Rush Hour (American TV series)
Rush Hour (2016) is an American short-lived police procedural drama that airs on CBS. It premiered on March 31, 2016, and ended on August 20, 2016. On May 16, 2016, CBS cancelled the series after 1 season. On May 26, 2016, CBS removed the show from the schedule.
Season 1
[edit]Pilot [1.01]
[edit]- Jonathan Lee: This is unacceptable.
- James Carter: You speak English!
Familee Ties [1.13]
[edit]- Jonathan Lee: Would you prefer my honest reaction, or an insincere apology?
- James Carter: I'll go with insincere apology.
- Jonathan Lee: Sorry.
- James Carter: Thank you very much.
External links
[edit]- Rush Hour quotes at the Internet Movie Database