Rose Goldsmith Stern

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Rose Goldsmith Stern in 1922

Rose Goldsmith Stern (October 19, 1866 – January 24, 1931) was an American clubwoman. She was a chair of the National Council of Jewish Women and an advocate for deaf education and for supports for deaf veterans of World War I.


  • To sit and wring my hands in agony may have been the first emotion with which I met this great sorrow. But I pulled myself together and applied my whole thought to the working out of the great duty that had fallen to my lot.
  • Is it not time that the public should be enlightened on the subject of the ability and efficiency of those who, normal and intelligent in every respect, lack only the sense of hearing?
  • I believe in organizations and social clubs. While I claim that the deaf are equal to their hearing friends in every respect and should be treated accordingly, I still feel that there is an unexpressed bond of comradeship and sympathy amongst persons similarly afflicted, and that they derive much satisfaction from associating with others of their kind.
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