Serendipity (film)

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Serendipity is a 2001 romantic comedy film about two strangers who meet and are immediately attracted to each other, but let fate decide whether they will end up together. Fate responds by a series of near-encounters over the years.

Directed by Peter Chelsom. Written by Marc Klein.
Destiny... With A Sense Of Humor. (taglines)


  • {obituary for Jonathan} Johnathan Trager, prominent television producer for ESPN, died last night from complications of losing his soul mate and his fiancee. He was 35 years old. Soft-spoken and obsessive, Trager never looked the part of a hopeless romantic. But, in the final days of his life, he revealed an unknown side of his psyche. This hidden quasi-Jungian persona surfaced during the Agatha Christie-like pursuit of his long-reputed soul mate, a woman whom he only spent a few precious hours with. Sadly, the protracted search ended late Saturday night in complete and utter failure. Yet even in certain defeat, the courageous Trager secretly clung to the belief that life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather, its a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. Asked about the loss of his dear friend, Dean Kansky, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author and executive editor of the New York Times, described Jonathan as a changed man in the last days of his life. "Things were clearer for him," Kansky noted. Ultimately Johnathan concluded that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call "fatum", what we currently refer to as destiny.
  • You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: "Did he have passion?".
  • [Lying on the grass with Jonathan, outside Sara's house] Maybe we're lying here because you don't wanna be standing somewhere else.
  • Contrary to popular New York myth the Times is not omniscient.
  • [commenting on Jonathan's craziness] They should make pills for this.


  • [commenting on Sara's craziness] They should make pills for this.
  • You know who plays golf? Guys who are too fat to play tennis, like this guy.


Lars: How does Bora Bora sound?
Sara: Very sexy sexy.

Dean: I'm telling you right now British women do not age well. Eight years ago she was a luscious treat, you know, she probably looked like, you know, Baby Spice, now she could look like...
Jonathan: Old Spice.

Jonathan: This is the ultimate blend to drink. How'd you find this place?
Sara: I first came in because of the name: Serendipity. It's one of my favorite words.
Jonathan: It is? Why?
Sara: It's such a nice sounding word for what it means: a fortunate accident.

Dean: You're the shit!
[man next to him on plane looks over at him thinking he's talking to him]
Jonathan: [to the guy] That would be me, the shit.

Sara: Ok, favorite movie?
Jonathan: The correct answer is Cool Hand Luke.
Sara: I've never seen it?
Jonathan: Oh, come on! You've never seen Cool Hand Luke? Paul Newman? Oh my god! Come on! "Failure to communicate", sadistic cop with sunglasses with no name, who reminds me of you in that way.

[Discussing the Cool Hand Luke poster Sara saw]
Eve: Sara, it was a movie poster, it's no big deal.
Sara: It's peculiar though, right? Don't you think?
Eve: I thought you were through with all this new-age bullshit, feng-shuey and all that crap.
Sara: Eve, for someone who owns a new-age store you're incredibly earth-bound
Eve: Oh yeah, well, for a shrink-in-training, you're a little bit crazy, I'll tell you that much.

[Jonathan is trying to get Sara's information from her old Bloomingdale's account]
Jonathan: Would $20 help?
Bloomingdale's Salesman: It might if I were a health inspector.

Eve: Prada! Ooh! Prada! I love this stuff!
Salesman: That's 20 bucks.
Sara: Eve, that's a horrific knockoff! At least my knockoff says 'Prada,' yours says 'Prado!'
Eve: Well, I say for a dollar I can buy a magic marker and fix it. I'll take it!

Jonathan: Fortunate accidents. Lucky discoveries. Columbus in America.
Sara: Yeah, or Fleming discovering penicillin.
Jonathan: Penicillin.
Jonathan: Fleming is his name?
Sara: Yes.
Jonathan: Or "Jonathan and the Gloves."
Sara: I don't know that one.
Jonathan: You don't know that story? It's an old folk tale classic. Our hero, Jonathan, goes out in search of black gloves. And in a perfect act of "serendipiocity" or "serendipaciousness," he runs into a beautiful, attractive English girl with a boyfriend.
Jonathan: You have a boyfriend, right?

Jonathan: So are you gonna meet your boyfriend now or what?
Sara: No, I think he's out probably doing what you're doing.
Jonathan: Getting a crush on somebody else's girlfriend? No, I'm sorry, I just meant I had a really nice time. You know, maybe you should give me your phone number. Just in case.
Sara: In case of what?
Jonathan: In case of life. I just had a really great time and for all we know I wouldn't be able to find you again.
Sara: Well, if we're meant to meet again, we'll meet again. it's just not the right time now.
Jonathan: Maybe we're supposed to meet on British time and we're five hours too early.

Jonathan: You're insane.
Sara: Come on.
Sara: Okay, get in. Take a breath, and then when the door closes, hit a button.
Jonathan: I don't understand this.
Sara: You don't have to understand. You just have to have faith.
Jonathan: Faith in what?
Sara: Destiny.

[at Bloomingdale's]
Jonathan: Happy anniversary.
Sara: When did you get to be so unimaginably romantic?
Jonathan: I think that it's good luck that we return this year to the scene of the crime. (pours a paper cup of champagne) Cheers.
Sara: Cheers.


  • Destiny ... With A Sense Of Humor.
  • Can Once In A Lifetime Happen Twice?
  • Sometimes True Love Can Have More Than One Face
  • No name. No address. Just fate.
  • When Love Feels Like Magic, It's called Destiny. When Destiny Has A Sense of Humor, It's Called Serendipity.
  • The love of your life could be in line for popcorn.....


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