Talk:Axl Rose

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Note: Many of these are unsourced because the linked pages do not actually include sources.

  • "We are made up of two contrasting ideals: Love And Fear. Pick One and Live." [1]
  • "Fear is where there is no love. Love is where there is no fear." [2]
  • "I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you.2 [3]
  • "I pretty much stay to myself, and that's about it."[4]
  • "Basically life on the road is hotel rooms and planes – unless you have a lot of security with you. It depends on how hectic the city is. If it’s not too bad, I can go out with just two security people and have a normal day; go shopping or just walk around. In Bogotá, Columbia, it was really hectic. You needed about two vans of security people just to move around. It was a nightmare. At this very moment, there are about 500 kids standing in front of the hotel. I went to an antique store down here the other day because I collect antique crucifixes, and it was kind of fun because I ran into a bunch of school girls all dressed in their outfits. They knew who I was, and it was really kind of cute." [5]
  • "I guess I like who I am now. I'd just like to have a little more internal peace. I'm sure everybody would." [6]
  • "That was a big difference between myself and Slash and Duff (Mckagan), is that I didn't hate everything new that came out."[7]
  • “Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way.” [8]
  • "We take it for granted we know the whole story - We judge a book by its cover and read what we want between selected lines." [9]
  • "I'm late to everything. I've always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half hour late and says on the side, like in gold, 'Sorry I'm Late'." [10]
  • "At times I enjoy writing and at others times I just hate it because it's definately having to go back and experience some pain and express what you really feel." [11]
  • "In some ways I hate the way I was raised...the lack of support for anything I was into or good at. But in a way I can't hate it, because it gave me this sense of drive...this mission to do something with my life." [12]
  • “I know I can do better than that.” [13]
  • “Contrary to allegations in the lawsuit, Axl has never denied that others made substantial contributions towards the success of Guns N' Roses, but there is little doubt as to who was the creative catalyst behind the group's success.”[14]
  • "If you're operating out of fear that you're not going to live past a certain point anyway." [15]
  • "But at the same time, Guns N' Roses was a big thing. How do you walk away from that? It's a very complicated thing, I think, for everybody involved."[16]
  • I don't personally believe that was the interest of Guns or Slash, I don't believe the right song was the interest. I mean, what people don't know is, the Snakepit album, that is the Guns N' Roses album. I just wouldn't do it. [17]
  • I go back to listening to Queen - you know, we're still hoping to have Brian May come in and do some tracks, and I got a fax today that he's coming in - Queen had all kinds of different style songs on their records, and that's something that I like. [18]
  • I really felt burnt out a lot on the last tour we did. It was very hard for me to be out there because all of the songs were a part of my past, and I wanted to get on to my future.[19]
  • I was involved in a lot of lawsuits for Guns N' Roses and in my own personal life, so I didn't have a lot of time to try and develop a new style or re-invent myself, so I was hoping to write a traditional thing, but I was not really allowed to do that. [20]
  • I write the vocals last, because I wanted to invent the music first and push the music to the level that I had to compete against it.[21]
  • No, and I don't want to be in a situation again where I have to depend on other people and have... start all over. [22]
  • Right now we kind of feel obligated to play the hits, and while that's a little hard on us, we feel that to do a good show and give the people what they want, we have to do that.[23]
  • That was their choice to leave. Everybody that's gone did it by choice. Matt was fired, but Matt came in attempting to get fired and told many people so that night. So it's kind of like everybody left by choice.[24]
  • The new guys are a lot of fun.[25]
  • To be honest, it was a long time for me since Guns N'Roses as the old lineup had been fun, and the new guys have been a breath of fresh air. [26]
  • Yeah, I have a full studio, and that causes me great pain and pleasure.[27]
  • "I personally love our songs. The bottom line is, if this were all to finish tomorrow, then at least I've got 'em on tape. I'm not writing this for you, I'm not writing for anybody who listens to it. I'm doing it for me." [28]
  • I like to be real private; you don't always want everyone around you - even when they like you.
  • "If you wanna throw sh*t, we will leave," ... "We would like to stay and have fun with you for a long time tonight. So we`re gonna have fun? Let`s try that again."
    • Bottle Incident [2010]
  • "I guess I like who I am now. I`d just like to have a little more internal peace. I`m sure everybody would".
    • [1992]
  • I pretty much follow my own internal clock, and I perform better later at night. Nothing seems to work out for me until later at night. And it`s our show. I don`t want to make people sit around and wait... it drives me nuts. That hour-and-a-half or two-hour time period that I`m late onstage is living hell, because I`m wishing there was any way on earth I could get out where I am and knowing I`m not going to be able to make it. I`m late to everything). "I`ve always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half-hour late and says on the side, like in gold, - `SORRY I`M LATE`.
    • [1992]
  • “Back in Indiana people say: “Why do you put ‘Indiana sucks’ in your song?” Indiana sucks because they threw me in jail 20 times, and at least 15 of those I was innocent. It was a fucked-up place for me.”
    • [1987]
  • "We like to express our frustrations with life through our music. Instead of getting into a fight we put it into our music. That`s why I like to play as much as possible, because it keeps us much calmer and we can deal with people better that way."
  • "I personally love our songs. The bottom line is, if this were all to finish tomorrow, then at least I`ve got `em on tape. I`m not writing this for you, I`m not for anybody who listens to it. I`m doing it for me."
  • "I know a girl named Michelle and she became a really good friend of the bands` and I was going out with her for a while, It`s a true story. Slash and some other members of the band said that`s kinda too heavy to say about poor sweet Michelle; she`ll freak out. I`d written this nice sweet song about her and then I looked at it and thought that really doesn`t touch any basis of reality` so I put down an honest thing. It describes her life. This girl leads such a crazy life with doing drugs, or whatever she`s doing at the time, you don`t know if she`s gonna be there tomorrow. I showed her the lyrics after about three weeks of debating and she was so happy that someone didn`t just paint a pretty picture. She loves it."
  • "We are made up of two contrasting ideals-Love And Fear. Pick One and Live."
  • "Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way."