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Susan M. Watkins

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Susan M. Watkins (born 1945) is an American author who was known primarily as a psychic and a writer, specializing in Extrasensory perception (ESP).


  • I think that wherever your journey takes you, there are new gods waiting there, with divine patience — and laughter.
    • Quoted in: Shawn Brennan, ‎Julie Winklepleck, ‎Gina Renée Misiroglu (1994) Resourceful Woman, p. 532

Dreaming Myself, Dreaming A Town (1989)

Dreaming Myself, Dreaming A Town. Susan M. Watkins (1989). Kendall Enterprises. ISBN 0-945512-01-5

  • In the realm of ESP, precognition, dreams, and related matters, there are few guideposts and little common sense applied. Most of the books written in the so-called "occult" or "spiritual" fields were worthless nonsense in my opinion -- as were treatises that debunked all subjective experiences as "unscientific."
    • p. 14
  • As I became accustomed to keeping dream records, the dreams themselves got "better," with more direct information and precognitive "hits."
    • p. 36
  • If you could see the dreams of any town, or neighborhood, or family, or any group of people, would all waking events appear there in bits and pieces?
    • p. 50

Speaking of Jane Roberts (2001)

Speaking of Jane Roberts. Susan M. Watkins (2001). Moment Point Press. ISBN 0-9661327-7-7

  • What struck me more than the book's UFO stories, however, was the common thread weaving among them of breathtaking alterations in consciousness associated with the experiences -- sensations of leaving the body, of flying through the air or being "carried along by the wind," and receiving "startling and novel insights into the nature of reality" that reverberated thereafter with profound, life-changing effects.
    • p. 2
  • Originally presented in The "Unknown" Reality, the counterpart idea holds that each of us is neurologically and psychically connected to others who are living in roughly the same given time period and exploring related areas of interest of life-themes; counterparts spring, as it were, from the same entity, or source-self, thus gaining experience from many simultaneous viewpoints.
    • p. 4
  • She said that she was technically a virgin when she married Rob. That after she and Walt were married, when they first came to making love and she caught sight of his penis, she'd cracked up because it was so big and she couldn't see how in hell they'd manage it. She never said in so many words, "I never had sexual interourse with Walt," e.g. But when I asked her, "So you were technically a virgin when you married Rob" (words to this effect), she said yes. She said that whenever she and Rob made love before a Seth session, or before a class session, that the results for the ensuing session were spectacular. And that sometimes she and Rob would make love for the sake of these results in a session.
    • p. 181
  • Jane never said much about this to me, and the few comments she did make, about a priest who "chased her around the bed," were delivered casually in group settings, with deprecating humor, no hint of the frightening child-molesting scenario or later sexual browbeating that Rob's notes make plain.
    • p. 188-189
  • To label Seth as a spirit guide is to limit an understanding of what he is . . . The minute I found out after my first book was published that this automatically put me in what people called the psychic field . . . I was so humiliated I could hardly hold my head up. I'm using my writing [and] my life to transform intuitive, sometimes revelationary material into art, where it can be enjoyed, understood to varying degrees, and stand free of the stupid interpretations . . . The whole psychic bit as it is, is intellectually and morally psychologically outrageous as far as I'm concerned and I want no part of it or the vocabulary or the ideas.
    • p. 194

Conversations With Seth, Volume 1, (1980)

Conversations With Seth, Volume 1. Susan M. Watkins (1980). Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0-13-172064-3

  • Jane's attitude toward reincarnation (like mine) was strongly ambivalent. The idea of physical life being expressed in many historical situations made emotional and intuitive sense to her. Intellectually, however, she was highly suspicious of the standard notion of reincarnation, particularly as any kind of pat answer to present problems. Thus, when class started to experience the theory of reincarnation in emotionally-charged drama form, Jane would often find herself in a most uncomfortable one-foot-on-the-dock, one-foot-in-the-boat position, at once intellectually scandalized and intuitively involved. Even on those occasions when the inner events would "click," or when Seth gave past-life information that made complete sense to people, Jane worried about it for days afterwards. What was the meaning of such memories? Where did they come from? Were we creating the events through suggestion, combined with a need for emotional outlet? Or did we actually remember people who lived -- in our terms -- long before any of us were born? These questions demanded the class maintain a balance, from which Jane never let things stray too far.
    • p. 173

Conversations With Seth, Book 2: 25th Anniversary Edition, Volume 2, (2006)

  • If a rapist comes to your door, then your own fears and anger and aggression have brought him there. You have broadcast your feelings, and he has picked them up . . . There is a reason -- there are no accidents.
    • p. 5
  • But in your terms, the population of the Earth is made of counterparts, and so there is, indeed, a relationship; and when you kill an enemy, you are killing a version of yourself.
    • p. 124
  • The Point of Power Is in the Present.
    • p. 143: Session 667
  • You must realize that your personal self grows as naturally out of that universe as, in other terms, any star does, or any flower, or any oak leaf. You are a part of that system. AND WHEN YOU SEND OUT A PLEA, YOU DO INDEED SET THE UNIVERSE IN MOTION, SO THAT THE PLEA IS ANSWERED! And so do you also send help to others, often even when you are not aware of it, as a flower sends out help to someone simply because it is beautiful.
    • p. 168