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Southern Belles

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Southern Belles is a 2005 American drama film about Bell and Belle, two childhood friends from Johnson's Mark, Georgia, desiring to set out to the "Big City" of Atlanta for a professional dancing career, so they set out on taking any odd jobs of hatching their "nest egg" and Bell falls for handsome local police officer Rhett Butler, containing many references to Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel Gone with the Wind and the 1939 film adaptation.

Directed and written by Paul S. Myers and Brennan Shroff.
A film by Paul S. Myers and Brennan Shroff

Belle Scott

  • Hampton is the buttcrack of humanity.
  • We can't just show up in Atlanta with nothin' but a suitcase full of loose morals!
  • [To boss Duane] I quit. That rhymes with shit. I quit this shit!
  • Now Margery, that is the same narrow-minded thinkin' that cost us the War of Northern Aggression.

Bell Granger

  • [To Tracy] If I felt like sharing my problems with an idiot, then I guess I talked with you.


  • Atlanta? Why on God's green Earth though y'all want to go to Atlanta?

Tracy Hampton

  • [To Bell] Is there trouble in paradise, sweetheart?


Margery: Atlanta? Why on God's green Earth though y'all want to go to Atlanta?
Bell Granger: Frankly Margery, we're both kind of sick of our situations.
Margery: Girls, I don't know moving to Atlanta is the answer to all your problems.
Belle Scott: How can an diversified population in a more dynamic economic portfolio be the answer?
Margery: Well, what about Hampton?
Bell Granger: Hampton is the buttcrack of humanity. [Belle pats her hand in agreement]
Margery: I know Atlanta might seem like a romantic wonderland, but I have been to Atlanta.
Bell and Belle: You have?!
Margery: Where do you think taking it really easy come from?
Belle Scott: [Mouths] No...
Margery: Kevin, why don't you paddle around in the pool? [Lights a cigarette]
Belle Scott: What happened?
Margery: Well, it was 1990, a whole new era, some people would say it was like a recession, but girls let me tell you, it was like Atlanta had other ideas. [Flashback with her dressed in a 1960s suit with all men in business suits] Atlanta was in full swing, a place where dreams could come true.
Flirting man: What are you drinking there lady? Give her a cosmo, she's a lady of class. [Lights her cigarette]
Bartender: One cosmo coming up.
Margery: Well, I don't know if it was his finely tailored suit, his movie star good looks, or it was the cosmos but [scene of bed rocking of love-making] that night, he was still the man of my dreams. And the next morning, he were gone, but he left behind a little calling card.
Belle Scott: Kevin?
Margery: Yep, yeah, Kevin was made and I hopped back on that bus and headed home.
Bell Granger: But you have Kevin and you love him.
Margery: Bell and Belle, you know I love that little treasure, but I had dreams too, and in that city, what they forget to tell you, is that sometimes those dreams just don't work out.
Bell Granger: Well, they don't work out here either. So, what's the difference?
Margery: Atlanta might seem like hop, skip and jump away, but let me tell you, when you come from around here, moving up isn't always that easy.
Bell Granger:
Belle Scott: Now Marjorie, that is the same narrow-minded thinkin' that cost us the War of Northern Aggression. We've got dreams, okay? We've got big dreams.
Margery: Do you have any money? [Bell and Bell react defeatedly]

Tracy Hampton: [Walks into bar intoxicated carrying incapacitated friend] Hey, Belle, where's your boyfriend?
Bell Granger: I'm not supposed to be in here.
Tracy Hampton: Oh, a little sore spot.
Bell Granger: If I felt like sharing my problems with an idiot, then I guess I talked with you.
Tracy Hampton: Is there trouble in paradise, sweetheart?
Bell Granger: [Shoves Tracy's head] Shut up, Tracy.
Tracy Hampton: Did you two break up? That pig didn't love you, do you know whose got two thumbs and loves Belle? Hank and Tracy.
Bell Granger: Tracy, you are the buttcrack of humanity.
Tracy Hampton: That sounds like something the other Belle would say. [Reaches for her drink with her taking it away] Come on baby, we had some good times.
Bell Granger: When?
Tracy Hampton: Your senior prom.
Bell Granger: You never showed up.
Tracy Hampton: Damn it. Well we shared some meaningful things.
Bell Granger: Like what?
Tracy Hampton: Like.. [holds up keys] ...my car, or more specifically, the backseat of my car. Come on, Hampton make you feel like a princess. Don't give me that look, that's that same look your friend gives me. Well, maybe she's right, maybe you are meant for each other.
Bell Granger: What the hell are you talking about? [Tracy collapses to floor next to friend]

Bell Granger: [Sitting at table across from Rhett with an open magazine] Can you believe that is such a beautiful park in the middle of a beautiful city?
Rhett Butler: I guess, if you're into that sort of thing.
Bell Granger: You're not?
Rhett Butler: I just always thought it kind of funny to bring nature into the city. I mean, why not just live in nature?
Bell Granger: Oh.
Rhett Butler: Besides, I bet these ducks are just for show, not hunting. Well, am I being set up here?
Bell Granger: What?
Rhett Butler: [Gets up and walks to fridge] In my experience, whenever trying to catch a culprit... [grabs cash jar from fridge top and sets it on table] ...just follow the money. Are you moving to Atlanta?
Bell Granger: It's not that simple.
Rhett Butler: Oh, it is that simple. I overhead Belle saying today that she was moving to Atlanta.
Bell Granger: You have to understand, we had these plans before I met you.
Rhett Butler: You still haven't answered my question! Are you... or are you not... moving to Atlanta?
Bell Granger: [Gets up, walks into TV room and turns to him] Right. I've known Belle since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. In all that time, there ain't once that she's letting me down. I can't start letting her down now.
Rhett Butler: Don't use loyalty as an excuse. Have you had these plans before we met. You should have told me.
Bell Granger: It all happened so fast.
Rhett Butler: [Reaches into pocket and pulls out child's toy vending machine ball and throws it to Bell] My pay increase doesn't start till September] Is that it? [Walks away to door]
Bell Granger: Don't go!
Rhett Butler: Why should I stay? To help you pack?
Bell Granger: I didn't mean for it to go this far.
Rhett Butler: There's a part of me that wishes it hadn't.
Bell Granger: Rhett, we can't end it like this.
Rhett Butler: Well, frankly Bell, I just don't give a damn. [Puts hat on and walks away]

Rhett Butler: [Walking up behind Bell to arrest] Bell, have you been drinking? Shouldn't drink and drive. People eventually find out, you have a reputation.
Officer: [Walks up behind Belle] You've been doing the drugs, ma'am?
Belle Scott: What?! No!
Bell Granger: Brett, I know I made a big mistake right now.
Rhett Butler: You did. You committed 14 moving violations in the last 20 minutes.
Belle Scott: [Getting lead away] What?! Come on now!
Bell Granger: Are you arresting me now?
Rhett Butler: It's my job.
Bell Granger: At least wait for me to get out.
Rhett Butler: Cut the shit, you broke my heart.
Bell Granger: I know I did Brett, but it's only for one day, and I promise it'll never happen again.
Rhett Butler: Damn right, we're not together anymore.
Bell Granger: I promise I will never leave you again.
Rhett Butler: Well, I can understand why you did but what you did was childish. You can't do that to people.
Bell Granger: I'm not moving to Atlanta, I never wanted to go to Atlanta. I'm staying here. Reach into my pocket. Come on. [Rhett reaches in and pulls out a child's toy vending machine ring and Bell kneels down] Rhett Butler, will you marry me?
Rhett Butler: Nope. [Bell looks dejected] Not like this [Rhett face lights, he kneels down and hoists her up] Bell, will you be my wife? [Bell's face lights up and Rhett reaches behind her and puts the ring on a finger of her handcuffed hands]
Officer: [Speaking into police radio scanner] Kathy, down on one knee, I think he just asked her to marry him. I think he just said; "yes".
Belle Scott: [Rhett stands up] Oh.
Rhett Butler: Give me a kiss. [He and Bell kiss with Belle and officers cheering and celebratory firing]


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