Sharon M. Draper

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Sharon M. Draper

Sharon Mills Draper (born August 21, 1948) is an American children's writer, professional educator, and the 1997 National Teacher of the Year. She is a five-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award for books about the young and adolescent African-American experience.


  • Amari loved the rusty brown dirt of Ziavi. The path, hard-packed from thousands of bare feet that had trod on it for decades, was flanked on both sides by fat, fruit-laden mango trees, the sweet smell of which always seemed to welcome her home.
    • Chapter 1, Page 2
  • We must welcome our guests, then, Amari. We would never judge people simply by how they looked—that would be uncivilized…Let us prepare for a celebration.
    • Chapter 1, Page 5
  • The crowd is eventually separated, the men from the women, and shoved into a large, dark building where Amari can smell “sweat and fear…body wastes and hopelessness”
    • Page 24
  • The spirit of the copper sun seemed to bleed for them as it glowed bright red against the deepening blue of the great water.
    • Chapter 5, Page 34
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