Sam Van Rooy

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Sam van Rooy (born 27 May 1985 in Antwerp, Belgium) is a Belgian-Flemish politician for Vlaams Belang, author, blogger and former professional cyclist.


  • I know a ‘swimming pool’ where these ‘young people who disturb’ can go and swim separately following their ‘own schedule’: the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Muslims, among other things, unequivocally distance themselves from Sharia. In addition, they must promote principles such as the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equality between men and women and the right to follow a different religion or no religion at all..
  • Characteristics of Islamization that you sometimes see even more than in certain cities in the Islamic countries of origin, which indicates a rejection of our culture. For example, countless Muslims, according to research even a majority, put the Koran or the Sharia above our culture, free society and democratic constitutional state.
  • In addition to rejecting Islamic rules and laws and endorsing our norms and values, it is of course also necessary that people speak Dutch in order to be eligible for naturalization or residence on our territory. And the latter of course applies to all newcomers, not just Muslim immigrants. Otherwise it will be impossible to become part of our society and community. In any case, signing such a declaration has mainly symbolic value, and is therefore no guarantee of successful assimilation.
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