Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures

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Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures is a computer-animated television series, the 2009 relaunch of Strawberry Shortcake and the remake of the previous Strawberry Shortcake series. The series, produced by MoonScoop Group, Cookie Jar Entertainment, Iconix Brand Group, Splash Entertainment and American Greetings, follows the adventures of Strawberry and her friends in Berry Bitty City.

Sky's the Limit

Strawberry: Oh! Now Custard... (She puts the cups down) That's not something to play with. (She boops Custard's nose while giggling; sees a shadow) Oh! (Mr. Longface Caterpillar walks in) Hi, Mr. Longface Caterpillar!

Fish Out Of Water

Orange: I won't turn my back on him just because he switched species
Blueberry: Tad is doing his night, croaking
Lemon: What about our night sleeping
Strawberry: Sometimes the berry big things we need to do, are the things we can't even see
    Orange: Strawberry!
    Strawberry: Orange, What's the Matter?
    Orange: It's Tad! He's He's Gone!!! (Sobbing)
    Strawberry: (Gasps) Now don't worry! everyone's out Looking i'm Sure the berry kids will find him any minute now he couldn't have gone very far!
    Orange: I did everything i could for him, i kept him cool when he was hot warm when he was cold raised him sheltered him no frog has ever been so loved and now he ran away

A Stich in Time


Vanishing Violets

Plum: Pupcakes the thief, is always the cute one.

Pop Goes the Garden

Strawberry and Blueberry: An ear of corn latter!
Strawberry: (Excitedly) Yeah!!! (They giggle)

Strawberry's Berry Big Parade

Blueberry: (Gasps) Do I wanna know?
Plum: (Still hopping) Come on in, Blueberry! We're trying out my parade dance! What do you think?
Blueberry: Well, it certainly looks hoppy.

Plum: (Starts feeling terrible about how rude she was as she sniffles) No wonder she took off. If I was her, I'd quit too.
Orange: (voice breaking) I was so selfish. She kept asking us to help each other, and instead we were just... rude to each other.
Blueberry: (voice breaking) I was mean.
Raspberry: (crying) And she only asked us to do... one little thing.
Lemon: (crying) And I messed it up with my rhinestones.
Raspberry: (crying and sniffling) No, no... It was all me with my silly glitter trying to have the best wing. Why didn't we just help each other out like she asked? (she hugs her best friend)

(The other girls feel terrible about how rude they were as well)

Plum: (crying)
Orange: Here, please take my hankie.
Plum: (She takes it and blows her nose) Thank you.
Lemon: We're all to blame. And after Strawberry worked so hard...
Blueberry: (crying) What a great leader...
Raspberry: (sniffling) Never complained.
Orange: Always polite.
Plum: Heart and gold. And she cared so much about us having fun.
Lemon: (through tears) And now, she left us!

(The girls cry and hug as they forgive each other for how they acted earlier until when Strawberry calls them)

Strawberry: Can someone help me down?
Blueberry: (still crying) I can still hear her pleading voice in my memory. (sobs)
Strawberry: Please?
Blueberry: (stops crying) Wait! That voice is real. (all the girls stop crying)

Lost and Found

Strawberry: It's just... the night air. Making me... sniffle... (continues crying that she thinks Pupcake and Custard ran away and the girls feel sorry for her)
Lemon: Ohh, Strawberry... You must be so worried. Oh, we've been talking about us how worried we are. (the girls comfort her)
Raspberry: You poor thing...
Plum: You love those pets so much...
Strawberry: (still crying, forlorn, heartbroken) I didn't want to make everyone upset, but... I'm just so scared I won't find them... And... and maybe they did... run away... You see, they wanted me to play with them, but I was too busy...

(Pupcake and Custard come out of the cave with the baby gopher)

Strawberry: (happily) Pupcake! Custard!
Raspberry: Aww... It's just a baby gopher!

(Pupcake and Custard run back to Strawberry and she cuddles them)

Strawberry: (giggles) It's berry good to have you back! And I hope you won't run off like that ever again. (giggling) Aww...

Episode Reactions


Sky's the Limit

Strawberry: Oh! Now, Custard... (She puts the cups down) That's not something to play with. (She boops Custard's nose while giggling)

"Aww!" The Berry Bitty girls gushed.

"That's so cute!" Cherry gushed.

Strawberry: Oh! (She notices Mr. Longface Caterpillar walking in) Hi, Mr. Longface Caterpillar!

Fish out of Water


A Stich in Time


Vanishing Violets


Strawberry's Berry Big Parade

Plum: (Starts feeling terrible about how rude she was before as she sniffles) No wonder she took off. If I was her, I'd quit too.
Orange: (voice breaking) I was so selfish. She kept asking us to help each other, and instead we were just... rude to each other.

"Well, maybe if you'd listen to her enough, there would be nothing to feel guilty about right now." said Scoop.

Blueberry: (guiltily) I was mean.
Raspberry: (remorsefully weeping) And she only asked us to do... one little thing.
Lemon: (on the verge of crying) And I messed it up with my rhinestones!

"No, Lemon. It's not your fault." Lofty said.

Raspberry: (crying and sniffling) He's right! It was all me with my silly glitter trying to have the best wing. Why didn't we help each other out like she asked? (Lemon and Raspberry hug)

(The other girls feel terrible about how rude they were as well.) "Bob and the Fix-It Gang feel sorry for them."

Plum: (crying)

"Oh No, don't cry Plum." said Muck worryingly. "We're sorry if Strawberry apparently quit." Bob added.

Orange: Here, please take my hankie.
Plum: (She takes it and blows her nose) Thank You.
Lemon: We're all to blame. And after Strawberry worked so hard...
Blueberry: (cries softly) What a great leader!
Raspberry: (sobs) Never complained.
Orange: Always polite.
Plum: Heart and gold. And she cared so much about us having fun.

"But now that Strawberry abandoned her own hometown, you've all got no princess for the parade. And you've all got no leader." Scoop added.

Lemon: (through tears) Which means... she left us!

(The girls cry remorsefully and pull themselves into a group hug in forgiveness as The Fix-It Gang watch on with sorrow)

Strawberry: (calling from a distance) Can someone help me down?!

"Bob and the Fix-It Gang hear the voice."

Blueberry: (still crying) I can still hear her pleading voice in my memory. (sobs)
Strawberry: Please?

"Blueberry, stop crying! I think I hear somebody!" Lofty shouted.

Blueberry: (stops crying and realizes) Wait! That voice is real. (all the girls stop crying)

Lost and Found

Strawberry: It's just... the night air. Making me... sniffle. (Continues crying as she thinks Pupcake and Custard ran away and the girls feel sorry for her)

Everyone looked at Strawberry, sympatheticly.

"Oh dear, poor Strawberry." Bob said.

Lemon: Ohh, Strawberry... you must be so worried. Oh, we've been talking about us how worried we are.
Raspberry: You poor thing.
Plum: You love those pets so much...

"She really loves them." Cherry said.

Strawberry: (still crying, heartbroken) I didn't want to make everyone upset, but... I'm just so scared I won't find them... And... and maybe they did... run away... You see they wanted to play with them, but I was too busy...

Pupcake and Custard looked down in shame.

"I should've listened to them and it's all my fault." Strawberry said, tearing up.

Bob, Wendy, Scoop, Muck, Dizzy, Roley, and Lofty feel sorry for her. Especially Bird, Travis, Spud, Skip, and Trix.