Star Fox: Assault

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A collection of quotations from the 2005 Nintendo GameCube game Star Fox: Assault.

Star Fox


Fox McCloud (フォックス・マクラウド, Fokkusu Makuraudo)

  • Team Star Fox, Ready for duty!
  • OK, I see now. So we're here because...?
  • All ships! Avoid the armada's fire! Aim for Oikonny's flagship!
  • What's that? Some kind of prototype?
  • All right! This time we take that ape down!
  • It's too quiet...
  • Something's wrong here...
  • Uhh!... Its a trap!
  • It's the Aparoids, after all.
  • Whew. There's no end to these things!
  • Peppy! Send me a Landmaster, will ya?
  • Well I got my hands full, but what else is new?
  • Nah! All I need is the Landmaster.
  • Great... Good to see the transmission's targeting system's as sterling as ever.
  • These things just keep appearing!
  • Whoa! What are THESE things?!
  • Grrr!
  • Ugh, I've got a bad feeling about this...
  • So... the leader, huh?
  • Okay. That should be it.
  • I know that. Hey, it looks like that distress signal's no longer transmitting...
  • Pigma!
  • The SOS signal... It was you?!?
  • No! That's...!
  • Stop! Pigma! Dang!
  • This is the Star Fox team! We're here for a hog named Pigma! We don't want trouble!
  • Even if we pound 'em, this is gonna become a war of attrition. Gotta do something about those transfer gateways... Okay, Slippy and I will wipe out the transfer gateways at the hideout.
  • Ah, you too, Krystal.
  • This is Fox. I made it inside. How're things on your end, Slippy?
  • Okay. Let's get this operation started!
  • Understood!
  • Transfer device down!
  • So, this is the highest area in the hideout.
  • This is Fox! All the transfer devices have been taken care of!
  • That you, Wolf?
  • We're just here for Pigma, okay? Shut your traps and hand him over!
  • We didn't come here to fight with Wolf and his team.
  • Slippy! You're in charge of gaining control of the hideout!
  • C'mon, Wolf! Enough of this! Just hand over Pigma, already!
  • Got it! This blizzard is something else, though.
  • Grrr! Locked in, am I?!
  • Falco! You gotta act quickly!
  • They can't sense me... What's going on here?
  • Where are you, Falco?
  • So, is this like an amusement park to a former gang member?
  • Tricky-- Ooh! (Tricky tackles Fox)
  • Tricky... So heavy... ouch!
  • What? What are you, nuts? We're not... we're not yet... Uh... I mean... Uh.. This isn't a conversation for children!
  • Then stop acting like one!
  • The Wolfen? Wolf!
  • Wolf! What are you doing here?
  • I owe you my life on that one, Wolf. Thanks.
  • Blasted bugs! Die already!
  • Dang! I've been flanked!
  • Wolf...
  • No!
  • Whoaaaa!
  • Don't say that! I can't...
  • Why... Why is this happening?! No!
  • Let's go, team.
  • I'm counting on you. Let's do this!
  • Understood. We won't let the gate fall.
  • Everyone! Let's give the queen her present! Star Fox Team, Let's Go!
  • Here I come, you evil space hag!
  • If the past is any indication, there'll be hatchers along with those shield generators, huh?
  • (Default taunt in VS Mode) Now it gets serious...
  • (Second taunt in VS Mode) Bring it!
  • (Upon entering a vehicle in VS mode) Got it!
  • (VS mode victory pose) I guess that's that.

Falco Lombardi (ファルコ・ランバルディ, Faruko Ranbarudi)

  • We're here because we got to put this creep on ice.
  • Slippy, you've already got bogeys on your tail!
  • You haven't changed a bit, Frog Boy.
  • That scum Oikonny's gettin' away!
  • Where did that crazed chimp Oikonny go?
  • Bah! We got careless! We've got bogeys on our tails!
  • What's this? An Andross wanna-be?
  • That doesn't look friendly.
  • I don't know who that is, but he obviously ain't nice.
  • (Few Aparoid's wing destroyed by Fox) That's it! It's working!
  • (When the fire rocks start falling for the third time) Incoming! Evasive maneuvers, everyone!
  • (When taking too long to defeat Aparoid) Fox! This is no to drag you're heels!
  • Whoa! We've got company!
  • Use that machine gun to blast the whole lot of 'em!
  • Fox! Looks like you've got more company!
  • Show 'em what that Landmaster can do!
  • Smash anyone and anything that get in your way!
  • Hey! They're on the other side, too!
  • What in the world is that giant thing? It looks nasty.
  • You're doing great, Fox! Destroy the rest of 'em!
  • If there are survivors, they'll be the only witnesses.
  • (Fox gets hit repeatedly in an on-foot mission) You're not doing too well, are you, Fox?
  • Don't get your tail roasted down there, Fox!
  • Lemme know if you get lonely and I'll drop by.
  • That thing is giant... and ugly.
  • Whoa! Here comes trouble!
  • Don't let it shake you off, Fox!
  • It's getting weaker, Fox! Keep at it!
  • Hey! Who let you in?!
  • Alright, leave space to us!
  • And here we go!
  • Krystal! Concentrate your fire on the battleships!
  • Attack the enemy fighters! I'm crusin' over here!
  • Fox! You've got company to the rear!
  • Falco here! Enemy reinforcements on the space front!
  • No problems here. How're things on your end?
  • Sorry, Fox. I'm not too proud of what you just witnessed.
  • (referring to Panther, who's flirting with Krystal) Huh? Who's this idiot?
  • What was that!?
  • Playing the hero again, eh Foxie?
  • Hey, more power to ya, buddy. Me? I hate the cold.
  • Don't even think about dying before I get there!
  • (Fox Jumps onto Falco's Arwing's wing)Hey, just do me a favor and try not to fall off.
  • Hey, sure-shot! Get out your blaster and take care of our admirers, will ya?
  • Here I come, Fox! Let's tear it up!
  • Looks like the scum are making house calls, Fox.
  • Someone on the ground's locked onto us!
  • This is no joke, Slippy!
  • Bah! I've been followed.
  • Okay. I'm heading in your direction.
  • Are you serious?!
  • You dirty swine!
  • There's no way we're letting that explode!
  • It's not holding anything back!
  • Still, getting attacked by your allies? Man, that's just crazy!
  • Yo, Fox! You think blasting me is fun or something?
  • This is ridiculous! Fox, take care of that stupid frog, will you?
  • Another enemy ship sighted. I'm off to anbush it.
  • That stinkin' Pigma must have somethin' planned.
  • (To Slippy rescued by Fox an umpteenth time)Unbelievable... You're such a basket case!
  •'s the lizard boy, Leon.
  • You overblown gnats! I'll finish every last one of you!
  • Leave this to me, Fox! I can down it in my sleep!
  • Missile down! Piece of cake!
  • Uh, that looks bigger than a missile!
  • (If Fox attacks him while riding his wing) What!? Is it bird season all of a sudden!?
  • Someone on the ground's got a beat on me!
  • Uh...they kinda got a lock on me, get em' before I get smoked!
  • Eat this, scumbags!
  • Don't start whining! I'm almost there!
  • What? Going solo again?
  • Yeah, whatever. Just get outta here and smash those blasted radar jammers, will ya?!
  • What? You can't see from down there, Fox?
  • If they blocked our radar, it means they're getting wiser.
  • This is awful. The city's been annihilated. We can't let these scumbags get any cockier, Fox.
  • Dang Aparoids! How far do they plan on spreading?
  • I guess this is just what we gotta do here.
  • Now, we're in charge!
  • Hey! Fox! The rest of 'em are yours!
  • You did it, Fox. That's another one I owe you.
  • Sorry about what happened earlier, Fox.
  • Shut your trap, lizard, or you and I are gonna scrap!
  • Stinkin' Aparoids! This is lower than low!
  • Calm down, Fox!
  • I told you, cut that out, Fox!
  • Yo!
  • You've gotten better eh, Foxie?
  • Not bad for a fox!
  • Pay attention, Fox! You're suppose to shoot the bad guys!
  • Great... I guess I owe you one.
  • Unstoppable! Way to go!
  • Enemy ship down!
  • Fox! Use this!
  • That makes us even!
  • Oof! Can you tell your friends from your enemies?!
  • Give up already!
  • You're going to help out with the battle upstairs, right?
  • You're not pulling your weight, Fox!
  • You're going back to the base now?!?
  • Fox, don't let it fool you! You know your father is...
  • More imposters? IGNORE THEM!
  • Everything's fine here. How's the hideout?
  • I guess I should be thankful.
  • What? Is it bird season all of a sudden?
  • (Default taunt in VS mode) You want a piece of me?
  • (Second taunt in VS mode) This is too easy!
  • (Upon entering a vehicle in VS mode) Got it!
  • (VS mode victory pose) You can't touch me.

Slippy Toad (スリッピー・トード, Surippī Tōdo)

  • Aw, leave these losers to the pros. We'll beat 'em in no time!
  • Uh-oh! I'm in trouble!
  • Thanks Fox! I thought I was a goner!
  • Got something on radar! It's ahead and coming this way!
  • Whoa! Get off me!
  • Owowowouch!...
  • Shield analysis complete. Bringing it up on the monitor.
  • Enemy shield analysis complete! I'm bringing it up now!
  • Yeow! Gotta get... outta... the way...!
  • Ewww... There's just something creepy about this guy.
  • Dad? You're the Research Director? You never told me that!
  • You gotta hurry up and destroy those things, Fox!
  • Yeow!! That thing's HUGE!!!
  • Don't go, Fox! I need your help!
  • There're more enemy types around now. Be careful, Fox.
  • Krystal's sixth sense doesn't lie!
  • There has be some way to get inside that building.
  • This colony's supposed to be a hideout of all sorts of criminals.
  • I made it too!
  • No Mercy!
  • Woah! There's a machine shooting out baddies!
  • Looks like the other devices are in a higher area.
  • Look out for enemy ambushes!
  • Understood! Leave it to me, Fox!
  • I can't stand to see Fox like this.
  • Brrr! It makes me hibernate!
  • I'm coming to help too!
  • Yow! I'm gonna get hit!
  • Aiiiiii!!!!
  • Well...that was kind of a thrill.
  • Heh heh. Thanks, Fox.
  • I'll do better next time.
  • Fox, those bots seemed suspicious, so I checked 'em out, and they were aparoids!
  • Yeah! Aparoids must be able to take over other machines!
  • It's been infected by the aparoids!
  • Did you say the climate control center's overloading? Does that mean there's gonna be an explosion?! YIKES!
  • Give it a rest, Falco. Seriously, shut your beak for once.
  • This is Slippy! We've discovered new enemies up here!
  • You stink, Fox! You're gonna make us do all the work?
  • It's me, Fox!
  • Aw, that wasn't nice, Fox!
  • Wow! Take me for a ride someday!
  • Hey! That's a good idea. You're quick!
  • Apoptosis, huh? You mean they contain cells that are created for the purpose of self-destruction?
  • Stupid pest! Stop following me! Fox! Do something about this guy behind me!
  • Whew! That helped.
  • I just let my guard down for a second...
  • You creeps! This'll teach you to underestimate Slippy!
  • I wanna help, but I can't see a thing from here! Stupid Aparoids! Haven't you ever heard of windows?
  • Don't do it, Peppy! [Great Fox is going on kamikaze run on the Aparoid Homeworld Core's shield]
  • Enemy ship down!
  • The anti-air fire is too heavy! I can't get through...
  • Shut up already!
  • You jerk!...
  • It's Peppy! [overjoyed at Peppy and ROB's suvival]
  • (Default taunt in VS mode) Toads away!
  • (Second taunt in VS mode) Hey! Over here!
  • (Upon entering a vehicle in VS mode) Mine!
  • (VS mode victory pose) I won!

Krystal (クリスタル, Kurisutaru)

  • (Referring to Andrew's army) They're quite dedicated for a bunch of hired guns.
  • Hey, Slippy, don't get cocky!
  • This happens 'cause your reckless. Be more careful!
  • All right! Hit 'em hard and don't hold back!
  • Excellent! The enemy's offensive power is down.
  • Look! Troops down below!
  • A stealth squadron! Look out, Fox!
  • Huh? Look out! The enemy's waiting for us!
  • Here we go!
  • Enemy ship down!
  • There he is! It's Oikonny!
  • Fantastic!
  • Aim for the palms of his hands, Fox!
  • Such strange thought patterns...
  • I can feel it... His weak point is that center spot.
  • Somehow, we beat it.
  • By yourself? It's too dangerous! I'm going too!
  • Fox! I've got enemies on my tail!
  • This isn't looking good... I'm in real trouble!
  • No way! I can't shake them! Unbelievable!
  • They just don't let go! Ugh, they're disgusting!
  • I'm sensing targets within the buildings...
  • Check inside buildings for targets too, Fox.
  • It must have a weak point, everything does!
  • Wait! That thing has a core memory!
  • Aim for it's underside, Fox!
  • Now, Fox! It's weak point is on the top!
  • C'mon, Fox! Get a move on!
  • Be careful, Fox!
  • Falco, look! There! A battleship!
  • The enemy battleships are launching fighters!
  • Uh-oh! Enemy reinforcements have hit the space front!
  • Lend me a hand, Fox!
  • Looks like Pigma was planning ahead.
  • A mission together at last!
  • Poor, beautiful Sauria... They won't get away with this!
  • That's right. This place recalls many memories for us.
  • Sauria should be safe for a long time to come.
  • You did it, Fox!
  • Really taking a beating, haven't you?
  • Those aparoids are serious. Watch your tail Fox!
  • All right. That's enough, boys.
  • Should we search places that radar doesn't show?
  • You have to get on top of it to beat it? What a pain...
  • Hey! That's mine!
  • OK! Got them!
  • (Referring to the Aparoid homeworld) This base is so complicated.
  • Don't hesitate, the Queen's afraid of us!
  • Hey, stop joking around!
  • Enemy ship down!
  • That's no way to treat a lady. Eat this!
  • Not Peppy too! Stop! [When stricken by the Aparoid Queen's impersonations]
  • (Default taunt in VS mode) Here I go.
  • (Second taunt in VS mode) Try me.
  • (Upon entering a vehicle in VS mode) That's for me!
  • (VS mode victory pose) You're not ready yet.

Peppy Hare (ペッピー・ヘア, Peppī Hea)

  • Oikonny is no pushover. So be careful out there.
  • This is it team! Are you ready? Launch all ships!
  • Falco and Slippy,take the left side. Krystal and Fox, hit the right. Everyone strike NOW!
  • That beam's devastating! Watch out, Fox!
  • Roll to deflect its attack!
  • Watch how he moves his hands!
  • It's too early to celebrate... Look!
  • You're the real deal Fox!
  • Boy, watching you takes me back to when I was a lad...
  • Attack whenever you have the chance!
  • (When taking too long to defeat the Aparoid) Fox! What are you waiting for?
  • (Taking Fox is taking too much damage) Fox! Are you all right?
  • Grr... Fox... Grab that thing and get out of there!
  • Nicely done. I see you have'nt lost any groove.
  • (Aparoids hatchers landing in Kataina outpost) Hmm... This looks bad. Our scan show those things can spawn more aparoids.
  • You must be able to get inside using the elevators.
  • Fox! Your survival is priority number one!
  • That energy reading's huge! Move your tail, Fox!
  • *Laughs* Looks like I'll never make retirement now. Urgh!
  • Contact the Medical Corps. One way or another, my duty's done.
  • Too bad! we're going out in style!
  • Back off, all of you!
  • Yes, this is my duty, Fox. And now you must fulfil your duty as well!
  • YAR!
  • What are you fools doing? That shield will be right back! Go! Get out of here!
  • You can use a sniper rifle to pick off foes at a distance.
  • The air fight's lookin' grim...attack those flying aparoids!
  • We're being overrun here..blast the space fighters!
  • Never give up. Trust your senses.
  • What? It's accelerating!
  • That's a transfer device! Hurry up and destroy it!
  • Use your boost to catch up.
  • See anything that looks like an entrance near there?
  • Looking good, Fox! Only two more shield generators to go!
  • Do a barrel roll!

ROB 64 (ナウス64, Nausu Rokujūyon)

  • Lift lock released.
  • The enemy flagship is fleeing to Fortuna.
  • Affirmative.
  • Enemy base located directly ahead. Oikonny is there as well.
  • Aparoid! Aparoid! Aparoid!
  • A new target has been confirmed.
  • Gateway initiation detected. Enemy force increasing.
  • Destruction of transfer device confirmed.
  • We have arrived at Fichina. This is where we lost track of Pigma.
  • Affirmative. The climate control center is protected by a shield.
  • The Landmaster will not fit inside the center.
  • Danger! Danger! Climate control center generator approaching critical overload.
  • Pigma's trail leads to this area.
  • Detecting high energy buildup in center of enemy mass.
  • Destruction of hatcher confirmed.
  • Radar jammers are in place. Radar use is impossible.
  • Unknown vessel approaching at high speed.
  • A huge aparoid force has warped in. They are targeting the gate.
  • WARNING! WARNING! Warp signature detected.
  • Giant aparoid approaching. Inbound missile.
  • Missile approaching. It is targeting the gate.
  • New missiles detected. They are approaching the gate.
  • Warning! Warning! Multiple missles detected.
  • Only certain areas can be damaged.
  • Warning! Warning! Missile approaching.
  • Another missile detected.
  • Analysis complete. Missile is composite of multiple parts.
  • Opening fleet-wide transmission channel.
  • Coordinates of aparoid system confirmed and stored in memory.
  • Multiple shield generators detected. Displaying now.
  • Sensors detecting new presence... A hatcher.
  • New hatchers located under the base.
  • Extreme impairment. Main hull will not survive more damage.
  • Damage capacity exceeded.
  • The climate control center shield has been disabled.

Star Wolf


Wolf O'Donnell (ウルフ・オドネル, Urufu Odoneru)

  • You fools! What are you idiots up to now?
  • You're on my turf now. Watch...Your...Step...Fox!
  • Pigma? Don't know anything about Pigma. But there is one thing: I'm owed an apology, and I WILL have it!
  • That's easy to say after all you've done. Enough small talk! Let's settle this, Fox!
  • Don't get uppity, you amateurs!
  • Don't mess with me, Fox!
  • (If you stay in the base instead of fighting him) No hiding, Fox. Show your face!
  • Now you've done it...
  • Go down, Fox!
  • Aaagh!!
  • Can't believe I'd get beat...
  • What's the problem? You done already?
  • (to Peppy) You still haven't gotten rid of your Arwing, eh, old hare?
  • When I'm finished with you, I'll have a foxtail for my spaceship!
  • I'm gonna burn your brush!
  • You've gotten soft, pup!
  • (Fox gets shot down when Wolf is nearby) You ain't your father, after all!
  • That's enough for now, Fox.
  • Pigma's no longer part of Star Wolf. And if he had shown his filthy hide here, my men would have driven him out.
  • (To Panther after revealing Pigma's location on Fichina) You talk too much.
  • Panther! Leon! Let's go!
  • Remember this, Fox: Star Wolf will take you down one day.
  • You're a pitiful sight, pup!
  • (After Wolf saves Fox, Fox asks him what he's doing in Corneria) You're the one who dropped in unannounced... And if anyone's gonna tan your hide, it's gonna be me.
  • Wipe that stupid look off your mug... we're not done yet!
  • So, how long do you plan on taking up space on my wing?
  • (if Fox attacks him while riding the wing of his Wolfen) You stupid dog! Get ahold of yourself!
  • (if Fox attacks him while riding the wing of his Wolfen) What are you aiming at?!
  • (if Fox attacks him while riding the wing of his Wolfen) Point that thing at me and you'd better be ready to die, pup.
  • (if Fox attacks him while riding the wing of his Wolfen) What are doing to my darling Wolfen!?
  • (if HP is below 1/3 while Fox is riding the wing of his Wolfen) Uhn...I'm not used to...being the one taking damage.
  • (if Fox fails to protect the Wolfen's HP from going to zero) Curses!!!
  • (if Fox doesn't do anything while fighting General Pepper) Uh, in case you haven't noticed, the enemy's attacking!
  • They're all over us! The rest is up to you, Fox!
  • Fox! One of these scum has a lock on me!
  • I can't shake 'em! Grrr! Do something, Fox!
  • Bah! Fox! Do you even see the enemy?!?
  • The more we're hit, the worse off we are, Fox!
  • They look like sturdy little monsters, don't they?
  • Curses! Someone's locked on me!
  • I hate that frog.
  • Quit your croaking, toady!
  • (if Fox takes moderate damage while riding his Wolfen's wing) Nicely done, Fox.
  • (if Fox takes no damage while riding his Wolfen's wing) You got some skills, pal.
  • (if Fox takes substantial damage while riding his Wolfen's wing) You're not slipping, are you, Fox?
  • (if Fox takes heavy damage while fighting General Pepper, Krystal rebukes Wolf) Hey, hey! I'm the one who's taking damage here!
  • Looks like they got a thing for us... The battle's on, Fox!
  • These things again? They aren't worth the time!
  • Don't hesitate, Fox! You've got to do it!
  • Fox! Missiles! Shoot 'em down!
  • OK. Looks like the aparoids are in bad shape!
  • Grr! Fox! Don't let 'em attack!
  • Unh...Looks like I'm not as sharp as I used to be.
  • Unh... I'm not used to...being the one taking damage.
  • Don't start sounding like a coward now, Fox!
  • Leave this missile to us!
  • (After shooting him at Orbital Gate) You want some, boy?!
  • Hey now, what's all this about?
  • Ha! Missile down! That was too easy...
  • Fox! Leave the enemies around the gate to us!
  • (If Fox shoots his missile at Orbital Gate) Didn't you know that was my prey?
  • (If Fox's HP gets low at Orbital Gate) You okay? You look ragged.
  • What are you waiting for? Shoot that thing down!
  • So I guess you survived, huh?
  • These scum are proving to be quite a handful.
  • Let's do this.
  • C'mon, you stinking bugs! Catch us if you can!
  • I thought I told you. I didn't come here to save you.
  • Mm.
  • Fox, let me give you one piece of advice: Don't hesitate! When the time comes, just act!
  • Fox, Don't hesitate! When the time comes, just act! [When the star fox team is traumatized by the aparoid queen's dark disturbing impersonations]
  • Keep your advice to yourself and your eyes front, pup.
  • (Default taunt in VS mode) I'll take care of everything.
  • (Second taunt in VS mode) Is that all you've got?
  • (If shot down in VS mode) Oh, a big shot, huh?
  • (Upon entering a vehicle in VS mode) That's mine!
  • (VS mode victory pose) Victory's mine! (Draws two Machine Guns from behind him and starts firing.)

Leon Powalski (レオン・ポワルスキー, Reon Powarusukī)

  • *Laughs* I think I'll torment you a bit before I cook you!
  • Who do you think I am?
  • Me? ME?!
  • Go ahead and blunder…and you'll end up as a target.
  • Ugly bugs… It's no fun fighting unshakable enemies.
  • That's quite a wingmate you've got there.
  • (If fox attacks him in the Orbital Gate level.) A wise guy, Huh!?
  • Annoying bird, I am the Great Leon!
  • (If Fox attacks him in Corneria) If you fools really want to die, just say the word.

Panther Caroso (パンサー・カルロッソ, Pansā Karurosso)

  • Allow me to introduce myself: I am Panther. All who see my rose meet death! (growling)
  • Make me mad and your life's as good as gone!
  • How could this be? I.. I've been...
  • *whistles* Ah, the lovely Krystal. Words do you no justice. I am Panther Caroso. Here's to us. (growling softly)
  • Quiet, Bird.
  • How can I resist this beauty? I believe the com record will point you towards Fichina.
  • Right...
  • Don't worry about him. You're like Wolf's surrogate gun.
  • Oh no! One of my favorite cafes got totaled. When this is all done, I'll have a first-class meal.
  • You're doing okay. I expect nothing less from my rival!
  • You want to ride on my wing, Krystal? (Krystal: As long as I'm covering Fox.) Panther: Okay, fine.
  • You're looking good, big guy!
  • The General's a tough old hounddog.
  • I look forward to seeing you again when this is all done.
  • (If Fox attacks him during the orbital gate level) You looking to die, runt?
  • You're looking good, big guy.



Pigma Dengar (ピグマ・デンガー, Piguma Dengā)

  • *Laughs* Thanks for helping me out!
  • *Laughs* Long time no see, Fox!
  • Since I'm here, I'll just help myself to this!
  • Is it that important? *Laughs* Then I'm gonna be rich!
  • Smell ya later!
  • Yep, it's true! And the one who's pulling the strings is me, Pigma! *Laughs*
  • I wouldn't bother with me right now! That thing looks like it means business!
  • Obey us... Obey us... Obey us... Obey... *snort!* Wha.. Was I just talking in my sleep? No! I won't turn a profit by obeying them! I... I... obey...
  • [Transforming into Aparoid] *Laughs* Incredible...
  • [Transforming into Aparoid] You must join us... Raah!
  • [Transforming into Aparoid] Wroo... Wrah... Rrrraaaaaarrrr!
  • [As Aparoid] Do not resist. You have been warned.
  • [As Aparoid] We will answer. We are the ultimate existence. You cannot resist us. You will join us.
  • [As Aparoid] Join me.
  • [As Aparoid] Hrrnn! Resistance is useless.

Andrew Oikonny (アンドリュー・オイッコニー, Andoryū Oikkonī)

  • Star Fox, eh? Work him over!
  • Is this guy some kind of demon? Bah! I'll handle him!
  • Blegh! Persistent little pests, aren't you?
  • That's enough hide and seek!
  • Let me show you my true power!
  • I must bring an end to our relationship! Die! Hahahaha!
  • W-watch your mouth! I'll show you!
  • Hahahaha! Is that all you've got?!
  • (If Fox attacks Andrew's head while fighting.) You can't hurt me with that!
  • (Loses one of the arm, then pounding) Gah! It's not over yet!
  • Ahahahaha! Is that all you fools have got!? I am the one and only true heir to the great emperor Andross! The new emperor... Andrew Oikonny- (Oikonny's ship is blasted by an off-screen Aparoid) Uncle Andross.....
  • [In combat with Cornerian fleet] No quarter! Show these dogs we mean business!
  • You think you're tough, eh? Well, in that case, it's secret weapon time! Stealth Squadron, open fire!!
  • Uncle Andross! [when he's shot down by an aparoid]

General Pepper (ペパー将軍, Pepā Shōgun)

  • Well Fox, Looks like we're not too late!
  • The leader of this rebellion is none other than Oikonny.
  • Yes, you must take him down.
  • I'm counting on you, now get prepped and go!
  • Members of Star Fox, a grave danger looms. The Lylat System is in peril.
  • We know. The research director will brief you on all the details.
  • We have detected a distress signal originating from the Katina outpost. However, we're unable to contact anyone there. We suspect aparoid involvement. You must find the distress signal.
  • Good work, Star Fox.
  • That's right, Fox. Indeed, the time to face the Aparoid Queen has come.
  • The source of all aparoid will, the queen herself, makes her vile nest on their home planet. As long as the queen exists, the aparoids will continue to multiply.
  • Everyone, heed closely what I am about to say. While you were on Sauria, a colossal aparoid armada appeared. The majority of the Cornerian defense fleet... was decimated.
  • The one silver lining is that you are all okay. You're our last hope, Star Fox. The invasion is progressing at an incredible speed.
  • The enemy's using radar-jamming devices based on technology we know nothing of.
  • Possibly, but you must attack them directly from the surface. Please, Fox, I'm already...
  • Is that you, Fox? Too late. The aparoids...
  • They took me. My body's... no longer under my control.
  • This is my final request: Destroy this ship! Destroy me! [ as an aparoid while maintaining his strong free will]
  • You would make me an accomplice to these fiends?
  • My body... It's betraying me! Take me out!
  • Don't worry, Fox! Just fire!
  • Gah... Urgh...
  • I never thought I'd be fighting all of you…
  • Ooh!
  • I'm sorry. I'm powerless! Shoot! Shoot me!
  • No reason to wait. I'm already an aparoid.
  • Let me die in battle! Do not let me transform!
  • Honor… Let me keep my honor, Fox!
  • RRRRRAAAHHH!!! [almost killed as an aparoid]
  • Is that you, Peppy? What have you done...?

Beltino Toad (ベルツィーノ・トード, Berutsīno Tōdo)

  • Hello again, everybody!
  • I believe it date back about 17 years ago...
  • A whole fleet was destroyed by a sole aparoid.
  • We were somehow able to survive that trial, but that was just a taste of what's coming.
  • This is Beltino. We did it, team. We found the location of the homeworld!
  • Wait! You can't go yet.
  • Yes, I know that, Slippy. But, if you go as-is, you'll just get killed. Take the self-destruct program.
  • I've discovered that the aparoids are vulnerable to apoptosis.
  • Right! And I'm making a program to set off a chain reaction in those cells. If you fire the program into the queen, all aparoids will self destruct!
  • Now all we have to do is gift-wrap it for the Aparoid Queen.
  • Do your best, team.
  • My apologies, I need a little more time.

Aparoid Queen (アパロイド女王, Aparoido Joō)

  • All for us... all things in the universe... will be ours...
  • All for us... Everything in this universe exists for us. Bow before us... Submit to us!
  • We are perfection. We possess all knowledge.
  • We are perfect. We are not the same as these fell creatures.
  • We are the perfect being. We are truth.
  • Such pointless actions...
  • We are the ones who survive. Resistance is nothing.
  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! [explodes and dies]

The Queen using voices to trick Fox

  • (Pigma???) Fox...
  • Fox, don't be a fool. Stop all this nonsense...
  • (General Pepper???) Star Fox team, admit defeat...
  • (Peppy???) Give in. This is not sacrifice. It is evolution.
  • (James McCloud??????) Fox...
  • That's enough, there's no need for you to be hurt anymore.
  • Let us live as one...
  • (General Pepper???) Let us live together...together...
  • (Pigma???) Live as one...
  • (Peppy???) Whatever you do, you cannot win, Fox.
  • (James McCloud??????) Fox.. There's no need to fight anymore.
  • All of you...Join us... It's your only salvation...
  • (Pigma???) You're fools... Get smart and surrender...
  • (ROB???) Probability of team Star Fox victory is zero...
  • (James McCloud??????) Stop right there, Fox!
  • Fox... I'll show you a brand new world...
  • Fox: You're hideous! Filthy aparoid!

Minor characters

  • Ruffian: Don't you idiots know this is part of Lord O'Donnell's terroritory?
  • Ruffian: We don't know about no Pigma or any other fool. And now that we know you're Star Fox, you ain't goin' nowhere!
  • Ruffian: C'mon, you lazy scum! Let's skin this fox and his whole crew! Get more guys up here! Come on!
  • Ruffian: Gah! Scum!
  • Ruffian: Ahh! I'm done for!!
  • Ruffian: I'll remember this!
  • Ruffian: Who are these guys?!?
  • Ruffian: We got the fox cornered!
  • Ruffian: We'll take your tail as a trophy!
  • Ruffian: Are they really this tough or just lucky?
  • Ruffian: Listen up scum! We protect the elevator till the end!
  • Ruffian: Let's skin this fox already!
  • Ruffian: Let 'em have it, boys!
  • Sentry Bot: Destroy intruder
  • Tricky: Fox! Krystal! I knew you'd come! Thank you so much!
  • Tricky: Yeah, yeah! I'll take care of things here so you two can come back on your honeymoon!
  • Tricky: You said you weren't going to treat me like a kid anymore!
  • Tricky: You're just mad cause you don't want to talk about it.
  • Ruffian: Shoot! They made it all the way up here?
  • Ape Soldier: Star Fox is headed this way!
  • Ape Soldier: What? Are you...
  • Venomian Ship Commander: The Cornerian fleet has broken through our front lines! They're everywhere!
  • Dog Soldier: I feel a lot more confident with you around!
  • Dog Soldier: Is this the end?
  • Ape Soldier: Our final line of defense has been penetrated!
  • Dog Soldier: Commander! Aah!
  • Dog Soldier: Great Fox?! Command! It's the Star Fox Team!
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