Roseanne A. Brown

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Roseanne A. Brown in 2020

Roseanne A. Brown (born August 26, 1995) is a Ghanaian American writer of fantasy, science fiction and young adult fiction.


  • Do not underestimate the strength it takes to be kind in a world as cruel as ours.
  • Slaves deserve to be remembered just as much as queens.
  • First, a story ends when it ends, and not a moment before. If you are unhappy with this ending, make a new one.
  • The past devours those naive enough to forget it.
  • The pain you have endured does not justify the pain you inflict on others.
  • This is my mind. I am the strongest person here.
  • Nothing good can come of a place that refuses to see the pain of the people on whose backs it was built.
  • aid even one person is to save an entire world.
  • The people we lose never truly leave, but that only we get to define how they stay.
  • Teach me what you know.
  • Life is full of cheaters [...] If you're playing fair, you're not playing to win.
  • I don't think you're weak for being scared. I don't think you could be as strong as you are if you weren't.
  • If I asked you to catch me the moon with your bare hands, how would you do it?" she asked suddenly. Adil closed his eyes, and Karina could not stop staring at the way the gold light illuminated his dark skin. When the moon began to set, I'd wait with my hands beneath it until it sank right into them. And then I'd turn around and give it to you. He turned to his side and gave Karina a shy smile. But that's a stupid answer, isn't it?
  • The best way to honor them would be to take them with her toward whatever lay on the other side of that marvelous sunrise.
  • You tear yourself down for things you could not have known or done... why punish a seed for not yet being a tree.
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