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Ronke Odunsanya

From Wikiquote

Ronke Odusanya (3 May 1973) is a Nigerian Yoruba language film actress, film producer and stage performer.


  • I am not only an actress, I am also a producer. I have produced several movies in the past and I just finished work on two movies. I like to make good films and that is why I don’t come out with movies every now and then. I am a professional and I know what a good movie should look like. I have set a standard for myself and I don’t want to disappoint my fans.
  • I do not care about fame. It has not changed who I am and it has not altered the way I relate with people be it my family, friends or fans. I am a very simple person and generally down-to-earth and forthright. To a large extent, I am an introvert and I like to spend a lot of time indoors. I rarely go out except it is very necessary.
  • You can’t tell if that man or woman loves you for who you are or because you are a celebrity. I will get married when God says it is my time. My time has yet to come and that is why I am still single. Anyone who rushes into marriage will definitely rush out, so I am taking my time.
  • Never act on impulse, plan, first think it through, then act with a determination, not to be turned aside by thoughts of the past and fears of the future.
  • The increasing self-esteem and self-love also makes you feel more deserving of good things in life and so you will self-sabotage less and go after what you deep down want with more motivation and focus than ever before.
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