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Sahar Saleem

From Wikiquote

Sahar Saleem is a professor of radiology at Cairo University where she specialises in paleoradiology, the use of radiology to study mummies. She discovered the knife wound in the throat of Ramesses III, which was most likely the cause of his death.


  • Having a look from my computer at the face of King Amenhotep I, as the first person in 3,000 years to see his face, was really a moment of joy. I considered it a blessing.
  • They not only kept the amulets that were there, they added more. It reflects the noble aim of the priests, how they lovingly took care of the older kings
  • “I always mention this story when people say, ‘why are you a radiologist and why did you become a doctor of mummies?’ And I always start my answer with, ‘when I was at Western.
  • “Whether I am scanning mummies or doing fetal MRIs, I’m using modern technology and science to do a good deed for patients and for heritage.”
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