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  • Fear is effective as much as magic.
  • If you want your enemy to trust you in the future, keep the promises you made during bargaining.
  • Act naturally, not be caught in the false pride that your position brings to you.
  • Great commanders never take themselves too seriously.
  • The greater your successes and victories, the more opposition your enemies will come your way, with painful and discouraging events.
  • You shouldn't want to be the head. (Head=Leader)
  • Never appoint an arbitrator; it is the third person determining your destiny. Such a choice would benefit the weak
  • The smart leader never asks the question he doesn't want to hear the answer!
  • Get ready to hunt when you go hunting. Take your best bow and arrow with you. Wear the best clothes for you while chasing animals in the forest.
  • Commanders must always have high goals; they must seek out things that make them different, without taking refuge in the safety of the mundane.
  • Don't underestimate the power of your enemy, no matter how big or small, one day it could be to your detriment.
  • A leader without a competitive spirit is weak and easily gives up in the face of the slightest problem.
  • Huns should only enter wars in which they can win.
  • Foresight, energy, commitment to a single goal, the choice and use of Huns, and commitment to a goal worth the effort become the characteristics of an excellent commander.
  • Leaders should steer the Huns, never letting them remain purposeless.
  • Superficial purposes have superficial consequences.
  • A purposeless Hun never knows when he has achieved his goal.
  • We must be prepared for new tactics to be implemented by the enemy. We should follow them closely and evaluate the possible methods he can apply using our intelligence.
  • Use your enemy's weaknesses to your advantage. On the other hand, if your enemy is too strong, retreat and act again on the day you conquer it.
  • Before embarking on war or agreement, it is wise to consider all possibilities. Consider them thoroughly. Consider the consequences of your actions. Thus, you are prepared for the worst case.
  • You all lost your mind, God doesn't have a son. Its alone.