is there any way to stop this guy!?

Eugene: And this is where Mother Gothel fell to her doom. Um, guys, we have company.
Princess Rapunzel: You have got to be kidding me!!

Princess Rapunzel: Sorry, Eugene. Frying pans are great and all, but it's time for an upgrade.
Cassandra: Rapunzel, what are you doing!?
Princess Rapunzel: Letting down my hair.

(The three are protected by Rapunzel which has again erected a glowing orbicular yellow shield of hair)
Cassandra (impressed): Did anyone see that!? Is that new?
Eugene: Let's just say, it's really complicated.

(Revealed to be none other than her adopted father)
Cassandra: Dad?
Captain of the Guards: Princess, we had orders to take the scroll, to keep it from you.
Princess Rapunzel: Who? Who ordered you?
Cassandra: Answer her!
Captain of the Guards: Your father.
(Shocked, Rapunzel looks at the scroll, which reveals that the mystical golden flower was made from a single drop of pure sunlight, and that the sinister rock spikes were made of from one single drop of moonlight)
Eugene: Why would your father wanna keep this from you?
Princess Rapunzel: I don't know. (firmly) But I'm gonna find out.

The Alchemist Returns

(suspenseful music) (Rapunzel storms into the castle from the balcony then walks to the throne room to talk to her dad)

Maiden 1: Good morning, Princess.
Guard 1: Beautiful day.
Shorty: Gesundheit, m'lady.
Princess Rapunzel (coldly) (slams the door) You lied to me. (Nigel and a guard walk away)
King Fredric: Rapunzel, I just heard what happened in Old Corona. I, I assure you, my only intent was to protect you.
Princess Rapunzel: From what? Your own men? It's time for answers, Dad. I want to know why you lied about Old Corona, and why you've covering up the fact that our kingdom is being destroyed by those black rocks. What are you trying to hide?
King Fredric: I'm sorry, my dear. I did not want to lie to you. But you are not ready for the truth.
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, Dad, we are beyond what I am and not ready for. People are in danger!
King Fredric: Rapunzel! I am the king and I have the situation under control. (Rapunzel is still mad at her father then she starts to walk away)
Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) You know, you are not the first person to lie to me and tell me I am not ready for the real world. (leaves) (slams door)

(at her room) (Pascal grumbles) (Rapunzel and Pascal are pacing) (Eugene is sitting on the bay window)

Eugene: So, I guess it's a pretty safe bet that Corona won't be hosting a daddy-daughter dance anytime soon? (laughs) (Rapunzel and Pascal stop pacing and looks at him angrily) (Pascal squeaks) Yeah, sorry, not the time for jokes. (Rapunzel sits next to him)
Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) I'm not sure what's going on, but I know Corona's in some kind of danger. And I feel like I'm the only one who wants to do anything about it.
Eugene: No, no you're not. Listen. Blondie, no matter what we're up against, I'm with you all the way.
Princess Rapunzel: I know, thank you, I just... (sighs) I think I need some time alone.
Eugene: Understood. (about to leave) You know... Things do seem pretty dark right now, but if anyone can find a light, it's you. (Rapunzel smiles) I've got a feeling everything's gonna be okay. (hears Stan) (opens the door)
Stan: Quit being so mean, Pete!
Pete: Wait! All I said was your breath smells like tree-rot, you are a sub-standard croquet player, and previous instances where I asserted you had a lovely singing voice were patently false. (gasps) (Stan gasps and turns around)
Stan: You've always loved my voice! (Rapunzel runs to Pete and Stan)
Princess Rapunzel: Pete! What are you doing? Stan's your best friend!
Pete: I know, I can't help it! It's like... I have to say whatever's on my mind!
Stan: Oh, yeah? Well, you have cookie crumbs on your cheek. (points to Pete's cheek) (runs) (Stan sobbing)
Pete: Stan, wait! I'm sorry! (runs after Stan to apologize) (Eugene walks to Rapunzel)
Eugene: You've got enough on your plate, Blondie. Go get some rest. I'll handle this. (walks to the same direction as Pete and Stan)
Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) (goes back to her room to sleep on her bed) (having a dream) (waltz music playing) (opens the door and walks into the throne room)
King Frederic: Rapunzel, there you are!
Princess Rapunzel: Dad, what it all this? (dancing with her dad)
King Frederic: Look, darling, I feel horrible about the way we left things, and, well, I'm hoping to make it up to you.
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, Dad, I'm so relieved to hear that-- (crackling) Ah! (people screaming) Oh! (crackling and rumbling) (panting) (groans)

(panting) Cassandra! Eugene! Oh! (panting)

Varian: Stop running, Rapunzel. (appears behind Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel:(turns around and sees Varian) (gasps) (Varian bends down to pick up Rapunzel's hair then holds her hair)
Varian: Face your destiny, or all you hold in your heart will be in grave danger. (tells Rapunzel) (tense music)
Princess Rapunzel: Uh... (Rapunzel wakes up and sees her glowing and it knocks the clock and her journal off the nightstands (Pascal squeaking) No, Pascal! (runs to grab her pet when he has tied up) (Pascal squeaks) Oh, Pascal! I would never do anything to hurt you. Come on.

(bells ringing) (at the dock) (seagull caws)

Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) I don't know, Pascal, I don't even know what to do anymore. (Pascal squeaks) Yeah, I know. There's always a way. I just have to find it. (ominous music) (distant thud) Did you hear something? Ahh! (Ruddiger chittering) Oh! Ruddiger! (glad to see Varian's pet) Where did you come from? (Varian thuds when he jumps on the boat) (Pascal squeaking)
Varian: Shh. (sees if anyone followed him to the dock)
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, Varian! Where have you been? (hugs him) I, I've been so worried about you.
Varian: Yeah, uh, I had to lie low. (Ruddiger jumps to Varian's hands) A funny thing. The people of Corona aren't too keen on guys who attack their princess. (chuckles)
Princess Rapunzel: Attack me? You, you mean during the storm? You came for help)
Varian: And you got to see why I needed your help. (tense music)
Princess Rapunzel: (gasps) Varian, I am so sorry. I has no id--
Varian: You had to save the kingdom, you did what you had to, but you can help me now, Rapunzel. Do you have the scroll?
Princess Rapunzel: The scroll! I, I got it, like you asked. I have no idea, what it is, but my dad was desperate to keep it from me. (Varian sighs)
Varian: Now, it took me a while to translate this old language, but from what I can tell, those black rocks are actually some kind of-- of ancient darkness. Its destructive power can only be stopped by its counterpart... the sun-drop. Rapunzel! The... the flower!
Princess Rapunzel: You mean the flower? The one that healed my mom, and gave me my hair? But... my dad said it was long gone.
Varian: Hmm. Would you say your dad has been a really reliable source of information?
Princess Rapunzel: Well, um...
Varian: No, Rapunzel! No, it's still here. I'm sure of it. Your dad wouldn't throw something away that could wield that kind of power. A single petal from that could solve all our problems. That's all we need!
Princess Rapunzel: Yeah, but even if the flower is here, I don't think we can just ask my dad to hand it over.
Varian: Oh, I know we can't, which is why we have to steal it. (tense music)

(Eugene is checking himself at the suit of armor then he turns to see Cassandra)

Cassandra: It can be hard to look away from shiny things, huh, buddy?
Eugene: The royal chef just told me my ears were too big for my head.
Cassandra: (laughs) What? No... It's just your head's too small for your ears.
Eugene: No, no, seriously, people are acting really strange.
Cassandra: Then you're gonna love this. (walks to the door) (Eugene walks to Cassandra then she opens the door)
Royal Chef: Huh? I once dropped the king's eclair on the floor, but gave it to him anyway. Uh-oh! (put his hands on his mouth)
Nigel: (in British accent) People are often impressed by my regal accent, but the truth is, (in American accent) I really sound like this. (put his hands on his mouth) Oh! (runs away) (Eugene closes the door)
Eugene: Yeah, we might wanna look into this. (tells Cassandra)

(two guards are walking by) (Rapunzel peeks out of hiding to see if the guards are there) (Pascal squeaks) (Varian also peeks out of hiding then Rapunzel grabs his hand and they run to the door)

Varian: (grunts) Princess, what are we doing here? The flower would most likely be in the royal vault, and that is on the other side--
Rapunzel: Other side of the castle, I know. But if we want to get past the vault security, our best bet is to use the underground tunnels, and Herz Der Soone's journal has a complete map of them. (opens the door and enters the Journal Room) (suspenseful music) (sighs) (regretting about taking the journal from the room) (closes the journal and carries it) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel stops to see a portrait of her dad) (sighs) What am I doing? (Varian enters the room)
Varian: You got what we came for. Come on, let's go!
Rapunzel: Taking the journal, stealing the flower... Varian, these are all acts of treason.
Varian: This may be my dad's only hope. This... may be Corona's only hope. Rapunzel, Corona needs our help.
Rapunzel: (sighs) (Pascal squeaks) For Corona. Come on. (about to leave the Journal with Varian and Pascal) (Rapunzel and Varian run from the room to the hall but they stop running when Rapunzel sees Eugene walking by)
Eugene: Blondie, what you doing? (asks Rapunzel while she hides the Journal) (Varian thumps as he tries to move forward but he bumps into Rapunzel)
Rapunzel:Doing? Uh, I wasn't doing anything? (Pascal squeaks)
Eugene: What do you got there? (tries to see what is behind Rapuzel's back)
Rapunzel: What? (Varian thumps and grunts when Rapunzel gives him the Journal from behind) (nervous chuckle) Nothing! (Pascal squeaks)
Eugene: Right... Okay. I know you want to be alone, but Cass and I, we-- (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel nervous chuckle) You okay?
Rapunzel: Mm-hmm!
Eugene: Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: (sighs) Eugene, how far would you go to find the truth? (asks Eugene)
Eugene: Personally... not very far. Frankly, the truth's not all it's cracked up to be. Blondie, you sure you're all right?
Rapunzel: Yeah, sorry. (sighs) I just, I've had a lot to process lately. I promise I'll talk when I'm ready, okay?
Eugene: Okay. (puts his hand on Rapunzel's face) Just let me know if you need anything.(walks away) (Rapunzel gives Varian the signal to run) Uh, Blondie? (turns around to see if Rapunzel is still there but notices that she left with Varian) Hmm...

(at the tunnel's entrance)

Varian: I found the entrance! Down here! (removes the lid) (jumps down and put his hands up to catch Rapunzel) (Varian and Rapunzel grunting) (Rapunzel opens the Journal) (Ruddiger chittering then thuds)
Rapunzel: We have to go this way. (Ruddiger chittering) (Rapunzel, Varian and Ruddiger walk to a wrong path then they walk to another wrong path) Um... that way? (points another path then she, Varian and Ruddiger go to the correct path)
Varian: Wow... Oh, oh! These tunnels despict an ancient technology of pre-Corona-era-- (screams) (Pascal whimpering) Uh... yeah, this way. (walks to the left direction)
Rapunzel: We've gotta be careful. Herz Der Sonne's tunnels may have been long forgotten, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous. They are lined with deadly booby traps.
Varian: (scoffs) As you can recall, I know a thing a two about booby traps. (walks to the booby trap then steps on it)
Rapunzel: Varian, watch out!
Varian: Huh? (twangs) Oh! Whoa! Well, that's one down. (Pascal grumbles) (walks to another tunnel with Rapunzel that has booby traps) (thudding)
Rapunzel: Uh-oh! (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel is trapped inside the tunnel with Varian, Ruddiger and Pascal then the walls move towards them) Huh... (rumbling) (Rapunzel screams while she tries to stop one wall from moving towards her, Varian, Ruddiger and Pascal) (Varian drops his alchemy to the ground and he goes to the wall to try to stop the other wall from moving) (Varian and Rapunzel grunting while they try to stop the walls from moving towards them)
Varian: We're gonna get squished! (Ruddiger chitters and helps Varian to try to stop the wall from moving) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel gasping) (cranking) (Rapunzel screams) (Pascal shrieks) (the walls are continuing to move toward each other) (Rapunzel picks up a bone that is near her feet) (tense music) (Rapunzel runs to the axle after she takes Varian's alchemy off the ground)
Rapunzel: Pascal, wedge this into the axle to stop it from turning. Hurry! (Pascal thows the bone into the gears) (metal creaking) (Varian and Rapunzel stop pushing the walls) (Pascal squeaks when he notices the axle stopped moving he gives a thumbs up) Oh! Good. Now, go behind the wall to find some sort of release mechanism. (metal creaking) (Pascal is going to the wall) (Pascal notices the bone is crackling and he shrieks) (shatters) (the axle starts moving again then Pascal goes behind the wall) Pascal! (worried about her pet) Aah! (the walls are moving again then Varian, Ruddiger and Rapunzel try to stop the walls from squishing them)
Varian: (grunting) Whoa!
Rapunzel: Pascal, do something! (Ruddiger chittering) Hurry!
Varian: Aah! Whoa! Whoa! (tries to stop the other wall from moving with his foot) (grunts) (the walls moving towards Varian, Ruddiger and Rapunzel)(Rapunzel squeals) (metal creaking) (the walls stopped moving then squishes Varian and Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: (Pascal squeaks when he returns to his owner) Pascal, you did it!
Varian: I think I'm gonna be sick.

(crowd chattering) (Eugene and Caassandra continue to notice that the people are acting strange)

Man: How dare you point out my obvious flaws with cutting accuracy? I'll box your ears! (mad a guard) (Hazel shoves Eugene to walk away from Faith)
Faith: You take that back! I don't care how true it is! (mad at Hazel and follows her)
Royal Chef: Let's see you speak your truths with a mouth full of strudel!
Cassandra: This is getting out of hand.
Eugene: Yeah, this reminds me of Xavier's mood potion. Only now, everyone can't help but tell the truth.
Man: Out of my way, Big Ears.
Eugene: (coughs) Except for that guy. He has no idea what he's talking about.
Cassandra: If this is some kind of truth potion, we have to figure out how it got into the castle. Who was the first person you noticed being a little too honest?
Eugene: Hmm...

(about to interview Pete)

Cassandra: Okay, Pete. Let's start at the beginning. Walk us through your day.
Eugene: And relax. Just tell us what happened.
Pete: Well, I woke up confused, because my mouth tasted like beans, but I had no recollection of eating beans the day prior. Then I saw my cat, and I said, "Hello, Mr. Happy-Paws! Who's a fluffernutter?" (Eugene takes a chair from behind him and sets it down) Of course, he can't talk. (Eugene and Cassandra sigh)

(distant squeaking) (Varian, Ruddiger, Rapunzel and Pascal are walking to the vault)

Varian: Tripwire. (tells Rapunzel) (he and Rapunzel step over the wire) (Pascal sees a spider then walks towards it) (Pascal squelches then Rapunzel warns her pet)
Rapunzel: Pascal, no! (she and Varian see Pascal is going to eat a spider) I need you to carefully let go of that spider. (Pascal squelches forward) (Varian and Rapunzel sigh) (Pascal sighs) (wire snaps) (Ruddiger chitters) (rumbling) (runs to Ruddiger and Pascal) Watch it! (grabs Ruddiger and Pascal before the rocks fall on the two pets) (sighs) Everyone okay? (put Ruddiger on the ground) We're getting closer to the surface. We don't want to alarm the guards. (tells Varian)
Varian: Oh, I'm pretty sure they and everyone else have their hands full. (Varian snickers)
Rapunzel: Huh? What do you mean? (confused then asks Varian) (Pascal squeaks)
Varian: N... nothing. (turns around) Uh, it's just, um, they... have their hands full every day! (laughs) Corona, you know? (turns towards Rapunzel) (puts his hand the wall) Busiest kingdom on earth! (rumbles) Whoa! Whoa! Oh! (about to fall into a trap)
Rapunzel: Varian! Hang on!
Varian: Way ahead of you! (Rapunzel straining when she pulls Varian up) (rumbling) (he and Rapunzel see the ground to the other side is collapsing) What do we do? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: I'm gonna go with... run!

Pete: I got into work, I high-fived Stan, and I noticed his hand was sweaty,(Cassandra growls and grabs Pete) (Pete gasps) Oh, boy! You are scary.
Cassandra: Listen. We've been here for 30 minutes, and all you've been doing is boring us with useless information!
Pete: Useless! I gave you my recipe for strawberry scones!
Cassandra: That was the most useless part!
Eugene: Okay, okay, okay. Let's try this. Can you recall anything out of the ordinary? Maybe something not soul-crushingly boring?
Pete: Well, I did find the man in the bush who gave me purple cookies a bit peculiar.
Cassandra: (scoffs) You think you might led with that? (Pete picks up a purple cookie that Varian gave him and everyone else at the castle)
Pete: Everybody's been eating these things! (about to eat the cookie but Cassandra slaps it out of his hand)
Cassandra:(slaps) Don't1 Someone may have laced them with some kind of truth serum.
Eugene: Listen, Pete. What else can you tell us about the man in the bush?
Pete: Well, let's see, his voice was kind of... squeaky? Oh, and... he was asking about the sun-drop flower, which the king has been secretly hiding in the vault ever since he used it on the queen.
Eugene: Whoa, whoa, whoa! W-w-wait! The sun-drop flower!
Cassandra: So... someone with a squeaky voice trying to keep a low profile used a potion to get information about a magical flower. Sound like anyone we know? (asks Eugene)
Eugene: Varian. So, that's why Rapunzel was acting so peculiar. Come on, she might be in trouble! (he and Cassandra are going to the vault to stop Varian)

(Rapunzel, Varian and Ruddiger are continuing to run) (rumbling) (Rapunzel panting) (Varian sees that the ground to the other side is collapsing) (Ruddiger chittering) (tense music) (Rapunzel and Varian see that they are trapped) (Rapunzel sees the ceiling of the tunnel and unties her hair then wraps it around beam)

Rapunzel: Come on, guys! This way! (tells Varian and Ruddiger to go closer to her then Varian and Rapunzel put their arms on each other) (Varian and Rapunzel hold on to each other and Ruddger is holding on to Rapunzel's hair) Whoa! (sees a door then she swings herself, Varian and Ruddiger to the other side) (Rapunzel and Varian grunting) (Rapunzel, Varian and Ruddiger jumped off each other when they made it to the other side) (Rapunzel panting as she ties her hair while she, Varian and Ruddiger are walking to the vault) That was too close. You are sure this flower is worth it, right? (asks Varian) It's Corona's only hope?
Varian: It should be, but, uh, I'm not really concerned about Corona. (Rapunzel stops when Varian says that he doesn't care about the kingdom)
Rapunzel: (gasps while she is suspicious of Varian's true agenda) You don't care about Corona? (Varian changes the subject by saying he cares about the kingdom)
Varian: Uh, oh, I mean, of course, I'm concerned about about Corona. I love Corona. I just meant, right now... I'm really concerned about how it's gonna help my dad. (Pascal is also suspicious of Varian's true agenda) (Pascal grumbles) Corona, too! (walks backwards) (Rapunzel and Pascal look at each other after they noticed Varian's true agenda)

(tense music) (two guards are guarding the door to the vault then they see Eugene and Cassandra but they won't let them into enter the vault)

Cassandra: Out of the way, boys. We need to get into the vault and get that sun-drop flower.
Guard 1: Sun-drop flower? Why, whatever do you mean?
Guard 2: Oh, I heard the sun-drop flower was... destroyed--
Eugene: We know the secret. Let us in! The princess could be in grave danger!

(Rapunzel, Pascal, Varian and Ruddiger made it to end of the tunnel) (Varian pants when he is out of breath then he realizes that it is the end of the tunnel)

Varian: Oh, it's a dead-end.
Rapunzel: No. This is it. We are right under the vault. (tells Varian that the vault is above and points to it) Do you see that trap-door? (asks Varian)
Varian: Yeah, how do we get it open? (asks Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Hmm... (sees the pillars and counts them) One, two, three, four... five, six, seven... Seven pillars. (figured out how to open the trap-door) Huh. (mechanical whirring) (air hissing) (an automaton is awaken when it comes out of the wall to attack) (Varian and Rapunzel are happy to see that the trap-door is opened then they hear the automaton thumping behind them but they turn around and see it) (the automaton starts to walk towards Varian and Rapunzel) Uh, Varian? (backs away from the automaton while Varian is amazed at the automaton)
Varian: Fascinating! I believe this is an automaton. (turns around and tells Rapunzel) A marvel of ancient technology, really. But to see one-- in person (an automaton starts to attack him)
Rapunzel: Varian! Look out! (warns and takes him out of the way) (automaton thuds) (Rapunzel and Varian are hiding at the pillars from the automaton then Varian protects Rapunzel by attacking it with his alchemy)
Varian: Don't worry, princess, I've got this. (protects Rapunzel by attacking the automaton with his alchemy when he runs towards it) (grunts) (his alchemy explodes) (grunts) (throws two more of his alchemies at the automaton then it slams into the pillar then it is rumbling and Rapunzel notices it) See? I told ya! I got this...
Rapunzel: Uh, Varian? (notices that the automaton isn't defeated then Varian sees it before it knocks him to a pillar)
Varian: (screams) (thuds) (falls on the ground and Rapunzel runs to him) (groans) Despite the excruciating pain and the fact I am about to pass out, the science at work here is spellbinding! (amazed of the automaton while Rapunzel helps him up) (automaton thumping when it continues to attack)
Rapunzel: We're gonna need some kind of a plan if we're gonna defeat that thing. (runs to another pillar) Uh... hey, you! Um, metal-head!
Varian: Automaton! (corrects Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Come and get it! (automaton attacks Rapunzel but she dodges) Distract him and draw him towards you! (tells Varian) (Rapunzel unties her hair whiile Varian throws his alchemy at the automaton) (the alchemy explodes) (tense music) (Varian runs away from the automaton then Rapunzel ties her hair to a pillar while holding her hair to trip the automaton) (pillar crackling) (two pillars rumbles on the automaton and it is defeated) (automaton is powering down) (Rapunzel and Varian are climbing on the pillars)
Rapunzel: Come on, let's go! (her hair whooshes when it cranks to pull the ladder down and Rapunzel climbs up to the royal vault followed by Varian)
Varian: Hmm... (sees the timing cylinder on the back of the automaton before climbing the ladder)

Guard 1: Sorry, strict orders from the king. No one is permitted beyond this point.
Eugene: Let's ask ourselves a question, shall we? Whose wrath would you rather face, the king's, or hers? (points to Cassandra cracking her knuckles) (the guard is scared of Cassandra and gives the key to her and Eugene)

(suspenseful music) (Rapunzel helps Varian up then she stops holding his hand and they walk up to the candle and Rapunzel lights a match) (strikes match) (Rapunzel puts the flame into the candle to lit the vault) (crackling) (the other pillars lit up) (grandiose music)

Rapunzel: There it is! (walking to the sun-drop to see it) The flower! (tense music) (Varian walks up to steal the flower) (Rapunzel notices that Varian grabs the flower and puts it inside his satchel then starts to walk away) Varian! Wait, wait, wait! You said... (Rapunzel grabs Varian's bag to prevent him from leaving) you were just gonna take one petal. (Varian turns around)
Varian: But what if one petal's not enough to harvest what I need?
Rapunzel: Varian.
Varian: What difference does it make? It's just sitting here, rotting anyway! (grabs his bag pulls it away from Rapunzel then she sees the flackon that contained Xavier's mood potion) (flackon clatters to the ground and Rapunzel picks it up)
Rapunzel: (gasps) That flackon... (holds the flackon but Varian grabs it from her puts it back inside his bag) That had Xavier's mood potion in it. Varian, that potion is dangerous, You shouldn't be fooling with it!
Varian: There was just one drop left, but it was enough for me to replicate and modify. I had to be sure the flower was here. (reveals his true agenda and tells Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: So, you made a truth serum and gave it to everyone? (asks Varian)
Varian: (laughs) You'd surprised what people will tell you for a cookie.
Rapunzel: (gasps) Pete? Stan? How could you?
Varian: Oh, do you honestly expect me to be concerned about the welfare of Corona?
Rapunzel: But you said you--
Varian: Rapunzel... I used you! I begged you and this kingdom for help! Everyone turned their back on me! It has to be this way!
Rapunzel: I defied a direct order from my father, the king, because I trusted you. We both broke the law. (Rapunzel sighs) Give me the flower, Varian. We can find a way to fix all of this- the rocks, your dad, everything. I promise you. I promise. (Varian starts to regret his actions and begins to trust her) Just... this is not the way. Please. (doors rattling) (Varian hears the doors are going open then he changed his mind about trusting Rapunzel)
Varian (cold and sarcastic) Sorry, Princess, but I know firsthand how well you keep promises. (turns around) (doors rattling) (Eugene, Cassandra and the guards are at the vault) (Eugene points to Varian)
Eugene: There he is! Get him! (Rapunzel and Pascal are sad of Varian's betrayal) (Varian takes his alchemy from his bag then he throws his alchemy to the ground then he escapes) (explodes) (smoke hisses) (tense music) (Rapunzel coughing) Rapunzel, are you okay? (he runs to her)
Rapunzel: I'm fine. Varian! (she noticed that Varian escaped the castle to avoid being captured by the guards)

Eugene: The royal medics say the effects of the potion will wear off on their own. eventually. Everything's gonna be okay. (comforts Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: Really? I broke the law, I stole from my own father and committed treason! (sighs) And you know what the worst part is? I let the most powerful object in all of the land fall into the hands of... I don't even know what he is anymore. But I know we haven't seen the last of him. (referring to Varian) (tense music)

(at his lab) (he takes a petal with a tweezer then puts the petal to a mortar and pounds it with a pestle into a liquid) (squelching) (walks to his drill while carrying the mortar and pestle to put the liquid on his drill) (mechanical whirring) (clangs)

Varian: Work! Work! Please, work! (Upon learning that the petals of the Sun-Drop flower no longer possess any healing magic) No... No, no, no! (pushes his drill aside due to his anger and frustation) No! (throws his papers to the ground) This is useless! (slams his fist on the desk) It- It's like it no longer holds the Sundrop's power! (Recalls what Rapunzel had told him earlier)
Princess Rapunzel: You mean the flower? The one that healed my mom and gave me my hair? (Varian also recalled what he said at the end of Great Expotations)
Varian: The rocks are demonstrating an actual physical response... to you. The Sun-drop isn't... the flower anymore. (sees the flower and picks it up after realizing the power isn't the flower) (holds the flower then crushes it to bits and dusts off an illustration of Rapunzel) (rustles) (thuds) It's Rapunzel.

Secret of the Sundrop

(light music) (bird chirping when it lands on a twig then it flies away) (three girls giggling when they are drawing the sun on the ground with chalk) (a woman is hanging a lantern outside) (everyone is giving Rapunzel birthday presents) (Pete grunting)

Stan: Move it to the left.
Pete: Wait. Your left or mine? (asks Stan)
Stan: Mine. No, yours. No, wait a minute. They're the same!

(Pete and Stan are carrying Rapunzel's presents back to the castle) (Maximus, Attila, Big Nose, Shorty and Vladimir are playing a strength tester game) (Max neighs) (crowd cheering)

Man 1: Way to go!

(Rapunzel is feeling down) (Pascal squelching and squeaking when he tries to cheer Rapunzel up)

Eugene: Princess? (knocking on door) Happy birthday! Hey. How you doing?
Princess Rapunzel: (sarcastic) How am I doing? Okay. Let's see, um... I found out my father's been lying to me for months, a secret squad of guards, hunted us down in the dead of night, oh, I destroyed my childhood home, and most recently, I committed treason by helping an extremely unstable alchemist steal the most powerful object in the seven kingdoms! (pause) But enough about me. Let's talk about you. How are you doing? (sighs) Sorry.
Eugene: No, no. It's okay. But hey, I know what will cheer you up. (Rapunzel smiles) Present room. (Eugene takes her to a room with presents while he puts his hands on her eyes then the guards open the door and Eugene removes his hands from Rapunzel's eyes) (Pascal squeaks) (Eugene laughs)
Princess Rapunzel: Goodness! These are all for me? (walks inside the throne room to see lots of her presents)
Eugene: The people love you! Oh, I am good at this! Look, look! (box rattles) It's a set of paintbrushes! (box clinks) Somebody got a new necklace. And this is...(shattering).... clearly something that shouldn't been shaken. (Pascal points to a present) Oh, that one next? (fabric rustling) Come on, socks? She doesn't wear shoes people! (Rapunzel is walking to her other presents)

(walks to Varian's present) (suspenseful music) (tinkling ominously)

Princess Rapunzel: "Wind me"? (cranks the music box) Kinda creepy. Oh, hi! Oh! Friedborg. You startled me. Wait, is it time for my fitting? Where's Cassandra?
Eugene: I haven't seen her all day. See? Things aren't so bad after all. (Rapunzel gives Eugene a stern look)
Princess Rapunzel: No. Come on. We should find her. (tells Eugene that they need to find Cassandra)
Eugene: Friedborg, keep up the... (clears throat) Keep it up. (follows Rapunzel) (Friedborg walks away while holding Belle's dress) (ominous music)

(birds chirping) (girls giggling) (a girl gasps when she sees a black rock) (black rocks rumbling) (all gasp) (all screaming)

Girl 1: Run! (three girls run away from the black rocks) (rumbles)

(at the stables) (Cassandra grunting while she lifts a bale of hay and sets it to the ground then Rapunzel, Pascal and Eugene found her)

Princess Rapunzel: Cass? What are you doing? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: Haven't you heard? This is my new assignment. (tells Rapunzel) (grunts) (Rapunzel and Eugene enter the stables)
Princess Rapunzel: What are you talking about?
Cassandra: Seems like your dad found out that I was the one that snuck you out of Corona before your coronation. And, well... (groans) here we are.
Princess Rapunzel: That's impossible! How would he even know? The only possible way he could found out is if... he read my journal. (realized that her father read her journal) (Cass turns around) (sighs) Okay. Don't worry, Cass. I am going to get you out of this. (about to leave)
Eugene: Hey, but in the meantime... at least you have stable employment. (sits on the hay while joking about Cassandra's new job) (laughs) (Cassandra and Rapunzel are mad at him for making that joke) Okay. Not, not great timing, but different room, different circumstances, that would've killed.
Cassandra: Don't waste your time, Raps. This is just temporary. I'm being sent to a convent tomorrow.

(metal creaks) (tinkling ominiously) (thudding) (metallic whirring) (thudding) (powering up) (Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra are inside the castle)

Princess Rapunzel: My dad has gone too far. (angry) You shouldn't be punished for something I-- (crashing) (Rapunzel yelps)
Eugene: Friend of yours? (asks Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: An automaton? Varian and I fought one like-- Varian.
Cassandra: How did it get past the guards?
Eugene: That's a good question, but I'm guessing it's not here for the party. (shouts)
Princes Rapunzel: Eugene, wait, wait, wait! He's incredibly-- (Eugene thuds) (Eugene groans) Strong.
Eugene: Nope, got it. No need to finish that thought. (thuds) (Eugene grunts) (Cassandra runs towards the automaton to fight it) (sword clanging) (cranking)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass! (Cassandra runs from the automaton) (thuds) (crackling) (Eugene grunts) Pascal, the banner. (Pascal squeaks then climbs up and tosses the banner to Rapunzel) Hey, Tick-Tock! Over here! (automaton thudding) (panting when she runs between the legs of the automaton to tie it a couple times)
Cassandra: No, no! This way! Come get it!
Princess Rapunzel: Cass! (throws the banner to Cassandra) (Cassandra begins to tie the banner to the automaton)
Eugene: Wait, wait, wait! (runs to the automaton) No, step this way! (the automaton rips the banner) (Cassandra gasps when she sees the timing cylinder) (Rapunzel gasps when the automaton is going towards her to attack) (Cassandra stops the timing cylinder with her sword) (metal grinding) (Rapunzel sees that the automaton stopped attacking her then it is powering down and shuddering and it shuts off) (music timing cylinder grinding) (Cassandra sighs) (Cassandra runs to the front of the automaton to help Rapunzel and Eugene push it out of the castle)
Princess Rapunzel: And push. (she, Eugene and Cassandra straining when they are pushing the automaton outside)
Eugene: Heads up. (warns the people) (the automaton is falling from the tower to the ground) (whistling) (crashing) (bell ringing)
Shorty: Congratulations. You win a magical fish. (belches) Oh, that's right. I forgot I ate the magical fish. (Rapunzel, Eugene and Cassandra see the automaton at the bottom) (Pascal squeaking) (Rapunzel grunts)

(at the throne room talking about Varian)

Captain of the Guards: Our first priority is getting to bottom of who was responsible for this attack. (Rapunzel slams the doors open and the Captain of the Guard, King Frederic and Nigel see Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: There's no question who's behind it. (enters the throne room) The question is... what was Varian after?
King Fredric: That boy is dangerous. And I assure you, he will pay dearly.
Princess Rapunzel: Listen, Dad. He is up to something. And we need to get the bottom--
King Fredric: We needn't do anything. The situation is being handled, Rapunzel.
Princess Rapunzel: You can see I might have a little trouble taking you at your word... Your Majesty.
King Fredric: Rapunzel. I know these past days have been... strained, to say the least, but... more important than any of our disagreements, more important than anything at all, is your safety. So in light of this vicious assault, it is with heavy heart that I make this decision. Until the threat of Varian has been neutralized, you are to remain under constant surveillance in the most secure room in the castle. (door thuds) (Rapunzel gasps) (tense music)

Eugene: How is what you're doing to Rapunzel any different than what was done to her for the first eighteen years of her life?
Nigel: Remember yourself, Fitzherbert. You are--
Fredric: Nigel. Eugene, son, I realize how this situation might appear, but... you must trust that I have no choice.
Eugene What? Of course, you have a choice! You're the king! You cannot keep her up there!
Fredric: I'll do whatever I must to keep Rapunzel safe from harm. (tense music) (Eugene turns around)
Eugene: (speaks softly) And so will I. (walks away)

(Rapunzel sees the front page of journal while she is locked ) (Pascal chitters and squeaks) (Pascal squeaks again when he is on Rapunzel's shoulder) (door opens and her mom entered the room)

Rapunzel: (sighs) Mom! (glad to see her mom and runs to her then hugs her)
Arianna: I'm so sorry. I tried to talk him out of it, but you know your father can be... immovable.
Rapunzel: What is Dad so afraid of? Why is he doing this to me?
Arianna: Rapunzel, in the two decades you were gone, not once did your father sleep through the night. Your absence haunted him every minute of every day.
Rapunzel: Are you saying that makes this right?
Arianna: I'm asking you to consider that despite how rash and drastic his actions may seem, or how much you disagree with them, they come from a place of love. (Pascal squeaks) But I agree with you. This isn't right.

(Monty is snoring while Gregorio then Monty wakes up) (distant crashing) (gasping) (Gregorio snoring) (rumbling) (Monty yells) (Gregorio wakes up) (rumbling) (yells) (Monty sees the black rocks then runs while carrying Gregorio) (rumbling) (yells)

Monty: Oh, sugar! The king must be told! Oh, oh, oh! We have to tell the king.
Old Lady Crowley: Don't look at me. I'm on my lunch. (tells Monty) (eating lunch with a pig) (pig snorting) (munching)

(Cassandra is packing up to go to the convent)

Captain of the Guard: (Owl hoots) You should know the decision to send you off brings me no pleasure. Perhaps after this threat has been quelled, and some time has passed, we can... revisit the arrangement. (Owl hooting) Until then, of course... I'll come to see you when I can. (Cassandra sees a picture of her, Rapunzel, Pascal, Owl and half of Eugene)
Cassandra: Dad, all I ever wanted was to be like you. (turns around) I wanted to be a royal guard, and serve my kingdom. I, I wanted to make you proud.
Captain of the Guard: Honey...
Cassandra: There was a time in my life where I would have done anything, gone to any lengths to keep from disappointing you. (zips up her bag and pets Owl goodbye before leaving) (Owl hoots) The last thing I ever expected was for you to be the one to disappoint me. (tells her adopted father and walks away feeling down while her adopted father turns around to see her leaving her room) (Owl hoots sadly) (Captain of the Guard groans)

(somber music) Locked inside a tower Kept behind a wall Sheltered from a world you’ve barely known That’s the way they treat you And what’s worst of all Who's to blame? Just you and you alone

There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours Life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!

No one else can tell you what to do Or who to be! No one gets to say if you will stay or go So use the gifts you're given Make the world your own Look inside your heart and find the key... And set yourself free!

Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose Why not test your limits? You've got what it takes Let it out and follow where it goes No more letting someone else define you to a "T" You know that you are strong You've known it all along So seize the day, let down your hair You’ll find a way to set yourself free!

Now it's up to you and what you'll do And who you’ll be! You get to decide how far and wide you go

So look to the horizon Open up your wings! Fly away to find your destiny... And set yourself free! (Rapunzel panting)

Princess Rapunzel: Pascal? (Pascal squeaks) (picks him up) (smooches him) We're getting out of here.

(Cassandra is leaving the castle to go a convent) (somber music) (Cassandra hears Pascal squeaking) (Pascal throws Rapunzel's plan to Cassandra) (Pascal squeaks) (Cassandra opens Rapunzel's plan and sees it then she smiles) (Owl hoots)

Eugene: Uh... quick question. (holds Rapunzel's plan while he and Hook Foot see it before they are going to be launch to the roof) I'm not sure that I see the part of Rapunzel's escape plan that specifically says... I have to be the one who gets launched from a catapult. (Vladimir is holding the wheel to turn and turn until the catapult can be launch high enough)
Cassandra: Keep looking flyboy. It's there.
Eugene: I'm sorry. Weren't you supposed to be halfway to a convent by now? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: Yeah. Just my luck. Must've taken a wrong turn somewhere. (tells Eugene)

(Pete and Stan are guarding Rapunzel's room then they see Lance carrying presents for Rapunzel)

Pete: Oh, okay. Whoa. (Lance grunting) (Pete takes one of the presents from Lance)
Lance: Present delivery for the princess! (telling Pete and Stan)
Pete: Sorry. No one goes in or out. (tells Lance)
Stan: Lance, I know what you're trying to do. Frankly, I don't blame you. We don't wanna see the princess locked up either.
Lance: (gasps) Wait! Are you insinuating that I am trying to break the princess out? Well! I'm just embarrassed for both of you.
Pete: Well, Stan said it, so...
Lance: I assure you, there's nothing but gifts in these packages. (putting the presents on the ground then tells Pete and Stan) Have a look. (Pete is shaking the present that he is holding to find out what is inside it) (upbeat music) (Pete and Stan are opening the presents) (Rapunzel opens the door to see if Lance has Pete and Stan distracted with presents then Lance winks at Rapunzel then she closes the door) (Stan holds a nightgown and Pete holds a music instrument)
Pete: (gasps) An accordion? I have always wanted to play one of these.
Lance: Well, what's stopping ya? (asks Pete)
Pete: Stan, wasn't I just saying-- (starts playing the accordion)
Stan: He was just saying that.
Pete: I was just saying-- We wanna start a band called "The En Gardes". You know? Do you get that? (asks Lance) (Rapunzel sees that Pete and Stan are distracted then gives Pascal a thumbs up) (Pascal squeaking when he goes outside to give a signal to Cassandra)
Cassandra: That's our signal. (sees Pascal with a telescope then jumps off) (Eugene checks the note and sees that he doesn't have to be launched)
Eugene: Ha! I knew it! There's nothing here that says "I have to--"
Cassandra: Oop! My mistake! (about to launch Eugene and Hook Foot)
Eugene: Wait! No! (turns around and sees Cassandra slicing of the rope with her halberd) (rope snaps) (catapult cranks) (Eugene screaming)
Cassandra: Man, that felt good. (Eugene and Hoot Foot screaming)(Eugene and Hoot Foot thud on a dome then Eugene points the bow to the top of the dome while Hook Foot holds the rope that is attached to the bow then Eugene aims an arrow) Are you ready? (asks Hook Foot)
Hook foot: Nope. Not in any way. (tells Eugene)
Eugene: I'll take that as a yes. (tells Hook Foot then Eugene puts the grappling hook and picks up the rope and runs with Hook Foot) (tense music) (Eugene and Hook Foot swing as they tie the rope around and around the tallest tower while holding onto the rope) I am not loving this plan! (thuds) (groans) (Eugene and Hook Foot slammed to the side of the wall)

(Lance covers his ears with presents while he and Stan are hearing Pete playing the accordion)

Pete: (discordant music playing)
Lance: (coughing) You sure you haven't accordion-ed before? (asks Pete while he continues to play the accordion)
Pete: (laughs) Right? It's just coming out of me! (tells Lance)
Stan: Sounds great, Pete! (tells him)
Eugene: (straining) That was a lot more painful than I expected. (he and Hook Foot are groaning when they fell on the ground) Hook? (asks Hook Foot)
Hook Foot: Hook. (hands his hook to Eugene and he hangs it on the bars) (gives Eugene rope then he walks to the edge and throws the rope to Big Nose, Ulf, Vladmir and Maximus then they grab the rope) (Maximus chuffs) (has rope tied around his waist) (Maximus, Vladmir and Big Nose are pulling the rope while Ulf is miming it) (all grunting) (Maximus neighs) (Eugene and Hook Foot are watching the window cracking) Seriously? (asks Eugene) This is the whole reason you needed me? Couldn't you have just used a regular hook? (annoyed at Eugene) (wall crackling)
Eugene: Um... possibly, but probably best not to overthink it. (tells Hook Foot) (bars clank open) (Hook Foot is mad at Eugene)
Hook Foot: (screams) (falls off from the tower)
Stan: Wait, did you hear something? (asks Lance)
Lance: Only musical genius! (laughing) (referring to Pete)
Shorty: I got him, I got him. (Maximus pulls the cart with teddy bears while Vladimir pushes it to catch Hook Foot) (Hook Foot thuds) (toys squeaking) (holds a teddy bear) I got him. I'm the winner! (Maximus whinnies) (Hook Foot wakes up and sits) (bars thudding then it fell over Shorty)

Eugene: Hey, Blondie. (greets Rapunzel before he entered her room with Pascal on his shoulder)
Rapunzel: (gasps) Eugene! (glad to see him and she runs to him)
Eugene: I've come to rescue you from a tower... again. (tells Rapunzel then they hug and they hold hands) (Pascal squeaking) (Rapunzel grabs Eugene's hand then they go outside) (Rapunzel uses her hair as a lasso then she holds her hair while she and Eugene are on the balcony)
Rapunzel: Ready? (asks Eugene) (Pascal squeaks) (jumps alongside Eugene then he holds her when they are walking off the tower sideways to the ground) (her hair rustles) Thanks, guys! (telling everyone)
Lance: Well, listening to Pete play for that long wasn't easy, (making his ears aren't full of ear wax) but, uh, ha! I took one for the team.
Hook Foot: Oh, man. That sounds really rough. (tells Lance after walking to him) I feel sorry for you. By the way... (shouting) I fell out of a tower!
Rapunzel: Okay, everyone, I'm not sure what Varian is planning, but we really have to-- (Pascal squeaks) (tense music) (whooshing) (wind howling) (Pascal squeaks) (Eugene, Rapunzel and Pascal coughing)
Eugene: What is this?
Shorty: I do beg your pardon. I must be magical-fish intolerant.
Varian: Hello, Corona.
Rapunzel: It's Varian.
Cassandra: Where is his voice coming from?
Varian: Something dark is coming for you. Our king has refused to acknowledge it. (Pascal squeaks) In the hopes of keeping his secret, he has lied to you and vilified me. (Captain of the Guard, King Frederic and two guards run to the location of Varian's voice)
Frederic: Captain! Get more men!
Captain: On it, sir. Three details from the West Hall are on their way.
Varian: In a matter of days, Corona, this island, and the castle itself, will be overcome by this growth. It has already taken over the outskirts of the kingdom. The key to stopping this destruction is Princess Rapunzel herself. (Eugene looks at Rapunzel and he walks to her then he holds her and she looks at him sadly while being protected by him) (Pascal squeaks) I have asked for help and have been ignored. I will not be ignored any longer. And to make sure I have your attention, I've developed a new serum, and created something special for you all. (Ruddiger low growling)
Rapunzel: Uh, guys? There's... something in the fog. (Ruddiger low growling) (Ruddiger screeches) (Ruddiger snarls) (Maximus whinnies) (Ruddiger growling) (Varian revealed that he turned Ruddiger into a larger version of himself when he poured his new serum on his pet to be a distraction while Varian easily infiltrates the castle to abduct Queen Arianna)
Guard: (thuds) Whoa!
Hook Foot: (stuttering) What is that? (Ruddiger snarling) (guard 1 yells) (Eugene sees Ruddiger inside the fog then Eugene turns around)
Eugene: Well, whatever it is, it's fast. (Ruddiger appears behind him)
Rapunzel: Watch out! (warns Eugene)
Frederic: What? Rapunzel? (worried about his daughter) (Rapunzel uses her hair as a lasso to tie around Eugene's hand to pull him away from Ruddiger) (beast snarling when it tries to hurt Eugene)
Eugene: Whoa! (Rapuzel puts him on the ground next to her)
Frederic: Find the princess! Get her to safety! (tells the guards behind him)
Captain of the Guard: You heard him, men! Get the-- (turns around and tells his guards) (Ruddiger growls when he grabbed the Captain of the Guard) (beast roaring) (Cassandra, Eugene, Rapunmzel, Pascal and Lance see that the Captain of the Guard is thrown to the ground) (thuds) (clangs)
Cassandra: Dad! (worried about him) (Ruddiger growls) (Rapunzel and Eugene see Ruddiger) (Ruddiger roars then runs away from Rapunzel and Eugene)
Lance: Oh, I liked it so much better when it was invisible! (talking about Ruddiger) (Cassandra checks her dad after he was hurt by Ruddiger then she lifts her dad up) (somber music)
Captain of the Guard: Cassandra, listen. (groans) About earlier, I--
Cassandra: Dad, I want you to know that I've never been disappointed in you.(hugs him while apologizing) I'm sorry. (tells her dad to rest) Sit tight, soldier. I got this. (picks up a halberd) (turns around to tell the other guards) Give me four men covering the south gate. (points to a direction) Four at the north. Nothing in, nothing out. (her dad sees his adopted daughter giving orders to the guards then he smiles) Containment, people. (runs with the guards)
Eugene: It's like he's playing hide-and-seek. (Rapunzel sees that Ruddiger is unable to be found)
Rapunzel: Then, he just picked the wrong game. I think I've got an idea. Max? (Maximus whinnies when he pops up from behind Ulf and Hook Foot) You're on. (tells Maximus then he pushes Ulf to the left and pushes Hook Foot to the right) (Maximus snorts)
Frederic: Captain! Get more men! (Queen Arianna sees everyone from the window) (Varian is wearing his gray bauta and his black and gray coat when he appears behind Queen Arianna)
Varian: Hello, Your Majesty. (Queen Arianna gasps while he greets her then she turns around and he releases a potion before he abducted her) Sleep. (smoke hisses) (tense music) (Maximus runs and Ruddiger appears to chase him) (rumbling) (Ruddiger growls when he catches up to Maximus) (Ruddiger roars while trying to catch Maximus but Ruddiger falls then Maximus runs back)
Rapunzel: Pete, Stan, drive him to the right. (Pete and Stan are running while they are carrying torches)
Pete: Your right or my-- (confused)
Stan: This way Pete. (tells him) (he and Pete are running towards Ruddiger) (Ruddiger is running while Pete and Stan are driving him to the right)
Rapunzel: Hook Foot, Lance, now! (she jumps over the barrel then runs) (Ruddiger snarls) (Hook Foot and Lance are driving Ruddiger to the left) (crackling) (Ruddiger runs away from Lance and Hoot while chasing him when they are carrying torches) (Ruddiger growls while he runs but Rapunzel catches up to him) Trampoline! (Attila, Ulf and two guards are holding the trampoline then Ruddiger yelps he is thrown back and he crashes to a ball pit)

(Rapunzel wraps her hair around Ruddiger with Cassandra's help) (Ruddiger is snarling when he is trapped then Rapunzel and her friends) (Ruddiger growling)

Lance: What is-- (walks up to Ruddiger) (Ruddiger roars) (Lance yelps and runs to Cassandra, Pete and Stan) (Cassandra is mock growling Ruddiger then Lance is whimpering and runs away from her)
Rapunzel: Why would Varian do something like this? (walks to the trapped Ruddiger) What's happening? (she and Eugene see that Ruddiger is about to transform back to his true form after being trapped) (Varian's new serum is crackling then Ruddiger is back to normal while Rapunzel and her friends see Varian's pet) (Ruddiger chitters) That's Ruddiger!
Cassandra: Varian's raccoon. (walks to Ruddiger then she bends down and puts her hand out then he runs toward the gate but he runs to the left to take an apple from the bucket before running back to Old Corona) (Maximus sees Ruddiger is taking an apple and he neighs angrily then Lance puts his arm around Maximus)
Pete: Rapunzel! You did it! (all cheering) (Cassandra and Eugene are proud of Rapuzel) (King Frederic is proud of his daughter) (a guard runs outside of the balcony to tell Rapunzel and King Frederic that Queen Arianna is abducted)
'Guard 1: Princess Rapunzel, King Frederic! (tells everyone) It's the queen. She's gone. (tense music)
'Rapunzel: Varian. (angry at him for abducting her mom)
Cassandra: Dad (sees that he is hurt while two guards are carrying him to go inside)
Frederic: Varian must be hiding in Old Corona. I shall launch a full-scale attack.
Stan: Sir, we got hit pretty hard. Everyone's gonna be okay, but we won't be launching a full-scale anything for some time. (tells King Frederic)
Frederic: (shouting) Then we'll hit him with whatever we have! (angry at Varian)
Rapunzel: Dad! You can't beat Varian with swords and fists. So far, we've played right into his hands. You know he never meant to capture me! He, he sent that automaton to make you think that was his plan. And then he used his... monster to pull security away from his real target. Mom. (her dad calm down) So, (sighs) whatever you think you're gonna throw at him, he'll be waiting. (tells her dad) (tense music)
Frederic: We attack Old Corona within the hour. (tells everyone before he leaves) (Eugene walks to Rapunzel to comfort her)

(Owl hooting) (at Old Corona) (Queen Arianna grunting while her hands are tied via rope by Varian then he tells her that she is going to be fine)

Varian: Don't worry, Your Majesty. You are merely bait to lure the Princess here. (rustles the dust of his drawing of Rapunzel) Only the magic of her unbreakable hair can shatter the amber and free my father. I tried asking for help in a civil manner, but was denied by everyone in Corona. (walks to a sheet and sits on the amber) So, unfortunately, this is my only remaining recourse. (goes to the other side of the amber to remove the sheet from the amber that his dad is encased inside to show Queen Arianna) (Queen Arianna gasps when she sees Varian's dad is encased inside the amber while Varian has a frown when he sees his dad still encased inside the amber and he touches it)
Arianna: Oh! And after you've freed your father? (asks Varian)
Varian: (chuckles) After? Oh, well, I'm afraid Corona will pay for turning their backs on me. And that's when you should start worrying, Your Majesty. (tells Queem Arianna) (Queen Arianna gasps)

(at his and Queen Arianna's bedroom) (somber music) (feeling down) (turns around to see a a family photo of him, his wife and daughter)

Frederic: And now, I have failed you too, Arianna. (upset) (Rapunzel enters her mom and dad's bedroom)
Rapunzel: Dad?
Frederic: (sniffles) Rapunzel. I thought I made it clear-- (Rapunzel sighs and hugs her dad then he hugs her back) (whispers) Thank you.
Rapunzel: She's gonna be okay, Dad. We'll get her back.
Frederic: This... this is all my fault. (blames himself)
Rapunzel: Dad, no. No, it's Varian and those rocks, and--
Frederic: No. No, Rapunzel. You were right. (sees the picture again) I have been keeping something from you. As you know, the night you were born, your mother fell deathly ill. I was desperate to do anything to save her, and you. So, I sought the miracle of Sun Drop Flower. But what I've never told anyone was that there was more to the story. You see, earlier that night, I was warned. Warned that taking the Sun Drop Flower would reap unimaginable consequences. That by removing the light... I'd be awakening a darkness. But, I had no choice. I've known about these black rocks all along. At first, I didn't wanna believe that they were the results of my actions. And when that became impossible, I chose to ignore them. And I expected everyone else to do the same.
Rapunzel: Including me.
Frederic: Yes, yes. Especially you. But the truth is, the rocks are destroying Corona. And you... You are connected to them somehow, I am responsible. No king... would ever put the welfare of his family before that of his country. (Rapunzel holds her dad's hand)
Rapunzel: But a father would. (Rapunzel's dad smiles at her then they hug before letting go) Now... let's find a way to save our kingdom. (tense music)

(people clamoring) (Cassandra, Pete, Stan and the other guards barricade the citizens)

Man: The rocks are getting closer!
Feldspar: Oh! Oh, we're doomed! Doomed!
Old Lady Crowley: Pipe down, Feldspar. (in ominous voice) We're doomed, I tell you.
Frederic: People! (indistinct shouting) Citizens, please, listen to me! (loud whinnying, neighing) I will not lie to you any longer. Corona is in grave danger. The queen has been taken. Over half our royal guard lie wounded. And these black rocks draw ever closer. (indistinct shouting)
Eugene: Uh, sir, hi, yeah. If there's a "but" in this speech, you probably wanna cut to it... right now. (tells King Frederic then Rapunzel holds his arm)
Frederic: But I look at you, and I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family, strong, brave individuals who have stood by each others' side, and have never, ever backed down from a fight. Today, we face a danger like none before. As your king, your friend, and as your brother, I ask you to fight one more time. For Corona! (crowd chanting) For Corona! For Corona!

(at the strategy room of the castle)

Old Lady Crowley: What do you ask of us, Your Majesty? (asks King Frederic)
Frederic: As was so insightfully pointed it out to me, we've been playing straight into Varian's hands, and now, he's expecting a full-out attack on Old Corona.
Stan: So, what's the plan, Your Majesty? (Rapunzel puts her finger on a model of Varian's home)
Rapunzel: We launch a full-out attack on Old Corona.
Pete: But we'd be giving him the upper hand.
Rapunzel: Yeah, well, we're let Varian think he still has the upper hand. And while we distract him with the assault, I am gonna sneak around the back using the underground tunnels and rescue the queen. (her dad puts his hand on her shoulder)
Frederic: We are going to to rescue the queen. (tells Rapunzel then she smiles)
Stan: With all due respect, Princess, Varian only wants you. Once he sees you're nowhere to found, won't he realize that our attack is just a diversion?
Rapunzel: Probably. That is what he is for. (Shorty is Rapunzel's decoy for the assault)
Shorty: I got this. (walks into the strategy room disguised as Rapunzel to fool Varian) Ready, Caspal? (gibbering)

(action music) (crackling)

Varian: Any moment now, "Your Highness".

Believe me, I know I've sunk pretty low But whatever I've done you deserved Arianna: Varian... Varian: Quiet! I'm the bad guy, that's fine It's no fault of mine And some justice at last will be served Arianna: Please, listen!

Varian: Now it's time to step up Or it's time to back down And there's only one answer for me And I'll stand up and fight 'Cause I know that I'm right And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready Ready as I'll ever be

(Captain is groaning) Eugene: Cap, are you sure you're up for this? Captain: Actually, I don't think I am. I'll only slow you down. Pete: But how are you gonna lead the assault? Captain: I'm not. She is.

Cassandra: Now it's time to rise up Or it's time to stand down And the answer is easy to see And I swear by the sword If you're in, get on board Are you ready? Eugene: I'm ready Pete & Stan: We're ready Crowd: We're ready Cassandra: Ready as I'll ever be

Rapunzel: There you are! Frederic: Yes, yes. I just had to make a stop in the kitchen. I'm told you're pretty handy with one of these. Rapunzel: Heehee...I sure am.

Frederic: Are you quite sure we can do this? Rapunzel: Together we will, guarantee...

Varian: I'll make them hear me Crowd: Now it's time to redeem Or it's time to resolve Cassandra: Prove they can trust me Crowd: And the outcome will hardly come free Rapunzel: I'll save my home and family

Crowd: Now the line's in the sand And our moment's at hand Eugene: And I'm ready Cassandra: I'm ready Rapunzel & Frederic: I'm ready

Varian: Ready as I'll ever be...

(she and Eugene are leading the people to Old Corona while Shorty is the distraction)

Cassandra: Keep an eye out, everyone. It's too quiet for my liking.
Shorty: I can fix that. (clears throat) (sings off-key) I got the wind in my hair.
Eugene: Can it, half-pint. (annoyed with Shorty's singing voice then he takes Caspal off Shorty's shoulder and put it into his mouth to silence him)
Shorty: Ow! (munches) (Maximus snorts)

(sees Cassandra, Fidella, Attila, Pete, Stan, Eugene, Lance, Shorty and Maximus from the window)

Varian: What a happy family reunion this will be. (Queen Arianna gasps and he turns around to face her with an evil grin) For both of us. (tense music) (Rapunzel, Pascal and King Frederic are at the underground tunnels and they are walking underneath to Varian's lab)
Rapunzel: (whispering) Varian's lab should be right above us. (climbs the ladder) (wood creaks)
Frederic: Ah, careful. (holds the ladder for Rapunzel) (wood creaks) (Rapunzel reached the top of the ladder and opens the hatch) (hatch creaking) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel peeks around the lab) (tense music) (then Rapunzel and her dad enter the lab) (Pascal squeaks) (Rapunzel and her dad walk towards a dummy Varian at the window that Varian himself had placed) (tense music intensifies) (King Frederic grunts when he grabs the dummy Varian) What? (drops the dummy to the ground and points to it) What is this? (Rapunzel gasps) (mechanial whirring) (Rapunzel and her dad sees the trap that Varian placed) (then Varian's chemical balls are released from the traps on both sides) (smoke hisses then balls trap Rapunzel and King Frederic with goop) (Rapunzel grunting while she tries to free her feet) (Varian laughing evilly when he shows up with his hair is covering his face)
Varian: Welcome back... (Rapunzel gasps) Rapunzel. (greets her to his house while he revealed his evil smile after he lifts up his hair to show his face) (Rapunzel, her dad and Pascal are mad at Varian) (Pascal squeaks)

(Eugene, Cassandra and the Corona army are outside of Varian's home)

Lance: Maybe Rapunzel was wrong and we... (Cassandra jumps off Fidella) overestimated the little guy. (referring to Varian) (Eugene jumps off Maximus while Cassandra walks a few steps away if she sees anything)
Eugene: You don't know Varian very well, do you, buddy? (asks Lance) (music playing)
Cassandra: Shh! (turns around) Listen. (ominous music playing) (she, Eugene, Maximus, Lance and the kingdom army hear a noise) (rumbling) (an automaton appears from the ground) (cranking)
Eugene: Oh man, not this guy again! (referring to an automaton that he, Rapunzel and Cassandra fought inside the castle)
Cassandra: Okay, everyone. This thing may be tough, but we got him outnumbered. (more automatons appear then Eugene, Lance and Maximus see them)
Eugene: Uh, Cass... are you sure about that? (he asks Cassandra then she notices more automatons then she turns around to see them) (an automaton also appears behind Lance, Eugene, Maximus, Shorty, Monty and the two guards)
Cassandra: It's an ambush! (turns around to tell everyone)

(Rapunzel and her dad are still trapped with goop when they are angry at Varian inside his home)

Frederic: Varian, I demand you release us, and tell me where the queen is. (Varian took Pascal from Rapunzel to put Pascal inside a cage and he walks while carrying the cage Pascal)
Varian: Your Majesty, I know it's hard for you, but for the first time in your life... (Pascal squeaks sadly when Varian puts the cage on his desk) ...you are in no position to demand anything. (angrily tells King Frederic) But in the spirit of compromise, how 'bout I meet ya halfway. (walks backwards to the curtain to reveal Queen Arianna from behind it) (Queen Arianna gasps)
Rapunzel: (gasps) Mom! (her dad holds her when she is worried about her mom)
Arianna: I'm okay, Rapunzel.
Rapunzel: Let her go, Varian! Please! (begs him to let her mom go)
Varian: First, you're going to do something for me. (tells Rapunzel)
Frederic: What do you want? (asks Varian)
Varian: Oh! So now you care about what I want. (laughs) All it took was threatening the things you love the most. (walks to Queen Arianna to grab her shoulder to pull her towards him when he bends down behind her then he glares at Rapunzel and King Frederic) (tense music)

(Cassandra, Eugene and the kingdom army are fighting Varian's army of automatons) (rumbling) (clanging)

Cassandra: Don't let up! (grunting) (tells everyone) (Maximus whinnies) (Eugene grunts) (Eugene jumps off Maximus and tries to destroy an automaton)
Eugene: (grunts) They've shielded their timing cylinder. (he realized that Varian protected the automaton's timing cylinder from attacks then Maximus comes to help when automaton attacks) Max, split up! (he and Maximus go separate ways) (an automaton rumbling when it runs after Eugene but he jumps over the black rocks while automaton is rumbling when it runs towards him) Man, these things are almost as tough as-- (Eugene has an idea when he sees his relection via the black rocks) Ah-ha! (runs back to tell everyone to skewer the automatons on the black rocks) Guys! The rocks! Use the rocks! (Vladimir yelling when he charges past Pete and Stan while Vladimir is carrying Attila on his back and he is growling then throws Attila towards the three automatons) (three automatons clanking when they are skewered to the black rocks and they explode) (Feldspar throws a shoe at the automaton and it thumps then it turns around to see him) (the automaton starts to attack Feldspar but Maximus saves him from being attacked by kicking it to a pile of black rocks) (automaton thuds and explodes)
Cassandra: Good thinking. (tells Eugene)
Eugene: Well, I'm a problem solver. It's what I do. (music tinkling) (mechanical clanking) (more automatons appear)
Cassandra and Eugene: Oh, come on!
Frederic: What are you going to do, Varian? (asks Varian while he wheels his drill)
Varian: Yeah, I'll... I'll spare the you the details about the Sun Drop and darkness, blah, blah, blah, and get to the good stuff. (pulls the sheet off his drill then walks to the black rocks and taps it) Unbreakable. (clanking) (walks behind Rapunzel and holds her hair) Unbreakable. (walks away from holding Rapunzel's hair) To put it plainly, with assistance from my drill, Rapunzel's hair should be able to shatter the amber and free my father. (walks away from Rapunzel and her dad)
Frederic: What do you mean "should"? (puts his arm out to protect Rapunzel while asking Varian)
Varian: Oh, I suppose it's just as likely the amber shatters Rapunzel. (walks to the amber that encased his dad) I mean, the properties--
Frederic: Absoutely not. (takes his sword out)
Rapunzel: It's not your choice, Dad. (tells her dad)
Varian: She's right, Dad. (walks to King Frederic and tells him that Rapunzel is correct then King Frederic is mad athim) Oh! And I almost forgot, we're, uh, kinda on a time crunch here, so, I'm gonna need to speed things along. (walks backwards to take the cork off his amber solution and pours it on a black rock next to Queen Arianna to encase her inside the amber) (the amber solution is crackling on a black rock and turning it into amber while Rapunzel and her dad watch as the amber is reaching Queen Arianna) (Queen Arianna gasps)
Rapunzel: Varian, stop! (doesn't want him to encase her mom inside the amber then she complies)
Varian: Well... (walks to Rapunzel and frees her from the goop while bending on one knee) (chemical ball fizzling) Shall we get started? (asks her)

(Eugene is riding Maximus while they are going to an automaton then Eugene jumps up and throws his sword at it) (Eugene jumps down on the automaton and tells Lance to use their thieving techniques)

Eugene: Lance! Let's give 'em the old "Bob and Weave".
Lance: On it! (holds a bat to swing the automaton to the ground and it thumps and powering down then Eugene jumps off)
Eugene: Ha! Still got it! (the automaton explodes) (an automaton runs after Maximus) (Maximus sees a leg of the automaton that was skewered and pushes it to the automaton) (clangs) (the automaton that was running after Maximus falls on the black rocks and explodes) (Cassandra runs on the automaton and jumps up then jumps back down to destroy the timing cylinder with her sword) (the automaton's timing cylinder shatters and powering down then explodes)

(the drill's wheels squeak when Varian pushes his drill towards the amber then he checks it while he is at the side of his drill) (the amber is crackling and it is going towards Queen Arianna) (Varian walks to the back of his drill)

Rapunzel: Varian, if this doesn't work, and something happens to me, please... please let my mom go. (begs him to release her mom)
Varian: I can't make any promises, Princess. (puts his goggles on his eyes) (cranking) (drill whirs)
Rapunzel: (gasps, screams and holds her hair) (Rapunzel groaning) (her dad is worried about her) (Varian is trying to cut the amber with Rapunzel's hair and his drill) (Rapunzel sees her hair glows when it reacts to the amber) (whooshing) (Varian tries two more times to cut the amber with his drill and Rapunzel's hair but it failed four times)
Varian: (screams) What? (takes his goggles off his eyes) Why? (drill whirs) (tries to cut the amber again) (Rapunzel groaning and falls while Varian tries again for three more times) (Pascal squeaking while trying to leave the cage but Ruddiger appears)
Frederic: Stop it! She can't take anymore! (tells Varian) (Rapunzel groaning and faints on the floor)
Arianna: Rapunzel! (worried about her) (Varian tries to cut the amber two more times until the drill powers down) (drill stops)
Varian: I just... I, I don't understand! (starting to have a breakdown to failure) Why won't it... (runs to the amber) Her hair! It... it should've cut through it! Why didn't it work? (continues to have a breakdown of his failure) (Ruddiger chitters when he frees the caged Pascal) (Ruddiger tosses a chemical to Pascal's mouth and he runs to Rapunzel's dad to free him from the goop then it is fizzling away while Pascal runs to Rapunzel to check on her)
Frederic: Arianna! (tosses his sword to his wife the she shatters the chains before the amber is encasing her) (Rapunzel's parents run to her) Rapunzel.
Arianna: Rapunzel! (Rapunzel hugs her parents)
Varian: (lamenting his failure while crying) No! No! I wasn't wrong! It's not my fault! (turns around to see Rapunzel and her parents hugging each other) None of it is! (glares angrily at Rapunzel while blaming her when his sanity is now pushed over the limit) It's her fault. (still bent on having revenge on Rapunzel)
Frederic: Rapunzel, are you okay? (asks his daughter)
Rapunzel: (sighs) Yes, I will be. (tells her dad) Varian. (sees that Varian is gone) Oh, where did he go? (her parents turn around to see he is gone) (rumbling) (Pascal squeaks, screams while he notices the ground shaking) (Pascal squeaks) Whoa! (rumbling) (she, her parents and Pascal see Varian again)
Varian: (bursts out from the ground while inside a giant automaton) Sorry, Princess. We were in this together, but if I can't have a happy ending, then neither can you! (angrily tells Rapunzel) (Varian shouts when he attacks Rapunzel and her parents but they run away from him) (rumbling)

(automaton clatters and explosion)

Eugene: All right! Who's next? (he sees Rapunzel and her parents walk outside of Varian's home) (sword clangs) Rapunzel! (worries about her) (clanking) (rumbling) (Varian walks outside of his home) (Rapunzel screams when she and her dad run away while her mom runs the other way) Sorry, buddy, but there's a line. (tells Varian when he sees Varian inside his giant automaton) (Eugene points to the automatons behind him) (Cassandra screaming when jumps to attack Varian with her sword but he grabbed her with one of his robot hands) (Cassandra's sword falls to the ground when Varian grabbed her) (Varian's giant automaton thuds while Cassandra is mad at him) (Cassandra groans) (Varian lifts his giant automaton's hand to greet Cassandra spitefully)
Varian: Hello Cassandra, I always knew I can sweep you off your feet.
Arianna: Let her go, Varian! (tells him but he grabs her)
Frederic: Arianna! (worries about her after Varian grabbed her)
Rapunzel: Mom! (also worries about her after Varian grabbed her) (tries to attack him with her frying pan and he notices it coming at him but it clangs to the ground) (tense music) That's enough, Varian. (tells him while she bites her lip while walking down the stairs)
Varian: It's not enough until you endure the same amount of pain and agony I have! (walks to Rapunzel) (tells her to feel the same suffering as him)(bites his lips when controlling his giant robot to crush Cassandra and Queen Arianna while holding them as hostages) (Varian's giant automaton cranks) (Queen Arianna groans)
Frederic: Arianna. (worries about her) (he, Eugene, Lance and Rapunzel see Varian is crushing Queen Arianna with his giant automaton and Caassandra groaning when Varian is also crushing her with his giant automaton to make Rapunzel suffer) (Rapunzel is horrified) (Cassandra and Queen Arianna are groaning when they are still being crushed by Varian) (black rocks rumbling and crackling when they appear from the ground)
Eugene: What's happening? (he, King Frederic, Cassandra, Varian and Queen Arianna see that the black rocks are going towards Rapunzel) (more black rocks rumbling and crackling appear from the ground to surround Rapunzel while Eugene and King Frederic see this)
Eugene: Rapunzel! (worried about her when she is surrounded by the black rocks) (Rapunzel opens her eyes after she is surrounded by black rocks the she sees her hair is going to touch the tip of the rocks) (wind whistling) (whirring, chimes) (black rocks warbling when they sprout away to skewer some automatons) (black rocks rumbling) (automatons cranking) (Rapunzel has a flashback of what her dad and Varian said to her)
Frederic: Rapunzel, you are connected to them somehow.
Varian: Stop running, Rapunzel. Face your destiny. (heroic music) (Varian walks to Rapunzel while still holding Cassandra and Queen Arianna as hostages) (Rapunzel walks to summon the black rocks and controls them) (heroic music continues) (Eugene and King Frederic are watching) (Varian is shocked when he sees Rapunzel controlling the black rocks while he is inside his giant automaton) (Rapunzel breathes deeply while holding the black rocks then she screams and her hair is glowing) (zapping) (Eugene, King Frederic, Maximus, Vladimir and Attila close their eyes due to the bright light) (black rocks destroyed the remaining automatons while Varian's giant automaton is pushed back then falls to release Cassandra and Queen Arianna) (robot powers down)

(Cassandra falls to the ground and Queen Arianna rests on Varian's giant automaton)

Frederic: My darling. (he runs to his wife after being worried about her then he holds her while she puts her hands on him to hug)
Eugene: Rapunzel! (worries about her when she holds the block rocks) (black rocks rumbling and crackling) (Varian sits up from the inside of his giant automaton to continue to fight Rapunzel) (Varian grunts and starts his giant automaton) (mechanical whirring) (Rapunzel skewers the remaining automatons) (black rocks rumbling) (automatons cranking) (Varian grunting when violently charges toward Rapunzel in anger) (tense music) (the black rocks destroyed the two legs of the automaton the black rocks also destroyed the arms of the giant automaton) (tense music intensifies) (Varian tries to grab Rapunzel but the black rock stopped him) (Varian screams when he continues to attack Rapunzel) (a black rock skewers Varian's giant automaton and it powers down) (Lance, Cassandra, Pete, Stan, Ulf, Attila and Maximus see that Varian is defeated by Rapunzel) (Maximus neighs)
Varian: No! (much to his fury) (Rapunzel is feeling down when she sees Varian in his fury after being defeated) (uplifting music) (black rocks rumbling and crackling then Rapunzel sees they are breaking a hole in the wall) (King Frederic, Queen Arianna, Lance, Cassandra and Maximus also see the black rocks are breaking a hole in the wall) (rumbling and crackling stops) (Rapunzel stops holding the black rocks) (Rapunzel's whirs)

Eugene: Rapunzel! (runs and catches her when she is about to collapse) Blondie. (Rapunzel wakes up and smooches him on the lips)
Rapunzel: Hi. (greets him)
Eugene: (laughs) We have got to start finding better ways to spend your birthdays. (uplifting music) (Cassandra, Lance, Queen Arianna and King Frederic are seeing the hole in the wall that black rocks made) (Rapunzel and Eugene also see the hole that the black rocks made) (Rapunzel realized that this is her destiny) (uplifting music continues)

(Pete and Stan are walking Varian to the wagon while they are mad at him) (Varian is still mad) (Rapunzel, Eugene, Queen Arianna, King Frederic are feeling down after Varian is arrested) (Rapunzel is comforted by her dad when he puts his hands on her then he is mad) (Pete and Stan are mad at Varian when he is inside the wagon) (Ruddiger chitters when he runs to the wagon and willingly accompanies his owner, friend and master to prison) (Ruddiger runs into the wagon and tries to comfort Varian)

Varian: I will make you proud of me, Dad... (Ruddiger tries to cheer Varian up) (ominious music) (Stan closes the wagon) ...if it's the last thing I ever do. (still vows to make Quirin proud) (the wagon is pulling Ruddiger and the arrested Varian to the dungeon)
Rapunzel: Don't be too hard on him, Dad. (about Varian after he is arrested)
Frederic: I'll be sure to do everything I can to get him help. (about the arrested Varian) As for Quirin, I'll not give until I find a way to free him. (tells his daughter) (Rapunzel turns to look at the opening the black rocks have made in the brick wall) (Pascal squeaks)
Rapunzel: It's like the rocks want us to... follow them. (noticed that the blacks have made a path for her and Pascal)
Frederic: I think you're right. At first, I believed the rocks' purpose was to destroy Corona. I was wrong. I can see now that they're pointing in a direction. Pointing you in a direction. I only regret that it has taken all this to convince me that I should be doing the same. Rapunzel, when you were returned to us, I swore I would never let anything ever happen to you again.
Rapunzel: But, Dad, we talked about this. I don't-
Frederic: I know, I know. You're right. This past year, you've showed me that there is so much more in you than could have ever imagined. I've just been too afraid to let you go. But this path is yours to follow. (points to the black rocks) And if you ever lose your way... (lanterns appears while they float in the sky) (smiles at his daughter) (uplifting music) (Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Cassandra, Lance, King Frederic, Queen Arianna, Old Lady Crowley, Monty amd Maximus see the lanterns) (uplifting music continues)
Rapunzel: Thank you, Dad. (hugs him) I love you so much.
Frederic: And I love you, too sweetheart. (her mom hugs her too)
Arianna: Find your destiny, Rapunzel.
Eugene: I'll take care of her, Your Majesty. (tells King Frederic)
King Frederic: Eugene, you should know by now, Rapunzel doesn't need anyone to take care of her.
Eugene: (chuckles) Touché.

(Maximus snorts) (Rapunzel hugs Cassandra goodbye) (uplifting music) (lanterns are floating to the outside of Corona to guide Rapunzel) (Eugene, Cassandra, Maximus, King Frederic and Queen Arianna are watching Rapunzel leave to find her destiny when she steps on the black rocks) (Pascal squeaks) (a mysterious warrior examines the path at Rapunzel took) (she slices the black rock with her sword)

Season Two (2018-2019)

Beyond the Corona Walls

(Twenty-five years ago, in a unknown kingdom, where the back rock spikes seem to have originated from)
King Edmund: "I can't take it anymore! This stone has claimed too many lives!!"
Quirin: "Your Majesty!! You are not thinking clearly!"
King Edmund: "I was a fool. The Stone cannot be destroyed."
Adira: "But, Your Majesty!"
King Edmund: "You must leave this castle, keep anyone from finding it. Anyone who seeks out this opal must be stopped."

Princess Rapunzel: Come on, Eugene! It's my first trip outside of Corona! It's like a whole new chapter of our lives has just begun. I mean, aren't you excited to see where these rocks are taking us?
Eugene: Excited? To follow a bunch of creepy rocks out to who knows where?

Cassandra: Not that I don't think you can handle yourself, but you got to exercise caution. Trust me, Raps, the real world isn't all fun and games. I want to make sure we're not losing sight of what we're doing out here.
Princess Rapunzel: I know. Believe me, Cass, I want answers more than anyone. I have a feeling that whatever is waiting at the end of this road is only part of why we're out here.

Princess Rapunzel: "Enough!!"
Adira: "I thought we covered this. I don't like being touched!! It didn't cut."
Princess Rapunzel: "It didn't break. It must be made of-"

Princes Rapunzel: "You were right Cass- the real world isn't all fun and games."
Cassandra: "Ha! Are you kidding me? This is fun!"

Princess Rapunzel: Brace yourselves! It's about to get rough around here!
(Nothing whatsoever happens with the rock spikes)

Cassandra: "Raps, what's your Plan C?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I don't have a Plan C. I thought these rocks would react like they did back in Corona."
Adria: "They're not reacting because they found the Sundrop. That would be you."

Rapunzel: "Where is it taking us, Pascal?"
Adira: "To fulfill your destiny.
Princess Rapunzel:" Adria, who are you?"
Adira: "Look, I am a friend. And I am here to make sure you get to the end of this journey you're embarking on. Listen, I don't have all the answers. But now that I've seen all that I have, I have no doubt these rocks were looking for you. And you must follow them...to the Dark Kingdom."

The Return of Quaid

Princess Rapunzel: "You know, I keep hearing how great this city used to be. Well, greatness does not go away. It may get beaten down or hide itself from fear or doubt, but it does not go away. You, of all people, should know that sometimes all that's needed to find the best of what's inside of you is a little help."

Eugene: "You wanna do this in four days?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Do you think it will work?"
Cassandra: "If we told you "not in a million years", would it still change your mind?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Probably not."

Rapunzel: "Captain Quaid?"
Quaid: "Who's asking?"
Princess Rapunzel: It's Rapunzel. Princess Rapunzel of Corona."
(Quaid slams the door in her face)
Vex: "Told you everyone hates you."

Eugene: "Ah, family."
Lance: "There's nothin' like it. "

Princess Rapunzel: "I have a feeling that beneath all the grime and gunk and dirt is a beautiful city just waiting to shine."

Goodbye and Goodwill

Cassandra: "It's great you wanna do this, Raps, but this town isn't like Corona. They don't feel the need to celebrate something every six seconds."
Vex: "You should really listen to Cass.Vardaians aren't really the goodwill kind of crowd."
Female Townswoman: "I hate goodwill, ya clod."
Princess Rapunzel: "I know people here are a little rougher around the edges, but they deserve to have a good time."
Cassandra: "Are you sure everyone shares your idea of what makes a good time? Look, not one person has even signed up for the gopher grab, which might not be a bad thing since we don't have a gopher."
Eugene: "Hey, hey, Don't worry about that. I got my two best gopher-hunters on the job."

Princess Rapunzel: "Actually that's not a bad idea. I mean, I know party stuff isn't your thing, but it would be fun to work together. What do you say? Wanna be my party-planner?"
Cassandra: "Yeah, why not?"
Vex: "Can I help?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Of course you can."
Vex: "I was asking Cass."

Forest of No Return

Adira: "I had no idea people from Corona were such quitters.You know what I say: If you can't go through something, go over it."

Cassandra: "Rapunzel, we talked about this. I don't trust this woman. She keeps popping up out of nowhere and I don't like it."
Eugene: "Yeah, I second that. Plus, we don't need her. Another person would slow us down."
Adria: "Uh, I think you're gonna need her. She's the only one who can lead you through the deadly Forest of No Return."

Adria: "I know exactly where we are, but I'm not sure about the others. The map can only point its user to the exit.""
Eugene: "Then maybe they made it out! Come on!"
Adria: "I wish I could say they had, but you need the map or me to get to the exit. And, as you can see, both of those things are right here."
Eugene: "Adria, I'm sorry for the mess I've gotten us into. It's just, before I met Rapunzel, being an adventurous, daredevil rogue was the one thing definite my life. It was just nice to be in charge like that again. But, I guess I'm not that guy anymore."
Adria: "You're right. You're not who you used to be. As you may be aware, I been observing you and your friends. And it's clear, because of the Princess, you've become much more than just a swashbuckler. You're also a friend. You bring laughter and warmth. You're the fish skin that holds this group together."
Eugene: "Hold up. Did you just say...?"
Adria: "It's a compound for making glue. I use it to repair the soles of these boots."
Eugene: "So 'fish skin' is a compliment?"
Adria: "Sure."

Princess Rapunzel: "I've never been so happy to see those black rocks."

Princess Rapunzel: "Uh, Eugene, is that the sunset in front of us? We're supposed to be heading east."


Princess Rapunzel: Look, Cass, I know we have to get to...wherever these rocks are leading us. But aren't you afraid that if you focus too much on the road ahead you might miss the fun at your feet?
Cassandra: Don't worry about me, Raps. If I want fun, I know where to find it.

Shorty: Take a hike? Fine. I know when I'm not wanted.

Rapunzel: Who knows what we might find with a little exploring?
Cassandra: I don't know.
Rapunzel: Or we could just stay out there.
Cassandra: Explore it is.

Rapunzel: I know this is weird.
Cassandra: Having seventy feet of magical hair is weird. This? This is full-blown wacko.
Rapunzel: Yes, it's wacko. But when are we every gonna get this chance? And Cass, we can fly.
Cassandra (sighs): I am so gonna regret this.

Rapunzel: Cass, I should have listened to you. I just wanted to show you-
Cassandra: How do to "seize the moment"? Here's where the moment got us! I know you take a lot of pride in your irrepressible carefree spirit. It's what makes you you. But did you ever stop to think that maybe that attitude can be a bit selfish sometimes!?
Rapunzel: I'm sorry.
Cassandra: This trail of black rocks is your destiny, but I dropped everything to make sure you get to the end of it! I'm taking this seriously!! Why aren't you!?
Rapunzel: Because I'm scared. You're right, Cass. These rocks are my destiny and that's terrifying. What if they lead to...somewhere I'm never supposed to come back from?

Cassandra: Raps!
Rapunzel: Huh. Am I the only one craving worms?

Cassandra: Raps, what you said before about being afraid. I want you to know that it's okay. I'd be afraid, too. But I want you to remember that whatever you have to face at the end of this road, you're not going to face it alone.

Vigor the Visionary

Princess Rapunzel: I am so excited to see what you have planned for our date.
Eugene: Don't you worry, Your Royal Blondness, Eugene's got it covered. I've entrusted Max here to lead us to the most ingenious, the most romantic spot around. You'll see. I'm talkin' dinner for two, the stars twinkling above- the works. Now I'm not saying it'll top our crown-stealing, lantern-watching first date. But...I kinda am.

Eugene: An apple tree? Seriously? That's the best you got? Should have asked the frog to come along. Even he could come up with something better than this.
Princess Rapunzel: It's okay, Eugene. Landing a date is hard when you're in the middle of nowhere. We can just play it by ear.

Princess Rapunzel: Did you hear that?
Eugene: You mean those out-of-place mystical chimes in the middle of the forest? Yeah.

Princess Rapunzel: "We have seen some pretty unusual things, Eugene. Why are you being so cynical?
Eugene: "Cynical? Blondie, I believe in a lot of things. You know I do: Life-saving hair- believe it! Magical rocks, sword-carrying horses."

Keeper of the Spire

Eugene: "They been at it for hours. What could they be talking about?"
Casandra: "I'm trying to eavesdrop."
Lance: "You know I can read lips, right? Follow your dust knee."

Princess Rapunzel: "Follow my destiny? How is this supposed to tell my destiny if I can't read it?"
Adira: "Find the next scroll piece at the Spire, and the Keeper will lead you to it."

Calliope: "We made it! Oh, right. I lied to you. Now, I can explain."
Princess Rapunzel: "Yeah, I'm sure you can, in twelve languages, no doubt!! Listen, I don't know who you are, but I trusted you!! And I had to endure your condescension and insults, and I went against my better judgement all because you said you were the Keeper of the Spire!!"
Calliope: "It's Spire. Sorry."
Princess Rapunzel: "Who are you!?"
Calliope: "I'm the Keeper's assistant or, at least, I used to be. Before that, I was an incredibly talented street magician. I would perform my tricks in front of hundreds of people. Not really. It wasn't always appreciated. Then, one day the Keeper, the real Keeper, came up to me and asked me to be his apprentice. I had purpose and I didn't want to mess it up. I wanted to learn everything there I could about the Spire. I had to! It was going well or, at least, I thought it was. But a few months ago, the Keeper just disappeared and once again, I had no purpose. That is until you came along. Seeing you with such a clear purpose inspired me. Maybe I could be the Keeper, maybe I could help you to that scroll."
Princess Rapunzel: "Why didn't just tell us you weren't the Keeper?"
Calliope: "Would have accepted help from an apprentice? Especially if you knew she had been abandoned by her own master?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I don't know, but we probably wouldn't be up this tree right now."
Calliope: "That's actually a really good point."
Princess Rapunzel: "Calliope, I still need that scroll piece."
Calliope: "And there's still one key I haven't tried!"

Princess Rapunzel: "The third scroll piece. And you got us here. You did it!"
The Keeper: "And I couldn't be more proud."
Calliope: "Keeper!"
The Keeper: "Calliope, you are now the Keeper of the Spire. You passed my test. Congratulations!"
Calliope: "What? I don't understand."
The Keeper: "I'm sorry for leaving you, but I had to remind you why I choose you in the first place."
Calliope: "Why did you chose me?"
The Keeper: "Your perseverance. This is the skill the Keeper of such great artifacts must call upon in the face of adversity. And you did it. Not only with the Ker-lock but you performed in front of a, uh, repressively different crowd."
Calliope: "Their minds were too blown to clap.That's all."
The Keeper: "You persevered, Calliope."
Princess Rapunzel: "Wait! There had to be an easier way to teach her that lessen! That beast thing almost killed us!"
The Keeper: "The Kerlock is actually a loyal pet, as you'll see when you train your own. Please keep him away from the furniture."

Princess Rapunzel: "We went through a lot of trouble for this."
Lance: "It better be one fancy scroll piece. That's all I'm saying."
Princess Rapunzel: "Let's see what we got."
Eugene: "A guy in a hood? All this for a guy in a hood?"
Cassandra: "Who do you think he is?"
Princess Rapunzel: I not sure, but I have a feeling we're going to find out."

King Pascal

Princess Rapunzel: "Pascal, is there anything better than the sun on your face, and the wind blowing through your hair? Well, blowing through your scales?"
Eugene: "You know, I gotta admit: When I saw the black rock trail was leading us across the water, I had my doubts about converting the caravan into a boat. And, as it turns out, those doubts were not completely unfounded."
Cassandra: "Storm!!"
Lance: "Don't worry. By my calculations, we should just miss it."

There's Something About Hook Foot

Eugene: "She's a..."
Princess Rapunzel: "Serafina's a mermaid?"
Hook Foot: "So? You're a woman with seventy feet of hair."
Serafina: "And you don't see me staring."
Princess Rapunzel: "Got me there."
Serafina: "Lookin' forward to our date, Honey. See ya tonight."

Eugene: "You think at some point, you'd mention that she's half fish!"
Hook Foot: "I don't care if she's half fish! She's got a heart and I got a heart. And in my heart, it burns; sometimes 'cuase I eat too fast. Also it burns with loneliness. Serafina is the only person I know who can put out my burns and warm it up at the same time."
Princess Rapunzel: "How romantic."

Male Sea Urchin: "You are under arrest for abiding Serafina, wanted thief of the deep."
Princess Rapunzel: "Thief!?

Eugene: "Sorry about the way things turned out."
Hook Foot: "Sometimes you gotta the one you love swim away. Mermaid tears."
Eugene: "You were right: Love does have a way of happening."
Princess Rapunzel: "And love does have a way of finding itself."
So when you find that special someone, treasure every moment.

Happiness Is...

Princes Rapunzel: "Pascal, this lantern is decorated with my father's crest. It's from my dad."
My Dearest Rapunzel,
It's been seven years since I last held you in my arms
In that seven years, not a moment passes that I don't think of you
About how I would give anything to hold you just one more time
Though I still imagine you as the baby we lost
I know, wherever you are, you've grown
But no matter how long you are away or how far you go
Know that Corona will always be your home
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, Dad. I miss them, Pascal."

Cassandra: "I had no idea Lance was graceful."
Eugene: Wait for it."
Lance: "Anyone smell burning?"

Princess Rapunzel: "These lanterns, all the celebrating- they remind me of home. I guess I was so excited to see the world, I never really thought about how much I'd miss everyone."
Eugene: "You're just a little homesick but tomorrow, you'll be just fine."

King Fredric (in a hallucination): "Rapunzel, if you destroy the idol, you will never be happy again!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Happiness doesn't come a thing!! It comes from inside my heart!!
Eugene: "How are you feeling?"
Princess Rapunzel: Homesick. But I think I have a way to deal with it.
Princess Rapunzel's Voice:(In a letter to her parents)
I'm still sad to be so far away from home
And there's nothing wrong with that
I can be independent and see the world and still miss home
That's just part of life
Nobody can be happy all the time
And if I'm sad, it's a reminder that I love my family
When I miss you the most, I have my friends to lean on
Until I see you again, you are always in my heart
Love, Rapunzel

Peril on the High Seas

Princess Rapunzel: "Captain, we have to find that barge."
Sea Captain: "I told you! I got a schedule to keep."
Princess Rapunzel: "We can do this the Rapunzel way or the Pascal way."

Princess Rapunzel: Avast ye, Mate-ys!!"
Cassandra: "Avast ye Mate-ys?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I was in the moment. Fire!!"

Eugene: "Man, do I love that girl."
1st Sabbington Brother: "Going somewhere, Eugene?"

Princess Rapunzel: "Hope you're not picky, 'cuase there's only one thing on the menu! (whispers to the Captain) We'll pay you back, I promise. There's more where that came from!! Fire!!"
Lady Cain: "Oh, come on. Even you can do better than that, Princess."
Princess Rapunzel: "I plan to. Lance, Foot, now!!"
Lady Cain: "What are you gonna do now?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Oh, I'm not doing anything. He is. "

Stabbington Brother: "Your friends are gonna make us angry."
Eugene: "A couple of sunny guys like you? Come on."
Stabbington Brother: "Take 'em down!!"

Lady Cain: "Who'd expect that, one day, I'd be free and you be the prisoner."
Princess Rapunzel: "That is pretty funny, although here's the thing: You may have the sword, but I got your feet."
Lady Cain: "Huh?"

Princess Rapunzel: "I gotta say, that was not how I expected this trip to go."
Eugene: "Hey, Foot, stay off the railings."
Hook Foot: Or what?"
Eugene: "Or else that. Rules are made for a reason. Isn't that right, Buddy?"


Eugene: "There's no such thing as curses."
Princess Rapunzel: "You know what? I agree. It's absurd. I don't believe in bad luck curses, Hook Foot. The world is full of things you can't explain."
Eugene: "She's right. Where does the wind come from? Why are monkeys so creepy? Why is 'Peggy' short for 'Margaret'? Who knows, really? But, just because you can't explain it, doesn't mean that it's sorcery."
Princess Rapunzel: "Precisely. Now, let's get back to camp and have a nice warm dinner before we..."

Eugene: "I get why you think you're cursed, Blondie, I do. When strange things happen to us, we want to believe it's for a reason. But remember what you said about making your own luck? The best way to predict the future is to create your own."
Princess Rapunzel: "Maybe you're right. Eugene, look! The river receded!We can cross it in the morning!"
Eugene: "See? Bad luck, sh-mad luck."
Princess Rapunzel: "I guess I was being kind of silly."
Eugene: "Yeah, well, I didn't wanna say it, but silly's the right word."

Eugene: "Rapunzel, look at me. Think about it- Bad things only started to happen once you thought you were cursed, and good things started to happen once you thought you found the counter curse. Look, someone once told me that they don't believe in bad luck curses. "
Princess Rapunzel: "And someone once told me that the best way to predict the future is to create your own."
Eugene: "Did I say that? Wow. That is very poetic. I didn't-"
Princess Rapunzel: "My luck is no worse or no better than anyone else's. What matters is what I choose to focus on. And I'm choosing the fact that we've almost made it across this bridge without a scrape. And there's no reason to stop now."
Lance: "That's right, Princess! Show that bridge whose boss!"
Cassandra: "You got this, Raps! Tap into that optimism!"
Shorty: "Ain't that the tooth?"
Lance: "Good one, Shorty."
Princess Rapunzel: "Okay, guys. Drop your heads and engage your hawks."
Eugene: "Yes! That's the Raps I know!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Just two more towers to go."
Cassandra: "We're gonna need a lot of momentum to make it across both of them to get to the other side."
Princess Rapunzel: "Then let's make a run for it."

The Eye of Pincosta

Stalyan: "Wow. Didn't think Princess Sunshine could find me in a place as shady as this."
Princess Rapunzel: "Well, maybe you're not the judge of character you thought you were."
Stalyan: "Let me guess: Rider's in trouble and you want my help to save him."
Princess Rapunzel: "Yeah. I need to find the Eye of Pincosta, and you two stole it together."
Stalyan: "We stole a lot of things together. Yeah, I know where it is. But why would I help you?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Because I'm charming? Worth a shot. I think you'll help because you still care about Eugene. And there's good in everybody."
Stalyan: "Ha! And you are a terrible judge of character. I want nothing to do with Rider. And doing the right thing never had been a priority of mine."
Princess Rapunzel: "I'll pay you.This unlocks a trunk back in our caravan, a trunk full of gold. Not to mention, the darts you and that guy were playing with-Gosh! His are a lot heavier than yours for some reason. It's almost like you cheated."
Stalyan: "Heh. Guess we got jewel to find."

Stalyan: "You have so much to learn about the world, Princess."
Princess Rapunzel: "Just because I want to see the best in people, doesn't make me naive."
Stalyan: "Yeah, about that."
Princess Rapunzel: "What!?"
Stalyan: "Sorry, Frog."
Princess Rapunzel: "You're going to free Eugene and try to win him back, aren't you?"
Stalyan: "A thief belongs with a thief. Told you, you are a bad judge of character, Princess."

(Stalyan reading Rapunzel's note)
If you are reading this note
It means you probably betrayed me
But remember, there is good in everybody. Even you
And I hope you will make the right decision in the end

Stalyan: "You know, now I know why he went for you."
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene?"
Stalyan: "I looked at him and I saw a thief. You looked at him and saw a good person, which made him want to be a good person. And it worked on me, too.Tell Eugene, I said hi."
Princess Rapunzel: "Wait. You're not going to come and get your payment?"

Eugene: "I'm sorry you had to deal with Stalyan."
Princess Rapunzel: "She's not half bad. She didn't even take the payment I offered. Where's my key?"
Hook Foot: "We been robbed!"
Stalyan's Voice (in a note to Princess Rapunzel):
You guys are a really good match
And I'm not gonna say
That's easy for me to deal with
But the gold will help

Rapunzel and the Great Tree

(Twenty-Five Years Ago, in the dark kingdom)
Quirin: "The Stone and its destructive power must be kept secret from the world. It is the Brotherhood's duty to keep that secret. It is King Edmund's dying wish."
Adira: "There is another way. If we could go out and find the Sundrop, we may-"
Hector: "Enough! The Sundrop is a myth, Sister."
Adira: "It's real, Hector, and its power could neutralize the Moonstone."
Hector: "Go, go, chase empty legends like a fool. But just know: If you come back, you ain't my fellow brethren. You're a traitor. Sundrop or not, I'll end you."

Cassandra (not thrilled): "Adira."
Adira: "I see you gotten yourselves into another situation from which I must recuse you."
(Sees her battling Hector in the caravan)
Lance: "Adira! Yo, how's my hair?"
Hector: "You can't protect them, Adira!"
Cassandra: "You know this guy?"
Princess Rapunzel: "What does he want!?"
Hector: "None shall enter the Dark Kingdom!!"

Eugene: "Two years ago, I'd call fighting jackle monsters from the back of a speeding carriage while a rinoaosuarus chases the woman I love absolutely bonkers. Now I call a Tuesday."
Cassandra: "Time to get some answers."
Lance (to Adira): "You probably didn't hear me, but I'm the one who told the Princess to run the caravan off the cliff. So really I saved us.Don't feel like you have to thank me. You can if you want."
Princess Rapunzel: "Adira, wait! Who was that man that attacked us?"
Cassandra: "And don't give us any of your cryptic runaround talk."
Adria: "His name is Hector, and I don't think I appreciate your tone."
Cassandra (sarcastically): "Oh! I'm sorry I gave you the impression I care about the things you appreciate!"
Princess Rapunzel: "All, right, all right! Who is Hector?"
Adira: "He's a member of the Brotherhood, a group of warriors sworn to keep any and all away from the Dark Kingdom."
Princess Rapunzel: "Dark Kingdom? That's where we're headed."
Cassandra: "How many are in this Brotherhood?"
Adira: "Not many. But you've encountered one before today- Quirin, father of Varian. But none of the Brothers' is as dangerous or sadistic as Hector. And this is his domain: The Great Tree. He's sworn to stay here to ensure no one crosses these mountains."
Cassandra: "And how do you know so much about all this?"
Adira: "Lets just say, some of us in the Brotherhood disagree on a couple of things."

Princess Rapunzel: "Okay, we should circle back and-"
Hook Foot: "What does it mean?"
Adira: "No one knows for sure, but many have perished trying to unravel its history."
Cassandra: "Well, some have translated some of it."
Princess Rapunzel (reads from the scroll):
Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Princess Rapunzel: "It's the healing incantation for the Sundrop. This must be where it came from!"

Princess Rapunzel: "I don't believe it! "
Hook Foot: "What? What is it?"
Princess Rapunzel: "It's another incantation!"
Cassandra: "Another Sundrop incantation?"
Princess Rapunzel: "No, not the Sundrop. The Moonstone."
Cassandra: "The Sundrop's power was to heal. What's the Moonstone's?"
Princess Rapunzel (reading from the scroll):
Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
The spirit free
Cassandra: "Uh, Raps?"
Hook Foot: "Princess!!"
Cassandra: "Okay, Raps, you can stop now. Rapunzel!!"
Princess Rapunzel (sings the destructive Moonstone incantation):
Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
The spirit free

(Princess Rapunzel continues to recite the Moonstone incantation)
Cassandra: "Raps, stop! Please."
Adira: "AGH!!"
Cassandra: "Rapunzel!! Raps!? No, no, no! Please!"
Princess Rapunzel: "That was unexpected."
Cassandra: "You're okay. I'm sorry, Raps. I'm supposed to protect you."
Princess Rapunzel: "It's OK, Cass. Thank you, Adria."

Adira: "I suggest we camp out here for the night."
Cassandra: "No way! We are getting out of this Tree as soon as possible!"
Adira: "I'm not sure that's your call, Kid."
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass, we could use the rest."
Cassandra: "Rapunzel, this place almost got us killed an hour ago!"
Adira: "And thankfully I was there to prevent it."
Cassandra: "You stay out of this, Adria!!"
Adira: "I think you should calm down."
Cassandra: "You know what I think? I think you're playing us. I think, you led us here on purpose and for some sick reason, you wanted Rapunzel to find that incantation and read it!!"
Princes Rapunzel: "Come on, Cass. Listen to yourself."
Cassandra: "Rapunzel, I'm telling you: We need to get out of this tree, but more importantly, we need to lose Adria before she gets us all killed!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "I can't do that, Cass."
Cassandra: "What do you mean you can't do that? Of course you can! Are you that obliviously naive that you can't see-"
Princess Rapunzel: "Enough, Cassandra!! No one is getting rid of anyone!! Is that clear!!?
Cassandra: "Yes, Your Highness. I'll keep first watch."

Hector: "You guys couldn't take a hint. Now I gotta finish-"
Adira: "Let her go, Hector!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Adria!"
Hector: "And just so we won't be interrupted. Now then. It's sad to see the once mighty Adria waste her life on a fool's brig!!"
Adira: "Talk about wasting lives! You and the Brothers' spent yours hiding something no one was even looking for!!"
Hector: "The Moonstone has the power to destroy the world! Keeping its existence secret was the King's wish, and to do anything otherwise is treason!!"
Adira: "I've seen the Sundrop's power firsthand, Hector! And so will you when we return to the Dark Kingdom."
Hector: "That'll never happen!! I'm sorry it came to this, Sister. And now for the so-called Sundrop."

Cassandra: "Leave her alone!"
Hector: "Brave child. Stupid but brave."
Cassandra: "You want the Sundrop? You gotta go through me first!!"
Hector: "'Kay. You wanna try that again? C'mon. Tell me, lady-in-waiting? What are you waiting for?"
Cassandra: "Funny you should ask."

Cassandra: "Raps, wait! You can't do that incantation again!"
Princess Rapunzel: "I don't have a choice, Cass."
Cassandra: "Please, Raps! That spear can kill it! Let me try and grab it! Trust me!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene!! I have to do this."
Cassandra: "NO!!"
Princess Rapunzel (chants the dark Moonstone spell, causing her hair and eyes to turn back once again):
Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
Eugene (weakly) : "Rapunzel!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Lance, go!!"
Lance: "But, Princess!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "NOW!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "I got this, Cass! GO!!"
Adira: "You heard her!! Let's go!!"
Cassandra: "No!! I'm not leaving her!! Raps, let go!!"
Princess Rapunzel (continues chanting the dark Moondrop spell):
Break these earthly chains
And the set the spirit free
Cassandra: "What are you waiting for!!?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I- I can't! I can't control it!! Cass, no!!"
Cassandra: "I could've stopped it. You should have let me try."
Hector: "Listen! Your friend is right! Adria's lying to you! She may have you think she's helping you to find your destiny!! But if you go to the Dark Kingdom, you're doomed!!"
Adira: "Rapunzel, stay on the path. All of our destines lie within you."
Princess Rapunzel: "ADIRA!!"

Eugene: "So what now?"
Cassandra: "It's your call, Raps."
Princess Rapunzel: "This path has been laid out for me. There is no turning back. I am going to the Dark Kingdom."

The Brothers Hook

Cassandra: "That's our last apple!"
Eugene: "If it's our last apple, why are you using it for target practice?"
Cassandra: "I use these breaks to stay sharp."

Princess Rapunzel: "Great news, everybody! We are going to see Hook Hand in concert! Not only will seeing real life entertainment give us a chance to unwind, and get our mind off the road! And each other. It will be a Hook brothers' reunion!"
Hook Foot (not enthusiastic): "Wow. Thanks, Princess. Seeing my big bro preform sounds delightful. Oh, crackers. This concert's tomorrow and it's all the way in West Dismal. That's at least three days on foot. We'll never make it in time. Oh, well. What's for dinner?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Don't worry, Foot. I already have it figured out. We have plenty of time. All we have to do is leave now, not stop to eat or drink, and walk twice as fast as we normally do. Oh, and no seats."
Everyone: "Aw."
Princess Rapunzel: "Come on, guys! We have a show to catch."

Princess Rapunzel: "That was incredible!"
Eugene: "I mean you only got to hear two notes."
Princess Rapunzel: "And they were incredible! Hook Foot, you must be so proud of your brother.Foot? Are you OK?"
Hook Foot: "OK? Yeah, I'm better than OK. I'm thrilled!! Just, uh, tired from all the walking. I got a...walk leg."

Hook Hand: "Alright, who's knocking!!? Hey, Rapunzel!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Hook Hand!"
Hook Hand: "I can't believe you came all this way, just to see my show."
Princess Rapunzel: "Of course! We wouldn't miss it!"
Eugene: "Hey, Hookie. I gotta admit, I kind of miss seeing you around Corona."
Hook Hand: "Oh yeah? How about a shin?"
Eugene: "Oh! I forgot. That's right. You hate me, and you have a really sharp hook hand.So I'll just wait from over here."
Hook Hand: "Wait a sec. Razzle Dazzle? Is that you?"
Eugene and Lance: "Razzle Dazzle?"
Hook Hand: "Bring it in, Little Bro!"
Hook Foot: "You know it still hurts when you use the hook."
Hook Hand: "You still dazzling everybody with that silly dancing?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Whoa, hold on a second! Dancing? Hook Foot, you're a dancer?"
Hook Foot: "No."
Hook Hand: "Yeah right. Dancing was this guy's dream. You believe that?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Seriously? How did I not know this!?"
Hook Foot: "All right! Actually dancing was my dream, but not anymore."
Hook Hand: "Well, probably for the best, right? Now, who wants a tour of my new gig?"

Princess Rapunzel: "Hook Foot, you coming?"
Hook Foot: "Why!? So I can I can listen to the jerk who crushed my dreams brag about how he's living his!!? Sorry, Princess. It's just, when I was a kid, dancing was my everything. It was my dream! But not everyone was happy to let me have that dream. Then I find out he had a fancy dream of his own. And when I asked him if I could join him, he just laughed in my face. That's when I gave it all up."
Princess Rapunzel: "Oh, Hook Foot. That sounds awful."
Hook Foot: "It's ancient history, I guess. This little visit is over and the Brothers Hook can go our separate ways yet again."
(Door suddenly opens)
Hook Hand: "Got some good news for ya. Turns out, we're headed in the same direction. You guys are riding with me!"

Princess Rapunzel: "I have had it with bullies!!"
Eugene: "Blondie, I know you're upset, butt this is a dispute between Hook and his employer. And you're already going off the interfere. That's nice."

Princess Rapunzel: "King Trevor, I don't believe we've met."
King Trevor: "Who do we have here? Let's see. Impossibly long golden locks, a green-shouldered slug. Princess Rapunzel, I presume? Oh and your felonious boyfriend! You're still wanted in Equis, you know! But I shall spare your necked noose. For it was your thievery what led Trevor Jr. to the flippers of his true love: Lucy."
Princess Rapunzel: "Those two seals are getting married? This is a seal wedding? Most adorable thing ever!! This is not over! Congrats, you two."
King Trevor: "Listen well, Buffoon. This is the most important performance of your measly career. Do you understand me? When the ceremony is ended, I will gift the happy couple with a dance, representing the glory of their love. For as you know, I am regarded as world-class dancer. So if one foul note finds its way into my Trevor Jr.'s ear flaps, it is back to the Stinky Weasel with you. Is that that clear? Not one foul note!!"

Hook Foot: "Not one foul note, huh?"
Clown: "Revenge."

Princess Rapunzel: "Recognize this?"
Hook Hand: "That old thing? It's what I wore when I was a nobody."
Princess Rapunzel: "It's your old hook, and you wore when all you had was a dream. Of all people, you should know what it feels like to hide your dream. Why would you do that to somebody else?"
Hook Hand: " 'Cuase dancin' is dumb."
Princess Rapunzel: "Wrong an- Pascal. Wrong answer, Bub!! Just because you're bigger than someone, it doesn't mean you should look down on them. You should support your brother. If it weren't for us supporting your dream, you'd still be wearing this."

Princess Rapunzel: "It was so great getting to see you again, Hook Hand."
Hook Hand: "You, too, Princess. Thanks for everything."
Hook Foot: "I'm really gonna miss you, Big Bro."
Hook Hand: "Well, I ain't gonna miss you. I mean, how I am gonna miss you if you're on the road with...me?"
Hook Foot: "Really!? You mean it? But, my friends. I have to leave them."
Princess Rapunzel: "Hook Foot, we love having you with us. Butt his your chance to follow your own destiny. Go. Live your dream."
Hook Foot: "Thank you. I don't think I've ever been more happy."
Eugene: "Okay! I thought this moment brought on an emotional hug. My bad."
Lance: "Gonna miss that guy."
Cassandra: "Me, too. Maybe."
Princess Rapunzel: "Yeah. Underneath their rough exterior, the Hook Brothers are really sweet and thoughtful guys. Except for the fact that they left us in the middle of nowhere without transportation. No groaning, people! We got a destiny to discover. Now move out!"

Rapunzel: Day One

Princess Rapunzel: "It's just, I've never walked on grass before."
Cassandra: "I'm sure you'll do great. Come on, we- "
Princess Rapunzel: "There's no lava round here, right?"
Cassandra: "No, you're good. Lava free. Now come on, let's keep moving. Rapunzel!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "It's so cute! Look at this! Oh my gosh, look at this one!"
Cassandra: "Whoa! Poison ivy."
Princess Rapunzel: "This is so fun!! Woo hoo! Best. Day. Ever!! What's that?"
Cassandra: "It's a cook book. I'm making soup. A really super special soup."
Princess Rapunzel: "I love soup, too! Mother always makes it for my birthday! Oh, we need to get you the special spice Mother uses called min! It has this bright blue flower and it's so good."
Cassandra: "No, no, no. That'd be too much trouble. I don't want my soup to hold you up from going back to your tower. You do wanna go back as soon as possible, right?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Of course I do."

Eugene: "Look, Sunshine, Pascal is with us, he's actually looking for you."
Princess Rapunzel: "You're lying!! Mother said everyone is a thief and a liar and she was right!!"

Cassandra: "All right! You're right, Rapunzel! I did lie. I did use magic on you and this potion can bring back your memories!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Memories?"
Cassandra: "I erased some of your memories! I didn't mean to!! Look, I'm not big on talking about feelings. And I didn't wanna tell you how mad I really was about what happened at the Tree, so I kept it all in until I lost my temper."
Princess Rapunzel: "How do I know you're not just lying again?"
Cassandra: "Friends just have a way of knowing."

Cassandra: "And I could have beaten the Tree without the decay spell if you had just trusted me! So that's why I'm still angry Rapunzel. But still, I never should have even touched that wand."
Princess Rapunzel: "It's okay, Cass. I get it."
Cassandra: "But, Raps, I won't always be mad at you. I'll get over it. It's what friends do."

Mirror, Mirror

Princess Rapunzel: "Well, it's official- We are stuck."
Cassandra: "Guess we'll have to wait out the storm in here."
Princess Rapunzel: "Or maybe not."
Cassandra: "Raps, I know what you're thinking, but that place creeps me out."
Eugene: "Hang on! I wanna have a look."
Cassandra: "Ugh, could you be more annoying!?"
Eugene: "Hmm, let me see."
Cassandra: Ow!!"
Eugene: "Ah ha! Would you look at that? I can be."
Cassandra: "Look, Raps, I can see where this is going."

Cassandra: "Something's not right."
Princess Rapunzel: "What do you mean?"
Cassandra: "I mean why is this huge place just sitting here in the middle of nowhere? And that guy or innkeeper or whatever he is just takes us in, offers us food, and a place to stay for the night without even asking for a single coin?"

Cassandra: "I'm telling you, it just doesn't make sense."
Princess Rapunzel: "Look, Cass, I know this is weird. But you gotta admit, this isn't the weirdest thing we've seen on the road."
Eugene: "What are you two waiting for? Dinner's ready."
Cassandra: "Fine."

Princess Rapunzel: "What are you!?
Mirror Eugene: "Rapunzel, don't run from us."
Mirror Cassandra: "It's so much better this way."
Mirror Lance: "No annoying qualities."
Mirror Shorty: "No bickering."
Mirror Reflections: "We share the same mind. It's bliss."
Princess Rapunzel: "Pascal, run!!"

Mirror Eugene: "With no one left to oppose us, we will remain free forever."
Mirror Cassandra: "What of the lizard?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Leave the lizard to me."

Eugene: "You are not Rapunzel!!"
Lance: "Yeah, what are you!!?"
Mirror Rapunzel: "I could tell you, but it would probably be better to show you!!" (changes her hands to claws, and cracks her neck)
Lance: "Exactly how is showing us better than telling us?"

Eugene: "I'd never thought I'd see a mirror I didn't want to see."
Cassandra: "Is it too late to trade him for the evil version?"

Eugene: "Well, I don't know about all of you, but I'd take my night in that rainy caravan over one in this inn any day."
Cassandra: "I'm with you, Fitzherbert. Let's go!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Let's get out of here!!"
Matthews: "Must you leave so soon? Oh, did you see the people in the mirror? Should have warned you about them. Oh, well, live and learn or just live. The good news is, you are welcome to stay for as long as you like. You might even grow to enjoy it."
Princess Rapunzel: "Enjoy it? Uh, no thank you. We'll take our chances...in the rain."
Cassandra: "I'll take first watch?"

Princess Rapunzel: "Oh, right. Quill. Sorry."
Cassandra: "Actually, go ahead.What's a little scratching noise among friends?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Thanks. But I can write about the mirror later. Something tells me, I will remember it."

You're Kidding Me!

Princess Rapunzel: "Good Morning, Pascal. You know, aside from the fact we were replaced by evil doppelgangers last night, the House of Yesterday's Tomorrows offers a pretty good night's sleep."
Eugene: "Well, it's certainly the coziest seashell-shaped inn I ever slept in."
Shorty: "I stayed in a cozier one. No wait, that was a cozy seashell shaped like an inn. I'm starved."
Princess Rapunzel: "Uh, wait a minute! The door!"
Cassandra: "It was right here yesterday."
Lance: "Everyone relax. There's a solution to every problem. It's no use!! We're trapped!! It's all over!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Come on, guys! There's gotta be another way out of here. Except in this case. Cass!!"
Cassandra: "That's not an exit."
Eugene: "Dog kennel! And why not, right?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Well, at least we get to cross that door of the list."
Shorty: "Hey, I found a way out."

Cassandra: "Now come on. Enough messing around. We gotta find an exit. (sees a spinning top) No way! I used to have a top just like this! I loved this thing!"
Lance: 'Uh, Cassandra? You like tops?
Cassandra: "Got a problem with that?"
Lance: "No, by all means. It's a bit weird."
Cassandra: "Whoa, look at it go!"
Shorty: "Does this seem weird to anybody else?"

Eugene: "Still no way out? And it's gonna take us forever to check this whole place.
Princess Rapunzel: "Well, I guess we'll have to stay here another night.Today was really tough. But, you know, even though we didn't always agree on everything, I think our different approaches ended being complimentary in a weird way."
Eugene: "Blondie, I completely agree. And if we ever do decide to have kids, a assertiveness compassion."
Princess Rapunzel: "And a whole lot of love. Let's get out of here."

Matthews: "The mirror failed, the top failed. But I promise you, Master: I will keep the Sundrop in this house...forever."


Matthews: "Magnifique! The power of the Sundrop is nearly in Zhan Tiri's grasp."
Lance: "How did we not see this bad guy coming? We're usually pretty good at this sort of thing."
Eugene: "Wait until I'm free!!"
Matthews: "That's just it, mon amie. You never shall be free. And in a few moments, nor shall she!"

Matthews: "Time's almost up. I will start getting nervous. "
Eugene: "Rapunzel, please wake up!! Rapunzel!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Other me! I could really use your help right now! Where am I when I need me?"
Dream Rapunzel: "Hi. Need a little help to wrap this up?"
Princess Rapunzel: "If you wouldn't mind?"
Dream Rapunzel: "I like how polite you are. Dream-fighting is easy."

Mother Gothel: "Hello, Rapunzel. Oh, I've missed you, my precious flower. When will you realize I will always get the better of you? Whether you're trapped in a tower (whispers) or trapped in your own mind."
Princess Rapunzel: "My own mind. You're right! This is my mind! I'm in control."
Mother Gothel: "How many times must you hear before you understand that Mother knows-" (Rapunzel cuts her off by knocking her out with her signature frying pan
Princess Rapunzel: "I have always wanted to do that."
Mother Gothel: "I have had..." (transforms into Matthews)
Matthews: "ENOUGH!! You will not escape my control!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "You have no power over me here!! You thought by dangling an easy life in front of me, I would follow you into oblivion. Well, you were wrong!! (teleports them both to the black rocks)) I am a lot tougher than you think. From now on, the only thing that I follow is my destiny!!" (touches a black rock, turning her hair yellow again and escaping from the dream)
Matthews: "NOOO!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Max, Fidella! It's so good to see you two! Has anyone seen Cass?"
Lance: "Wait a second."
Eugene: "Get ready, guys! There's no telling what kind of souped-up human monster might come through that door. It's even worse than I thought."
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass, thank goodness your okay! Where were you?"
Cassandra: "I'm fine. Let's get moving, huh?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Time to hit the road. Destiny calls."

Lost and Found

Princess Rapunzel: "Just another day's travel and we are at the Dark Kingdom. Hope we packed our touches! Because the kingdom is dark. Is where I was going with that. Are you okay, Eugene? You seem distracted."
Eugene: "Huh? Oh! Uh...I didn't wanna make light of it? Now that we're so close to the Dark Kingdom, it all feels more real, you know? I mean, crazy Rhino Man said if we went there we're doomed, and we have no idea what we're in for. The only clue that's waiting for us is on three stupid pieces of a torn scroll that we can't even read!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "I know it's scary, Eugene, but we cannot turn back now. Besides, you and I have other plans. Or at least, we should have other plans. Birthday plans."
Eugene: "Oh, my gosh! I forgot your birthday."
Princess Rapunzel: "How could you forget, Eugene!?"
Eugene: "Sorry! I'm pretty sure that firefly scorched my date book."

Eugene: "The Path of Demanitus."
Princess Rapunzel: "Demanitus was that engineer-inventor guy who built that thing that stopped the blizzard in Corona."
Eugene: "Whoa, hello. Vigor? Monkey? Wanna banana? Vigor? It's a...a..."
Princess Rapunzel: "Amazing! This is great! I've always wanted to go through a giant maze."
Eugene: "I'm happy for you, I am. But look at that! It would've been nice if Demanitus left us a- I don't know- map or something!"
Vigor (deep male voice): "You require no map. For I am Demanitus!"

Princess Rapunzel: "If this guy really is Demanitus, it is a huge honor."
Eugene: "If this guy is Demantius. How do we know he's not another one of Zhan Tiri's cronies?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I hear you, I hear you. Cautious optimism. Emphasize on the caution."

Princess Rapunzel (reads the inscription):
Remove a piece
And I increase
Eugene: "Wait!"
Princess Rapunzel: "The fourth piece of the scroll! We did it!"
Eugene (reading on the plaque):
Before thou claim thy glory
Have faith the crystal bridge
Shall lead to thy quarry
Use the key to unlock
After thy faithful walk
Eugene: "It's really not your best work."
Vigor: "Yes, but look. A mon...key!"
Eugene: "Now denied!"
Vigor: "Here!"
Eugene: "Why did you do just that!?"
'Vigor: "You were supposed to catch it!"
Eugene: "I wasn't ready! You gotta warn me!!"
Vigor: "I said 'here!'"
Eugene: "That is not-"
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene, you can pick the lock."
Eugene: "Fine. Rapunzel, bobby pin me."

Lord Demanitus: "I'm running out of time. Listen. One must unite the Sundrop and Moonstone to summon the ultimate power. The fourth piece of the scroll contains instructions to wield that power."
Princess Rapunzel: "Wield the power?"
Lord Demanitus: "In the right hands it can be used for good. In the wrong hands, it could be inconceivably deadly. Now you know why I tested your faith: To ensure that the purest of hearts controls the power."
Eugene: "Then what if we just leave the Moonstone alone, right?"
Lord Demanitus: "If the Sundrop does not join with the Moonstone, the black rocks will awaken and seek you out forever.It will destroy everything in your path!"
Eugene: "Ooh, yes. Let's not do that. I have a question: How do we get out of this miserable labyrinth!!?"
Lord Demanitus: "The Moon cannot be seen without the sun's light. She gives you light. Now you must return the favor with your faith."
Eugene: "Demanitus, I don't think I have it."
Lord Demanitus: "It's not that you need to have faith. It's that you need to find the faith you already have!"

Eugene: "I do have faith. I have faith in Rapunzel."
Lord Demantius: "No! Oh no!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Please stay, Demanitus! I have so many questions! How does my hair work!!? What does the Moonstone do!!?"
Lord Demanitus: "Questions you must answer yourself. I waited millennium in this monkey to meet the Sundrop. I have faith in you."

Princess Rapunzel: "And then Vigor says, 'For I am Demantius.' Now this is a monkey talking, by the way. He took us to a giant maze. Pascal, do the face again!!"
(Eugene reads the impending warning left for him)
Lord Demanitus' Voice
At the end of Rapunzel's journey
One of her party shall turn against her

Destines Collide

(Twenty-Five Years Ago)
King Edmund: "Everyone must leave!! Now!!"
Quirin: "Your Majesty."
King Edmund: "I said...everyone."

Princess Rapunzel: "The Dark Kingdom. We finally made it."
Eugene: "We just need to figure how to get the caravan over there."
Lance: "It served us well."
Shorty: "All my clean clothes!"
Lance: "Shorty, you never had any clean clothes."
Shorty: "Not with that attitude I didn't."

Cassandra: "Your destiny awaits, Princess."
Eugene: "You sure you're ready for this?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I just wish I knew what this is. I mean, Demanitus said that if I don't grab the Moonstone, the black rocks will destroy everything. But I have no idea what to expect what will happen to me when I do."
Cassandra: "I don't know. But whatever happens, you won't be facing it alone."

Princess Rapunzel: "No one is gonna turn against me. Demanitus must be wrong. Everyone's had my back this far. They're not gonna stop now."
Eugene: "Unless they think they're protecting you. After all, that's how Cass injured her hand."
Princess Rapunzel: "You don't think that Cass...?"
Eugene: "Look, I love Cass. She's become like a sister to me. Granted, an annoying sister you only put up with because you have to. But maybe we should keep an eye on- What is that bird doing here?"
Cassandra: "Try asking his friends."

Cassandra: "Where did she come from?"
Lance: "Like an angel. She fell from Heaven."
Eugene: "And now Adira's here. Because why wouldn't she be?"

Adira: "The Brotherhood, which I always thought was a bit odd because, well, one of us is a woman. I refused to believe such darkness could exist without a light of equal power somewhere in this world. As usual, I was right. After years of searching, I found the Sundrop. Only you, Rapunzel, can restore balance to all things."
Princess Rapunzel: "If you've known this all along, why have you been so cryptic?"
Adira: "Well, I'm certain bringing the Sundrop to the Moonstone will neutralize its threat. I'm not sure what will happen to you."
Cassandra: "You mean if Rapunzel touches the Moonstone, she could...?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I did not come this far to stop now."

Princess Rapunzel: "Your Majesty, please! The Moonstone knows I'm close. I have to go!!"
King Edmund: "No!! No one may enter that room!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "I'm going in and you don't want to get in my way!!"
King Edmund: "You're not getting past me."
Eugene: "Yes she is!! Let her in!! She's the Sundrop!!
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene!!"
Eugene: "Rapunzel, I am so sorry! I just thought-"
Princess Rapunzel: "There's no time for that! We have to get to that stone! This place is crumbling down around us!"
King Edmund: "But the Moonstone must be destroyed, Son!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Son?"
Cassandra: "Son?"
Lance: "You finally got adopted!"
Eugene: "Look, I'll fill you all in later. That means I'm a prince. Probably."

Cassandra: "You can't go alone! Who knows what's in there?"
Adira: "Rapunzel should go in alone. Only the Sundrop can access the Moonstone's great power."
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass and I will go. Adira, you're with Lance."

Princess Rapunzel: "Look, I know these last few months haven't been easy. But I want to thank you for everything."
Cassandra: "Okay, Rapunzel. It's time."
Eugene: "This is it, Rapunzel. Now go get your destiny."
Princess Rapunzel: "I love you.
(She walks up to the Moonstone Opal and reaches for it, but Cassandra suddenly reaches out her left hand and snatches the almighty Opal away)
Princess Rapunzel: (shocked) Cassandra!? What are you doing!!?"
(Her hair stops glowing and drops in reaction)
Cassandra: "I'm fulfilling my destiny!!
(Breaks the Moonstone Opal in her hand, causing raw evil power to emanate from it and transform her entire being)
Cassandra: "Heh. I tried to warn you, Rapunzel: You have to be careful who you trust."

Season Three (2019-2020)

Rapunzel's Return

  • The reason for Cassandra's sudden betrayal and coveting the all-powerful Moonstone Opal is revealed, as is what she had seen in the door in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow in "Rapunzeltopia"
  • Quirin is finally released from his amber prison
  • Varian becomes a trusted ally once again
  • Eugene and Princess Rapunzel don brand-new attire more fitting to the purple-and-gold colors of Corona

Princess Rapunzel: "You saw all of this in the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow?"
Cassandra: "I saw everything, Rapunzel!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass if what you are saying is true,that means..."
Cassandra: "IT means that I'm Gothel's daughter, and your destiny belongs to me."

Princess Rapunzel: "Cass, we're friends. In fact, being Gothel's daughter makes us closer than friends! It makes us sisters."
Cassandra (laughs) Sisters? My own mother chose you over me! My whole life I've been cast aside for you! No more."

Princess Rapunzel: "Cassandra, please. Let me help you."
Cassandra: "Stay back!!"
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra, you've got to give me the Moonstone! It is too dangerous! The whole world is at-"
Cassandra: "I said stay back!!"
Eugene: "Cassandra!!"
Adira: "Release the Moonstone, Short Hair. You don't know what you're dealing with."
Cassandra: "Neither do you!!!"
Lance: Adira!! Breathe easy. Your Lance is here."

Eugene: "Oh no, you don't!!"
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene, no!! Casandra!! Wait!! Cass!!"

King Frederic: "Ah, Varian, my most trusted advisor."
Princess Rapunzel: "Varian? Mom! Dad! Don't you remember what he's done?"
Varian: (Laughs) "No. No they don't."
Princess Rapunzel: "They don't remember? That's a Saporian wand of Oblivium! You have erased their memories!!?

Varian: "All I ever wanted was for my father to be proud. If he were free from the amber now, saw everything I've done, well, he'd be ashamed."
Rapunzel: "You know, standing up to Andrew just now was pretty brave. Look, I know how much it hurts to have someone you trust let you down. I mean, after you go through something like that, how can you ever trust anyone again?"
Varian: "I don't know. That's why I thought if I could make you forget everything that happened, we could be friends again, learn to trust again. But I guess life doesn't really work that way." (smiles after Rapunzel lifted his spirit)
Eugene: Okay, this is very sweet, but honestly, I'm offended. I can't believe you were going to break into something and you didn't even ask me! It's kind of my thing. (picks the cell door lock open)
Rapunzel: Thank goodness you're here! [hugs Eugene on her way out of the cell. Varian begins to follow her, but Lance stops him)
'Lance: And where do you think you're going, little man? (wipes off Varian's fake goatee)
Varian: Ah! Ugh.
Rapunzel:Guys, we're going to have to trust him.
Eugene: After everything Hairstripe here has done, you're going to trust him?
Rapunzel: Yes. He's the one who made the formula that the Saporians are about to drop on Corona. (looks at Varian with an encouraging smile) We need him. (Varian looks surprised and unsure, but then smiles back at her, clearly thankful)

Varian: "You need to get off the ship. Rapunzel, I gotta clean up my own mess."
Princess Rapunzel: "No! You do not have a shield of magic hair that will protect you when this thing explodes!"
Varian: "What are you doing?"
Princess Rapunzel: "It's your mess, but it's my kingdom."
Varian: "No! Rapunzel!"

Eugene: "Rapunzel! I knew you'd make it. It's all over."
Princess Rapunzel: "Not yet. There's still one promise I need to keep."

(at Old Corona)

Princess Rapunzel: "Once I start this incantation, I won't be able to stop it. And it could seriously harm you and your father so I'm trusting you to snap me out of it once your father is free."
Varian: "You can trust me, Rapunzel."
Princess Rapunzel (casts the first portion of the decay spell)
Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
Varian "It's working. (excited) "It's working!!"
(Princess Rapunzel remains under half of the Moonstone Opal's decay spell)
Varian: "Dad! (to Rapunzel) Wake up! Ahh! Rapunzel! Snap out of it!!
Princess Rapunzel(Continues chanting):
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
Set the spirit free
Varian: "Rapunzel. Rapunzel? You didn't give up on me. I'm not giving up on you."
(The link between the earthly embodiment of the reborn Sundrop Flower and decay spell is suddenly severed)
Varian: "Are you okay? Thank you. Dad! Dad, you're alive!"
Qurin: "Oh, son."
Varian: "Dad, the note. What did it say? I need to know."
Quirin: "All it said was: I'm so proud of you, Varian. I always have been."
Varian: "I love you, Dad."
Quirin: "I love you, too, son."

Eugene: " The number one reason I'm glad to be back in Corona, you ask? Why, the cupcakes. I'm glad you were able to keep your promise to Varian. You know, it feels good to trust that little guy again, right?
Princess Rapunzel: "It does. And Eugene I think I'm ready to talk about Cass."
Eugene: "Well, then I'm all ears, Sunshine."
Princess Rapunzel: "At first, I felt so betrayed. After all, Cass is my best friend."

Return of the King

  • The Stabbington Brothers make a comeback since "Peril on the High Seas"

Princess Rapunzel: "Still thinking about your dad?"
Eugene: "First of all, he's not my dad. He's a strange man who can't keep his thoughts to himself. Secondly, he abandoned me as a child, and he didn't even try to stay in touch with me! And now this."
Princess Rapunzel: "Edmund's only company is crow who could get lost in a boot. He's lonely. Come on, you might even get to like him."

Eugene: "Did you just call me Horace?"
King Edmund: "Indeed. Horace is your given name. Did I not mention that before?"
Eugene: "No. No you didn't! How is it that my real name is worse than Eugene!!?"

King Edmund: "Horace, you're alive!! and you came to rescue me!!"
Eugene: "Well, what do you expect?"

Eugene: "You called me Eugene!!"
King Edmund: "You called me Dad!!"

Cassandra: "Just...focus!!
Enchanted Girl: "Cassandra."

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

  • This is Angry and Red's third appearance in the show, whose real names are revealed to be Kiera" and Catalina and they have new hairstyles and outfits
  • The enchanted Ghostly Girl, who had lead Cassandra to ultimately betray her best friend, and attain the ancient almighty Moonstone Opal for herself, reappears to help Gothel's biological daughter in fully wielding and mastering the evil powers of the Stone to their highest levels

Eugene: "It's okay, Kid. You're almost there."
Kiera: "Come on, Red! You have to."
Red: "I don't want to!! Maybe I like being the Wolf!! Maybe I'm tired of everyone telling me what to do!! And I'm sick of people assuming I'm okay, just because I won't say I'm not!! And another thing, I don't even like the name Red!! I only went along with it because everyone expected me to!!"
Lance (to Eugene): "Told you you shouldn't have given them nicknames."
Catalina: "What if I wanted to be the angry one!!? Just once, I wanted to call the shots!! Being the Wolf lets me do that"
Kiera: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be so bossy. We can figure this out, together. But let's just finish this."
Captain Creighton: "Doesn't matter if you finish!! This whole ritual is bunk. I added it to the book, so I'd know when and where the Wolf would be. Thanks, Princess."
Princess Rapunzel: "Leave the girl alone!!"
Capt. Creighton: "She ain't a girl anymore!! She's a monster, and the sooner you realize that the better."

Kiera: "Catalina, stop!! It's me- Kiera. Please don't hurt her. She may be a jerk, but you're not a monster. I'm sorry I didn't listen better. I promise I'll try harder. Please, let her go."
Princess Rapunzel: "It's okay to feel angry and frustrated. But this?!! This is not how you deal with those feelings."
Lance: "We'll all help, Catalina. We promise."
Kiera: "Please. I love you."

Eugene: "If you need any help with the... you know, managing the(growl) just ask for it."
Catalina: "I promise."
Princess Rapunzel: "Because the last thing we want is for you to bury your anger again. That never helped anyone."

Enchanted Girl: "You're doing it wrong."
Cassandra: "You! What are you doing here?!"
Enchanted Girl: "I'm here to help you learn how to master the Moonstone's power. It responds to hatred and anger. If you truly want to wield the Moonstone, you mustn't be afraid to tap into the depths of your deepest rage. Remember what she put you through, and use that fury, Cassandra."

The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Soone

  • Varian has a new outfit

Princess Rapunzel: "Okay everyone. After the Saporians attacked, this kingdom could use a real pick-me-up. And what better way to bring everyone together than with a community project?"
Citizens of Corona: "Woo hoo!! Right!!"
Princess Rapunzel: Because through hard work and a whole lot of Corona spirit, we can rebuild this kingdom!! So let's do it!"
Eugene: Ha, ha!!"
Varian: Okay!!"
Lance: "Let's do this thing."

Princess Rapunzel (to her loyal subjects and friends): "And so it is my honor to present to you...our brand-new throne room. The treasure hunt didn't go quite how I planned, but it did bring everyone together."
Eugene: "You know, Sunshine, I think it all kind of turned out well for everyone."

No Time Like the Past

  • Most of the episode is set a ten-year past, meaning that Rapunzel was ten years old and living with Gothel
  • Five-year-old Varian, teenage Lance and Eugene (Flynn), and a younger Maximus are seen
  • The powerless Sundrop Flower is seen in its vault

Princess Rapunzel: "Cass' sparring dummy?"
Eugene: "Oh, that's great. Cass isn't even here and she still finds a way to annoy me."
Princess Rapunzel: "Mrs. Crowley, what are you doing with Cassandra's things?"
Mrs. Crowley: "She's gone. So now it's junk."
Princess Rapunzel: "Now just a minute! I have faith that Cass will return, so kindly put her things back where you found them."

Princess Rapunzel: "It' Cass' things, alright. Her mace, her shield, her lucky halberd head."
Eugene: "Look, I know you love Cass. And I can totally understand why you want her back in your life. But, don't forget that she betrayed you."
Princess Rapunzel: "She's still a friend."
Eugene: "I just don't want to see you get hurt again.It's time to put yourself first and let her go."
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene, friends don't leave friends behind. I need you to understand that."
Eugene: "Rapunzel, she's the one who left you."

Teenage Eugene: "What are ya staring at, Burnsie?"
Teenage Lance: "Am I finally growing facial hair?"
Teenage Eugene: "Not him again. Lance, Apple Pie!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene, what are you doing?"
Eugene: "I'm bringing the last of Cass's things from the vault."
'Princess Rapunzel: "But I thought you said I should leave Cassandra in the past."
Eugene: "Very funny. Oh, wait! You're serious. Sunshine, did you forget: I'm the one who told you that Crowley was stashing away Cass' stuff."
Princess Rapunzel: "You did?"
Eugene: "Yes! I mean, look. As much as I dislike Cassandra's taste, you gotta put friends first. Especially if it's a friend like Cassandra."
Princess Rapunzel: "Really."
Eugene: "It's like I always say: Friends don't leave friends behind."


Enchanted Girl: "I sense your guilt, Cassandra. After all, Rapunzel was your friend and you betrayed her. But one could argue that she deserved it."
Cassandra: "Maybe."
Enchanted Girl: "Oh yes. More than you know. For she has already taken a piece of your newfound power."

(Flashback to two years ago)
Cassandra: "I can't stand her!! I want out!!"
Mrs. Crowley: 'Forget it! You're not getting resigned."
Cassandra: "I did not sign up for this!!"
Mrs.Crowley: "You're stuck with the Princess."
Cassandra: "Mrs. Crowley, you don't understand! It's not just the painting!! It's the constant singing and the ventriloquism..."

Eugene: "Why do you want to be friends with Cassandra, anyway?"
Rapunzel: "Becasue she's real. Eugene, I just spent eighteen years with someone who lied to my face."

Cassandra: "What do you mean Rapunzel stole some of my power?"
Enchanted Girl: "When Rapunzel touched the Moonstone's black rocks, they gave her their protective power. This kept the Sundrop safe until she made her way to the Dark Kingdom."
Cassandra: "So that power that she took belonged to the Moonstone."
Enchanted Girl: "And the Moonstone belongs to you. So you see? Even the power of the Moonstone is not completely yours."

The King and Queen of Hearts

  • King Trevor of Equis makes a third appearance
  • King Frederic and Queen Arianna's memories are fully restored

Day of the Animals

  • Ruddiger, Hamuel, Pascal and Maximus all team up for the very first time

Be Very Afraid!

  • Princess Rapunzel and Varian team up for the fourth time; the others being in "The Alchemist Returns" and "Rapunzel's Return, Part 2"

Cassandra: "I can't control it!!"
Ghostly Girl: "You will, Cassandra. In time time."
Cassandra: "I thought by taking the Moonstone, my destiny would become clear. But...what if I don't even have a destiny?"
Ghostly Girl: "Of course you do. It is to destroy Rapunzel."
Cassandra: "Destroy Rapunzel? But, I couldn't... What's happening!?"
Ghost Girl: "You're connected the Rocks. They respond to your feelings. Even fear."

Varian: It's no use, Rapunzel! I can't do this!
Princess Rapunzel: Varian, you cannot let fear run your life. Look, I'm afraid too.
Varian: Yeah, you said that, Princess, but you don't see what I see.
Princess Rapunzel: "That’s true, I don’t. But that doesn’t mean I’m seeing other things. I see Corona- It's covered in black rocks. And I see...Cassandra. She's conquered the kingdom, destroyed it forever. And you know what the weird part is? What I'm most afraid of is losing Cassandra as a friend. Forever."
Varian: "I had no idea."
Princess Rapunzel: "I guess we both have trouble talking about what scares us."
Varian: I'll do it. Just gimme a lift.
Princess Rapunzel: One lift coming up.

Cassandra: "There must be another way."
Ghost Girl: "You once questioned why you had no destiny. Now that you have one, don't question it. You must wield the power of the Moonstone and the Sundrop. But you cannot do that without destroying Rapunzel."

Ghost Girl: "Do you see now? Rapunzel can strip you of your power, Cassandra. If you do not destroy her, she will destroy you."

Eugene: "So Cass is attacking Corona now? Oh, that's delightful."
Princess Rapunzel: "She wasn't. I don' know how to explain it. But when I touched touched the rocks- and stay with me on this- I sensed her. And she wasn't attacking us. She was just as afraid as we are, as I am."
Eugene: "So then that means...?"
Princess Rapunzel: "There's still a chance to save her."

Pascal's Dragon

  • The title is a play on Pete's Dragon
  • The is the first time a dragon appears in the show
  • This is the first episode to air in 2020
  • A bit of Nigel's background is revealed

Eugene: "You can change colors?"
Princess Rapunzel: "I've read about this. Dragons can adopt the attributes of someone they love. They can also share theirs as well. Pascal!! You have horns and wings! Twinsies!"

Nigel: "I had a dragon as a child. He was only a baby when I found him. People told me I couldn't keep him, that dragons were dangerous. But I didn't understand. Until the dragon's family came looking for it. They destroyed everything. It was only through sheer luck that no one was seriously hurt. That was a mistake I'll never make again. Believe me when I say: That dragon is a threat to us all; a threat that must be eliminated."

Islands Apart

  • Princess Rapunzel and Eugene meet up with the Captain of the Royal Guards, who learns what his adopted daughter has chosen to become
  • This marks the fifth and final appearance of Tirapai Island
  • It is revealed that some of the very powerful incantations and spells from the scrolls within the remains of the Great Tree would have sufficed in unleashing the destructive and deathly power of the Moonstone, in addition to the scroll made and hidden away by Lord Demantius himself

Rapunzel: (sighs) Okay, okay. Uh, what about this one?
King Frederic: Oh, that's your coronation, of course.
Rapunzel: Yes. (laughs) Ah, and this. Okay, this. What happened here?
King Frederic: Ah, that- That's when Eugene and I stole the royal seal of Equis. Oh. Seal! Seal! I get it now.
Rapunzel: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Right again. Yes!
King Frederic: I remember this.
Rapunzel: Yeah, it's when I broke through the wall.
King Frederic: (laughing): No. It's when I realized what a brave and independent woman you had become.
Rapunzel: It's good to have you back, Dad.
King Frederic: And I have you to thank for that, Rapunzel. Throughout this entire ordeal, never once have you strayed from our side. (hugs Rapunzel while Pascal squeaks) Family sticks together, right?
Rapunzel: Family sticks together. (chuckles)
Eugene: Can you believe the audacity of Lance? Not only did he borrow my moisturizer but he left the lid off. Now it's all dried out. (Owl hoots) (Rapunzel gasps) Guys, don't worry. I have a backup bottle.
Rapunzel: (opens the window) Oh. (runs to him) Owl, are you okay? Where have you been? Wait. Does this mean...? (Pascal squeaks and he puts a pillow under Owl's head) Where's Cass? (Owl drops a fruit from Tirapai Island)
Eugene: It's a pompoen.
Rapunzel: (sighs) Oh. Looks like we're going back to Tirapai Island.

(Pascal rides on Owl while Rapunzel and Eugene travel back to the island with a hot air balloon then Pascal and Owl go to hot air ballon)

Eugene: Blondie, do you really think Cass would go back to that island? I mean, with all the cursed idols, giant-breathing houseflies, and crazy-fished people? Actually, come to think of it, Cassandra is a pretty good fit for that place.
Rapunzel: This is our best lead so far. We haven't heard from her in months. And then suddenly Owl shows up with a fruit that can only be found on Tirapai Island? I would say that's a pretty good sign. At the very least, it'll be nice to see Alfons and the other Lorbs again.
Eugene: Oh, right. The little leaf guys who think they're superior to human beings. They are a delight. (hot air balloon whooshing)

Rapunzel: Hello?
Eugene: Little leaf people, hello? Well. Their little leaf people village looks empty. I was not expecting this qu- (white bird loud cawing) (Eugene gasps) (white bird caws) He did that on purpose. (Eugene walks to the village angrily while Owl is on his shoulder) (Rapunzel laughs and walks to the village) (white bird caws)
Rapunzel: Hello? Alfons? Okay. So, no Lorbs. It's the frienfloofers! Hello, is anyone, there? Anybody home? No? (Eugene picks up an empty bowl and a spoon) (Rapunzel and Eugene heard a rustling noise)
Eugene: Did you hear that?
Rapunzel: Yep. (a Lorb runs then stops to see Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal and Owl on Tirapai Island)
Lorb: Woop! (continues to run fast)
Rapunzel: Hey, wait! (runs after the Lorb alongside Eugene) Stop!
Lorb: Whoa!
Rapunzel: Come back! (groans) We just have a few questions! (tries to ask the lorb questions) (Owl hoots)
Eugene: This little guy sure can move fast. And with such little legs. (Owl hooting) (Rapunzel and Eugene found the Lorb that ran faster than them)
Lorb: (stops hiding behind a leaf) Ah! Don't hurt me, wild frienfloofers!
Rapunzel: Don't you recognize us?
Lorb: Hmm. Eh, sorry. All frienfloofers look alike. Except the new one. (leaves)
Rapunzel: What? The new one? Could he mean...? Cass? (upbeat rhythmic music playing) (Lorbs exclaiming)
Lorb: You can tell the new one apart by his mustache.
Rapunzel: Mustache? (Captain of the Guard humming while dancing with the Lorbs then the former stops dancing)
Captain of the Guards: Princess? Fitzherbert! (Glad to see Rapunzel and Eugene again then dances towards them) What a surprise! (Eugene grunting) (The Captain of the Guards is picking Eugene and Rapunzel up to hug both of them and then stops hugging Eugene and Rapunzel) Join the party! (continues dancing)
Rapunzel: Captain? What are you doing here?
Captain of the Guards: I think they call this one the Glaushsnuffer. (laughs) (pets a Lorb) Aren't these Lorb fellas great?
Eugene: No, not really. They treated us like pets.
Captain of the Guards: Hmm. Didn't have that problem.
Lorb: That's because we love his mustache.
Eugene: (laughs) His mustache? Really? That's the reason? Well, look, it's not my fault my face is perfectly suited to a goatee.
Rapunzel: Oh, I know, I know. No one's making fun of your perfectly sculpted face. But, Captain, really, what are you doing here? Xavier said you left Corona months ago to look for us.
Captain of the Guards: I did. And I searched for you for a long time. After a while, word had traveled that you'd returned to Corona. And Cassandra had made other arrangements.
Rapunzel: Captain, I know how difficult this must be for you.
Captain of the Guards: Difficult? No. See, that's what makes this island so great. Come. Come. I want you to meet someone. (Owl hoots then flies)
Little Cassandra: (turns around) Hi, Daddy!
Rapunzel and Eugene: Cassandra? (fire sizzling) (Rapunzel pants)
Rapunzel: But that's...
Captain of the Guards: Cassandra. My daughter!
Eugene: Um... Captain, while she may look like Cassandra-
Little Cassandra: Can it, Fitzherbert!
Eugene: (laughs) And she certainly sounds like her. Uh, I can't help but think that you may have overlooked one small detail: She's four!
Little Cassandra: Daddy, watch me!
Captain of the Guards: What is it, Cassandra?
Rapunzel: This must be why Owl brought us here. (Owl hooting)

Captain of the Guards: Oh, what do we have here, little one?
Rapunzel: Captain, uh, a word, please. (Pascal shrieks and backs away after being frightened by the Little Cassandra) Captain, um... Where did she come from?
Captain of the Guards: Uh, I understand your concern. At first I couldn't believe it, either. But now I think I can explain.
Eugene: Well, we're all ears.
Captain of the Guards: I guess sometimes the universe simply hears your heart's desire.
Eugene: Well, that clears that up. Thanks.
Captain of the Guards: And gives you a second chance.
Lorb: It's time for shalpendoofen!
Captain of the Guards: Oh, boy, shalpendoofen! (picks up Little Cassandra and puts her on the shoulder) They always win, but maybe today's our day. Right, Cass?
Little Cassandra: That's right, Daddy. (upbeat rhythmic music playing) (Lorbs singing, chattering) (Rapunzel and Pascal gasp when they see Little Cassandra doesn't have a shadow)
Eugene: She doesn't have a shadow? Now that is creepy. And normal Cass is creepy enough. So this little girl, what is she?
Rapunzel: I don't know. I don't know. But we do know there is dangerous magic on this island, so... we've got to figure out where she came from, before the captain or anyone gets hurt.
Eugene: Okay. So, what's our plan?
Rapunzel: Um, I need you and Owl to poke around and see what type of magic this could be. (Owl hooting then flies and lands on Eugene's shoulder) And more importantly, how to get rid of it. Meanwhile, Pascal and I will keep an eye on that... uh, whatever she is. There's no telling what kind of danger the captain could be in.

Little Cassandra: (sniffs the flowers) Daddy, Daddy! Look what I found!
Captain of the Guards: (carrying a picnic basket) So nice of you to join us on our outing today, Princess.
Rapunzel: Uh-huh. Sure. (keeping an eye on Little Cassandra) Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. (Pascal squeaking) Fun is good. (searching for Little Cassandra then Rapunzel and Pascal see her) (Rapunzel warns the captain then dives to protect him from Little Cassandra and grabs her) Captain, watch out!(Little Cassandra gasps)
Captain of the Guards: (turns around) Huh?
Little Cassandra: I wanted Daddy to do my hair. (holds a brush) (the Captain walks to Rapunzel while clearing his throat)
Rapunzel: Um, I... Oh! I thought I saw... A bee! I saw... It was a big bee. So big.
Captain of the Guards: Um-hmm.
Rapunzel: And didn't want you to get stung. (Little Cassandra is annoyed)

Eugene: Hmm. Right! This one. (Eugene is at the Lorbrary with Owl and the former picks out a small book but can't read the words) (Owl hoots) Nope. I'm not seeing anything in any of these books that could explain where Little Miss Most-Likely-to-Elimate-Us-All-In-Our-Sleep came from. (Owl hoots) Yes, it's possible, I missed it! Did you see how small this writing is?

(waves crashing) (Rapunzel turns around and see Little Cassandra running towards the Captain of the Guards)

Rapunzel: She's gonna push him. No, no, no, no, no! No! Don't you dare! (warns the Captain again about Little Cassandra then the Captain turns around and Little Cassandra is holding a kite) Start without me. I love kites! (squeals) They're like lanterns' cousins, aren't they? (Rapunzel chuckles) (Pascal squeaks)

(Eugene is rubbing the paper on the wall and Owl flies to him while hooting then lands on his shoulder) (Eugene stops rubbing the paper on the wall and holds it up then holds it down) (a Lorb is shown)

Eugene: Well, not sure if these mean anything, but maybe Rapunzel could help us make heads or tails out of them.
Lorb: Oh, poor lost frienfloofer. Can I help you find your owner?
Eugene: No, see, I don't have an owner.
Lorb: (yelling) Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! (calling for the other Lorbs)
Eugene: Is this a sign that I should go for a mustache? (Owl hoots)
Lorb: Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! Stray frienfloofer! (Eugene runs away from the Lorbs before they capture him with a net while Owl flies) (Lorbs yelling when they chase Eugene while carrying nets to find him but he is revealed to be hanging onto a branch and Owl is on Eugene's hair then Eugene jumps down and hears a scream) (distant muffled grunting)
Eugene: Hello? Someone in here? (distant muffled grunting continues then Eugene enters the cave alongside Owl and they see Alfons) Huh?

(Little Cassandra is shoveling the sand while Pascal squeals and squeaks then he sees a crab and grabs it with his tongue but it is angry then it chases Pascal) (Pascal disguises himself as a crab while he is next to Rapunzel and he tells the crab by pointing to the way where Pascal is then the crab leaves and Pascal squeals before he changes back to normal and sits)

Rapunzel: (Talking about Little Cassandra) Maybe she's not dangerous, Pascal. I know she's not Cass, but... look how they are. (Little Cass giggling) (the Captain of the Guard runs after Little Cassandra) (Pascal Squeals) If She's harmless, why should he have to lose her again?
Little Cassandra: Daddy! Daddy! Higher! (loves being lifted by the Captain of the Guard)
Captain of the Guards: No one's going to harm, you little one. You're safe with me. (laughing with the Little Cassandra while Rapunzel and Pascal are watching them playing from a distance) (the Captain of the Guard carries the Little Cassandra while she sleeps then the former puts her inside one of the houses before going inside) Good night, Princess. (Eugene shows up and finds Rapunzel)
Eugene: Psst. Rapunzel.
Rapunzel: Eugene. Look, I am starting to think-
Eugene: Ba ba ba ba.
Rapunzel: What?
Eugene: You have to follow me. Now.
Lorb: Ha! There he is! (the Lorbs found Eugene)
Eugene: And the faster the better. (Lorbs yelling) (Rapunzel runs alongside Eugene to the location where Alfons was tied up by the Captain of the Guard)

Rapunzel: What? What is it? Did you find something?
Eugene: (panting) More like... someone.
Rapunzel: Alfons! Where have you been?
Eugene: I found him locked up!
Alfons: Yes! It was awful! The mustached frienfloofer. He did this!
Rapunzel: The Captain?
Alfons: Oh, yeah. Follow me. I will explain everything. The mustached frienfloofer came for this. The Fountain of Anbietengenpfeifen. It was enchanted by the Lorb Warlock, Horb, to grant wishes.
Rapunzel: So that's how four-year-old Cass got here. He wished for her!
Alfons: I first suspected the mustached frienfloofer's intentions when I found him digging in search of the fountain's magical coin. I tried to warn him, but he didn't listen, and locked me up!
Eugene: Warn him of what?
Alfons: You know firsthand of the wickedness behind the Lorb magic. The fountain gives you what you want. At first.
Rapunzel: At first? Oh, let me guess. Then the wickedness comes in.
Alfons: Yes. Unless the wisher, takes his wish back, the fountain takes even the purest of wishes, and twists them into the darkest nightmares at sunset on the ninth day.
Rapunzel: When did he make the wish? Oh. Nine days ago. (Pascal squeaks softly)
Eugene: Of course. (Pascal squeaks again)

Rapunzel: (knocks on the door) Captain? We really need to talk. (Owl hooting) (the Captain of the Guards opens the door after Rapunzel knocks on the door) Look, we know about the fountain. (the Captain of the Guard leaves the house and walks away) And I know this is really hard to hear, but...
Eugene: Something really bad is coming if you don't take that wish back right now.
Captain of the Guard: It's worth the price.
Rapunzel: But the magic on this island nearly did us in. You cannot take that risk.
Captain of the Guards: I have to. It's my only hope! Rapunzel, when I said I stopped looking for Cassandra, I lied. (walks through the labyrinth while Cassandra is shown running on the walls) (sword clinks) (Captain of the Guard stops walking and takes out his sword in case of danger the Cassandra leaps behind him when he isn't turning around to notice her then he turns around while holding his sword) I traveled tirelessly in search of my daughter. And then... (Cassandra suddenly appears behind her adopted father's back and they fight each other then she kicked him) (their swords clanking) I found her.
Captain of the Guards: (tries to reason) Cassandra, why have you turned your back on the princess?
Cassandra: (points the sword at her adopted father) How dare you ask me that? You knew all along how much was taken from me. You knew who my mother was, and you kept it from me.
Captain of the Guards: Cassandra, I only did what I-
Cassandra: You only did what was best for yourself. That's all what anyone in my life has ever done. Well, now that's what I'm doing. This is mine. This is my destiny.
Captain of the Guards: I command you to surrender!
Cassandra: Never! (slices the wall with the black rock sword and traps her adopted father inside the labyrinth then she leaves him) (crashing) (grunts) (rocks crumbling) (Captain of the Guard grunting)
Captain of the Guards: Cassandra! (he calls out to her from an opeaning of the rubble but she jumps up after she leaves him trapped then she jumps off the wall) Cassandra, no! (end of flashback) She was filled with rage I had never seen. That person wasn't Cassandra. So you see, this is the only way I can fix my mistakes. (walks away sadly from Rapunzel, Pascal and Eugene)
Rapunzel: Captain, please. We are out of time. It's almost sundown. (ground rumbling and the sun has set then she knocks on the door where the Captain of the Guards is staying) Captain, you don't understand. Only you can take your wish back. If you don't take that coin out of the fountain, the Lorb magic will turn on you.
Eugene: Blondie, I think that ship has sailed. (Owl hooting) I recognize that bird. (a bird copy of Cassandra appears followed by nine bird copies of Cassandra) Okay
Ten bird copies of Cassandra: Hello. Hello. Hello.
Eugene: So glad we came back to this island. (ten bird copies of Cassandra start to chase Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal, Alfons and Owl) Run! Okay, okay. I don't know what wickedness I was expecting, but it definitely was not this! (ten bird copies of Cassandra chirping) (Owl hooting then fight the bird copies of Cassandra while Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene and Alfons are running) (Alfons yelling) (Pascal squeaking) (Rapunzel, Eugene stop running alongside Pascal and Alfons when the four of them see tons of the fake human copies of Cassandra laughing while carrying weapons) (Pascal and Alfons run back to Eugene and Rapunzel)
tons of Cassandra: Well, hello, friends (then every human copy of Cassandra are laughing evilly while walking towards Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal and Alfons) (the evil bird copies and evil human copies are surrounding Rapunzel, Eugene, Alfons, Pascal and Owl)
Eugene: All right, Blondie. Let's do this. And just remember, they are not the real Cass. (Eugene takes out his sword and Rapunzel unties her hair then they fight tons of fake copies of Cassandra) (the evil copies of Cassandra runs towards Rapunzel and Eugene) (Rapunzel stops the three evil copies of Cassandra with her hair then trips them) (evil copies of Cassandra's swords clinking) (Eugene yells while he dodges swords then he fights evil copies of Cassandra)
Cassandra 1: You're still here? I thought Raps would have dumped you by now. (Eugene yells) Your goatee looks as dumb as ever.
Eugene: Oh! Well, now I'm keeping the goatee just to spite you. And you. And you. And you. And you. (Owl hooting and fights the bird copies of Cassandra) (bird copies of Cassandra cheeping) (Owl hooting then flies and the bird copies of Cassandra cheeping and flying after Owl) (four evil handmaiden copies of Cassandras are laughing)
Rapunzel:Oh. Hello. Cassandras. Cassandri. Cassandries. How would like me to address you? (runs away from the evil copies of Cassandra but the four handmaiden copies hold Rapunzel then the fifth evil handmaiden copy runs towards Rapunzel) (Rapunzel yells)
Cassandra: Don't fight me, Rapunzel. You have to wear your shoes.
Rapunzel: Ah!
Cassandra: Just let me braid your hair. (Pascal squeaks) (an evil copy of Cassandra toss slices of apples at Alfons and he falls then Pascal picks him up) (Rapuzel escapes the evil handmaiden copies of Cassandra) Just let me brush your hair! (Rapunzel sees more evil copies of Cassandra) Dad! (grunts) Dad, are you in there? Come out, come out! Wherever you are! (grunting) (hacking)
Rapunzel: Captain, please. (tries to reason with him again) You have to undo the wish. (Kid Cassandra grunting) He's gone. (sees the Captain is running to the hot air balloon while carrying Little Cassandra)
Captain of the Guards: Don't be afraid, little one. Daddy's got you.
Rapunzel: (runs after the Captain) Wait! Please. You have to undo the wish. (the Captain puts Little Cassandra inside the hot air balloon)
Captain of the Guards: (about to leave with the Little Cassandra) I don't want to hear it, Rapunzel. I have my daughter back!
Rapunzel: Captain, I know these feelings are real. But she's not. (points to the Little Cassandra) The real Cass is still out there somewhere.
Little Cassandra: Daddy?
Rapunzel: Listen to me, soldier. You do not just get to forget about Cass and start over. Family sticks together.
Captain of the Guards: (turns on the burner) No, Rapunzel. This is my only chance. (picks Little Cassandra up and hold her)
Rapunzel: No!
Captain of the Guards: I know I can do right by her this time. (about to leave with Little Cassandra via the hot air balloon)
Eugene: Whoa! Ah! (Rapunzel sees Eugene, Owl, Pascal and Alfons are being chased by the evil copies of Cassandra)
Cassandra: Get him! Ha ha! (Owl hooting) (Cassandras yelling, laughing) There they are!
Rapunzel: Everybody, hang on!
Cassandra 1: There they go!
Cassandra 2: Get him! (Rapunzel tosses her hair to the hot air balloon) (Eugene yelling as he grabs onto Rapunzel's hair to escape the fake copies of Cassandra) (Owl hooting)
Little Cassandra: Now we start over, Daddy. Right? (the Captain of the Guard puts her down and sees that she doesn't have a shadow) No one but you and me. (the Captain of the Guards grunts and sighs) Daddy?
Rapunzel: (grunts) I don't believe it. He's given up. (the Captain of the Guards clanks the hot air balloon and goes back to the island) (balloon whooshes) (Owl hooting)
Cassandra 1: He will pay!
Cassandra 2: Get them!
Eugene: (sees the tons of evil Cassandra copies) Would you believe I'm actually starting to miss the real Cass? (laughing) I mean, her charm, her wit... The fact that there's only one of her...
Cassandra: Get him! (evil copies of Cassandra runs towards the hot air balloon) (Owl hooting) (Owl, Eugene, Pascal, Alfons, Rapunzel, the Captain of the Guard and the Little Cassandra go back to the island)
Captain of the Guards: Princess, you're right. I haven't failed Cassandra yet. Just as long as I don't abandon my daughter. My real daughter.
Guard Cassandra: He will pay for his wish.
Rapunzel: Captain, go! We'll hold them off. (the Captain of the Guards runs away to take his wish back)
Black Rock Cassandra: Rapunzel (sword slides)
Eugene: That is one of the fake Casses, right? (chuckles)
Rapunzel: You are not real. (Pascal squeaks)
Black Rock Cassandra: Huh. You would say that You never take me seriously. (yells) (fights Rapunzel)
Rapunzel: (grunts) Aah!
Eugene: (swords clink) (Eugene grunts) (A fake Cassandra yells and Eugene is cornered by the fake Cassandra copies) (sword clangs at Rapunzel)

(at The Fountain of Anbietengenpfeifen)

Little Cassandra: Daddy, what are we doing? Why are we here?
Captain of the Guards: I'm sorry, Cassandra. I'm so sorry. (swords clinkling)
Eugene: (appears at The Fountain of Anbietengenpfeifen and tells the Captain of the Guards after being cornered by two fake copies of Cassandra) You gotta take the coin out, Cap. We can't do it for you. (going back to fight the fake copies of Cassandra)
Little Cassandra: You mean, you're going to leave me?
Captain of the Guards: No. I'll never leave you. The real you. From now on. I'll always be with you. (about to remove the coin from The Fountain of Anbietengenpfeifen to take the wish back) (water lapping)
Little Cassandra: No, Daddy. Please don't. Please! (doesn't want the Captain of the Guards to undo the wish) (Rapunzel continues to fight the fake copies of Cassandra) (sword scraping) (Rapunzel fights the Black Rock copy of Cassandra and they lunge at each other) (exploding) (Rapunzel and the Black Rock copy of Cassandra land on their feet but Rapunzel feels weak then Eugene comes to help Rapunzel to stand up) (sword clinks) (the fake copies of Cassandra surround Rapunzel, Eugene, Owl, Pascal and Alfons)
Rapunzel: Okay, Eugene. You take the hundred on the right. I'll take the hundred on the left. (fake copies of Cassandra laughing evilly and they coming closer to attack Rapunzel and Eugene but the copies of Cassandra disappear) (Owl hooting) (the Captain of the Guards is revealed to take the coin from The Fountain of Anbietengenpfeifen and tossing it to the ground)
Captain of the Guards: Let's go get my daughter back. Sorry for all the trouble. (Rapunzel, Eugene and the Captain of the Guard are going back to Corona via the hot air balloon) (Captain of the Guards apologizing to Alfons when the former is holding the latter's hand before letting go)
Alfons: Eh, say no more. This island seems to have that effect on frienfloofers. Huh. (Eugene starts the hot air balloon)
Rapunzel: We'll find her, Captain.
Captain of the Guards: I won't give up until we do.
Alfons: We'll miss you, mustached frienfloofer! (he and the Lorbs wave goodbye to Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal, Owl and the Captain of the Guards) And you, too, wild frienfloofer!
Eugene: It's good to have you back, Cap.
Rapunzel: It truly is. Let's go home. (flying back to Corona via hot air balloon alongside Pascal, Eugene and Captain of the Guards) (Owl hoots when he also files back to Corona)

(bird cawing) (Cassandra and Enchanted Girl arrived at the Great Tree)

Cassandra: I told you. This is all that's left of the Great Tree. The incantations were destroyed.
Enchanted Girl: Those incantations were our only hope of unlocking the power of the moonstone. (floats to Cassandra then floats back the other way) Aside from the Demantius Scroll, but that was destroyed millennia ago.
Cassandra: Did you say Demanitus Scroll? (the Enchanted girl is shocked) Ha. Looks like our next stop is Corona.

Cassandra's Revenge

  • A second incantation of the Moonstone is revealed, with which Cassandra utilizes to make herself an unbreakable stronghold out of the black rocks and to have complete control over them entirely, the same location where Gothel had lived with Rapunzel for eighteen years.
  • The Demanitus Scroll is destroyed but not before revealing the fourth incantation
  • A second, even stronger incantation of the reborn Sundrop Flower is revealed which Princess Rapunzel uses against Cassandra which, in turn, causes the Moonstone to be chipped at one single fragment
  • The Enchanted Girl is revealed to be a borrowed form of Zhan Tiri herself, who is now released from the prison Lord Demantius has put her all those centuries ago

(a bird tweeting)

Princess Rapunzel:

I was always taught nobody's got it all And I never thought I had a shot at all But to my surprise look at how lucky I've been Whoa

Freedom to explore Work that I love to do Friends that I adore 'specially, well, you-know-who I'm not keeping score Still though I pretty much win

Yes, I get to be the girl who has everything The world on a golden string And somehow it's mine Just look at me, the girl who has everything And I can tell everything is gonna be fine

Think of all I've done Life's really tested me Sometimes, I have won Sometimes, it's bested me Things got pretty dark Now though the dawn's comin' through Ooh-ooh-ooh

Yes, now I'm safe and sound back with my family When I look around I see how things can be Everywhere I turn there's so much more I can do

And I get to be the girl who has everything The blessings this world can bring All falling in line Somehow that's me, the girl who has everything Well, practically everything I'm sure there's more everything For now, I've got everything And everything's fine (birds cawing and squawking) (ominous music playing) (a shadowed figure walks inside the forest and it is revealed to be Cassandra)

Eugene: (looks at the ring then closes the box) Okay, Fitzherbert. Is today the day?
Old Lady Crowley: (gruff voice singing): I'm gonna be the girl who has everything.
Eugene: (clears throat) Uh, hey, Mrs. Crowley. You seem like a passionate soul well-versed in a delicate inner workings of the human heart.
Old Lady Crowley: Hmm.
Eugene: Right. So let me ask you. Do you think now it's the right time to propose?
Old Lady Crowley: You're not my type.
Eugene: The feeling's mutual.

Princess Rapunzel: (Angry and Red giggling) Everything is looking so great, you guys. Oh, Eugene's surprise birthday party is going to be amazing.
Eugene: What's going to be amazing? (asks Rapunzel and she won't let him enter the throne room)
Princess Rapunzel: What! Nothing. Nothing is amazing. (laughs) Why... Why do you think that anything is amazing?
Eugene: Hey, are you planning a party?
Princess Rapunzel: No! I... I mean, yes, but it is not for you. It's for my... parents! It's their anniversary.
Eugene: But their anniversary was six months ago.
Princess Rapunzel: Uh, no, it's six months from now. That's what makes it a surprise.
Eugene: Great! So put me to work!
Princess Rapunzel: No! You can't come in. I have a list of very important things I need for the party. Lance! (Lance yelling) (Rapunzel whispering): Go with Eugene... Make sure he's gone long enough. (hands Lance a list) And get everything that's on the list of very important things.
Lance: What? Oh. Oh. Right. Right! Right. Eugene, come with me.
Eugene: I honestly think I'd be more-
Princess Rapunzel: Okay, bye. Bye. (closes the door)
Eugene: Will you stop pushing me? (Rapunzel sighs)
Queen Arianna: What's wrong, dear? You seem nervous.
Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) No, I'm just... I'm worried that Eugene suspects something is up.
King Edmund: Relax, princess, he doesn't suspect a thing. How could he? He has no idea that today is his real birthday. I've even avoided thinking it around him. Now, high five Frederic to show camaraderie. (Hamuel sqauwks) (Hamuel caws)
Princess Rapunzel: Ha, you're right. This is gonna be the best surprise first birthday ever! And that's not all. Come on, Pascal. (she pick him up and leaves with him and enters the former's room)

Princess Rapunzel: This is the biggest surprise of all, Pascal. Right before he blows out the candles, I am going to propose to Eugene.(giggles) He'll never see it coming. I don't wear shoes, but if I did, I believe they would be on the other foot.

I'm gonna be the girl who has everything As soon as he wears this ring and swears that he's mine True, we don't know what obstacles fate may bring But why put off everything when we can share everything? 'Cause once he's my everything (giggles) then everything will be fine (Pascal squeaky sigh)

Lance: (Lance returns to the castle with Eugene carrying everything while the former checks off the list) Let's see. One pair of tap shoes. Check. One psychic monkey with cymbals toy. (Pascal sees that Lance and Eugene are back but Pascal wants Lance to stall Eugene from finding out about the party) Check. One ham and cheese sandwich. Check. Check, check... Hold up. (stops walking) We must make sure the meat to cheese ratio is correct. (snickers)
Eugene: (impatient) Will you hurry it up? Since when are you this thorough about anything?
Lance: Eugene, the princess asked me to a job. Are you suggesting that I don't do everything in my power to... Welp, that's everything. (Pascal opens the door and gives Lance a thumbs up and Lance disposes the list alongside the quill then drags Eugene to the throne room without everything that Eugene carried back to the castle) Come on, Eugene, quit dillydallying. Let's go. Let's go.
Eugene: Hey! Wait. What's with the pushing? All right, all right, I'm going. Why are we even going in...

(walks into the throne room while Rapunzel and Pascal are at the center of the room before anyone else jumped out of hiding)

All: Surprise!
Eugene: Gah! Whoa... This is for me? Why?
Princess Rapunzel: Because today is your actual birthday!
Eugene: It is? Oh, wow! (walks to the center of the throne room while being excited) This party is for me. An entire evening where everyone gathers to pay homage to my existence? Oh, how did I go so many years without-?
King Edmund: Because I sent him away as a babe and his whole life was a lie. (Rapunzel gives a stern look at King Edmund) (Hamuel caws)
Eugene: Always a dependable ray of sunshine, Dad. Well, bring on the cake! Hold up. I don't mean to nitpick but there are one too many candles on this cake.
Princess Rapunzel: Uh... no. Nope, that's right. You are one year older than you thought, Eugene. Hooray for another birthday surprise!
Eugene: (laughs) (doesn't realize that he is 26 years old) You are so funny, but also incorrect. I am 25 years old. The number of candles on this cake indicates that I'm 26 years old. One year too many.
King Edmund: No, no, you're 26 years old today.
Princess Rapunzel: Yep, that's right. 26!
Shorty: He's 26, all right.
Man: He's 26. Yes.
Man: He simply looks 26. (overlapping chatter)
Woman: 26. (chuckles)
Nigel: Yes, 26.
Eugene: Would everyone stop saying my age out loud? (rattling and Shorty pops out of the cake has the frosting of Eugene's face) (Shorty grunts)
Shorty: Happy 26th birthday, Horace.
Eugene: Wow. (about to fall then Lance gives Eugene a chair to sit on) (disppointed) I am a year older than I think I am? This explains the lines on my eyes. Are these crow's feet? (crow caws)
Princess Rapunzel: Right, well, why don't you take your mind off your age and make a wish? (walks Eugene to his birthday cake) Come on.
Eugene: Well, I can think of at least one wish I'd like to have come true in the very near future. (inhales sharply) (Rapunzel takes out the box from her hair) (wind blows the candles out) (the banner flies to the floor) What the... (everyone sees that Cassandra crashed the party)
Cassandra: Swell party. I'm guessing my invitation got lost in the mail? (Maximus snorts)
Eugene: I think for the next party, I'd like to have at least some input on the guest list.
Cassandra: (blade rings) If you don't mind, I'm going to help myself to a slice of this cake. (walks to the cake and take a slice)
Lance: What does she want? Why show up here now? (eating popcorn) Is she here to apologize or for a fight? She's probably here for a fight!
Eugene: Quiet!
Princess Rapunzel: It's... (sighs) Where have you been?"
Cassandra: Helping myself, you might say. It's about time I helped myself, don't you think?
Lance: I think she wants to fight.
Eugene: Shh!
Cassandra I thought a lot about how we left things and it makes me sad.
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, it makes me sad, too. I... I miss you, Cassandra. I want us to be friends again.
Cassandra: "Yeah, we both have things the other wants, which brings me to why I'm here. I want you to give me the scroll.
Eugene: "(in singsongy voice) I wouldn't do that. The Scroll has the instructions to the wield the power of the MoonStone and the Sun-Drop.
Cassandra: Stay out of this, Fitzherbert. Blondie can think for herself, Hmm? Give me the scroll and I'll leave Corona in peace.
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra, I don't think-"
Cassandra: Oh, I know. It's hard making decisions when the only friends and advisors you have left are ex-convicts and losers.
Eugene: Hey, we are not ex-convicts!
Lance: Technically, we have never been convicted of anything. (fist bumps Eugene)
Cassandra: I'll give you some time to decide. Enjoy your party, Fitzherbert. (she throws the plate with the cake to Eugene but he tries to catch it then Lance eats the cake) (leaves)
Eugene: Just to be clear, because I think it's important, I did not wish for that.

Princess Rapunzel: I can't give Cassandra the scroll.
Eugene: Hey, I agree. On the one hand, if she gets the scroll, it could be the end of the world. On the other hand, she did say we would never see her again, so, you know, pretty big upside.
Lance: Who knows what she's been doing since she disappeared?
Kiera: Probably practicing betrayal. Thinking a lot about doing harm.
Catalina: Reading.
Kiera: Reading a lot about doing harm. (Eugene stops the globe from spinning by Kiera and Catalina)
Eugene: So, Cass gets the scroll, total destruction of us. Got it. So, we should hide it, yes? Where is it?
Princess Rapunzel: That's the other downside. (chuckling nervously) I don't have it.
Eugene: If you don't have it, well, then who do have it?

(Varian is having a competition to judge which metal will win)

Varian: The results are in. Who will win first prize for best metal? Will it be steel for its durabilty and themal conductivity or iron for its lustrous shine in high melting point? (Ruddiger is wearing goggles and gloves while making hot cocoa with a marshmallow for Varian) Brrr, pow! Ah, yes! (Ruddiger gives Varian hot cocoa) Thank you, Ruddiger. This is perfect. (laughs menacingly) Warm cocoa will really hit the spot. Thanks, bud. (drinks the hot cocoa then does a spit take and turns around to see Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: Hi, Varian. (enters the Demanitus Chamber alongside Eugene, Pascal, Lance and Maximus)
Varian: Whoa! (screams) Hi! Hi. (Ruddiger cleans his own goggles) I, uh, wasn't, uh, expecting you so soon. (points to Rapunzel while putting the beaker on the desk) I mean, we did agree that I'd need at least five weeks of solitude to decipher this thing so I thought I had some some privacy. (feeling embarrassed)
Princess Rapunzel: Varian, don't be embarrassed.
Eugene: Hey, Goggles, real quick. Do you have any anti-aging alchemies, maybe some skin-tightening serum? (gasps) (sees himself with gray hair, gray eyebrows, gray age spots, gray eyelashes, a gray goatee and wrinkly skin) I'm getting older by the second. (Lance and Maximus laughing at Eugene)
Varian: Hey! Gah! Ah! Please be careful, that stuff is very delicate.
Princess Rapunzel: Oh, thank goodness. (notices that Varian kept the scroll) You have the Scroll.
Varian: I do. Oh, I do and it took awhile, but I was able to use this key to translate the text in its entirety. (looks at the scroll with Rapunzel and Pascal)
Princess Rapunzel: Varian, you're a genius! (walks over to Varian and the scroll) What's it say?
Varian: (points to the three incantations) This is the healing incantation, this is the decay incantation, and this is a third incantation! It will allow whoever possesses the Moonstone to wield complete control over the black rocks.
Princess Rapunzel: That's why Cassandra wants the Scroll.
Varian: Yes, yes, but there's more! I found there are four incantations, not three! But I can't seem to find it anywhere on the Scroll. (takes the scroll from the wall)
Lance: Uh, guys, you might wanna stop talking about... (coughs) the secret of the Scroll. (Lance points and notices that Cassandra followed him, Rapunzel, Eugene, Pascal and Maximus to the Demanitus Chamber) (Varian and Rapunzel turn around and they see Cassandra on the stairs) (Rapunzel gasps)

Cassandra: Don't stop on my account.
Varian: Cass! (Varian is happy to see Cassandra)
Princess Rapunzel: Varian, don't get any closer. (Rapunzel doesn't want Varian to go near Cassandra) (Rapunzel also wants Varian to hide the scroll from Cassandra) Hide the scroll! We can't let her get her hands on that incantation!
Varian: The-the scroll is worthless without the translation key. (reveals that translation key is needed to read the scroll)
Cassandra: Well, it sounds like I need two things. (notices that she needs the translation key and the scroll)
Eugene: Get that scroll out of here. (going to fight Cassandra) Blondie, I got this. (grunting) Her armor is made of the ro... (Eugene's sword breaks after noticing what her armor is made of then Cassandra kicks Eugene away then he lands on top of Lance and Maximus) (screams, groans) (Cassandra grunts as she slice of the top of the Demanitus Device then it chases Eugene, Lance and Maximus but Maximus put Eugene and Lance on his back while Rapunzel pulls Varian out of the way) (Maximus neighs) (Eugene yells) (Lance grunts) (Maximus is on the boulder of the Demanitus Device that Cassandra sliced off but Eugene and Maximus suddenly flies backwards after the boulder is destroyed)
Eugene: Aah! (when he sees the bottom while holding onto Maximus) (Maximus neighs and he is about to slip then Lance gasps when he runs to the edge and tries to pull Maximus and Eugene up)
Cassandra: Give me that scroll, Rapunzel! (wants her former friend to give her the scroll after she walks down the stairs then lunges at Rapunzel but she is protecting herself and Varian)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass, let's just talk. (tries to reason with Cassandra)
Cassandra: Oh, sure! Let's have another chat about how my mother chose you over me!
Princess Rapunzel: Cass, Gothel took me and held me against my will. It wasn't my decision, Cassandra. You know that.
Cassandra: Well, was it your decision to push her out a window? (Cassandra and Rapunzel grunt)
Princess Rapunzel: (gasps) Ugh, you weren't there. (she and Varian back away from Cassandra) You have no idea.
Cassandra: Then why don't you make me understand! (Ruddiger screeching at Cassandra as he takes the scroll from Varian which makes Rapunzel and Varian proud of Ruddiger) (she groans) Get off! (Pascal blows raspberry at Cassandra and he takes the scroll then runs with Ruddiger but she runs after Pascal and Ruddiger) (Rapunzel and Cassandra grunting but the latter frees her leg from Rapunzel's hair) (Ruddiger helps Lance but the former sees an apple falling out of Maximus' saddle then Ruddiger takes an apple from Maximus' saddle and it annoys Maximus) (Pascal squeaks while trying to hang on to the scroll but Cassandra throws the sword to let Pascal go of the scroll then he uses his tongue to hang on) (Cassandra is about to grab the scroll but Rapunzel takes it)

Princess Rapunzel: Look at me. You know me, Cassandra. I have always supported you. Whatever this anger is... Come on, let's face it together. (Cassandra is about to grab the sword) (Pascal squeaks while he is hanging onto an object) Cass, somewhere inside, you know this isn't right. Just come back home with us. (Cassandra takes her hand off the sword) We can figure this out.
Enchanted Girl: Questioning your path, are you?
Cassandra: No, I wasn't.
Princess Rapunzel: Who are you talking to? Cass, I'm not gonna fight you.
Enchanted Girl: "She's trying to trick you! (Cassandra looks at Lance trying to pull Maximus, Ruddiger and Eugene up then she) (Maximus grunts)
Cassandra: Don't wanna fight! Don't fight! (picks up the sword and slices part of the Demanitus Device and it rumbles while Lance is trying to pull up Maximus, Ruddiger and Eugene) (Rapunzel runs away from the destroyed machine while Varian hides from behind the table then watches Rapunzel running away) (Maximus grabs part of the device and neighs then he, Lance and Eugene land onto the floor while Ruddiger lands on Eugene's head) (Lance, Eugene, Maximus and Ruddiger run away from the falling device then Lance stops it from falling while Rapunzel tries to hold the falling device with her hair)
Princess Rapunzel: No, stop!
Lance: Whew. Guess I don't know my own strength.
Princess Rapunzel: Get... (grunting)... out of there! I can't ho... hold it!
Cassandra: Thank you. (takes the scroll from Rapunzel but Rapunzel screams when her hair pulled her up from holding the fallen device then she lands to the side where Eugene, Lance, Pascal and Maximus are)
Eugene: Rapunzel! (Rapunzel yells)
Cassandra: Hey, Varian. (Varian is stirring a chemical then stops stirring it) (whistles and slices the table then Varian comes up from hiding)
Varian: If you wanna read that scroll, you are gonna need my translation key. (walks to the wall backwards and sees the translation key then pours the chemical on the wall to prevent Cassandra from deciphering the translation key) Ha! And now that I've destroyed it, you'll never know what the scroll says because the only translation in earthly existence is locked safely away up here. (points to his head) Boom! (laughs) Oh, yeah. (nervously) I should have not said that out loud.
Cassandra: Then I guess you're coming with me. (going to abduct Varian and takes the scroll)
Eugene: Rapunzel, hurry! (Rapunzel yells while she frees her hair and she lands on the ground where Eugene, Lance and Maximus are) (Rapunzel tries to pull her hair free after it is caught by the fallen device and it drags her to the edge but Lance and Eugene help Rapunzel and free her hair) (Pascal frees his owner's long blonde hair and climbs it) Rapunzel! Hurry, Pascal! Let's go! Jump! (the Demanitus Device falls to the bottom) (Eugene and Lance cough)
Lance: She took him.
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra! Varian! (calling for Cassandra and Varian but they are gone but Ruddiger comes up from hiding while squeaking weakly with his ungroomed fur)

(Cassandra is walking inside the forest and she is searching for something inside Varian's bag while taking a horse and a drugged Varian with her after she abducted him) (the enchanted girl appears and smiles evilly but she sees Cassandra with a horse and a drugged Varian)

Enchanted Girl: So this is your plan? Running away?
Cassandra: No one is running.
Enchanted Girl: One would think that now that you have the power of the black rocks, you wouldn't feel the need to hide.
Cassandra: I don't hide from anything!
Enchanted Girl: I don't need to remind you that defeat is not an option. And when Rapunzel comes for you, you must be prepared to protect what is rightfully yours. What you need is...
Cassandra: A stronghold. And I know just where to build one."

(Cassandra, a horse and an abducted Varian are at the former location of Rapunzel's Tower then Cassandra binds Varian to a black rock) (Cassandra kicks an item and she walks to a part of the mural to destroy it with the sword then she sits on a rock with the bottles of chemicals that she took out of Varian's bag)

Varian: (Varian groans weakly when he wakes up after being tied to a black rock) Ugh. Hey, where are we?
Cassandra: I need that third incantation, Varian.
Varian: Never. (refuses to tell Cassandra the third incantation)
Cassandra: I knew you'd say that. That's why I went through your little bag of tricks. (picks up and holds Varian's bag then lets it go while holding the truth serum with her other hand) I found something in here that might change your mind. (sees the truth serum) Recognize this? (walks over to Varian while showing the empty bottle of truth serum and asks he remembers it then walks away)
Varian: Ha! No. (under the effects of his truth serum but he tries to fight it) Ugh, yes, it's a truth serum of my own design and it compels the drinker to tell the truth and answer any question asked. (Cassandra walks back to other chemicals of Varian's to put the bottle on the rock and takes the scroll then she walks back to Varian while carrying the scroll) Wait, but I never drank that.
Cassandra: Lucky for me, you sleep with your mouth open. So let me ask you, what's the third incantation? (holding the scroll while she sits next to Varian)
Varian: (grunting) I, uh... (grunts) (still under effects of his truth serum) Crescent high above... evolving as you go... raise what lies beneath... and let the darkness grow.
Cassandra: (going to make the stronghold until it is finished) Crescent high above... Crescent high above... evolving as you go... raise what lies beneath... and let the darkness grow. Bend it to my will, consume the sunlight's glow. Rise into the sky and let the darkness grow. (Fidella neighs while she and the palace horses hear a ruckus at the stables) (Shorty gasps while he, Ulf and Attila hear the ruckus at the Snuggly Duckling) (rattles) (King Frederic and Queen Arianna hear a ruckus from their room) (Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Lance, Maximus and Ruddiger hear the ruckus)
Varian: What is that?
Cassandra: Let darkness... grow. (finished making the stronghold with the third incantation it materializes once the light of the stronghold becomes a ring of light and balls of light then the wind blows while Varian closes his eyes then opens them and he is shocked when he sees the stronghold) Home sweet home. (loves her new home)

Princess Rapunzel: We have to figure out what Cassandra is planning to do with Varian and the Scroll. We're not just gonna sit by and let her ruin Eugene's birthday... anything else. (opens her bag and inside of it reveals the small box with the ring) Right? (asks Lance, Kiera, Catalina and Eugene but the four of them have their spirits broken)
Lance: Yeah, I don't know.
Eugene: Sure. Just... give me a minute.
Princess Rapunzel: Seriously, guys? Cass has Varian. Not to mention an incantion that can control the rocks. We have to stop her.
Lance: Uh, Princess? Were you in the same fight as us? We don't stand a chance against Cass and that unbreakable armor.
Eugene: Oh, come on, Lance, she wasn't that bad.
Lance: Oh, I'm sorry. What were you doing during that fight? There was a large boulder and you were... (Pascal climbs to the top of the globe and imitates Eugene was doing at the fight) (laughing) Yeah, yeah, like that. Okay, okay. He's getting offended. (Lance notices Eugene is mad so the former stops the globe from spinning and Pascal is thrown off)
Eugene: What are you laughing about? You were right there with me.
Lance: No, no, no, no, no. You're remembering it all wrong. You know, they say memory is one of the first things to go with age.
Eugene: Are we finished?
Princess Rapunzel: Listen, I know Cassandra's dangerous but we cannot forget she's also our friend.
Eugene: Fine, there's only one big problem. We don't know where she is. (Maximus neighs)
Princess Rapunzel: I think we know where to look.

(Cassandra, Varian and the enchanted girl are inside the stronghold) (Cassandra brings Varian up a flight of stairs as her prisoner)

Enchanted Girl: You've done well, Cassandra. Soon Rapunzel will come for the boy.
Cassandra: And then what?
Enchanted Girl: Then you will face her with the full power of the MoonStone.
Varian: Who is she talking to?
Cassandra: Look, I know none of this is your fault and I don't want to hurt you so when Rapunzel comes for you, don't try anything foolish. (she removes the makeshift handcuffs from Varian's hands then he makes sure that his hands aren't hurt from the handcuffs)

Varian: Cassandra, you're angry, I get it. Believe me, I know what it's like, but you are making a mistake!

The path of hate is a dangerous track You take one step and it's hard to turn back It pulls you along, and though it seems wrong it feels right Don't you see this path you're on leaves a permanent mark It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark With each passing day you're further astray from the light

Suddenly, you lose your way and lose the thread Lose your cool, then lose your head Every loss is harder to excuse Then you'll see you'll lose your faith and lose your soul 'till you lose complete control And realize there's nothing left to lose Nothing left to lose

Varian: Cass, trust me, becoming the villain isn't the answer! Cassandra: Is that what you think I am?

Cassandra: The path I'm on is a path paved in black I'm taking that road and I'm not looking back Each twist and each turn leads straight where I'm yearning to go Yes, it's true, my path is dark but I see where it ends My rivals will fall as my power ascends Despise me, that's fine I'm taking what's mine even so

Not like you, you lost your nerve, you lost the game But you and I, we're not the same I'm not lost, this fate was mine to choose So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains Lose each weakness that remains Now that I have nothing left to lose Nothing left to lose

Varian: You have so much to hold onto Cassandra: I only want my rightful dues Varian: Listen please, you've lost your grip and lost your mind Cassandra: Lose? I'm not gonna lose Varian: All's not lost, don't be so blind Cassandra: I refuse Varian: Cut your losses, drop the IOUs Cassandra: I refuse Varian: Oooh choose

Cassandra: I lose no tears and lose no sleep What I want I'll take and keep Varian: It's time for you to choose Both: You can't stop the turning of the screws

Cassandra: You'll stay in that cage until this is done. And just in case you think of escaping...

Cassandra: Now I have nothing left to lose (song ends)

(Rapunzel arrives at the location of her former tower alongside Pascal, Eugene, Lance, Kiera, Catalina and Maximus)

Kiera: Whoa.
Catalina: It's taller than the castle.
Princess Rapunzel: Cass is sending me a message. (picks up part of her mural) She wants me to know that everything that once was mine will belong to her.
Lance: The only message it's sending me is "good luck climbing this". (Maximus neighs)
Princess Rapunzel: No entrances at the bottom, Max? (Maximus neighs) That's the closest entrance, huh?
Lance: How are we supposed to get all the way up there? (Rapunzel turns around and tells him and Eugene)
Princess Rapunzel: We get up there by... a lot of climbing. (Lance and Eugene are terrified then Lance walks backwards but Eugene grabs him by the back of his shirt to drag him) That's the spirit. (Lance and Eugene try to climb the stronghold The Emperor's New Groove style but failed to reach the top of it)
Lance: (strained): You want to climb like this the whole way?
Eugene: (strained: Back in my day, towers were much shorter. (Lance and Eugene grunt as they fall off from both sides of the stronghold)
Lance: (uses his knife to take sap from the branch) I got a better idea. (laughs) (slathers sap to the stronghold) We'll use this sap to climb the tower. See? No slipping.
Princess Rapunzel: Uh, Lance... I can't move.
Kiera: Look, no hands. (Catalina laughs) (Kiera and Catalina are on the opposite sides of Maximus) (Maximus and Pascal are going to launch Rapunzel, Lance and Eugene into the stronghold)
Eugene: Eh, once you've been catapulted a few times it's not so bad.
Princess Rapunzel: Don't worry, Lance, it'll be all over soon. Um, the catapulting, I mean. (chuckling) Not your life.
Lance: (Lance screams) Too high!
Eugene: Look at you go, Lance, you're a natural.
Princess Rapunzel: We're gonna make it! (Lance screaming) (Rapunzel, Lance and Eugene failed to enter the stronghold) (Rapunzel grunt, sighs) Anybody else got an idea?
Kiera: (chuckles) We do.
Eugene: This is quite literally the same exact plan. (Lance, Rapunzel and Eugene screaming)

Cassandra: (laughing) Oh, I could watch them do this all day.
Enchanted Girl: Let them in.
Cassandra: What?
Enchanted Girl: Defeating her isn't enough. You must take away who she is. Force her to fight you. Break her spirit. You've held back long enough. Let her in and finish this now.
Cassandra: (sighs) Fine. (leaves to let Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Lance, Kiera, Catalina and Maximus inside the stronghold)
Lance: I'm telling you the sap thing will work. We just have to try a different trick.
Princess Rapunzel: Come on, Cassandra. Just let me in. (enters the stronghold alongside Pascal, Eugene, Lance, Kiera, Catalina and Maximus)
Lance: Which way do we go?
Princess Rapunzel: It's your birthday Eugene, so you get to decide which path to take. We're celebrating and adventuring. It's a... celebrenture!
Eugene: All right, here we go. Onesie, twosie, redsie, bluesie, this one. Blondie, you and I are gonna go this way. (points to the right tunnel and leaves with Rapunzel)
Lance: And the cool kids will take this tunnel. Come on girls, you too, Max. (goes to the left tunnel with Kiera, Catalina and Maximus)

Varian: (having a nightmare) Wha... Wh... Where am I? What the... Wha... Wh...Where... Where am I? Who are you?
Enchanted Girl: A friend. Or at least I'd like to be. (her head floated down with the tree then she reappears with her head attached to her body but she is upside down) There is a way to save Cassandra. The final incantation. (she levitated herself to Varian) The Sun-Drop must use it against the MoonStone's power. (then she splits herself in half when she is passing through Varian before she becomes whole)
Varian: What? No, no. There is no other incantation. It's not on the scroll. (takes the scroll from the bag)
Enchanted Girl: Isn't there? You just need to know how to look. (after she becomes whole again then she turns her around) You need to use the sun to see the sun.
Varian: "Use the sun to see the sun"? Wh... I don't understand. (screams)
Enchanted Girl: Use the sun to see the sun.
Varian: Whoa! (screams) (screaming) (gasps) That was a dream. (sighs) Oh, why couldn't this be a dream? "Use the sun to see the sun"? (the enchanted girl smiles maliciously)
Varian: (takes the scroll from his bag and remembers what the enchated girl said to him during the dream) "Use the sun to see the sun"?

(Pascal squeaking then sees if Cassandra is there watching him, Eugene and Rapunzel) (Eugene and Rapunzel enter the top of the stronghold after Pascal)

Princess Rapunzel: Getting here was too easy. We could be walking into a trap. (Pascal chittering and he changes colors to camouflage himself) Good idea. Think you can get in without being seen? (Pascal chitters when he goes to Rapunzel and she is holding him) Be careful, buddy. (kisses Pascal and Rapunzel puts him down then he climbs the stairs while she and Eugene wait for him)

Lance: So, you see, young ladies. The seasoned chef inherently knows his way around unfamilar places. It's a keen sense one develops after years of studying one's craft and--
Kiera: And we're back at the entrance.
Lance: Now, we've refamiliarized ourselves with the correct entrance, we can proceed with the correct route (Lance sighs and points to the wrong direction then he points to the right direction) (Kiera, Catalina and Maximus are annoyed with Lance after the four of them went back to the entrance) (We can proceed to the correct route. (Pascal arrived at the throne room and sees that Cassandra is nowhere to be found then he goes around the room when the coast is clear but Cassandra enters the room) (Pascal sees Cassandra but he turns invisible while she goes to her throne) (Pascal squeaks while he is invisible so Cassandra can't see him then he stops hiding from her and he uses his tongue slide across to the rocks but he continues to hide from her) (Cassandra goes to the black rock where Pascal is hiding and she removes the black rock then he waves to her before she captures him) (Pascal quiet squeak)

Princess Rapunzel: (realizes that Pascal didn't return) This is taking too long. I'm going up there.
Eugene: Rapunzel, wait! What if you can't convince her to come back? What if the only what is to...
Princess Rapunzel: This is Cassandra. Not some monster. She'll come around. I have to believe that.
Eugene: And if you believe it, then so do I.

Varian: (still trapped inside the cage) Argh! "Needs the sun to see the sun." What does that even mean? (grunts in frustration) (throws his goggles and the scroll after he is frustrated but his goggles are reflecting the words then he turns to see the sun and notices that the invisible words can only be revealed by the sun) Sunlight. The words are hidden and it needs a beam of sunlight to reveal the incantation! Demanitus, you genius!

(Rapunzel enters the throne room with Eugene while trying to find Pascal)

Princess Rapunzel: (sighs) Pascal? Come out, buddy? (Eugene walks to another path to find Varian)
Eugene: Blondie. I found Varian. (Rapunzel walks over to Eugene and he points outside where Varian is trapped inside a cage then Rapunzel and Eugene see Varian trapped inside the cage)
Princess Rapunzel: Don't worry, Varian. We're gonna get you out of there.
Varian: Not now. I found the last incantation. It was hidden with a photoreactive ink. Obvious, right? (snorts)
Eugene: Yeah, super obvious.
Varian: The problem is I need a concentrated beam of sunlight to see it. I tried using my goggles, but they're too scratched up. (picks up his goggles and cleans it then puts it down) I need something else, like a, uh, prism or a glass.
Princess Rapunzel: Or... a crystal? (takes a ring from her bag and shows it to Eugene)
Eugene: Is that a..
Princess Rapunzel: Yeah.
Eugene: For me? You were going to ask me? I mean, I was going to ask you. All this time and you stll find ways to surprise me. (heavy rattling) (Eugene shivers when he tries to keep the ring from falling out of his hands)
Princess Rapunzel: Ugh, she must know we're here. Okay, get-get the ring to Varian. I'm gonna find Pascal. (about to leave but Eugene grabs her arm and turns her face around)
Eugene: Be careful. (Rapunzel smiles at Eugene before the former leaves to find Pascal) (Eugene walks to the edge of the stronghold where Varian is held captive) (rattles)
Princess Rapunzel: Pascal? Are you here? (rattling)
Cassandra: (enters the throne room with the caged Pascal) Yeah, he's here. (frees him from the cage and he runs back to Rapunzel) (Pascal happy squeaks) (Rapunzel is happy to see Pascal again then she picks him up when she bends on her knees and puts him on her shoulder) You made a mistake coming here. (walks on the black rock steps)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass, I am not leaving this tower until this is resolved. (Cassandra closes the entrances with her, Rapunzel and Pascal trapped inside while Eugene and Varian are outside)
Cassandra: Then I guess you're not leaving. You do realize I have complete control over the rocks now, and you know what this tower is made of. (Rapunzel scoffs) (Pascal chitters)
Enchanted Girl: Show her how powerful you have become.
Princess Rapunzel: I'm not going to fight you.
Cassandra: Then this will be very easy.

Crescent high above, Evolving as you go...

Princess Rapunzel: Cass, don't! (Cassandra makes a monument black rock under Rapunzel's feet and raises it up to another pillar to crush Rapunzel and Pascal) (Rapunzel revealed that she protected Pascal and herself with her hair from being crushed by black rocks) Maybe it won't be as easy as you think!
Cassandra: Now, that's more like it. But there are some things your hair can't block. (Rapunzel screaming when she and Pascal fell outside of the stronghold then she climbs back into the tower)

Eugene: (Eugene grunts while he tries to walk on the black rock but he hangs on to it) Man, I really hate birthdays.
Varian: (sees the sun about to set soon) Hurry, the sun is setting. Eugene, come on!
Eugene: I'm going as fast as I can, kid, without dying. (walks over to Varian to give the ring to him but it slipped)
Varian: Come on!
Eugene: Whoa. (Varian grunts) (Eugene is about to give Varian the ring but the former slips while trying to catch it) First memory, and now balance? Age. Why do we have to age? (Varian revealed to Eugene that the former caught the ring) Nice snag!
Varian: (takes out the scroll to reveal the hidden words while using the ring) It's working.
Eugene: Way to go, kid.
Varian: (screams while Eugene tries to blow the fire out) No! No, no, no, no! (takes a pen and a parchment paper to write the hidden incantation while Eugene blows on the scroll before it is destroyed and Varian is letting go of it) (screams, sighs) Uh... I got it! Whew. (chuckles in relief)
Eugene: I certainly hope so, because that thing was not easy to come by. Now, can you figure out a way to get through these bars? And how do you get back into the building? (asks Varian) Because, I got nothing.

Lance: (pulling Maximus' tail while Kiera is bored but Catalina is watching Lance and Maximus arguing) I'm telling you. You have to go down to go up. Going up to go up is too simple. (Maximus neighs and snorts then sniffs something) I don't care what you smell. What's more trustworthy? His nose or my intuition? (asks Kiera and Catalina)
Kiera: Ugh! We're missing all the action!

Princess Rapunzel: (grunts in effort while climbing back into the stronghold) (sighs) Sorry, Cass, but you are not going to get rid of me that easily. (Rapunzel groans) (grunts) Cass, please! This is not who you are.
Cassandra: Wrong! I finally know who I am. (Rapunzel runs while Cassandra controls rocks to stop the former from running)
Princess Rapunzel: (grunts) Aah! I will never stop trying to get through to you! (pinned to the wall) (the Enchanted Girl is proud of Cassandra for pinning Rapunzel to the wall) I won't fight you, I won't justify your hatred, and there's nothing you can do to change that. Nothing!
Cassandra: (laughs) Oh, there isn't? 'Cause I kinda think there is. (Varian and Eugene are bored)
Eugene: (Cassandra drags him and Varian back into the stronghold when Rapunzel refused to fight) (rattling) Bad. This is bad.
Varian: Uh-oh. Eugene? (Eugene puts his hand out to Varian and the latter sees and holds the former's hand when the latter is scared)
Eugene: Stay close, kid. (he protects a scared Varian when the both of them are being dragged back into the stronghold by Cassandra when Rapunzel refused to fight)

Cassandra: (greets Varian and Eugene after they return to the stronghold) Welcome back, boys. (controls the rocks to trap Eugene after he stops holding Varian's hands) Let me help you out. (Eugene groans)
Cassandra: You may not want to fight me but will you fight... for him? (walks to Eugene while he is trapped and grabs his face)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass, leave him alone.
Enchanted Girl Break her spirit. (sees that Rapunzel is still pinned to the wall)
Cassandra: I just realized I forgot to give my birthday present, Eugene. (Eugene groans when Cassandra continues to threaten him)
Eugene: Don't give in to her. Don't do anything she says. (Varian also sees that Cassandra is threatening Eugene)
Varian: Rapunzel, I have the final incantation. (Varian takes the incantation from the bag then Pascal snags the incantation with his tongue from the former's hand to allow Rapunzel say it to defeat Cassandra) You have to use it!
Cassandra: Final incantation? What is he talking about? (wants to know what Varian is saying to Rapunzel)
Enchanted Girl: Never mind that. You are more powerful. Finish this. (tells Cassandra ignore what Varian is saying to Rapunzel about the final incantation)
Cassandra: Crescent high above, evolving as you go...
Varian: (tells Rapunzel to say the fourth incantation) Rapunzel! Use it.
Princess Rapunzel Power of the sun, gift me with your light, shine into the dark, restore our fading sight, rise into the dawn, blazing star so bright. (while that happens the enchanted girl is revealed to be Zhan Tiri)
Cassandra: Impossible.
Princess Rapunzel: Burn away the strife, let my hope ignite, let hope ignite. Let him go, Cassandra.
Cassandra: (tells Rapunzel that she doesn't obey Rapunzel's commands again) I don't follow your orders anymore! (continues to fight Rapunzel but the latter fights back)
Princess Rapunzel: I said let him go! (tells Cassandra to free Eugene) (enchanted girl's evil laughter as she enters the portal after it opens up) Let him go! (electricity crackles when Cassandra and Rapunzel continue to fight each other with new powers until the former was defeated by the latter) (Cassandra groaning and she notices that the MoonStone chipped during her fight against Rapunzel) (Varian is freed from the cage)
Varian: (freed from the black rock cage during the blast while being worried about Eugene) Ahh! Eugene!
Eugene: (freed from the black rock bind during the blast being worried about Varian) Varian! (Pascal hangs onto a black rock with his tongue) (Varian screaming when he falls off the stronghold after trying to hold on) (Cassandra screaming when she falls off the stronghold and grunts when she saves herself with her powers but she still vows vengeance) (Rapunzel sighs after feeling too weak to stand)
Lance: Just because we're not there yet doesn't mean we're not getting there eventually. (argues with Maximus) (Varian screaming as he fell into Lance's arms)
Varian: Lance? (Varian removes the left side of the goggles from the left eye then puts it on his hair when he is happy to see Lance) Oh! (hugs Lance)
Lance: Varian! See, here he is. And I led us right to him. (tells Kiera and Catalina) (Kiera facepalms)
Princess Rapunzel: (waking up) Eugene! Pascal!
Eugene: Rapunzel! (he runs to Rapunzel and both of them hug then they stop hugging for a moment and they continue to hug) Oh! Oh! I know this is an emotional moment for you but I just gotta say, that was awesome!

(Rapunzel is inside her room cleaning the ring with her sleeve until it shines then Eugene sits next to her)

Eugene: Well, Blondie, one of these days we'll get this whole proposal thing right, huh?
Princess Rapunzel: Hmm. I just... (sighs) I thought I could have everything, but after today... I'm not sure it's gonna be that easy. (looks at the ring then Eugene holds Rapunzel's hands) (Rapunzel leans forward for a kiss from Eugene then they hug)
Lance: Oh, there you are. (sees that Eugene is inside Rapunzel's room) Looks like someone forgot to eat... their birthday cake (opens the door and brings the cart inside with Kiera, Catalina and Maximus are behind him then Eugene and Rapunzel stand)
Eugene: You know, I've been thinking. Getting old won't be so bad as long as I get to do it with you.
Princess Rapunzel: Happy first birthday, Eugene. Make a wish. (Lance walks inside Rapunzel's room alongside Kiera, Catalina, Varian and Maximus to celebrate Eugene's birthday with Rapunzel and Eugene then Lance brings the cart to Eugene so the latter can blow out the candles)

(back at the destroyed stronghold)

Cassandra: (pants, grunts) (panting) (she notices that the MoonStone is crackling) (shocked when the enchanted girl has a physical form)
Enchanted Girl: (exits the portal) (sighs deeply) Finally... the clash of sun and moon has released me from my prison. (sees her hand) It's good to be back. (smiles evilly)

Race to the Spire

  • This marks the second and final appearance of Calliope from "Keeper of the Spire"
  • The Enchanted Girl reveals herself as a form of Zhan Tiri herself
  • Hector, Adira and Quirin make cameos as they fall under the dark power of Casandra

Varian: I chemically treated these thrusters so the flames will burn hotter and longer than any natural flame, you're gonna fly like the wind. Don't touch that. Or that. OH MY, DON'T TOUCH THAT! IT'S GONNA BLOW! Ha, ha, gotcha! Just messing with you." (Pascal laughs at Eugene when the latter fell for Varian's prank)
Eugene: I knew that and you're on my list, Frog.
Princess Rapunzel: Guys, focus. (tells Varian and Eugene to pay attention) Look at this, it took us weeks to get to the Spire on foot but thanks to Varian's speed balloon and this direct route we'll make it in a day.
Eugene: Good job, Buddy. (exits the hot air balloon)
Varian: "Oh wait, this takes you over Kresten Loch. Uh, Kresten Loch, the frozen sea miles and miles of deadly wintry expanse?"
Princess Rapunzel: That's the one.
Varian: "Well, if it were for anybody other than you, I'd be worried. (falls) Whoa! Who glued my boots to the ground?
Eugene: That's for your little balloon prank earlier. (returns while holding a paintbrush and a bucket of glue) Eugene Fitzherbert never forgets.

Cassandra: " It's no use. I can't get to the Mind-trap talisman!!"
Enchanted Girl: "Then it looks like we'll need that key after all."
Cassandra: "Calliope gave it Rapunzel, and something tells me she won't just hand it over."
Enchanted Girl: "To us, no. But we may have other methods at our disposal."

Enchanted Girl: "Let's speed this us. Yes! Cassandra, the Brotherhood of the Dark Kingdom is yours to command."
Princess Rapunzel: "What do you want with the Brotherhood?"
Cassandra: "You can't have a war without soldiers, Princess."
Eugene: "Except we're in a room full of magical artifacts, and I have no idea what any of them does!!"

Enchanted Girl: "I believe Cassandra promised us a proper introduction, but she failed to deliver. Frankly, I'm surprised you haven't guessed who I am, seeing as we've already met; in a way. You see, over the centuries, I've taken the form of whatever suits my needs- A warlock, a demon, even a blizzard."
Princess Rapunzel: "You're Zhan Tiri! But that doesn't make any sense. Cass knows how evil Zhan Tiri is. Why would she team up with-"
Enchanted Girl: "Cassandra knows only what I want her to know. I'm playing her, Rapunzel. She has no idea but she is under my complete control. Prepare yourself, Sundrop. An eclipse is coming! And when it does, Corona will become nothing more than dust."

Eugene: "Hey Blondie, look, I know today didn't pan out the way we hoped, but you did what you had to do. We'll get Cass back."
Princess Rapunzel: "Actually, Eugene. At the moment, I'm starting to think Cass is the least of our worries."

A Tale of Two Sisters

  • Once Upon a Time's fourth season has the same title, as does a Korean horror movie
  • Eugene, King Frederic, Queen Arianna and King Edmund are all absent
  • The ultimate intention of the ancient demon sorceress Zhan Tiri during the eclipse is revealed
  • It is revealed that Gothel had a diary of sorts, in the form of magic mirrors that replayed her narcissist moments and far from loving motherly affection towards her four-year-old daughter Cassandra

Enchanted Girl: "Hello again, Old Friend. My dear Demanitus, I wanted you to know: You've lost.
When the eclipse comes, I shall draw the powers of the Sundrop and Moonstone to myself. And as for their human hosts, to ensure that their once inseparable bond does not interfere, I have set a plan in motion to cement their rift."

Princess Rapunzel: "Clearly someone wanted people to think Gothel or her ghost was back. The question is-"
Cassandra: "Why?"
Princess Rapunzel: "What are you doing here?"
Cassandra: "My friend told me there were suspicious things going on."
Princess Rapunzel: "Your friend!? Listen, Cass, that little friend-"
Cassandra: "You don't belong here!!"

Princess Rapunzel: "Whoa. I knew she was vain, but..."
Cassandra: "What is this stuff?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Look! The Sundrop. The sun incantation! Gothel was alive a long time."
Gothel (via mirror diary): "Good morning, Beautiful."
Princess Rapunzel and Cassandra: "Mother!?"
Princess Rapunzel: "And she's talking to herself. Looks like these can trap images and play them back, like a diary or something."
Cassandra: "And I thought your journal was-"
Princes Rapunzel: Uh, uh, uh!"
Cassandra: "Less annoying than this. Happy now?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Yes I am."

Princess Rapunzel: "Well, that's typical Gothel for you."
Cassandra: "What do you mean?"
Princess Rapunzel: "She wasn't exactly the nurturing type, when she was around, I mean."
Cassandra: "Funny, she was never around for me. I wonder why."
Princess Rapunzel: "It's not like I asked to be taken from my parents by a madwoman. And the only thing Gothel ever wanted from me was my hair. She didn't love me. She didn't love either of us. Cass, the only good thing Gothel ever did was bring us together."
Cassandra: "Only good thing!!? You really think this is a good thing?"
Princess Rapunzel: "It was."
Cassandra: "For you maybe."

Cassandra: "The missing mirror! You took it!?"
Princess Rapunzel: "What!!? No!! I have no idea how that got in my bag!"
(The hand mirror reveals another memory of Gothel, one showing her giving her young daughter her blue-and-gold music box)
Gothel: "Turn the key like this, so whenever you hear this tune, you'll think of your dear sweet mother and the love I have for you."
Young Cassandra: "I love you, Mama."
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass! I have never seen that."
Cassandra: "Really!? The one mirror that showed that Mother- my mother- had a shred of affection for me and it just happens to be in your bag!!? (Coldly) Out of my way."
Princess Rapunzel: "Cass."
Cassandra: "Goodbye, Rapunzel."
Princess Rapunzel: What!? No!! Cassandra!! CASS!!!"

Cassandra: "You were right. Rapunzel knew that Gothel loved me."
Enchanted Girl: "You poor thing. But now you know, and that knowledge will only make you stronger."

Gothel "Turn the key like this, so that whenever you hear this tune, you'll think of your dear sweet mother and the love I have for you."
Young Cassandra: "I love you, Mama."
Gothel: "Hopefully that'll keep her out of my hair for awhile; lousy little pest."


  • Cassandra appear only as a nightmare of her adopted father who decides to resign, as he cannot bring himself to fight his own adopted daughter, and appoints Eugene as his successor.
  • Varian has a new "Rooster" invention that will protect Corona from Cassandra and any other danger that threatens the kingdom by firing a glowing mortar to warn everyone of Corona.

(Outside Cassandra's stronghold of Black Rocks, holding her shadow sword aloft)
Cassandra: "It doesn't matter how many of you there are!! Each of you will fall!!"
(Unleashes a strong burst of Moonstone energy from the blade at the Royal Guards)
Captain of the Guard: "Cassandra, stand down!"
Cassandra: "You're the one who should stand down, Father, while you still can!!"
Captain of the Guard: "I can't do that."
Cassandra: "Then you will fall like the others."
(Throws his sword at her chest, where the Moonstone is and manages to easily shatter it)
Cassandra: "No!! My power!! I don't need my powers to defeat you."
Captain of the Guard: "Cassandra...I won't fight you."
Cassandra: "Then you will never be able to protect Corona."
(The Captain wakes in his bed from the horrific nightmare of again facing his corrupt, Moonstone-empowered adopted daughter in battle)

Captain of the Guard: "King Frederic, Queen Arianna, I have severed Corona faithfully to stop any threat. But as a father, I cannot fight my own daughter. Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I resign from my post."
King Frederic: "Captain, you have served Corona well all these years."
Queen Arianna: "We respect your decision."

Brock: "Is this hair?"
Princess Rapunzel: "Yeah. Gets the job done."
Brock: "Oh, it's your hair. Hi. The name's Flynn Rider."

The Baron: "When I'm through, you're gonna wish he stayed with my Stalyan."
Princess Rapunzel: "Stalyan has moved on. Why can't you?"
The Baron: "'Cause I got nothing to move on to!!"

Once a Handmaiden...

  • The title is a part of a well-known quote, as is "Happiness Is..."
  • Cassandra finally succeeds in dominating Corona by covering the entire island in black rocks. Just what Princess Rapunzel is scared of in "Be Very Afraid" as her greatest fear which came true.
  • Rapunzel, her friends and her parents and the People of Corona are forced to go to the village after the kingdom is taken over by Cassandra.

Varian: All right, Team Awesome. Project Obsidian is a success.
Princess Rapunzel: Project Obsidian?
Varian: Project Obsidian, it's a device that can destroy Cassandra's self-esteem.
Princess Rapunzel: "Eugene, we are not attacking Cassandra.
Eugene: Of course, we're not going to attack her, Sunshine, but I'm Captain of the Guard now. I have to be prepared to protect our people from any contingency. But I won't use this thing without your approval.
Varian: Princess, believe me, I don't want to hurt Cass either but we can't promise that she's not gonna try to hurt us.
Princess Rapunzel: Okay, I will sign it to protect Corona but we won't need it because I know the Cass, we love is still in there somewhere.

Cassandra: Do you want to explain how this got here? Back at Gothel's, I thought Rapunzel took the one memory that proved my mother loved me!
Zhan Tiri: And?
Cassandra: And you manipulated that memory, didn't you? You took this piece out! You tricked me into abandoning Rapunzel!
Zhan Tiri: Perhaps or perhaps I simply pushed you to become what you were always meant to be.
Cassandra: Who are you? You're- You're that ancient demon Zhan Tiri?
Zhan Tiri: Oh, quit pretending you're horrified. We're not so different, you and I. We were both cheated out of destiny!! In fact, we're more like sisters than you and Rapunzel ever were!! We even want the same thing! And we can get it if you continue to let me help you!
Cassandra: No! No, I'm nothing like you! Just because I'm pursuing my destiny doesn't make me a bad person!
Zhan Tiri: Doesn't it? Run, Cassandra! But you can't run from who you are!

Zhan Tiri: She hasn't told you of Project Obsidian, a weapon designed to destroy you. Rapunzel just authorized it yesterday.
Cassandra: She wouldn't! I don't believe you!
Zhan Tiri: You can ask her yourself if you don't believe me. You might want something to defend yourself against her. This potion may be your only hope against the Princess.

Princess Rapunzel: Cass, please! It's not too late to make things right!
Cassandra: Rapunzel, I want to believe you, but- (Zhan Tiri pushed the button to fire Varian's Project Obsidian to encase Cassandra)
Princess Rapunzel: "No! I said we didn't need to attack her!
Varian: I- I don't know what happened! It must have malfunctioned!
Cassandra: Project Obsidian, huh? Zhan Tiri was right.
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra!
Cassandra: You want me to be the bad guy? Fine! Now I'm the bad guy!
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra, no! (fainted)

Varian: Cassandra, please! This is your home.(begs her to stop attacking Corona)
Cassandra: Not anymore! Corona falls today!
Eugene: Cassandra, I'm putting a stop to this right now!(he, Varian, Lance and Fidella are mad at Cassandra)
Cassandra: Oooh! This oughta be good.
Eugene: Cass, please. You were like a sister- (begs her to stop)
Cassandra: Save it!

Eugene: Ow! That was not fair.
Mary: Quick, everyone to the Castle! We'll be safe there! (she, Lance, Feldspar and the citzens of Corona are running to the castle)
Cassandra: Sorry, but the Castle's off limits!(takes the magical Mind Trap from her bag and calls upon a mind-controlled Adira and Hector to barricade the castle's entrance)
Lance: Adira! Adira, it's me, Lance. What's wrong? Why is love so fickle?
Eugene: Be careful Lance, it looks like she and Hector are under the influence of the Mind-Trap Talisman!
Lance: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't wanna fight you! We have to fall back.
Eugene: We are not falling back.
King Edmund: Son, you cannot save a kingdom by being trapped inside it.
Eugene: Everyone, fall back! (he and Varian are dodging the black rocks)(then he sees that Pete is trapped inside a net and Stan tries to take the net off his partner) (sees Mary worried about Shorty while a guard is running) (a woman, an elderly man, Monty, two guards and Feldspar are running to the forest) (Cassandra is attacking Varian and Eugene but they are dodging the black rocks to run to the forest)

Eugene: Rapunzel? Blondie. (Rapunzel wakes up then sees Eugene and her parents smiling at her)
Princess Rapunzel: What's going on? (wants to know what happened) (Maximus, Pascal, Varian, Catalina, Kiera, Old Lady Crowley, Monty, Feldspar, Quirin, King Edmund and Lance are also glad that Rapunzel is awake)
Eugene: Thank goodness, you're okay. (hugs Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: What happened to Cassandra? (asks Eugene)
Eugene: Oh, Sunshine. I don't know if you should be- (Rapunzel runs out of the Snuggly Duckling and is horrified to see all of Corona completely covered in black rocks, confirming her greatest fear once and for all) (Eugene walks to Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: No! I- I don't believe it! (worried about the kingdom while Eugene holds her hand then she is mad) (Varian, Kiera, Catalina, Quirin, Lance, Pascal, Maximus, Feldspar, King Edmund, King Frederic and Queen Arianna are behind Eugene and Rapunzel) (Cassandra is inside the throne room after she conquered Corona)

Plus Est En Vous

  • As the series finale, it is an hour and six minutes longer (which was from 7:06 to 8:12 am) which technically makes it a special three-part episode. It began at 7:06 and concluded at 8:12 am on March 1st
  • The title is French for "More in You" which is written in the flyleaf in Princess Rapunzel's journal which was given to her as an early coronation gift in the movie premiere of the show
  • The Supreme Power of the Heavens reveals itself
  • The ancient demon-sorceress Zhan Tiri is finally destroyed by Rapunzel and Cassandra
  • Princess Rapunzel loses her powerful Sundrop magic, but later regains them temporarily from a fragment of the Moonstone
  • Cassandra dies and Princess Rapunzel utilizes the Sundrop Flower's healing incantation to revive her from her death and everyone else that were weakened by the Decay Incantation. She then sends the Ultimate Power of the Heavens back to where it belongs in the cosmos

Eugene: (narrating) This is the story of two best friends. Okay, so they don't look like best friends at the moment. It's, it's complicated. You see, her whole life, Cassandra has felt second best. Going back to when her own mother, Gothel, chose Rapunzel over her. And as a result, Cass has developed, a, uh, a grudge. That little thing there, that's the Moon Stone, and it's the cosmic counterpart to, a-ha you guessed it, to the Sun Drop. The two belong together, but that's not the way Cass sees it. To her, the Moon Stone is her destiny. And now that she has it, she's out to take down Rapunzel, Corona, and anyone, who underestimated ever her.
Cassandra: You have to be careful who you trust.
Eugene: (continues narrating) Not only does Cass have a brainwashed Brotherhood on her side, she also pals with this goat-headed monster. (Milton the Goat bleats then Shorty is shown) No, no, not that one. This one. Zhan Tiri, an ancient, evil demon. Only now, old Zhan Tiri looks like this. Zhan Tiri manipulated this fight between Cass and Rapunzel to gain the power of both the Sun Drop and Moon Stone. It's enough to make the most resilient hero give up. But good thing this is Rapunzel, we're talking about.

Princess Rapunzel: There's got to be a way to fix all, Pascal. But how? (Pascal squeaks)
Queen Arianna: Did I ever tell you about the biggest fight your aunt and I ever had? we were just teenagers, but Wllow was so mad, she actually built a brick wall in the middle of our bedroom.
Princess Rapunzel: (gasps) What?
Queen Arianna: I'm not kidding. Your grandfather nearly lost his mind. I tried talking to her through the wall, slipping notes between its cracks, but she refused to talk to me.
Princess Rapunzel: (chuckles) What did you wind up doing?
Queen Arianna: I got a hammer and I knocked that wall down. But after that, Willow saw just how much working things out meant to me. How I wouldn't let anything stand between us. (Rapunzel is feeling down then her mom comforted her) Rapunzel. Only you can get through to Cassandra. (Rapunzel's spirits are lifted and her mom kisses her) (Pascal climbs on Rapunzel's shoulder) (Pascal squeaks)
Princess Rapunzel: She's right, Pascal. It's time for the fight of our lives. (exhales) (runs to Maximus then Rapunzel and her mom race back to the Snuggly Duckling while riding on Maximus and Fidella) (Fidella whinnying) Hyah! (wolves barking and howls) (Quirin, King Frederic, King Edmund, Hamuel, Ulf, Big Nose, Vladimir, Kiera, Catalina, Lance, Varian, Eugene, Ruddiger, Monty, Feldspar and Old Lady Crowley are shown at the Snuggly Duckling with their spirits down)
Eugene: Okay, spirits are at an all-time low. Think, what would Rapunzel do? (Ruddiger chitters) Ooh, got it! Hey, haven't any of you had a problem you just couldn't solve? (picks up Ruddiger) One we could sing about, preferably a bouncy tune that makes you forget how bad... everything-oh, come on. We can't just give up.
Lance: Yeah! If Eugene can lose an entire kingdom in humiliating defeat and still hold his head up (exhales) then so can we.
King Edmund: That's right. I'm sure our captain has a plan to victory. (chuckles) Poor sap has no idea how doomed we are. Doomed, I tell you! Hold it together, Edmund. (picks up Hamuel after he falls) (takes a deep breath) I believe in you, son.
Eugene: Thank you for the support, Dad. Now, come on, there's got to be a way out of this.
Princess Rapunzel: (opens the door) There is, but there's only one way out, and that's through it. (enters the Snuggly Duckling with Pascal and her mom)

Princess Rapunzel: I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. This is the biggest challenge this kingdom has ever faced. (puts Pascal on the piano) Eugene: No offense, Varian. Varian: Eh.

Time now to fight Let’s turn our losing streak around Rise and unite Let’s do what we must do If we’re to win We can’t turn back or sneak around Once we begin The only way is through Through the fire Through the rain We’ll face whatever the fates may bring And tear through every wall Through the fear Through the pain And as one We will rise Marching tall Through it all

Princess Rapunzel: It's not gonna be easy. But it's our only option. Who's with me?

Eugene: Time now to stand King Frederic: Let's save our home and take it back Lance: At your command Attila: I'm in! Vladimir: And me! Shorty: Me too! Varian: Onward we ride Who knows if we will make it back? Queen Arianna: We're at your side Princess Rapunzel: Together we'll come through

Chorus: Through the strife Through the fray Princess Rapunzel: We can't hold back in this time of need Eugene: We all must heed the call Chorus: Through the dark To the day All: And as one We will rise Marching tall Through it all

Chorus: Time now to fight To face whatever fate may bring (Princess Rapunzel: Through it all!) Right over might Till victory and freedom ring (Princess Rapunzel: Through it all!) Stand and unite For home and hearth and land and king For love and life and everything

All: Through it all (Through it all) Through it all (Through it all) Through it all! Yeah!

Eugene: Quirin! (he tosses a pitchfork to Quirin and the latter catches it) (Eugene is shocked when he sees the Brotherhood mark on Quirin's hand before the latter joins the troops)
Princess Rapunzel: Eugene?
Eugene: Ha. No one can rally up the troops like you. (kisses Rapunzel) Thanks, sunshine.
Princess Rapunzel: You're welcome. Huh. You know, all this time, I've never come up with a cute little nickname for you.
Eugene: Well, I've already got three names and two of them are awful, so I think we're good. (Hamuel squwaks) (Shorty is wrestling Hamuel) Do you really think we stand a chance? Cass has the Moon Stone, the Brotherhood... and we've got (Eugene and Rapunzel are looking at Shorty and Hamuel)
Shorty: (groans) You're being rude!
Eugene: Not to mention Zhan Tiri. I mean, I don't think any of us are up to fighting an ancient evil demon creature.
Varian: Neither was Lord Demanitus. (finished drinking milk) (Rapunzel and Eugene walk back inside the Snuggly Duckling) When I was researching the Scroll, I found out Demanitus banished Zhan Tiri to some kind of netherworld, but the machine he used to do it was dismantled centuries ago.
Princess Rapunzel: Can you build it again?
Varian: If I had the plans, but Demanitus took his only blueprints to his tomb.
Eugene: (chuckles) Let me guess: The tomb is thousand years old and no one knows where it is.
Princess Rapunzel: Well, I, I wouldn't say no one knows.
Eugene: I've got a bad feeling about this. (wind blowing) Snow. (echoing): Why did it have to be snow? (going to the tomb with Rapunzel, Pascal, Varian, Kiera, Catalina, Lance and Maximus)

(Cassandra is inside the hallway at the castle then she walks to her old room and peeks inside it to see the closet) (enters her old room while she is mad and she picks up dust to rub it between her thumb and finger then throws the dust away) (walks towards her closet and opens it to see the rose that Andrew gave her and the Cassandrium that Varian gave her) (she also sees her weapons and her helmet and her sparring dummy with Eugene's painted on it then she holds the helmet then she sees the painted picture of her, Rapunzel, Pascal, Owl with half of Eugene inside the frame but she puts it facedown) (growls) (grunting) (she angrily throws her belongings to the ground then sees her handmaiden headdress) (heavy breathing) (grunts) (boom!) (rips her handmaiden headdress with the black rock and storms out of her old room)

(Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Varian, Kiera, Catalina, Lance and Maximus have made to the location of the tomb and they see the stairs)

Princess Rapunzel: Almost there, guys. And by almost, I mean not really at all
Kiera: Come on, you old timers. (climbs up first then Catalina climbs up after Kiera)
Catalina: Last one up is a Saporian slug! (tells Rapunzel, Eugene, Varian, Lance and Maximus)
Lance: Princess, how did you even know Demanitus' tomb was up here? (asks Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: (tells Lance) As acting queen, I got to know a lot of Corona secrets. You know the great oak tree in Corona Park? It's not an oak. And it's not that great.
Lance: (gasps)
Princess Rapunzel: I've said too much. (climbs up with Pascal)
Lance: You think you know a tree. (climbs up after Rapunzel) (Maximus climbs up)
Eugene: So, Varian, we're buddies, right?
Varian: Team Awesome, remember?
Eugene: Oh, right. That, yeah. You know how Adira and Rhino Guy have fallen under the spell of the Mind Trap?
Varian: Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to help them.
Eugene: Well, yeah, of course we will. (tells Varian about Quirin being one of the Brotherhood) Um, but wasn't your dad a member of that club?
Varian: What are you saying? That my dad...? Listen, Eugene. (mad at Eugene) My father is just fine.
Eugene: Okay, I didn't... Uh, look, forget I even mentioned it, okay? (climbs up) (Varian is thinking about what Eugene said to him then he climbs up) Phew. Did you find it? (shivers again) Oh, boy.
Varian: It's magnificent.
Eugene: Is it just me, or is there no door to get in?
Princess Rapunzel: It doesn't look like there is. (gasps) (turns around and walks to the door) But there is a riddle. (Varian also checks the door for a way inside the tomb)
Eugene: (chuckles) Classic Demanitus.
Princess Rapunzel: "I grow but do not live. I need air but do not breathe."
Catalina: A fish!
Kiera: A rabbit!
Kiera and Catalina: A rabbit fish!
Eugene: People, are you even listening to the riddle?
Lance: Oh, sorry. We were playing charades. But the answer to the riddle is fire.
Eugene: Lance, it's not--
Princess Rapunzel: No, no, no, he's right. It is fire. (takes a torch from Varian's bag and breaks the top of the torch to reveal the flame puts it on the fire symbol so it will spread to the other symbols to open the door and Varian has a big grin before the door is opening) (Rapunzel, Pascal, Varian, Kiera and Catalina are glad to see the door about to open) See, Gee-bug? Easy peasy.
Eugene: Escuza me?
Princess Rapunzel: Sorry. I was trying out a pet name.
Eugene: Maybe try harder? (Varian and Eugene aren't proud of the latter's pet name)
Lance: (laughs) No, please don't. (Varian and Rapunzel enter the tomb) Gee-bug is a keeper. (Eugene is starting to be annoyed of the pet name) (laughs) Come on, everyone. Gee-bug doesn't like to wait. (tells Kiera, Catalina and Maximus to enter)
Kiera: Come on, Gee-bug! (runs inside)
Catalina: It's nice and warm in here, Gee-Bug. (also runs inside while Maximus walks next to her)
Eugene: Oh, Gee-bug. (sudders) (walks inside while being annoyed of Rapunzel's pet name for him) (notices the floor has banana peels) Why are there so many banana- (trips on a banana peel then Maximus picks him up) (Maximus whinnies then Eugene cleans the banana peels off his outfit) (monkeys screech they see Varian, Rapunzel, Pascal, Eugene, Kiera, Catalina, Lance and Maximus entered the tomb) Hey, would you look at that. A family of- Hey, hey, hey, hey! (annoyed at the monkeys for flinging the peels at him)
Princess Rapunzel: Don't take it, peronally, Gee-bug. They're being territorial. (Pascal climbs on Maximus)
Kiera: They could have thrown something a lot worse. (walks with Catalina, Maximus and Pascal)
Princess Rapunzel: Yeah, well, let's just find those plans. This must be where Lord Demanitus found Vigor.
Eugene: So these are his great-great-great-great grandmonkeys. (walks with Rapunzel) Great.
Lance: (gasps) Oh! (runs to an invention) (Varian is amazed at Lord Demanitus' tomb and smiles when he turns around)
Catalina: Whoa! (laughs) (she and Kiera are swinging on vines and the former is having fun) (Rapunzel dusts the webs from the book of Lord Demanitus' plans and opens then turns the pages to find the page that has the plan of the transporter)
Princess Rapunzel: (gasps) This is it! Lord Demanitus' plans. (Eugene walks to Rapunzel)
Eugene: You did it! Excellent. Now, could we get out of here? (monkeys screech) (Varian walks to Lord Demanitus' invention and Lance is holding onto it)
Varian: Absolutely fascinating. (touching the invention then goes to the other side of it and bends down to see the tip of it) And I bet he used this to switch minds with the primate. Genius. (sees Lance about to push the button and warns him) (Lance squeals) (Varian stammering) Don't press that. (walks away) (Lance is disappointed because Varian told him that he shouldn't mess with the button) (Monkey chitters) (Rapunzel and Eugene gasp) (Monkey grabs the book from Rapunzel and Eugene)
Princess Rapunzel: Wait, come back here! (monkey screeching)
Eugene: Ah! (runs with Rapunzel after the monkey but Eugene and Rapunzel trip over a boulder) (Maximus whinnies and he, Kiera and Catalina chase after the monkey) (Varian continues to admire Lord Demanitus' invention until he notices the chase)
Varian: Huh? (stops admiring the invention and runs to join the chase then leaves Lance alone) (Lance whistles then turns around to see that Varian isn't there)
Lance: Hmm. Ooh. (holds the invention then sees the red button up close but he is still disappointed) (the monkey is carrying the book while Rapunzel, Eugene, Maximus, Kiera and Catalina continue to chase it until it comes to Varian is hiding behind the wall)
Varian: Gotcha! Haha! (Eugene, Rapunzel, Pascal, Varian, Kiera, Catalina, Pascal and Maximus notice that another monkey is taking the book from the monkey that Varian is holding) (Eugene, Rapunzel, Kiera, Catalina, Pascal and Maximus continue to retrieve the book from the monkey) (machinery whirring) (energy crackling as Lance switches the minds of Varian and the monkey when the beam of light surrounds Varian and the monkey) Lance, I told you not to... Wait, what happened? (notices that his mind is inside a monkey's body)
Lance: Wasn't me.
Varian: Did you just switch me with a monkey? (heavy breathing) And if I'm a monkey, then, oh... (turns around and sees the mind of a monkey is inside his body) (the monkey inside Varian's body picks earwax out of the ears and sniffs it while grunts) Lance! Look what you did that! Oh, come on. (the monkey inside Varian's body is scratching the armpit) We gotta switch our minds back! (Rapunzel, Maximus and Eugene are trying to take the book) I cannot believe you did this! Look, what you've done to me!
Eugene: (stammers) (stops running and sees the minds of Varian and the monkey were switched) What the? Lance! (the monkey inside Varian's body is petting Varian while he is inside the monkey's body)
Lance: Hold on, hold on. I can fix this. (machine whirs)
Eugene: Lance, leave it alone.
Kiera: You got it, Max! (Max neighing as he climbs up the tree and tries to take the book from the monkey but it keeps the book and it swings on a vine) (monkey screeching) (Lance groaning when he slips on a banana peel then the light surrounds Eugene and a monkey when Eugene turns around)
Eugene: Oh, come on! (his mind is inside the monkey that is swinging on a vine then he crashes into a tree and falls) (a monkey still has the book and Rapunzel sees it)
Princess Rapunzel: Hey, monkey want a banana? (offers a banana) (monkey chitters) Then go get it! (toss the banana away and the monkey goes to the fruit to leave the book then Rapunzel holds the book) Got it. Finally! (energy crackling) Whoa! (her mind is switched with a monkey that Rapunzel gave the banana to) Aw, nuts! (the monkey is grunting while inside Eugene's body wants to press the button)
Lance: Get over there! No more monkey mischief. (pushing the monkey inside Eugene's body away and Lance comes back to the machine) Now, where was I? (puts the minds of Varian and the monkey back to their own bodies)
Varian: Ooh, I'm back. (chuckles) (happy to have his mind back inside his body then walks to the machine) (Kiera walks to the same monkey that Varian's mind was inside then her mind is switched with the same primate)
Kiera: Now you're doing it on purpose. Let me... (distant arguing) (the monkey inside Rapunzel's body is hooting while it holds the book)
Varian: Lance!
Catalina: Turn my sister back into my sister.
Princess Rapunzel: Just stay right there. Ha ha! Guys, I got it.
Kiera: Lance. (she, Catalina, Varian and Lance are fighting over the machine)
Princess Rapunzel: Guys. Would you please just leave the monkey button alone? (tells Varian, Kiera, Catalina and Lance)
Eugene: (monkey grunting) (stammers) Get off. (grunts) (clears throat) I think we can all agree that we should never, ever speak of this again. (eats a banana)
Princess Rapunzel: Well, Varian, is it something we can build?
Varian: Um, building it would be a snap. It's where we have to set it up, that gets a little... tricky.
Princess Rapunzel: What do you mean?
Varian: Yeah, it needs to be close enough to Zhan Tiri to suck her back in, and because she's with Cass, in the castle... Ugh.
Princess Rapunzel: Looks like we'll have to storm the castle and build the machine there. Let's get to it. (sees the monkey on her head) (monkey screeching)

Zhan Tiri: This could gone so differently, Demanitus. But because of you, I will finally lay waste to your beloved Corona. (picks up one of Varian's alchemies off the ground and throws it) And all who inhabit it. (laughs)

(Pascal and Owl are returning back to the woods where everyone is preparing to storm the castle) (Owl hoots)

Princess Rapunzel: What did you two see at the castle? (Pascal squeaking as he camouflages himself as Hector's binturong, Hector, Hector's rhinoceros and Adira) I was right. She has the Brotherhood standing guard.
Eugene: We'll have to take them out to get inside so that Varian can bulild that machine.
Princess Rapunzel: Meanwhile, I'll track Cass down. One way or the other, I'm going to get the Moon Stone.
King Edmund: Such pluck in the face of adversity. She'll certainly make an excellent daughter-in-law one day.
Eugene: Dad, you are thinking out loud again. (annoyed)
King Edmund:No, I wasn't. (winks and walks away)
Princess Rapunzel: Mm, that reminds me. (turns around to Eugene) Aren't we about due for one of us to stumble through an awkward proposal?
Eugene: (laughs) Right. Whose turn is it again? Look, I know everything is going to work out. But in case it doesn't--
Princess Rapunzel: It will. And no matter what happens today, you are still and will always be my dream, Eugene. (kisses Eugene's hand while holding it)
Eugene: And you are mine, Rapunzel.
Varian: Hey, Dad, here. I found this with your old stuff. (Quirin turns around when Varian walks to him) I gave it a little polish. (hands the helmet to his dad)
Quirin: I never thought I'd have to wear this again. But now that I must... (puts his helmet on) I am proud to have my son fighting alongside me. (Varian smiles at his dad then they are having a father and son moment)
Eugene: Okay, troops, suit up. (Ulf ran past Varian and his father)
Princess Rapunzel: All right, everyone, you know the plan. Charge the castle, build that machine, open the portal, and send Zhan Tiri back to the netherworld. Now let's move out! (everyone cheering as they follow Rapunzel, Eugene and Lance) (Hamuel squawks while flying upside down) (yelling)
Eugene: It's locked. (Ruddiger roars as he breaks the door open) It's unlocked. (everyone is yelling as they stormed the castle but Maximus is keeping an eye out then everyone storms the throne room) (confused murmurs)
Attila: Where are the bad guys?
Eugene: I don't know. But let's just get that machine build before they get back. All right? (Varian walks behind Fidella)
Princess Rapunzel: I'm going to find Cassandra.
Eugene: Sunshine, good luck. (Pascal squeaks)
Princess Rapunzel: You, too. (leaves the throne room with Pascal and enters the hallway but finds Zhan Tiri)
Zhan Tiri: Looking for someone? That old fool, Demanitus, would be proud of how far you've come, Princess. (Pascal hides inside Rapunzel's hair)
Princess Rapunzel: To be clear, we are talking about the old same fool who outsmarted you and trapped you in oblivion for over two millennia, right?
Zhan Tiri: Joke all you want, but the eclipse is upon us. (the elipse appears)
Princess Rapunzel: What, what, what's happening? (her sun drop powers is glowing and she starts to be weakened by the eclipse)

(back at the throne room)

Varian: And...there. (tightening the screw) Okay, just pull that lever, and we've got ourselves a trans-dimensional portal. Heh, heh.
Eugene: Oh, you weren't kidding. That was fast.
Varian: Okay, we've just got to make sure everyone is clear of the portal or else, you know, they'll end up in limbo right along with Zhan Tiri. Quirin is still under the control of the Mind Trap and walks towards the lever)
Eugene: Although, I got to admit, this all feels a little too easy. (Varian looks at Eugene then Varian and Eugene look the other way to see Quirin)
Quirin: (yells) For Cassandra! (pulls the lever and his helmet reveals to have a temporary stun mechanism then Varian and Eugene notice this) (Eugene and Varian alongside Feldspar, Ulf and Vladimir see that Quirin is being under the control of the Mind Trap) (Quirin's helmet is temporary stunning him) (groans and falls backwards) (Varian is worried)
Varian: Dad, Dad, don't worry. (he and Eugene run to Quirin to check on him) You'll be okay, I promise.
Eugene: What happened? (puts hand on Varian's shoulder to comfort him while asking him while everyone is also depressed of what happened to Quirin)
Varian: I thought about what you said, so I took precautions. I rigged his helmet with a temporary stun mechanism. (feeling down)
Eugene: Score one for Team Awesome! (proud of what Varian did) (chuckle)
Varian: Heh. Yeah, Team Awesome.
Eugene: Let's say we get him someplace more comfortable, huh? (Eugene tells Varian that they will take Quirin somewhere while the former is comforting the latter then the latter smiles and nods)

Zhan Tiri: Come, child. Give up while you still can.
Princess Rapunzel: There's something you should know. I'm not big on giving up. (stands up when her power is stronger)
Zhan Tiri: Ah, the Sun Drop. (low rumbling)
Eugene: What was that? (hears a noise alongside everyone)
Princess Rapunzel: (heavy breathing) (Zhan Tiri hisses)
King Edmund: Stay here, Hamuel. (tells his pet) Keep an eye on things with the others. (Hamuel squawks) (King Edmund leaves with his son to check the hallway) (Hamuel flies to the lever and activates the portal) (mechanical clicking) (energy crackling)
Varian: Oh, that's not good. (notices the portal is activated)
'Feldspar: What's going on? (yelps) (going to be sucked inside the portal) (all yelling)

Eugene: Leave them alone for two seconds. Dad, I'm going back. (runs back to the throne room)

Shorty: Look at me! I'm a flag! (holding on to the lever before he is sucked inside the portal)
Eugene: Hey, is everyone o-- (Shorty yells as he is going to be sucked into the portal then it closes while)...kay? (he and his dad are worried about everybody that has been sucked into the portal after Hamuel activated it) (Hamuel flies back to his owner's shoulder)
King Edmund: Well, ain't that a humdinger.

Zhan Tiri: The eclipse has already begun to weaken the Sundrop's strength. It is time for you to face the princess and take the power that is rightfully yours. (curtsy)
Cassandra: Yes, it is time. There's just one more thing. (traps Zhan Tiri inside a cage) It's not that I don't trust you. (chuckles) (mimics curtsy) No, that's exactly it. (leaves to fight Rapunzel)
Zhan Tiri (chuckles) I've been in far worse prisons.

(A flashback to thousands of years ago)

Lord Demanitus: Zhan Tiri! This is your last warning! Give up this foolish quest for power.
Zhan Tiri: This quest for the Sun Drop and Moon Stone was both of ours.
Lord Demanitus: It was until you made it about something darker. You made it all about gaining power for yourself. You turned your back on what was right!
Zhan Tiri: And you turned your back on me! As long as I live, I will never stop until I have that power! (Vigor squeaksas he jumps off his owner's shoulder and hides behind the tree)
Lord Demanitus: I know. (feeling ashamed) (Zhan Tiri throws her boomerang) (Lord Demanitus pulls the lever to activate the portal) (energy crackling) (Zhan Tiri yells before she is going to be sucked into the portal with her boomerang but she holds on to the edge of the portal) (Vigor squeaks then he is holding on to the tree to prevent him from going to be sucked into the portal)
Zhan Tiri: This is far from over. I will have that power, and when I do, I will destroy your beloved Corona. I promise you! (sucked into the portal as Lord Demanitus watches sadly then he deactivates it) (Vigor screeches when he falls on the snow and wakes up while sitting on the snow and squeaks as he runs to his owner)
Lord Demanitus: I had no choice, Vigor. (picks Vigor up and holds him) I had to send her to the Lost Realm. (turns around to see his machine)

(all yelling as everyone that were at the throne room was transported to the Lost Realm during the present day) (Old Lady Crowley growls) (an unknown red creature with four eyes is low growling)

Lance: (sees a toucan with a tentacle rowing a boat when he and everyone are floating) (gasps) Uh... (he and everyone enter the green clouds and pop their heads from underneath the green clouds)
Kiera: Okay, so I'm gonna come right out and say it. (tells Varian and Catalina) This is just awful. (holds a strange pig by the tail and flings it) (an unknown creature wearing is a helmet and it holds a jousting stick while it is riding on a bee flies by Varian, Kiera and Catalina)
Varian: I'm not sure if I should be fascinated or terrified. (a giant eyeball appears then Varian, Kiera and Catalina see it multiply into smaller eyeballs and floats away) And we have a winner. (Lance pops out from underneath the green cloud with a unicorn on his head and he sees it)
Lance: Everyone, let's just relax. I'm sure Eugene will have us back in no time. (unicorn squeaks and Lance yelps when an oddly colored giraffe pops out from underneath him) I hope.

Eugene: Come on Dad. If we don't get our friends back and get this thing up and running, Rapunzel's whole plan will fall apart.
King Edmund: Then let's get moving. Although, they really are more his friends. (creatures snarling) (Two of Hector's binturongs appeared and they walk to Quirin then one of the bingturongs jumps on Quirin to remove his helmet from his head and a binturong tosses it to the other binturong then Hector shows up to smash the helmet after one of his binturong puts it on the floor and Quirin wakes up)
Hector: Hello, Your Majesty. (greets King Edmund)
Eugene: I'm sorry, what were you saying about my friends? (Hector's bingturongs, Quirin and Hector attack Eugene and King Edmund)

(Rapunzel and Pascal are trying to find their former friend)

Princess Rapunzel: (wind blows) Cassandra? (turns around and sees Cassandra)
Cassandra: You know, Raps, it's funny. I look at you and I see a girl who was used for her gifts and lied to her entire life. And I think, if there's anyone who should know what it feels like to be taken granted and cast aside for something better, it'd be you.
Princess Rapunzel: Who says I don't? Cassandra, I am not giving up on you. We can work this out. Trust me.
Cassandra: Trust you? The last time I heard those words, you had Varian imprison me in amber.
Princess Rapunzel: You know that wasn't my plan. Ah, this isn't you, Cass.
Cassandra: This isn't me? (points to Rapunzel) Don't you get it by now? You don't get to tell me who I am? No one does. Only I decide that.
Princess Rapunzel: And have you decided, Cassandra? Is this who you are now? Is this what you really want? Because I think Zhan Tiri has so clouded your head with anger and hate that you don't know what you want anymore.
Cassandra: I know exactly what I want. I want you to know what it feels to fall short despite your best efforts. I want you and the rest of the world to know that I come second to no one. (takes the black rock sword from her back)

(Eugene tries to pull the level) (Hector yells as he runs and fights Eugene) (Hector's bingturongs snarling at Hamuel) (Eugene grunting as Hector continues to fight the former) (Quirin and King Edmund fight) (Hector grunting)

Eugene: Oh, these guys are tough.
King Edmund: Well, they were trained by the best. (fights back) Probably should not be proud of that fact at this moment. (Varian's father yells as he continues to fight King Edmund) (Hamuel flies away from Hector's bingturong continue to attack him then one of the binturong's snout is tied up while it drags Hamuel) (One of Hector's bingturong prevents Eugene from pulling the lever by biting the pants then the other one attacks Eugene while Quirin throws King Edmund to the ground next to Eugene) (King Edmund and his son and Hamuel are defeated by Quirin, Hector and his pets)
Eugene: All right, all right, look. The only way I see us getting to that machine is to get the Brotherhood back on our side.
King Edmund: Yes, but we'd have to know where Cassandra's hidden the mind trap.
Eugene: I have an idea of where she'd keep it. It's getting there that's gonna be a problem. (leaves with his father and Hamuel while Quirin, Hector and his pets follow them) (King Edmund and Eugene are going to Cassandra's Stronghold while riding on Domino and Maximus while Hamuel flies but Hector follows them on his rhinoceros)

Princess Rapunzel: Cass, hand over the Moon Stone so we can end this. You are playing right into Zhan Tiri's plan.
Cassandra: I've already taken care of Zhan Tiri. Now, give me the Sun Drop. (orders Rapunzel to give her the Sun Drop)
Princess Rapunzel: I'm warning you, Cass. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to protect this kingdom. (she and Cassandra run toward each other)(Rapunzel unties her hair and begins to fight Cassandra) (Rapunzel uses the power of the Hope incantation to fight) I was hoping we'd be able to talk this out, but now you've made that impossible, I am not holding back! (using her hair to throw Cassandra to the ground) (Cassandra groans)
Cassandra: I can't tell you how disappointing to hear, Raps. Because if you're not holding back, that means this is the best you can do. (Rapunzel continues to fight Cassandra) And your best is pathetic. (rock wolves snarling) (attacks Rapunzel with black rocks) (Pascal screams squeakly as he hides inside Rapunzel's hair) (Rapunzel destroys the black rocks that Cassandra attacks Rapunzel with) (Rapunzel walks forward to destroy more black rocks) (Cassandra grunting) (Rapunzel and Cassandra glare at each other)

(Hector and his rhinoceros and bingturongs continue to chase after Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund, Domino and Hamuel)

Eugene: Come on, Cassandra's tower is just up this way.
King Edmund: Oh, boy. (sees Hector and his pets chasing after him, Domino, Hamuel, Eugene and Maximus) (six crows cawing as they fly)
Eugene: What? What is it? (Hector's rhinoceros bellowing when it smashes the boulder after Maximus and Domino jump) (Hector and his pets are going to chase Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund, Domino and Hamuel inside the forest) Fantastic.
King Edmund: Oh, why did I ever let him get a rhino?
Eugene: Boy, your old pals are persistent, that's for sure. Max, let's shake them. (Maximus whickers) (Hector's rhinoceros roars as it destroys the tree trunks when Hector and his pets continue to chase Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund, Domino and Hamuel inside the forest) (he, his dad, Maximus, Domino and Hamuel are going to another path to avoid being chased by Hector and his pets)
King Edmund: You said the tower was that way.
Eugene: Yeah, well, we're taking the scenic route. Rhinos are fast and can bust through about anything, but I'm willing to bet there's one thing they can't do.
King Edmund: What's that? (Hector and his pets continue to chase Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund, Domino and Hamuel inside the forest)
Eugene: Jump! (Maximus and Domino are going to jump over the ravine) (Hector's Rhinoceros groans when it can't stop charging ahead but it slows down while Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund and Domino made it over the other side of the ravine) (Hector's bingturongs appear and bumps into his rhinoceros then Hector screams when he fell into the water while Eugene and Maximus are watching from other side of the ravine before they leave then Hector growls as he pops his head from underneath the water)

Lance: Guys, I know we've got to get out of here, but is it weird these delicious-looking things are making me hungry? (some food items with eyes float by Lance while he is on a blue giraffe)
Shorty: Not to me. (picks up a weird looking lettuce and a weird looking fish that has a child's head appears from the weird looking lettuce then Shorty eats the weird looking vegetable)
Varian: Oh, yeah, I think, I think we're safe. Up here, for a while. (chuckles) What? (Kiera, Catalina, Feldspar, Pete and Stan notice Varian's stripe has become a snake)
Kiera: Uh, V, I don't want to alarm you, but the stripe in your hair, it's alive! (Varian and his stripe that has turned into a snake scream at each other and the alive stripe also has eyes and goggles) (Varian's hair stripe that has turned into a snake is grunting)
Varian: Get it off! No, why? (freaks out and runs away after he sees his hair stripe is alive)
Lance: Oh, man, I can't look. (closes his eyes with his hands but an eye appears on his goatee) Why can I see this? (twenty-one more eyes appear on him) Why I can still see this? (ton of more eyes continue to appear on him) I shouldn't be able to see this.
King Frederic: (grunts and notices that there is another of him attached at the bottom)
Queen Arianna: Um, Frederic! (she has rabbit ears on her head) (Ruddiger has flowers all over him) (Big Nose's nose has wings after it removed itself from his face) (Pete and Stan are attached to each other)
Shorty: Welcome to my world. (Big Nose's nose fly to him) Oh, hi, Big Nose's big nose. (waves to Big Nose's nose)
Varian: I think I know what's going on here. (Monty is bouncing like a ball) (Milton the Goat has a body and arms and legs and feet and hands) This place, it's changing us.
Lance: Oh, really, Professor Snakehead? (climbs off the giraffe) How'd you figure that out?
Varian: And if we don't get out soon, then these changes could be... (puts his hand on his chin to think)
Varian's hair stripe: Irreversible. (Varian notices his hair stripe can talk)

(birds cawing as it flies away from the eclipse)

Zhan Tiri: Oh, Cassandra. So predictable. Have you learned nothing from me? No matter how formidable an obstacle, everything has its weakness. And I have a gift of finding it. (removes the cork from Varian's chemical mixture that she took from the Demanitus Chamber and pours on the floor all around her to melt then she falls below) (Rapunzel and Cassandra entered the hallway from the wall)
Cassandra: Huh, these are new. (notices the decorations)
Princess Rapunzel: Yeah, I thought this hall could use a little sprucing up. What do you think? (Cassandra grunts when she throws a vase at Rapunzel but the latter ducked) A simple "not my style" would have been fine, but okay. (Cassandra grunts when she throws two vases at Rapunzel but the latter ducked again)
Princess Rapunzel: Wait! My aunt Willow made that one. Please? (doesn't want Cassandra to throw the vase that Rapunzel's aunt made so Cassandra looks at Rapunzel then she looks at the vase and puts it back on the pedestal) (Cassandra continues to fight Rapunzel and the latter fights back to trip the former) Ha, bet you didn't see that coming.
Cassandra: You forget who taught you that move. Not to mention number one rule in combat. Turn your enemy's strength into a weakness. (she holds Rapunzel's hair then black rocks are starting to go towards Rapunzel's hair and Rapunzel herself) (Rapunzel grunts when the black rocks has trapped her) (crow caws)

(inside Cassandra's Stronghold)

King Edmund: Huh. And you said my old place was creepy.
Eugene: No, I said your old place was disturbing. I said the bear hood you used to wear was creepy.
King Edmund: Dabney? You think Dabney is creepy? Well, fine. I thought your, uh, knee pads were, uh, not fashionable. (walks upstairs with his son)
Eugene: That's a good comeback, Dad. (Maximus and Domino confused neighing when they look at each other)

(Rapunzel is still trapped inside a rock bind at the hall)

Princess Rapunzel: (grunts) (Cassandra summons more black rocks to bring Rapunzel outside for everyone to see that she is defeated by Cassandra)
Cassandra: This fight is over, Princess. (steps over the balcony)
Princess Rapunzel: What are we doing here? (asks Cassandra)
Cassandra: I want the entire kingdom to see me get that Sun Drop.
Princess Rapunzel: And then what, Cassandra? If you win, what will you do? Have you thought about that? What will be left for you? Who will be left for you? Huh?
Cassandra: (chuckles) Who will be left for me, Rapunzel? Let me tell you something. This whole ordeal has taught me, I don't need anyone.
Princess Rapunzel: Please. I know you don't believe that. Cassandra, no.
Cassandra: You don't get to tell me what I believe. (completely traps Rapunzel and Pascal inside the rock bind as Pascal squeaks while Rapunzel breaks out of the black rocks with her power and destroys the rocks) (Cassandra growls as she entered the damaged wall)

(at the throne room)

Eugene: The mind trap! There it is. (walks towards the mind trap)
Adira: I'll take that. (grabs the mind trap before Eugene could grab it) (Eugene grunts when Adira kicks him to the ground then she walks to him)
Eugene: Adira. (Hector's pets snarling) Uh, Dad? (stands up then walks backwards) You want to tell your friends to back off? Dad?
King Edmund: I don't think that's going to happen. (reveals that he is secretly under the control of the mind trap and Eugene notices)

(at her room with Cassandra

Princess Rapunzel: Listen to me, Cass. Give up the Moon Stone. Together, we can unite it with the Sun Drop and put an end to all of this right now.
Cassandra: Yeah, like that's going to happen. (takes the black sword from her back but Rapunzel's hair breaks it) (Cassandra throws the broken sword to the ground after Rapunzel's hair breaks it)
Princess Rapunzel: It's over, Cass. (Rapunzel wraps her hair around Cassandra's body) (Cassandra gasps when she notices the moon will block the sun) chuckles) I was thinking the same thing.

Eugene: Dad. (trips on his sword and falls on the ground then he notices that Adira, Hector and his pets are going to surround him) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You were a member of the Brotherhood all along? (his father removes his glove and shows his son the Brotherhood mark on his hand)
King Edmund: We all took an oath of allegiance to the Moon Stone, son. (Adira throws the mind trap to him) Now that I've managed to keep this out of your hands, that allegiance will remain with Cassandra.
Eugene: Father. I don't want to fight you and I know deep down you don't want to fight me.
Adira: You don't stand a chance.
Eugene: Yeah, well, I'm not the one to walk away from a fight when my friends are in danger, no matter what the odds. (picks up his sword from the ground) (Adira and Hector look at each other before fighting Eugene) Just something I picked up from Rapunzel. (Adira shakes her head and puts her boot up then knocks out Eugene) (he begins to fight Adira, Hector and his pets and also his own father)

(an eclipse is shown)

Cassandra: (laughs) Time's up, Raps. It's the eclipse. (Rapunzel and Pascal see the Sun Drop then the former starts to be weakened while Cassandra's power grows stronger) When the moon blocks out the light of the sun. (Pascal worries about Rapunzel) (Cassandra traps Rapunzel with black rocks)
Princess Rapunzel: Wait.
Cassandra: Tell me something. How does it feel to be in the shadow? (walks and asks Rapunzel)

Eugene: (exhausted and out of breath) Any possibility we call this a draw? (asks three Brotherhood members but they won't talk) No, okay, well, don't say I didn't give you a chance- (yelps) (Adira slaps Eugene) (King Edmund holds Eugene then throws him while Adira trips him to the floor) (Adira caught Eugene's sword then she throws his sword outside) Great. Well, now you owe me a new sword. (Maximus neighs when he and Domino see Eugene's sword then Maximus notices that Eugene is outnumbered) (Eugene is grunting when he is thrown to the ground by the Brotherhood members)
King Edmund: Well, Horace, it looks like the long line of dark kings ends here. (tells his son who has been defeated by him, Adira and Hector)
Eugene: Dad. I beg you. If there's an ounce of compassion left in your heart, please stop calling me Horace. (Maximus neighs when he arrives to fight the Brotherhood after Eugene is too weak to fight the Brotherhood) Max. (Eugene sees Maximus then the three Brotherhood members turn around to see him) (Maximus is going to fight Adira, King Edmund, Hector and his pets) (Maximus knocks out Adira to a wall) (Hector grunts when he fights Maximus) (Maximus steps on Hector's foot and groans then Maximus knocks him away) (Maximus and King Edmund are sword fighting then the former kicks the latter away) (Hector's pets are also fighting Maximus from behind but the latter kicks them away) (Hector continues to fight Maximus) Oh, you guys ticked off the wrong horse. (Hector's pets also continue to fight Maximus but then Maximus grabs Hector's pets and defeats them by slamming them into each other then throws them to the floor) (Hector goes to his pets and gives one of them a net) (Hector's pets climb to the top) (Adira, King Edmund and Hector continue to fight Maximus) (Maximus sees that Hector's pets are going to trap him) (Hector's pets trap Maximus inside the net then Adira, Hector and his pets prevent Maximus from escaping)
King Edmund: Nice try, but even with your horse, you'll never defeat all of us. (Eugene walks from behind his dad and takes the mind trap from his dad's bag)
Eugene: You know what, you're right. But Dad, the good news we don't have to beat all of you. Just the guy with the mind trap. (grunting) (heabout to destroy the mind trap but his father attacks him) (he falls on the precipice and drops the mind trap on the precipice) (crawls to take the mind trap before his dad) Okay, okay, Eugene, that was not your best idea. (groans) (he stops to rest a bit while his dad walks to the mind trap then he crawls to try to reach the mind trap but his dad walks in front of his son to attack him again) No, Dad, Dad, wait. When I first found you, I resented you for leaving me. But, but now, I realize you were just trying to protect me. I understand the sacrifice you were forced to make. And I... I forgive you. (faints)
King Edmund: (yells) (destroys the mind trap to free him, Adira, Hector and Quirin from being under the control of it) (he shakes his head before opening his eyes) (walks to his fainted son on the precipice then bends on his knees to pick up his son and hug him) Thank you, son. (Eugene hugs his dad)
Eugene: Dad... I know this is a moment, but Rapunzel's fighting for the fate of our kingdom right now.
King Edmund: Oh, right, bigger fish.

(At the Lost Realm) (Queen Arianna has become a rabbit) (Feldspar has become a shoe) (Catalina has a body of a rat while her head has rat ears) (Fidella has become a horse on a stick) (Ulf has become a blue zebra) (Old Lady Crowley has become a lemon) (Kiera's head is larger than her body) (Xavier has become a tool) (Vladmir's body disappeared) (Attila's body has a cupcake with his head has a cherry on top)

Lance: You're my best buddy, bud -- don't ever change! Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like we'll be here for the long haul. (all groaning)
Kiera: You know, if I was trapped in this place for thousands of years like Zhan Tiri, I'd be pretty ticked off, too. Wait, where'd everybody go?
Catalina: You kind of floated away. Again. (reels Kiera's head back to her body)
Feldspar: Oh, oh, I want to go home. Mommy! (the portal opens then Feldspar, Kiera, Catalina, Varian, Big Nose and Monty see it and sends everyone that were transported to the Lost Realm back to the castle) (disappointed lowing) (unicorn whinnies sadly when the portal closes at the Lost Realm) (everyone that were sent to the Lost Realm is back to normal after they returned to the castle then Quirin closes the portal) (Varian sees his dad isn't under the control of the mind trap)
Varian: Dad, you're back. (runs happily to Quirin and hugs him while Pete, Stan and Ulf see Varian and his father hug each other)

Cassandra: I helped you find your power within. It's only fitting I take it out. (about to remove the Sun Drop from Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: Cassandra, no. (begs Cassandra that she can't take the Sun Drop) (the Sun Drop is removed from Rapunzel and it flies towards Cassandra then Rapunzel's hair turning back to brown) (Zhan Tiri is behind Cassandra)
Cassandra: Sorry, Rapunzel. (Zhan Tiri jumps on Cassandra and the Sun Drop fell on the floor then Zhan Tiri takes the Moon Stone from her) (Zhan Tiri grunts) (she sees Zhan Tiri has escaped from the cage) How did you- (Cassandra's hair becomes black and her eyes becomes hazel again but her armor becomes gray after Zhan Tiri takes the Moon Stone then Zhan Tiri jumps off Cassandra) (Zhan Tiri is excited while she holds the Moon Stone and she takes the Sun Drop off the ground then she holds both of them)
Zhan Tiri: Finally, they're mine. (Rapunzel is free from the black rocks that surrounded her then they recede to the ground) I'd like to thank both of you for taking care of what rightfully belongs to mine. (cackles) At long last, they're mine! (she absorbs the Sun Drop and Moon Stone into her hands then her eyes are glowing yellow and blue while she transforms into her true form to grow bigger and bigger)

Varian: Everyhing is up and running. (tightening the screw with a wrench then stops) All right, all set this and send Zhan Tiri back. (low rumbling)
Lance: Now all we got to do is figure out how to lure Zhan Tiri into that portal. (points behind him then turns around and he, Varian, Quirin, Feldspar, Kiera, Catalina, King Frederick, Queen Arianna, Pete, Stan, Xavier, Big Nose, Attila and Vladimir see that the portal is destroyed) Oh, come on!
Queen Arianna: Everybody, get out! (she and everyone that is at the throne room to run outside) (she, King Frederic, Varian, Quirin, Ruddiger, Lance, Kiera, Catalina, Pete, Stan, Old Lady Crowley, Monty, Feldspar, Xavier, Ulf, Vladimir, Attila, Big Nose, Shorty, Milton the Goat, Eugene, Maximus, King Edmund, Domino, Hamuel, Adira, Hector and his pets see Zhan Tiri bursts out of the tower)
Zhan Tiri: Let the age of Zhan Tiri begin.
Eugene: Okay, if that thing is that little girl, then she has really hit an unfortunate growth spurt.
Zhan Tiri: (laughs) At last, the power is mine. I've dreamt of wielding the Moon Stone and Sun Drop for centuries! (cackles) (Rapunzel uses her hair to grab one of Zhan Tiri's wrist)
Princess Rapunzel: I am all about people living out their dreams, but today, not so much.
Zhan Tiri: You may have been a worthy adversary once, Princess, but now you are nothing. (Rapunzel grunts when Zhan Tiri pushes her out of the way) (laughs) (walks to Cassandra) And you! (laughs) (grabs Cassandra and holds her captive) (Cassandra grunts) You lost before you even began, girl. (Cassandra grunts as she tries to break free from Zhan Tiri's grasp) Just like your mother. Felled by your own ego.
Princess Rapunzel: Leave her alone.
Zhan Tiri: I'm sorry if I gave the impression we were having a conversation. (throws Cassandra to the ground)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass! (runs to her best friend)
Zhan Tiri: Now watch as I finally deliver on a promise I made long ago! (traps Rapunzel, Pascal and Cassandra inside the yellow rocks) Time to destroy Corona. (leaves to attack everyone) (Rapunzel is worried) (walks out of the tower) (Eugene and Maximus jump out of the castle)

(everyone is going to fight against Zhan Tiri)

Eugene: Okay, listen up. I need everyone to get as far away from here as possible.
King Edmund: But what about you, son? (heavy thud) (Zhan Tiri roars) (Maximus neighs)
Eugene: I'm going after Rapunzel. (he, MAximus, Lance, King Edmund, Varian, Ruddiger and everyone else are going to fight against Zhan Tiri)
Lance: Not alone you're not. I'm going with you.
Varian: So am I. (Ruddiger growls) (Zhan Tiri cackles)
Catalina: We are not going down without a fight! (Kiera yells)
Queen Arianna: That's right.
Queen Arianna and King Frederic: Our fight!
Eugene: For Corona! For Rapunzel! (Zhan Tiri summons yellow rocks to try to stop Eugene and Maximus)
All: For Corona! For Rapunzel! For Corona! For Rapunzel! (Zhan Tiri laughs at everyone charging towards her)

Princess Rapunzel: (grunts while trying to find an exit) Cassandra, come on. I need your help. (heavy breathing) Snap out of it, Cass. (runs to her) We've got to stop Zhan Tiri before it's too...
Cassandra: Too late? Raps, look around. We failed. I've failed.
Princess Rapunzel: No. You can do--
Cassandra: I can't do anything! Why don't you just give up on me? Can't you see what I've done? Look around you. This is all my fault. I've done terrible things. All this time, I tried so hard to prove that I was more than everyone thought, but they were right. (cries while hugging Rapunzel)
Princess Rapunzel: No, Cassandra. No.
Cassandra: Raps. I am so sorry. (Pascal squeaks) (distant crash) (Zhan Tiri laughs) (Varian and Ruddiger tried to break the yellow rocks then they jump out of the way before Zhan Tiri can capture them) (Zhan Tiri summons more yellow rocks)
Old Lady Crowley: I'm not cleaning that up. (runs towards Zhan Tiri) (joins Feldspar, Xavier and Monty to attack Zhan Tiri's tentacles)
Zhan Tiri: Have you come to watch me obliterate your kingdom?
Eugene: A-ha, you hear that, guys? Lady Squidbottom here thinks we're calling it quits. (Maximus neighs) (Eugene grunts) (Zhan Tiri growls) (Zhan Tiri summons yellow rocks towards Eugene and Maximus) (Maximus neighs) You do not know Coronans very well, now, do you?
Zhan Tiri: Coronans have always been the same. Pathetic.
Eugene: Come on, let's hit her with everything we've got. Charge! (King Frederic, Queen Arianna, Hector and King Edmund yelling) (Milton the Goat bleats as it jump over one of Zhan Tiri's tentacle and rams into the other one four times) (Cassandra and Rapunzel hear the rumbling)
Princess Rapunzel: Cass, I was thinking about when we first met. Do you know it was nealy three weeks before I heard you laugh for the first time? I guess there wasn't much to smile about, you know. After being put in charge of a free-spirited flower child who painted smiley faces all over your things. (chuckles)
Cassandra: (chuckles)
Princess Rapunzel: But that first laugh was so remarkable because I knew you meant it.
Cassandra: What do you mean?
Princess Rapunzel: You had this look in your eyes. I don't know, it was seeing you, the real you, for the first time. And that's the Cassandra, I became best friends with.
Cassandra: (scoffs) Why are you telling me this? (Rapunzel puts her hand on Cassandra's hand)
Princess Rapunzel: Because even when I look at you now, after all that's happened, no matter what we've done, to each other, I still see that look in your eyes. You're my best friend, Cassandra. (Cassandra smiles at Rapunzel) And I will never give up on you. (Zhan Tiri laughs) (Big Nose and Attila are fighting against Zhan Tiri but they jump out of her way then Ulf walks by to mime)
Zhan Tiri: Is this the best Corona has to offer? (laughs) (Attila, Big Nose and Ulf jump out of Zhan Tiri's way) (Kiera and Catalina throw rocks at her) And what do we have here? (Catalina pushed Kiera out of the way then Zhan Tiri grabs the former)
Kiera: Catalina! (worried about her sister)
Catalina: (transformed into a werewolf and roars and howls then she escaped from Zhan Tiri's grasp by jumping off)
Zhan Tiri: Enough! (throws Catalina to the ground) (laughs) (Hector and his rhinoceros charge at Zhan Tiri but she summons more yellow rocks at them)
Varian: Hey, Zhan Tiri, catch. (holds two chemicals and pours the chemical that is inside the graduated cylinder to the graduated bottle and puts the empty graduated cylinder back into his bag then puts a cork on it and shakes it before taking out a launcher to fling the bottle at Zhan Tiri) Yes!
Zhan Tiri: You're only prolonging your own demise. (growls) (traps Varian and Ruddiger inside the same cage) (traps Kiera inside a cage) (traps Catalina in a cage) (Eugene charges towards Zhan Tiri) (Zhan Tiri summons yellow rocks but Maximus dodges them)
Eugene: You could have taken the form of a chimp like your buddy, but no, you just had to be whatever that is. (grunts when he leaps off Maximus when the rocks block his path) (Zhan Tiri grabs Eugene) Ooh, okay, okay, ow. I've got you right where I want you.
Zhan Tiri: I've grown tired of this. At last, Corona dies! (Eugene groans after Zhan Tiri throws him to the ground) Wither and decay. End this destiny.
Eugene: Oh, no.
Zhan Tiri: Break these earthly chains. And set the spirit free! (rumbling) (weakens King Frederic and Queen Arianna) (Varian groans as he weakens) The spirit free. (Eugene is about to be weakened) (the kingdom of Corona is also weakened by Zhan Tiri) (Zhan Tiri cackles)

(Rapunzel, Pascal and Cassandra still trapped inside a cage)

Princess Rapunzel: There's got to be something we can use to get out of here. (Pascal squeaks while trying to help Rapunzel find an exit) You know, Cass, if it makes you feel any better, when you grabbed the Moon Stone before I could, there's a pretty good chance you saved my life.
Cassandra: What do you mean?
Princess Rapunzel: Well, we know that the Sun Drop and Moon Stone have to be reunited, but we still don't know what will happen if they actually are. And if we believe Adira, (Cassandra scoffs) it could be really bad for whoever puts them together. Like (imitates explosion) bad.
Cassandra: Well, I guess we'll never find out now that Zhan Tiri has them both.
Princess Rapunzel: See, I refuse to believe it's hopeless.
Cassandra: (chuckles) There's a surprise.
Princess Rapunzel: (scoffs) (Pascal squeaks and gives Rapunzel the journal) (smiles) (cleans the dust off her journal and sees the pages and flips them) (Pascal climbs on her shoulder) (continues to flip pages then she sees what her mother wrote to her on her Coronation Day)
Queen Arianna: It means "there is more in you".
Princess Rapunzel: Plus est en vous.
Cassandra: What?
Princess Rapunzel: Plus est en vous means "there is more in you", Cassandra. (Cassandra smiles then notices a Moon Stone fragment inside her armor)
Cassandra: Our first fight at my black rock tower. (Pascal squeaks) (takes the Moon Stone fragment from her armor)
Princess Rapunzel: Our last hope. Cass, do you understand what this is? It's power. We can use it to fight back against Zhan Tiri.
Cassandra: No. No, you can use it to fight Zhan Tiri. Rapunzel, this is your destiny. (allows Rapunzel touch the fragment of the Moon Stone) (Rapunzel smiles then she touches the Moon Stone) (Rapunzel's hair temporary turns blonde and it breaks the cage that trapped Rapunzel, Pascal and Cassandra inside)
Princess Rapunzel: Uh, this doesn't look like it's gonna last very long.
Cassandra: Well, then you better get a move on, blondie.
Princess Rapunzel:




  • King Fredric
  • Queen Arianna
  • Captain of the Guards
  • Stan
  • Pete
  • Lance Strongbow (Season 1)
  • Varian (Season 1; antagonist)
  • Quirin
  • Cassandra (Season 3)
  • Pug Thugs of the Snugly Duckling
    • Shorty (Season 1 and 3)
    • Attila Buckethead
    • Hook Foot
    • The Mime
    • Vladimir
    • Big Nose


  • Mother Gothel (nightmares, flashback. portrait, & mirror diary)
  • The Stabbington Brothers
  • Lady Caine (3 Episodes)
  • Monty
  • Old Lady Crowley
  • Ruthless Ruth ("The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth")
  • Princess Willowmina "Aunt Willow" ("The Way of the Willow")
  • Hook Foot
  • Vex (4 Episodes)
  • Captain Quaid ("The Return of Quaid" and "Goodbye and Goodwill")
  • Hook Hand ("The Brothers Hook")
  • King Fredric (Season 2-3)
  • Queen Arianna (Season 2-3)
  • Adira (Seasons 2-3)
  • King Edmund (Seasons 2-3)
  • Hector (seasons 2-3)
  • The Baron ("Beyond the Walls of Corona and Flynnpostor")
  • Stalyan ("Beyond the Walls of Corona" and "The Eye of Pincosta")
  • Seraphina the Mermaid ("There's Something About Hook Foot")
  • Calliope & The Keeper("Keeper of the Spire" & "Race to the Spire")
  • King and Queen of Ingvarr ("Beginnings"; flashbacks)



  • Decay Incantation (partially cast in "Rapunzel and the Great Tree")
  • Black-Rock Incantation (cast in "Cassandra's Revenge")
  • Hope Incantation (cast in "Cassandra's Revenge")
  • Healing Incantation (regained in the 3-part series finale)


  • Corona
  • Equis
  • Pittsford
  • Igvarr
  • The Dark Kingdom


  • The Tower ("Pascal's Story"; destroyed in "The Quest for Varian")
  • Corona
  • Corona Castle
  • The Throne Room
  • Old Corona
  • The Sea
  • Varian's Home
  • Varian's Laboratory
  • Demanitus Chamber (3 Episodes)
  • Janius Point ("Painter's Block & Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?")
  • The Dark Kingdom (Seasons 2 & 3)
  • Moonstone Chamber (Season 2 & 3)
  • Vardaros (3 Episodes)
  • Spire Vault ("Keeper of the Spire" & "Race to the Spire")
  • Terapi Island (6 Episodes)
  • Gothel's Cottage ("Rapunzeltopia & A Tale of Two Sisters")
  • Cassandra's Stronghold (Season 3; 6 Episodes)
  • Zhan Tiri's Prison (Season 3; 3-part series finale)


  • Floating Lanterns
  • Eugene's Sword
  • Princess Rapunzel's Journal
  • Princess Rapunzel's Satchel
  • Princess Rapunzel's Crown
  • Frying Pan
  • Demanitus Scroll

Objects of Supreme Power

  • Magic Blonde Hair
  • Black Moon Rocks
  • Sundrop Flower (pictures on Demanitus Scroll, flashbacks)
  • Shadow Blade
  • Moonstone Opal (Seasons 2 & 3)
  • Wand of Oblivium (3 Episodes)
  • Cassandra's Armor (Season 2 finale & Season 3)
  • Hourglass ("No Time Like the Past")
  • Shapeshifting Cloak (Season 3)
  • Mind-Trap Stone (Season 3)
  • Gothel's Mirror Diary ("A Tale of Two Sisters")
  • Ultimate Power of the Heavens (3-part series finale)

External links
