Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi

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In Norse mythology, Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi are the horses of Dagr (day) and Nótt (night). The names Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi mean "shining mane" and "frost mane", respectively. Skinfaxi pulls Dagr's chariot across the sky every day and his mane lights up the sky and earth below. Similarly, "froth" is believed to fall from Hrímfaxi's bit to the earth and become dew.


  • Skin-faxi is the skyey steed
    Who bears aloft the smiling day
    To all the regions of mankind:
    His the ever-shining mane.
    * * *
    Hrim-faxi is the sable steed,
    From the east who brings the night,
    Fraught with showering joys of love
    As he champs the foamy bit,
    Drops of dew are scattered round
    To adorn the vales of earth.
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