Stella Chinyelu Okoli

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Business is business. There is no special business for man or for woman.

Stella Chinyelu Okoli (30th July 1944) is a Nigerian pharmacist, philanthropist and entrepreneur. She is the founder and current chief executive officer of Emzor pharmaceutical manufacturing company, founded in 1977.


  • They were foreigners, they could divest, pull out their funds and go back home to their countries. I couldn’t go anywhere.
  • You must strive to make people happy...Whether people appreciate your efforts or not, God sees you and appreciates you.

Nairametrics (August 29, 2020)

  • We have no business allowing importation of drugs that we can produce here because all we are doing is importing poverty. There has to be industry where the young pharmacists can fit into after graduation.
  • There have been policies over the years that have favoured the trading multi-nationals, to the detriment and disadvantage of those of us who have invested in the development of the manufacturing aspect of the industry
  • Business is business. There is no special business for man or for woman.
  • ... everything I did not achieve before 70, now is the time to get started”.
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