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Rosemary Radford Ruether

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The prophets in Hebrew Scripture and Jesus in the Gospels are figures in conflict with the religious establishment. They denounce the use of religion to sacralize unjust privilege and to ignore the needs of the people.

Rosemary Radford Ruether (2 November 1936 – 21 May 2022) was an American feminist scholar and Roman Catholic theologian known for her significant contributions to the fields of feminist theology and ecofeminist theology.



"Prophetic Tradition and the Liberation of Women: Promise and Betrayal" (1994)

Feminist Theology v. 2 no. 5 pp. 58–73
  • Established religion sees religious faith as the sacred ideology of the dominant social order. Religion is the 'handmaiden' of the ruling class. It defines this established social order as one that has been created by God and is the reflection of the divine will. Its words for God reflect the titles of the rulers. God and the rulers are called by the same names and are imaged as looking alike. The rulers thus appear to be like God, to have a special closeness to God and to represent God on earth.
    • p. 58
  • Prophetic faith, by contrast, sets God in tension with the ruling class by having God speak, through the prophet, as advocate of the poor and the oppressed.
    • p. 58
  • The word of God comes through the prophet to denounce the unjust practices of the rich and powerful who grind the faces of the poor and oppress the widow and the orphan. The prophet also denounces the corruption of biblical religion itself into a religious establishment that has become purely cultic and has turned away from the social meaning of faith, which is justice and mercy.
    • p. 59
  • The prophets in Hebrew Scripture and Jesus in the Gospels are figures in conflict with the religious establishment. They denounce the use of religion to sacralize unjust privilege and to ignore the needs of the people. Prophetic faith announces a God who is active in history, to overturn an unjust social order and to transform the world into a new social order where there will be no more war, no more injustice, where justice between people and harmony with nature has been restored and all creation will be in communion with God.
    • p. 59
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