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Robert L. Holmes

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Robert L. Holmes (28 December, 1935) is a noted Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Rochester and an internationally recognized lecturer on the topics of peace and nonviolence. As a specialist in ethics and political philosophy, he has also made significant contributions to modern scholarly analysis on the topics of just war, mutual assured destruction, nonviolence and pacifism.



Pacifism: A Philosophy of Nonviolence (2017)

  • To be a pragmatic pacifist, one need only consider that large-scale, organized, and systemic war violence is unacceptable in today's world.
  • By focusing on the entitlements of collectivities (notably nation states) as opposed to the well-being of individuals, the just war theory frames a rationale for war which omits the central moral issue...whether the massive, systematic and deliberate killing of human beings can ever be justified.

On War and Morality (1989)

  • It is presumtively wrong to do violence to innocent persons.
  • Plausble moral theory must have at its center a concern for the lives and well-being of persons.
  • We will never know whether there is a realistic moral alternative to violence unless we are willing to explore the potential of nonviolent action.


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